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Line 214: from ame_calling_apps

210: and nvl(itu.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate));
211: --+
212: cursor getApplicationName(applicationIdIn in integer)is
213: select application_name
214: from ame_calling_apps
215: where application_id = applicationIdIn
216: and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date - (1/86400), sysdate);
217: --+
218: cursor getItemClass(ruleIdIn in integer

Line 304: applicationName ame_calling_apps.application_name%type;

300: errorExists boolean;
301: attributeIdList ame_util.idList;
302: attributeNamesList ame_util.stringList;
303: itemClassName ame_item_classes.name%type;
304: applicationName ame_calling_apps.application_name%type;
305: tempValue ame_config_vars.variable_value%type;
306: actionTypeIdList ame_util.idList;
307: actionTypeNameList ame_util.stringList;
308: endDate date;

Line 565: from ame_calling_apps

561: and nvl(itu.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate));
562: --+
563: cursor getApplicationName(applicationIdIn in integer)is
564: select application_name
565: from ame_calling_apps
566: where application_id = applicationIdIn
567: and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date - (1/86400), sysdate);
568: --+
569: cursor getItemClass(ruleIdIn in integer) is

Line 669: applicationName ame_calling_apps.application_name%type;

665: errorExists boolean;
666: attributeIdList ame_util.idList;
667: attributeNamesList ame_util.stringList;
668: itemClassName ame_item_classes.name%type;
669: applicationName ame_calling_apps.application_name%type;
670: tempValue ame_config_vars.variable_value%type;
671: actionTypeIdList ame_util.idList;
672: actionTypeNameList ame_util.stringList;
673: endDate date;

Line 1106: ,ame_calling_apps aca

1102: --+
1103: cursor getApplications is
1104: select aca.application_id, aca.application_name
1105: from ame_rule_usages rlu
1106: ,ame_calling_apps aca
1107: where rlu.rule_id = ruleIdIn
1108: and aca.application_id = rlu.item_id
1109: and sysdate between aca.start_date and nvl(aca.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
1110: and (sysdate between rlu.start_date

Line 1193: ,ame_calling_apps aca

1189: --+
1190: cursor getApplications is
1191: select aca.application_id, aca.application_name
1192: from ame_rule_usages rlu
1193: ,ame_calling_apps aca
1194: where rlu.rule_id = ruleIdIn
1195: and aca.application_id = rlu.item_id
1196: and sysdate between aca.start_date and nvl(aca.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
1197: and (sysdate between rlu.start_date

Line 1598: from ame_calling_apps

1594: procedure checkApplicationId(p_application_id in number)is
1595: --+
1596: cursor checkApplication(p_application_id in number) is
1597: select count(*)
1598: from ame_calling_apps
1599: where application_id = p_application_id
1600: and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date-(1/84600),sysdate);
1601: l_count number(3);
1602: --+