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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 14

 procedure insert_row (x_rowid				in out NOCOPY VARCHAR2	,
                       x_encumbrance_group		in VARCHAR2,
                       x_last_update_date		in DATE,
                       x_last_updated_by		in NUMBER,
                       x_creation_date			in DATE,
                       x_created_by			in NUMBER,
                       x_encumbrance_group_status	in VARCHAR2,
                       x_encumbrance_ending_date	in DATE,
                       x_system_linkage_function	in VARCHAR2,
                       x_control_count			in NUMBER	DEFAULT NULL,
                       x_control_total_amount		in NUMBER	DEFAULT NULL,
                       x_description			in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
                       x_last_update_login		in NUMBER	DEFAULT NULL,
                       x_transaction_source		in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
                       x_org_id                         in NUMBER,
		       x_request_id                     IN NUMBER       DEFAULT NULL /* Bug 5689213 */
		       ) is

  cursor c is select rowid from gms_encumbrance_groups
              where encumbrance_group = x_encumbrance_group;
Line: 45

  insert into gms_encumbrance_groups (encumbrance_group,
                                     last_updated_by ,
				     request_id) /* Bug 5689213 */
  values (x_encumbrance_group,
          --'WORKING', -- Fix for bug : 2111317
          x_status ,
          x_encumbrance_ending_date, -- Fix for bug : 2111317
          x_transaction_source ,
	  x_request_id); /* Bug 5689213 */
Line: 96

 END insert_row;
Line: 98

 procedure update_row (x_rowid				in VARCHAR2,
                       x_encumbrance_group		in VARCHAR2,
                       x_last_update_date		in DATE,
                       x_last_updated_by		in NUMBER,
                       x_encumbrance_group_status	in VARCHAR2,
                       x_encumbrance_ending_date	in DATE,
                       x_system_linkage_function	in VARCHAR2,
                       x_control_count			in NUMBER,
                       x_control_total_amount		in NUMBER,
                       x_description			in VARCHAR2,
                       x_last_update_login		in NUMBER,
                       x_transaction_source		in VARCHAR2) is

  cursor c_orig_group is select * from gms_encumbrance_groups
                         where rowid = x_rowid;
Line: 127

  update gms_encumbrance_groups
  set encumbrance_group			= x_encumbrance_group,
      last_update_date			= x_last_update_date,
      last_updated_by			= x_last_updated_by,
      encumbrance_ending_date		= x_encumbrance_ending_date,
      system_linkage_function		= x_system_linkage_function,
      control_count			= x_control_count,
      control_total_amount		= x_control_total_amount,
      description			= x_description,
      last_update_login			= x_last_update_login,
      transaction_source		= x_transaction_source
  where rowid = x_rowid;
Line: 169

 END update_row;
Line: 175

 procedure delete_row (x_rowid	in  VARCHAR2) is
  cursor get_group is select encumbrance_group,
                      from gms_encumbrance_groups
                      where rowid = x_rowid;
Line: 194

   cursor expnds is select encumbrance_id from gms_encumbrances
                     where encumbrance_group = groups_rec.encumbrance_group
                     for update of encumbrance_id nowait;
Line: 207

       gms_awards_dist_pkg.delete_adls(exp_rec.encumbrance_id, NULL, 'ENC' ) ;
Line: 209

       gms_encumbrances_pkg.delete_row (exp_rec.encumbrance_id);
Line: 219

  delete from gms_encumbrance_groups
  where rowid = x_rowid;
Line: 222

 END delete_row;
Line: 231

  select 1 into dummy
  from gms_encumbrance_groups
  where rowid = x_rowid
  for update of encumbrance_group nowait;
Line: 244

 * existing encumbrance group.  They are called by the update_row
 * table handler if the corresponding change to the status indicates
 * one of the actions has been performed, or can be called by a user
 * directly.

 --  Release an encumbrance group.  Modifies all encumbrances for that
 -- group to have status 'APPROVED'.

 procedure release (x_encumbrance_group	in VARCHAR2,
                    x_err_code		in out NOCOPY NUMBER,
                    x_return_status	in out NOCOPY VARCHAR2) is

  cursor c_orig_group is select * from gms_encumbrance_groups
                         where encumbrance_group = x_encumbrance_group;
Line: 260

  cursor lock_exps is select encumbrance_id from gms_encumbrances
                      where encumbrance_group = x_encumbrance_group
                      for update of encumbrance_status_code nowait;
Line: 283

  update gms_encumbrance_groups
  set encumbrance_group_status_code = 'RELEASED'
  where encumbrance_group = x_encumbrance_group;
Line: 287

  update gms_encumbrances
  set encumbrance_status_code = 'APPROVED'
  where encumbrance_group = x_encumbrance_group;
Line: 308

  cursor c_orig_group is select * from gms_encumbrance_groups
                         where encumbrance_group = x_encumbrance_group
                         for update of encumbrance_group_status_code nowait;
Line: 312

  cursor lock_exps is select encumbrance_id from gms_encumbrances
                      where encumbrance_group = x_encumbrance_group
                      for update of encumbrance_status_code nowait;
Line: 334

  update gms_encumbrance_groups
  set encumbrance_group_status_code = 'WORKING'
  where encumbrance_group = x_encumbrance_group;
Line: 338

  update gms_encumbrances
  set encumbrance_status_code = 'WORKING'
  where encumbrance_group = x_encumbrance_group;
Line: 374

  cursor c_orig_group is select * from gms_encumbrance_groups
                         where encumbrance_group = x_encumbrance_group;
Line: 402

      select count(*) from gms_encumbrance_items
      where encumbrance_id in
        (select encumbrance_id from gms_encumbrances
         where encumbrance_group = x_encumbrance_group);
Line: 423

     select count(*) from gms_encumbrances
     where encumbrance_group = x_encumbrance_group;
Line: 427

     select sum(amount)
     from gms_encumbrance_items
     where encumbrance_id in
       (select encumbrance_id from gms_encumbrances
        where encumbrance_group = x_encumbrance_group);
Line: 467

       select count(*) from gms_encumbrance_items
        where encumbrance_id in (
          select encumbrance_id from gms_encumbrances
           where encumbrance_group =  x_encumbrance_group )
          and amount is null ;
Line: 493

  cursor lock_exps is select encumbrance_id from gms_encumbrances
                      where encumbrance_group = x_encumbrance_group
                      for update of encumbrance_status_code nowait;
Line: 503

  update gms_encumbrance_groups
  set encumbrance_group_status_code = 'SUBMITTED'
  where encumbrance_group = x_encumbrance_group;
Line: 507

  update gms_encumbrances
  set encumbrance_status_code = 'SUBMITTED'
  where encumbrance_group = x_encumbrance_group;