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1 Package ame_approver_type_swi As
2 /* $Header: amaptswi.pkh 120.1 2006/04/21 08:37 avarri noship $ */
3 --
4 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- |-----------------------< create_ame_approver_type >-----------------------|
6 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 --
8 -- {Start of comments}
9 --
10 -- Description:
11 --  This procedure is the self-service wrapper procedure to the following
12 --  API: ame_approver_type_api.create_ame_approver_type
13 --
14 -- Pre-requisites
15 --  All 'IN' parameters to this procedure have been appropriately derived.
16 --
17 -- Post Success:
18 --  p_return_status will return value indicating success.
19 --
20 -- Post Failure:
21 --  p_return_status will return value indication failure.
22 --
23 -- Access Status:
24 --  Internal Development use only.
25 --
26 -- {End of comments}
27 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 PROCEDURE create_ame_approver_type
29   (p_validate                  in           number   default hr_api.g_false_num
30   ,p_orig_system               in           varchar2
31   ,p_approver_type_id          in           number
32   ,p_object_version_number     out nocopy   number
33   ,p_start_date                out nocopy   date
34   ,p_end_date                  out nocopy   date
35   ,p_return_status             out nocopy   varchar2
36   );
37 --
38 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 -- |------------------------< delete_ame_approver_type >----------------------|
40 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 --
42 -- {Start of comments}
43 --
44 -- Description:
45 --  This procedure is the self-service wrapper procedure to the following
46 --  API: ame_approver_api.delete_ame_approver_type
47 --
48 -- Pre-requisites
49 --  All 'IN' parameters to this procedure have been appropriately derived.
50 --
51 -- Post Success:
52 --  p_return_status will return value indicating success.
53 --
54 -- Post Failure:
55 --  p_return_status will return value indication failure.
56 --
57 -- Access Status:
58 --  Internal Development use only.
59 --
60 -- {End of comments}
61 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
62 PROCEDURE delete_ame_approver_type
63   (p_validate                in              number   default hr_api.g_false_num
64   ,p_approver_type_id        in              number
65   ,p_object_version_number   in out nocopy   number
66   ,p_start_date                 out nocopy   date
67   ,p_end_date                   out nocopy   date
68   ,p_return_status              out nocopy   varchar2
69   );
70  end ame_approver_type_swi;