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Line 427: update pay_run_results prr

423: * 3482270.
424: * This update is no longer necessary, hence commented out.
425: *
426: -- Update the inserted run result appropriately.
427: update pay_run_results prr
428: set prr.assignment_action_id = p_assactid
429: ,prr.source_id = nvl(p_original_entry_id, prr.source_id)
430: ,prr.status = 'P'
431: where prr.source_id = p_element_entry_id

Line 1715: l_rr_id pay_run_results.run_result_id%type;

1711: /* Indirect Result */
1712: --
1713: declare
1714: l_ind_ele_type_id pay_input_values_f.element_type_id%type;
1715: l_rr_id pay_run_results.run_result_id%type;
1716: begin
1717: --
1718: select element_type_id
1719: into l_ind_ele_type_id

Line 1729: from pay_run_results prr

1725: begin
1726: --
1727: select prr.run_result_id
1728: into l_rr_id
1729: from pay_run_results prr
1730: where element_type_id = l_ind_ele_type_id
1731: and source_id = p_entry_id
1732: and source_type = 'I'
1733: and assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id;

Line 1802: l_run_result_id pay_run_results.run_result_id%type;

1798: l_rr_sparse_jc boolean;
1799: l_rule_mode varchar2(30);
1800: l_status varchar2(30);
1801: l_found boolean;
1802: l_run_result_id pay_run_results.run_result_id%type;
1803: --
1804: -- cursor to retrieve the generated run results
1805: --
1806: cursor csr_run_results(p_assact_id number

Line 1811: from pay_run_results rr

1807: ,p_eentry_id number
1808: )
1809: is
1810: select rr.run_result_id
1811: from pay_run_results rr
1812: where
1813: rr.assignment_action_id = p_assact_id
1814: and rr.source_id = p_eentry_id
1815: and rr.source_type in ('E', 'I')