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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 66

|               Added delete from from bom_inventory_comps_interface to avoid corrupt data.
              Modified on 21-APR-2004 By  Renga Kannan ( Bug 3543547)
*                                         Autocreate config is dropping
*                                         components from bill
*                                         *
*                                         since dropped component logic is based
*                                         on bill
*                                         *
*                                         sequence id instead of common bill
*                                         sequence id .
*               Modified on 19-NOV-2004 Sushant Sawant
*                                       Fixed Bug 3877317 front port for bug 3764447
*                                       This bug has been front ported with some modifications
*                                       to account for 11.5.10 features.
*                                       BUG 3877317.
*                                       old_behavior:
*                                       Organizations where Cost rollup needs to be performed were determined using
*                                       RCV_ORG_ID and ORGANIZATION_ID columns in bom_cto_src_orgs view.
*                                       new behavior:
*                                       Organizations where cost rollup needs to be performed will now be determined using
*                                       only ORGANIZATION_ID column in bom_cto_src_orgs view.
*                                       procedure CREATE_IN_SRC_ORGS has changed
*                                       1) change to cursor cSrcOrgs
*                                          columns create_bom, cost_rollup and organization_type have been removed as they
*                                          will now be queried in the cursor loop
*                                       2) added new variables v_create_bom, v_perform_cost_rollup
*                                       3) cost_rollup flag needs to be queried again as the flag can be updated in the loop
*                                       4) create_bom flag needs to be queried in the loop
*                                       procedure OVERRIDE_BCSO_COST_ROLLUP has changed.
*                                       1) query fixed to get v_organization_type.
*                                       2) added new too_many_rows exception handler due to query in 1 above
*                                          is now dependent only on organization_id
*                                       3) SQL added in too_many_rows exception handler declared in 2 above to check whether
*                                          organization_id is make org. query is now based only on organization_id and hence
*                                          needs to check whether it is manufacturing org using the following sql.
*                                          The code to check whether cost rollup should not be performed needs to know whether
*                                          the organization is make organization. In 11.5.9 this check was not required as
*                                          create_bom flag was set only for manufacturing org.
*                                       All changes are marked with bug 3877317.

  Name : Create_all_boms_and_routings
         This procedure loops through all the configuration
         items in bom_cto_order_lines and calls create_in_src_orgs
         for each item.
Line: 161

          select bcol.line_id, bcol.inventory_item_id,
          from   bom_cto_order_lines bcol
          --where  bcol.top_model_line_id = pTopModelLineId
          where  bcol.ato_line_id = pAtoLineId
          and    bcol.bom_item_type = 1
          and    nvl(bcol.wip_supply_type,0) <> 6
          and    bcol.config_item_id is not null
          and    bcol.ato_line_id is not null
          order by plan_level desc;
Line: 186

   select count(*) into v_bcol_count from bom_cto_order_lines
    where ato_line_id = pAtoLineId ;
Line: 317

select ato_line_id, header_id
into   x_ato_line_id, x_header_id
from   bom_cto_order_lines
where  line_id = p_line_id ;
Line: 389

          select   distinct bcso.organization_id,
                            -- bcso.create_bom bom_create,  bug 3877317 column will be queried in the cursor
                            -- bcso.cost_rollup,        bug 3877317 column will be queried in the cursor
                            -- bcso.organization_type   bug 3877317 column will be queried in the cursor
          from     bom_cto_src_orgs bcso, bom_cto_order_lines bcol, mtl_parameters mp
          where    bcso.line_id = pLineId
          and      bcso.model_item_id = pModelId
          and      bcso.config_item_id is not null
          and      bcso.line_id = bcol.line_id
          and      bcso.organization_id = mp.organization_id ;
Line: 423

  /* bugfix 2986192 Cursor to select dropped items during match */
  /*  Effectivity date bug fix : 4147224
     Need to validate the dropped component for Estimated relase date
     window. Added a xEstRelDate parameter to cursor and
     added effectivity window condition for bom_inventory_comps_interface

   cursor mismatched_items (        	xlineid         number,
                                	xconfigbillid   number,
					xEstRelDate     Date) is
   select 	inventory_item_id
   from 	bom_cto_order_lines
   where 	parent_ato_line_id=xlineid
   and 		parent_ato_line_id <> line_id    /* to avoid selecting top model */
   and          NOT ( bom_item_type = 1 and wip_supply_type <> 6 and line_id <> xlineid ) /* to avoid selecting lower level models */
   select 	component_item_id
   from 	bom_inventory_comps_interface
   where 	bill_sequence_id = xconfigbillid
   and greatest(sysdate, xEstRelDate ) >= effectivity_date
   and (( disable_date is null ) or ( disable_date is not null and  disable_date >= greatest(sysdate, xEstRelDate)  )) ;
Line: 513

   select program_id
   into   v_program_id
   from   bom_cto_order_lines
   where  line_id = pLineId;
Line: 518

   select count(*) into v_bcol_count from bom_cto_order_lines
    where ato_line_id = pLineId ;
Line: 523

   select count(*) into v_bcol_count from bom_cto_order_lines
    where ato_line_id = pLineId and option_specific = 'N'  ;
Line: 540

         cost_rollup flag needs to be queried again as the flag can be updated in the loop
      v_perform_cost_rollup := 'N' ;
Line: 546

      select 'Y'  into v_perform_cost_rollup from dual
      where exists ( select * from bom_cto_src_orgs
                    where line_id = pLineId
                      and cost_rollup = 'Y'
                      and organization_id = lNextRec.cost_organization_id ) ;
Line: 571

      select 'Y'  into v_create_bom from dual
      where exists ( select * from bom_cto_src_orgs
                    where line_id = pLineId
                      and create_bom = 'Y'
                      and organization_id = lNextRec.organization_id ) ;
Line: 674

               select common_bill_sequence_id
               into lComItmBillId
               from bom_bill_of_materials
               where bill_sequence_id = lItmBillId;
Line: 691

                 oe_debug_pub.add('Inserting into BICI ... ' ,1);
Line: 697

               insert into bom_inventory_comps_interface(component_item_id,bill_sequence_id, batch_id,
   	       select component_item_id, bill_sequence_id,
   	       from   bom_inventory_components
               where bill_sequence_id = lComItmBillId; -- 3543547 lItmBillId;
Line: 706

   	         oe_debug_pub.add('inserting into bici'|| SQL%ROWCOUNT || ' for bill ' || lItmBillId ,1);
Line: 726

             	    oe_debug_pub.add('Inserting child base model into BICI for matched cases... ' ,1);
Line: 729

             	  insert into bom_inventory_comps_interface(component_item_id,bill_sequence_id, batch_id,
   	     	  select distinct a.base_model_id, b.bill_sequence_id,
   	     	  from   bom_ato_configurations a,bom_inventory_components b
   	     	  where  a.config_item_id = b.component_item_id
                  and    b.bill_sequence_id =  lComItmBillId;    -- 3543547 lItmBillId
Line: 742

                     oe_debug_pub.add('Failed to insert into bom_inventory_comps_interface with error '||sqlerrm);
Line: 769

		select (ceil(nvl(msi.fixed_lead_time,0)
                   +  nvl(msi.variable_lead_time,0) * bcol.ordered_quantity))
                into    lLeadTime
                from    mtl_system_items msi,
	                bom_cto_order_lines bcol
                where   bcol.line_id = pLineId
	        and     msi.inventory_item_id = bcol.inventory_item_id
                and     msi.organization_id = CTO_UTILITY_PK.PC_BOM_VALIDATION_ORG;
Line: 779

                select (ceil(nvl(msi.fixed_lead_time,0)
                   +  nvl(msi.variable_lead_time,0) * oel.ordered_quantity))
                into    lLeadTime
                from    mtl_system_items msi,
	                oe_order_lines_all oel
                where   oel.line_id = pLineId
	        and     msi.inventory_item_id = oel.inventory_item_id
                and     msi.organization_id = oe_sys_parameters.value( 'MASTER_ORGANIZATION_ID' , oel.org_id);
Line: 801

                 select CAL.CALENDAR_DATE
                 into   lEstRelDate
                 from   bom_calendar_dates cal,
                        mtl_system_items   msi,
                        bom_cto_order_lines   bcol,
                        mtl_parameters     mp
                 where  msi.organization_id    = lNextRec.organization_id
                 and    msi.inventory_item_id  = pModelId
                 and    bcol.line_id            = pLineId
                 and    bcol.inventory_item_id  = msi.inventory_item_id
                 and    mp.organization_id     = msi.organization_id
                 and    cal.calendar_code      = mp.calendar_code
                 and    cal.exception_set_id   = mp.calendar_exception_set_id
                 and    cal.seq_num =
                       (select cal2.prior_seq_num - lLeadTime
                        from   bom_calendar_dates cal2
                        where  cal2.calendar_code    = mp.calendar_code
                        and    cal2.exception_set_id = mp.calendar_exception_set_id
                        and    cal2.calendar_date    = trunc(bcol.schedule_ship_date));
Line: 852

        	  oe_debug_pub.add('Select missed component details.. ' ,1);
Line: 864

                   select substrb(msi.concatenated_segments,1,50),
                             'Not Available' ,
                   into     v_missed_item,
                   from mtl_system_items_kfv msi,
                           bom_cto_order_lines bcol
                   where msi.organization_id = bcol.ship_from_org_id
                   and msi.inventory_item_id = bcol.inventory_item_id
                   and bcol.parent_ato_line_id = pLineId
                   and bcol.inventory_item_id  = l_missed_item_id
                   and rownum = 1;
Line: 884

        	   select  substrb(concatenated_segments,1,50),
                	to_char(oel.line_number)||'.'||to_char(oel.shipment_number) ||
        	   into    v_missed_item,
        	   from    mtl_system_items_kfv msi,
		           oe_order_lines_all oel,
			   oe_order_headers_all oeh
             	   	  ,bom_cto_order_lines bcol
        	   where   msi.organization_id = oel.ship_from_org_id
        	   and     msi.inventory_item_id = oel.inventory_item_id
        	   and     oel.header_id   = oeh.header_id
        	   and     oel.inventory_item_id = l_missed_item_id
        	   and 	   oel.line_id = bcol.line_id
        	   and     bcol.parent_ato_line_id = pLineId
		   and     rownum =1;
Line: 925

   		  oe_debug_pub.add('Select model.. ' ,1);
Line: 928

        	select  substrb(concatenated_segments,1,50)
        	into    l_model
        	from    mtl_system_items_kfv
        	where   organization_id = lNextRec.organization_id
        	and     inventory_item_id = pModelId ;
Line: 937

        	  oe_debug_pub.add('Select Org.. ' ,1);
Line: 940

        	select	organization_code
        	into 	lOrg_code
        	from 	mtl_parameters
        	where	organization_id = lNextRec.organization_id ;
Line: 1078

                select segment1
                into v_problem_model
                from mtl_system_items
                where inventory_item_id = pModelId
                and rownum = 1 ;
Line: 1084

                select segment1
                 into v_problem_config
                 from mtl_system_items
                 where inventory_item_id = pConfigId
                 and rownum = 1 ;
Line: 1090

                select organization_name
                into v_error_org
                 from inv_organization_name_v
                 where organization_id = lNextRec.organization_id ;
Line: 1127

               select segment1
               into v_problem_model
               from mtl_system_items
               where inventory_item_id = pModelId
               and rownum = 1 ;
Line: 1133

               select segment1
               into v_problem_config
               from mtl_system_items
               where inventory_item_id = pConfigId
               and rownum = 1 ;
Line: 1139

               select organization_name
               into v_error_org
               from inv_organization_name_v
               where organization_id = lNextRec.organization_id ;
Line: 1189

             select segment1
             into v_problem_model
             from mtl_system_items
             where inventory_item_id = pModelId
             and rownum = 1 ;
Line: 1195

            select segment1
            into v_problem_config
            from mtl_system_items
            where inventory_item_id = pConfigId
            and rownum = 1 ;
Line: 1201

            select organization_name
            into v_error_org
            from inv_organization_name_v
            where organization_id = lNextRec.organization_id ;
Line: 1209

             select oel.line_number || '.' || oel.shipment_number
             into v_problem_model_line_num
             from oe_order_lines_all oel
             where line_id = pLineId ;
Line: 1269

                 SELECT  u.user_name
                   INTO   lplanner_code
                   FROM   mtl_system_items_vl item
                         ,mtl_planners p
                         ,fnd_user u
                  WHERE item.inventory_item_id = pModelId
                  and   item.organization_id   = lNextRec.organization_id
                  and   p.organization_id = item.organization_id
                  and   p.planner_code = item.planner_code
                  and   p.employee_id = u.employee_id(+);         --outer join b'cos employee need not be an fnd user.
Line: 1312

           select segment1
           into v_problem_model
           from mtl_system_items
           where inventory_item_id = pModelId
           and rownum = 1 ;
Line: 1318

           select segment1
           into v_problem_config
           from mtl_system_items
           where inventory_item_id = pConfigId
           and rownum = 1 ;
Line: 1323

           select organization_name
           into v_error_org
           from inv_organization_name_v
           where organization_id = lNextRec.organization_id ;
Line: 1329

           select oel.line_number || '.' || oel.shipment_number
           into v_problem_model_line_num
           from oe_order_lines_all oel
           where line_id = pLineId ;
Line: 1382

                SELECT  u.user_name
                INTO  lplanner_code
                FROM  mtl_system_items_vl item
                          ,mtl_planners p
                          ,fnd_user u
                WHERE item.inventory_item_id = pModelId
                and   item.organization_id   = lNextRec.organization_id
                and   p.organization_id = item.organization_id
                and   p.planner_code = item.planner_code
                and   p.employee_id = u.employee_id(+);         --outer join b'cos employee need not be an fnd user.
Line: 1454

             delete from bom_inventory_comps_interface
             where  bill_sequence_id =   lComItmBillId
             and batch_id = cto_msutil_pub.bom_batch_id;
Line: 1507

                   delete from bom_inventory_comps_interface
                   where  bill_sequence_id = lCfgBillId;
Line: 1557

                   delete from bom_inventory_comps_interface
                   where  bill_sequence_id = lCfgBillId;
Line: 1591

                   delete from bom_inventory_comps_interface
                   where  bill_sequence_id = lCfgBillId;
Line: 1690

        select concatenated_segments into v_model_item_name
          from mtl_system_items_kfv
        where inventory_item_id = pModelId
          and rownum = 1 ;
Line: 1775

function update_atp( pLineId       in   number,
                     xErrorMessage out   NOCOPY varchar2,
                     xMessageName  out   NOCOPY varchar2,
                     xTableName    out   NOCOPY varchar2)
return integer

  p_atp_table             MRP_ATP_PUB.ATP_Rec_Typ;
Line: 1816

    select oel.inventory_item_id,
           temp,      -- calling module
           temp,      -- customer_id
           temp,      -- customer_site_id
           temp,      -- destination_time_zone
           temp1,     -- latest acceptable_date
           oel.delivery_lead_time,      -- delivery lead time
           temp,      -- Freight_Carrier
           temp,      -- Ship_Method
           temp,      --Ship_Set_Name
           temp,      -- Arrival_Set_Name
           1,         -- Override_Flag
           temp,      -- Action
           temp1,     -- Ship_date
           temp,      -- available_quantity
           temp,      -- requested_date_quantity
           temp1,     -- group_ship_date
           temp1,     -- group_arrival_date
           temp,      -- vendor_id
           temp,      -- vendor_site_id
           temp,      -- insert_flag
           temp,      -- error_code
           temp       -- Message
      bulk collect into
           p_atp_table.Inventory_Item_Id       ,
           p_atp_table.Source_Organization_Id  ,
           p_atp_table.Identifier              ,
           p_atp_table.Quantity_Ordered        ,
           p_atp_table.Quantity_UOM            ,
           p_atp_table.Requested_Ship_Date     ,
           p_atp_table.Demand_Class            ,
           p_atp_table.Calling_Module          ,
           p_atp_table.Customer_Id             ,
           p_atp_table.Customer_Site_Id        ,
           p_atp_table.Destination_Time_Zone   ,
           p_atp_table.Requested_Arrival_Date  ,
           p_atp_table.Latest_Acceptable_Date  ,
           p_atp_table.Delivery_Lead_Time      ,
           p_atp_table.Freight_Carrier         ,
           p_atp_table.Ship_Method             ,
           p_atp_table.Ship_Set_Name           ,
           p_atp_table.Arrival_Set_Name        ,
           p_atp_table.Override_Flag           ,
           p_atp_table.Action                  ,
           p_atp_table.Ship_Date               ,
           p_atp_table.Available_Quantity      ,
           p_atp_table.Requested_Date_Quantity ,
           p_atp_table.Group_Ship_Date         ,
           p_atp_table.Group_Arrival_Date      ,
           p_atp_table.Vendor_Id               ,
           p_atp_table.Vendor_Site_Id          ,
           p_atp_table.Insert_Flag             ,
           p_atp_table.Error_Code              ,
   from  oe_order_lines_all  oel,
         oe_order_lines_all  oel1,
	 mtl_system_items    msi
   where msi.inventory_item_id = oel.inventory_item_id
   and msi.organization_id = oel.ship_from_org_id
   and msi.bom_item_type = 1
   and   oel.line_id             = pLineId
   --and   oel.item_type_code      = 'MODEL'
   and   oel1.item_type_code     = 'CONFIG'
   --and   oel1.top_model_line_id  = pLineId
   and   oel1.ato_line_id  = pLineId
   and   oel1.link_to_line_id    = pLineId
   and   oel1.ordered_quantity   > 0 ;
Line: 1892

   	oe_debug_pub.add('update_atp: ' || ' Line Id '      || p_atp_table.identifier(1));
Line: 1894

   	oe_debug_pub.add('update_atp: ' || ' Inventory Id ' || p_atp_table.inventory_item_id(1));
Line: 1896

   	oe_debug_pub.add('update_atp: ' || ' Req Date   '   || p_atp_table.requested_ship_date(1));
Line: 1898

   	oe_debug_pub.add('update_atp: ' || '  qty       '   || p_atp_table.quantity_ordered(1));
Line: 1929

            	oe_debug_pub.add('update_atp: ' ||  'From output record ---> ',1);
Line: 1936

               	oe_debug_pub.add('update_atp: ' || ' Line Id '
                      || l_smc_table.identifier(i));
Line: 1939

               	oe_debug_pub.add('update_atp: ' || ' Inventory Id '
                      || l_smc_table.inventory_item_id(i));
Line: 1942

               	oe_debug_pub.add('update_atp: ' || ' Req Date   '
                      || l_smc_table.requested_ship_date(i));
Line: 1945

               	oe_debug_pub.add('update_atp: ' || '  qty       '
                      || l_smc_table.quantity_ordered(i));
Line: 1953

             	oe_debug_pub.add('update_atp: ' ||  'Calling ATP  ---> ',1);
Line: 1972

             	oe_debug_pub.add('update_atp: ' || 'ATP returned ' || l_return_status);
Line: 1981

             	oe_debug_pub.add('update_atp: ' || 'No Mandatory components for ATP found' );
Line: 1992

        xErrormessage := 'update_atp:'||to_char(lStmt)||':'||' ATP API returned Error';
Line: 1997

        xErrorMessage := 'update_atp:'||to_char(lStmt)||':'||substrb(sqlerrm,1,150) ;
Line: 2001

end update_atp;
Line: 2009

  Updateable VARCHAR2(10) := null ;
Line: 2013

  Cursor Check_Updateable is
    Select 'YES'
    Where Inventory_Item_Id = p_inventory_item_id
    And Exists
    (Select 'all these org have the org as costing org'
     Where Cost_Organization_Id = p_organization_id
     AND Organization_Id = t.Organization_Id);
Line: 2023

  Cursor Check_Updateable_2 is
    Select 'YES'
    Where Inventory_Item_Id = p_inventory_item_id
    And Exists
    (Select 'all these org have the org as costing org'
     Where Cost_Organization_Id = p_organization_id
     AND Organization_Id = t.Organization_Id);
Line: 2038

      IF (Updateable is NULL) THEN
        Open Check_Updateable;
Line: 2040

        Fetch Check_Updateable into Updateable;
Line: 2041

        Close Check_Updateable;
Line: 2043

        IF (Updateable is Null) THEN

          Open Check_Updateable_2;
Line: 2046

          Fetch Check_Updateable_2 into Updateable;
Line: 2047

          Close Check_Updateable_2;
Line: 2050

        IF (Updateable is NULL) THEN

           select count(*)
           into intransit_count
           from mtl_supply m
           where m.item_id = p_inventory_item_id
           and m.intransit_owning_org_id = p_organization_id
           and m.to_organization_id = p_organization_id ;
Line: 2059

             Updateable := 'YES';
Line: 2064

      IF (Updateable = 'YES') THEN
        -- fnd_message.Set_Name('BOM', 'CST_ITEM_USED_IN_TXN');
Line: 2110

         This procedure updates cost_rollup_flag in bcso to avoid cost rollup.
procedure override_bcso_cost_rollup(
        pLineId         in  number, -- Current Model Line ID
        pModelId        in  number,
        pConfigId       in  number,
        p_cost_organization_id in number,
        p_organization_id      in number,
        p_group_reference_id   in number,
        xReturnStatus   out NOCOPY varchar2,
        xMsgCount       out NOCOPY number,
        xMsgData        out NOCOPY varchar2


   lStmtNum        number;
Line: 2197

       select mp1.primary_cost_method into v_primary_cost_method
       from mtl_parameters mp1
       where mp1.organization_id = p_cost_organization_id ;    -- 3116778
Line: 2211

            select cost_type_id into v_cto_cost_type_id
            from cst_cost_types
            where cost_type = 'CTO' ;
Line: 2240

           select cost_type_id into v_buy_cost_type_id
           from cst_cost_types
           where cost_type = lBuyCostType ;
Line: 2274

       select item_cost into v_cto_cost from cst_item_costs
       where inventory_item_id = pConfigId
       and organization_id = p_cost_organization_id      -- 3116778
       and cost_type_id = v_cto_cost_type_id ;
Line: 2280

       select sum(item_cost) into v_cto_cost_xudc from cst_item_cost_details
       where inventory_item_id = pConfigId
       and organization_id = p_cost_organization_id      -- 3116778
       and cost_type_id = v_cto_cost_type_id
       and rollup_source_type = 3 ; -- bugfix 2808704
Line: 2311

       select item_cost into v_valuation_cost from cst_item_costs
       where inventory_item_id =  pConfigId
       and organization_id =  p_cost_organization_id      -- 3116778
       and cost_type_id = v_primary_cost_method ;
Line: 2336

             select count(*) , sum(item_cost) into v_rolledup_cost_count, v_rolledup_cost
               from cst_item_cost_details
              where inventory_item_id = pConfigId
                and organization_id = p_cost_organization_id     -- 3116778l
                and cost_type_id = v_primary_cost_method
                and rollup_source_type = 3 ;
Line: 2373

             select item_cost into v_buy_cost from cst_item_costs
              where inventory_item_id = pConfigId
             and organization_id = p_cost_organization_id        -- 3116778
             and cost_type_id = v_buy_cost_type_id ;
Line: 2438

          select nvl( organization_type , 1 )  into v_organization_type
            from bom_cto_src_orgs
           where line_id = pLineId
             and cost_rollup = 'Y'
             and organization_id = p_organization_id ; -- added for bug 3877317  copied from fp.
Line: 2462

          select organization_type into v_organization_type
            from bom_cto_src_orgs
           where line_id = pLineId
             and rcv_org_id = p_organization_id
             and organization_id = p_organization_id
             and organization_type = '2'
             and cost_rollup = 'Y' ;
Line: 2571

           update bom_cto_src_orgs_b
               set    cost_rollup = 'N'
               where  line_id = pLineId
               and  organization_id = p_organization_id ;
Line: 2578

                         oe_debug_pub.add( ' updated bcso cost rollup N for line ' || pLineId
                                           || ' org ' || p_organization_id
                                           || ' count ' || to_char(sql%rowcount)
                                           , 1 ) ;
Line: 2587

              update bom_cto_model_orgs
                 set cost_rollup = 'N'
               where group_reference_id = p_group_reference_id
                 and organization_id = p_organization_id ;
Line: 2594

                         oe_debug_pub.add( ' updated bcmo cost rollup N for group_ref ' || p_group_reference_id
                                           || ' org ' || p_organization_id
                                           || ' count ' || to_char(sql%rowcount)
                                           , 1 ) ;
Line: 2664

                      update bom_cto_src_orgs_b
                         set    cost_rollup = 'N'
                       where  line_id = pLineId
                         and  organization_id = p_organization_id ;
Line: 2670

                         oe_debug_pub.add( ' updated bcso cost rollup N for line ' || pLineId
                                           || ' org ' || p_organization_id
                                           || ' count ' || to_char(sql%rowcount)
                                           , 1 ) ;
Line: 2678

                     update bom_cto_model_orgs
                        set cost_rollup = 'N'
                      where group_reference_id = p_group_reference_id
                        and organization_id = p_organization_id  ;
Line: 2684

                         oe_debug_pub.add( ' updated bcmo cost rollup N for group_ref ' || p_group_reference_id
                                           || ' org ' || p_organization_id
                                           || ' count ' || to_char(sql%rowcount)
                                           , 1 ) ;
Line: 2765

                      update bom_cto_src_orgs_b
                         set    cost_rollup = 'N'
                       where  line_id = pLineId
                        and  organization_id = p_organization_id ;
Line: 2771

                         oe_debug_pub.add( ' updated bcso cost rollup N for line ' || pLineId
                                           || ' org ' || p_organization_id
                                           || ' count ' || to_char(sql%rowcount)
                                           , 1 ) ;
Line: 2779

                     update bom_cto_model_orgs
                        set cost_rollup = 'N'
                      where group_reference_id = p_group_reference_id
                        and organization_id = p_organization_id ;
Line: 2785

                         oe_debug_pub.add( ' updated bcmo cost rollup N for group_ref ' || p_group_reference_id
                                           || ' org ' || p_organization_id
                                           || ' count ' || to_char(sql%rowcount)
                                           , 1 ) ;
Line: 2819

                         update bom_cto_src_orgs_b
                         set    cost_rollup = 'N'
                         where  line_id = pLineId
                         and  organization_id = p_organization_id ;
Line: 2825

                            oe_debug_pub.add( ' updated bcso cost rollup N for line ' || pLineId
                                           || ' org ' || p_organization_id
                                           || ' count ' || to_char(sql%rowcount)
                                           , 1 ) ;
Line: 2833

                          update bom_cto_model_orgs
                           set cost_rollup = 'N'
                           where group_reference_id = p_group_reference_id
                           and organization_id = p_organization_id  ;
Line: 2839

                              oe_debug_pub.add( ' updated bcmo cost rollup N for group_ref ' || p_group_reference_id
                                           || ' org ' || p_organization_id
                                           || ' count ' || to_char(sql%rowcount)
                                           , 1 ) ;