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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 13

procedure delete_rows is
l_proc varchar2(60) := g_package||'delete_rows';
Line: 17

Line: 19

end delete_rows;
Line: 21

Procedure Insert_period( p_period_start_date in date,
                         p_period_end_date in date
                        ) is

l_number_of_rows number;
Line: 28

l_proc varchar2(60) := g_package||'Insert_period';
Line: 37

end Insert_period;
Line: 52

   select pay.pay_basis_id,
   from   per_pay_bases pay,
         per_all_assignments_f asg
  where pay.input_value_id = p_input_value_id
  and   pay.business_group_id = asg.business_group_id
  and   pay.pay_basis_id = asg.pay_basis_id
  and   asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
  and   p_period_start_date <= asg.effective_end_date
  and   p_effective_date >= asg.effective_start_date;
Line: 101

          select ee.effective_start_date ee_esd,
                 ee.effective_end_date ee_eed,
                 ee.CREATOR_TYPE creator_type,
                 eev.screen_entry_value eev_amt,
                 eev.ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUE_ID eev_id
          from pay_element_entries_f ee,
               pay_element_entry_values_f eev
          where ee.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
          and ee.element_type_id = p_element_type_id
          and ee.effective_start_date < p_perd_en_dt
          and ee.effective_end_date > p_perd_st_dt
          and ee.element_entry_id = eev.element_entry_id
          and eev.input_value_id = p_input_value_id
          and eev.effective_start_date = ee.effective_start_date
          and eev.effective_end_date = ee.effective_end_date
          and eev.screen_entry_value is not null
          order by ee.effective_start_date;
Line: 166

select pbb.effective_start_date,
from ben_bnfts_bal_f bb,
     ben_per_bnfts_bal_f pbb
where bb.bnfts_bal_id = p_input_value_id
and   pbb.bnfts_bal_id = bb.bnfts_bal_id
and   pbb.person_id = p_person_id
and   pbb.effective_start_date between p_perd_st_dt and p_perd_en_dt
and   bb.effective_start_date <   p_perd_en_dt
and   bb.effective_end_date >     p_perd_st_dt
and   pbb.val is not null;
Line: 432

select pr.processing_date period_start_date,
       pr.processing_date period_end_date,
       ba.run_amount amount ,
       pi.uom input_value_uom,
      per_bf_balance_types bt,
      per_bf_processed_assignments pa,
      per_bf_balance_amounts ba,
      per_bf_payroll_runs pr,
      pay_element_types_f pe,
	  pay_input_values_f pi
     pa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
and  pa.payroll_run_id = pr.payroll_run_id
and  bt.input_value_id = p_input_value_id
and  ba.balance_type_id = bt.balance_type_id
and  ba.processed_assignment_id = pa.processed_assignment_id
and  pr.processing_date between p_perd_start_date and p_perd_end_date
and  ba.run_amount is not null
and  pi.input_value_id = bt.input_value_id(+)
and  pe.element_type_id = pi.element_type_id(+)
and  trunc(sysdate) between pe.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE(+) and pe.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE(+)
and  trunc(sysdate) between pi.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE(+) and pi.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE(+);
Line: 503

SELECT   ppa2.effective_date
FROM  per_all_assignments_f paaf,
      pay_assignment_actions paa,
      pay_assignment_actions paa2,
      pay_payroll_actions ppa,
      pay_payroll_actions ppa2,
      pay_run_results     ppr,
      pay_costs pc,
      pay_input_values_f pivf,
      pay_element_types_f petf ,
      pay_element_classifications_vl pec
WHERE paaf.assignment_id        = paa2.assignment_id
  AND paa2.assignment_id        = paa.assignment_id
  AND paa2.payroll_action_id    = ppa2.payroll_action_id
  AND paa2.assignment_action_id = ppr.assignment_action_id
  AND ppr.run_result_id         = pc.run_result_id
  AND paa.payroll_action_id     = ppa.payroll_action_id
  AND paa.assignment_action_id  = pc.assignment_action_id
  AND nvl(pc.distributed_input_value_id, pc.input_value_id) = pivf.input_value_id
  and pivf.input_value_id = p_input_value_id
  and petf.element_type_id = pivf.element_type_id
  AND ppa.action_type          IN ('C', 'S')
  AND pc.balance_or_cost       = 'C'
  AND pec.classification_id  = petf.classification_id
  AND ppa2.effective_date BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date AND paaf.effective_end_date
  AND ppa2.effective_date BETWEEN pivf.effective_start_date AND pivf.effective_end_date
  AND ppa2.effective_date BETWEEN petf.effective_start_date AND petf.effective_end_date
  AND paa2.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
  AND ppa2.effective_date BETWEEN p_perd_start_date AND p_perd_end_date
  AND pc.costed_value is not null;
Line: 585

Select * from per_all_assignments_f
where person_id = p_person_id
and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date
and assignment_id = p_assignment_id ;
Line: 623

select inv.input_value_id input_value_id,
       elm.element_type_id element_type_id,
       elm.processing_type processing_type,
       elm.INPUT_CURRENCY_CODE inp_cur_code,
       inv.uom  uom , inv.lookup_type ,inv.value_set_id
from  pay_input_values_f inv, pay_element_types_f elm
where elm.element_type_id =  inv.element_type_id
and   inv.input_value_id = p_item_key
and inv.effective_start_date <= p_effective_date
and inv.effective_end_date >=  p_period_start_date
and elm.effective_start_date  <= p_effective_date
and elm.effective_end_date >= p_period_start_date ;
Line: 691

        Insert_period ( p_period_start_date => period_start_date,
                       p_period_end_date  => p_perd_en_dt
Line: 696

        Insert_period ( p_period_start_date => period_start_date,
                       p_period_end_date  => period_end_date
Line: 707

        Insert_period ( p_period_start_date => period_start_date,
                       p_period_end_date  => p_perd_en_dt
Line: 712

        Insert_period ( p_period_start_date => period_start_date,
                       p_period_end_date  => period_end_date
Line: 723

        Insert_period ( p_period_start_date => period_start_date,
                       p_period_end_date  => p_perd_en_dt
Line: 728

        Insert_period ( p_period_start_date => period_start_date,
                       p_period_end_date  => period_end_date
Line: 752

select distinct asg.payroll_id,
from per_all_assignments_f asg,
pay_payrolls_f pay ,per_time_period_types period,PER_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPES status
where assignment_id = p_assignment_id
--vkodedal = is added to fix payroll period issue 07-Sep-07
and   asg.effective_start_date <= p_perd_en_dt
and   asg.effective_end_date   >= p_perd_st_dt
and   asg.payroll_id is not null
and   pay.payroll_id  = asg.payroll_id
and   pay.effective_end_date  = (select max(effective_end_date) from pay_payrolls_f where payroll_id  =
asg.payroll_id )
and period.period_type = pay.period_type
AND  nvl(status.business_group_id,asg.business_group_id)  = asg.business_group_id
        AND  status.active_flag = 'Y'
        AND  status.per_system_status IN ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN' , 'ACTIVE_CWK');
Line: 772

Select * from PER_TIME_PERIODS_V
where payroll_id = p_pay_id
and not(start_date > p_ped)
and not(end_date < p_psd );
Line: 1001

  /* cursor csr_item is select * from ben_tcs_item
                      where item_id = p_comp_item_id; */
Line: 1056
