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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 56

   PROCEDURE insert_taxcard (
	p_legislation_code		IN 	VARCHAR2
	,p_effective_date		IN	DATE
	,p_assignment_id		IN	VARCHAR2
	,p_person_id			IN	VARCHAR2
	,p_business_group_id		IN	VARCHAR2
	,p_entry_value4			IN	NUMBER   	DEFAULT NULL
	,p_entry_value7			IN	NUMBER		DEFAULT NULL
	,p_entry_value8			IN	DATE		DEFAULT NULL
	,p_entry_value9			IN	DATE		DEFAULT NULL
	,p_entry_value1			IN	VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
	,p_entry_value2			IN	VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
	,p_entry_value3			IN	VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
	,p_entry_value5			IN	VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
	,p_entry_value6			IN	VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
	) IS
	-- Declarations here
	l_start_date		DATE;
Line: 92

		MIN(DECODE(iv.name, 'Method of Receipt', iv.input_value_id, null)) iv1,
		MIN(DECODE(iv.name, 'Tax Municipality', iv.input_value_id, null)) iv2,
		MIN(DECODE(iv.name, 'Tax Card Type', iv.input_value_id, null)) iv3,
		MIN(DECODE(iv.name, 'Tax Percentage', iv.input_value_id, null)) iv4,
		MIN(DECODE(iv.name, 'Tax Table Number', iv.input_value_id, null)) iv5,
		MIN(DECODE(iv.name, 'Tax Table Type', iv.input_value_id, null)) iv6,
		MIN(DECODE(iv.name, 'Tax Free Threshold', iv.input_value_id, null)) iv7,
		MIN(DECODE(iv.name, 'Registration Date', iv.input_value_id, null)) iv8,
		MIN(DECODE(iv.name, 'Date Returned', iv.input_value_id, null)) iv9
		pay_element_types_f et,
		pay_input_values_f iv
		WHERE et.element_name = 'Tax Card'
		AND et.legislation_code = 'NO'
		AND et.business_group_id is null
		AND fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_effective_date) BETWEEN
			et.effective_start_date AND et.effective_end_date
		AND iv.element_type_id = et.element_type_id
		AND fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_effective_date)
			BETWEEN iv.effective_start_date AND iv.effective_end_date
Line: 116

	l_proc    varchar2(72) := g_package||'insert_taxcard';
Line: 120

	SELECT session_id
	FROM fnd_sessions
	WHERE session_id = userenv('sessionid')
	AND effective_date = p_effective_date;
Line: 131

		--Insert row into fnd_Sessions table.
		/*INSERT INTO fnd_sessions(session_id,effective_date)
			 VALUES(userenv('sessionid'), p_effective_date);*/
Line: 134

 		--Insert row into fnd_Sessions table.
		--Pgopal - Moved into a cursor
		OPEN  csr_check_fnd_session;
Line: 140

	             INSERT INTO fnd_sessions(session_id, effective_date) VALUES(userenv('sessionid'), p_effective_date);
Line: 178

		-- insert records into pay_element_entries_f and pay_element_entry_values_f
		(p_effective_date		=> p_effective_date
		,p_business_group_id		=> p_business_group_id
		,p_assignment_id		=> p_assignment_id
		,p_element_link_id		=> l_element_link_id
		,p_entry_type 			=> 'E'
		,p_input_value_id1		=> l_input_value_id1
		,p_input_value_id2		=> l_input_value_id2
		,p_input_value_id3		=> l_input_value_id3
		,p_input_value_id4		=> l_input_value_id4
		,p_input_value_id5		=> l_input_value_id5
		,p_input_value_id6		=> l_input_value_id6
		,p_input_value_id7		=> l_input_value_id7
		,p_input_value_id8		=> l_input_value_id8
		,p_input_value_id9		=> l_input_value_id9
		,p_entry_value1			=> p_entry_value1
		,p_entry_value2			=> p_entry_value2
		,p_entry_value3			=> p_entry_value3
		,p_entry_value4			=> l_entry_value4
		,p_entry_value5			=> p_entry_value5
		,p_entry_value6			=> p_entry_value6
		,p_entry_value7			=> p_entry_value7
		/*fnd_date_to_canonical removed */
		,p_entry_value8			=> (p_entry_value8)
		,p_entry_value9			=> (p_entry_value9)
		,p_effective_start_date		=> l_start_date
		,p_effective_end_date		=> l_end_date
		,p_element_entry_id		=> l_element_entry_id
		,p_object_version_number	=> l_ovn
		,p_create_warning		=> l_warning
Line: 218

	END insert_taxcard;
Line: 289

   PROCEDURE update_taxcard (
	p_legislation_code		IN 	VARCHAR2
	,p_effective_date		IN	DATE
	,p_assignment_id		IN	VARCHAR2
	,p_person_id			IN	VARCHAR2
	,p_business_group_id		IN	VARCHAR2
	,p_entry_value4			IN	NUMBER 		DEFAULT NULL
	,p_entry_value7			IN	NUMBER		DEFAULT NULL
	,p_entry_value8			IN	DATE		DEFAULT NULL
	,p_entry_value9			IN	DATE		DEFAULT NULL
	,p_entry_value1			IN	VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
	,p_entry_value2			IN	VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
	,p_entry_value3			IN	VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
	,p_entry_value5			IN	VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
	,p_entry_value6			IN	VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
	,p_element_entry_id		IN	VARCHAR2
	,p_element_link_id		IN	VARCHAR2
	,p_object_version_number	IN	VARCHAR2
	,p_input_value_id1		IN	VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
	,p_input_value_id2		IN	VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
	,p_input_value_id3		IN	VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
	,p_input_value_id4		IN	VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
	,p_input_value_id5		IN	VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
	,p_input_value_id6		IN	VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
	,p_input_value_id7		IN	VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
	,p_input_value_id8		IN	VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
	,p_input_value_id9		IN	VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
	,p_datetrack_update_mode	IN	VARCHAR2
	) IS

	l_start_date		DATE;
Line: 326

	l_proc    varchar2(72) := g_package||'update_taxcard';
Line: 330

	SELECT session_id
	FROM fnd_sessions
	WHERE session_id = userenv('sessionid')
	AND effective_date = p_effective_date;
Line: 340

	--pgopal - Insert row into fnd_Sessions table.
		OPEN  csr_check_fnd_session;
Line: 345

	             INSERT INTO fnd_sessions(session_id, effective_date) VALUES(userenv('sessionid'), p_effective_date);
Line: 367

	-- insert records into pay_element_entries_f and pay_element_entry_values_f

	     (p_validate			=>  FALSE
	     ,p_object_version_number		=>  l_ovn
	     ,p_update_warning			=>  l_warning
	     ,p_datetrack_update_mode		=>  p_datetrack_update_mode
	     ,p_effective_date			=>  p_effective_date
	     ,p_business_group_id		=> p_business_group_id
	     ,p_input_value_id1			=> p_input_value_id1
	     ,p_input_value_id2			=> p_input_value_id2
	     ,p_input_value_id3			=> p_input_value_id3
	     ,p_input_value_id4			=> p_input_value_id4
	     ,p_input_value_id5			=> p_input_value_id5
	     ,p_input_value_id6			=> p_input_value_id6
	     ,p_input_value_id7			=> p_input_value_id7
	     ,p_input_value_id8			=> p_input_value_id8
	     ,p_input_value_id9			=> p_input_value_id9
	     ,p_entry_value1			=> p_entry_value1
	     ,p_entry_value2			=> p_entry_value2
	     ,p_entry_value3			=> p_entry_value3
	     ,p_entry_value4			=> to_number(l_entry_value4)
	     ,p_entry_value5			=> p_entry_value5
	     ,p_entry_value6			=> p_entry_value6
	     ,p_entry_value7			=> to_number(p_entry_value7)
	     ,p_entry_value8			=> (p_entry_value8)
	     ,p_entry_value9			=> (p_entry_value9)
	     ,p_effective_start_date		=> l_start_date
	     ,p_effective_end_date		=> l_end_date
	     ,p_element_entry_id		=> l_element_entry_id
	     ,p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id	=> hr_api.g_number
	     ,p_updating_action_id		=> hr_api.g_number
	     ,p_original_entry_id		=> hr_api.g_number
	     ,p_creator_type			=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_comment_id			=> hr_api.g_number
	     ,p_creator_id			=> hr_api.g_number
	     ,p_reason				=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_subpriority			=> hr_api.g_number
	     ,p_date_earned			=> hr_api.g_date
	     ,p_personal_payment_method_id	=> hr_api.g_number
	     ,p_attribute_category		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_attribute1			=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_attribute2			=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_attribute3			=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_attribute4			=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_attribute5			=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_attribute6			=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_attribute7			=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_attribute8			=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_attribute9			=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_attribute10			=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_attribute11			=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_attribute12			=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_attribute13			=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_attribute14			=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_attribute15			=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_attribute16			=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_attribute17			=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_attribute18			=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_attribute19			=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_attribute20			=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_updating_action_type		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information_category	=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information1		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information2		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information3		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information4		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information5		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information6		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information7		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information8		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information9		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information10		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information11		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information12		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information13		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information14		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information15		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information16		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information17		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information18		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information19		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information20		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information21		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information22		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information23		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information24		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information25		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information26		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information27		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information28		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information29		=> hr_api.g_varchar2
	     ,p_entry_information30		=> hr_api.g_varchar2);
Line: 469

	END update_taxcard;
Line: 520

		 ,p_update			OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN
		 ,p_update_override		OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN
		 ,p_update_change_insert	OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN
		 ,p_correction_start_date	OUT NOCOPY DATE
		 ,p_correction_end_date		OUT NOCOPY DATE
		 ,p_update_start_date		OUT NOCOPY DATE
		 ,p_update_end_date		OUT NOCOPY DATE
		 ,p_override_start_date		OUT NOCOPY DATE
		 ,p_override_end_date		OUT NOCOPY DATE
		 ,p_upd_chg_start_date		OUT NOCOPY DATE
		 ,p_upd_chg_end_date		OUT NOCOPY DATE
		 ) IS

	l_proc 	varchar2(72) := g_package||'find_dt_upd_modes';
Line: 548

		,p_update			=> p_update
		,p_update_override		=> p_update_override
		,p_update_change_insert		=> p_update_change_insert
		,p_correction_start_date	=> p_correction_start_date
		,p_correction_end_date		=> p_correction_end_date
		,p_update_start_date		=> p_update_start_date
		,p_update_end_date		=> p_update_end_date
		,p_override_start_date		=> p_override_start_date
		,p_override_end_date		=> p_override_end_date
		,p_upd_chg_start_date		=> p_upd_chg_start_date
		,p_upd_chg_end_date		=> p_upd_chg_end_date);
Line: 605

		SELECT global_value
		FROM ff_globals_f
		WHERE global_name = p_global_name
		AND legislation_code = p_legislation_code
		AND business_group_id  IS NULL
		AND p_effective_date BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date;