29: | bug 2925651 |
30: | 06-MAI-2003 K.Boussema Modifcation included for bug2936071 |
31: | 13-MAI-2003 K.Boussema Renamed temporary tables xla_je_lines_gt by |
32: | xla_ae_lines_gt, xla_je_headers_gt by |
33: | xla_ae_headers_gt |
34: | Renamed in xla_distribution_links the column |
35: | base_amount by ledger_amount |
36: | 20-MAI-2003 K.Boussema Added a Token to XLA_AP_CANNOT_INSERT_JE |
37: | message |
75: | 29-MAR-2204 K.Boussema Changed based on bug 3528667 |
76: | - added get_period_name function to retrieve|
77: | the period_name from gl_period_statuses |
78: | - added the cache of period_name |
79: | - changed the insert into xla_ae_headers_gt |
80: | 11-MAY-2004 K.Boussema Removed the call to XLA trace routine from |
81: | trace() procedure |
82: | 17-MAY-2004 W.Shen change for attribute enhancement project |
83: | 1. add TransactionReversal procedure from |
1860: IF (C_LEVEL_STATEMENT >= g_log_level) THEN
1862: trace
1863: (p_msg => 'SQL - Insert into xla_ae_headers_gt'
1864: ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
1865: ,p_module => l_log_module);
1866: END IF;
1866: END IF;
1869: FORALL Idx IN 1..g_rec_header_new.array_je_category_name.count SAVE EXCEPTIONS --added Save exception 7526530
1870: INSERT INTO xla_ae_headers_gt
1871: ( ae_header_id
1872: , accounting_entry_status_code
1873: , accounting_entry_type_code
1874: , ledger_id
2156: IF (C_LEVEL_EVENT >= g_log_level) THEN
2158: trace
2159: (p_msg => '# temporary headers inserted into GT xla_ae_headers_gt = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
2160: ,p_level => C_LEVEL_EVENT
2161: ,p_module => l_log_module);
2162: END IF;
2163: --
2587: , xal.encumbrance_type_id -- 4458381 Public Sector Enh
2588: , 0 -- 5100860 assign value to avoid using function index
2589: --
2590: FROM xla_ae_lines xal,
2591: xla_ae_headers xah,
2592: xla_distribution_links xdl,
2593: xla_events xe,
2594: (SELECT ae_header_id
2595: ,ae_line_num
2912: , xal.encumbrance_type_id -- 4458381 Public Sector Enh
2913: , 0 -- 5100860 assign value to avoid using function index
2914: --
2915: FROM xla_ae_lines xal,
2916: xla_ae_headers xah,
2917: xla_distribution_links xdl,
2918: xla_events xe
2919: WHERE xe.event_id = xdl.event_id
2920: AND xe.event_id = xah.event_id
3236: l_transaction_calendar_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
3238: IF (C_LEVEL_STATEMENT >= g_log_level) THEN
3239: trace
3240: (p_msg => 'SQL - update xla_ae_headers_gt'
3241: ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
3242: ,p_module => l_log_module);
3243: END IF;
3241: ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
3242: ,p_module => l_log_module);
3243: END IF;
3245: UPDATE xla_ae_headers_gt xah
3246: SET accounting_date =
3247: DECODE(xah.acc_rev_gl_date_option,
3248: 'XLA_NEXT_DAY',
3249: (SELECT min(transaction_date)
3255: (SELECT transaction_date
3256: FROM (SELECT xah2.ae_header_id
3257: , d.transaction_date
3258: FROM xla_ae_headers_gt xah2
3259: , gl_transaction_dates d
3260: WHERE d.transaction_calendar_id = l_transaction_calendar_id
3261: AND d.business_day_flag = 'Y'
3262: AND d.transaction_date >= xah2.period_start_date
3271: AND xah.ae_header_id = tmp.ae_header_id));
3273: IF (C_LEVEL_STATEMENT >= g_log_level) THEN
3274: trace
3275: (p_msg => '# rows updated in xla_ae_headers_gt(1.2) ='||SQL%ROWCOUNT
3276: ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
3277: ,p_module => l_log_module);
3278: END IF;