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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 11

      ( insertReason
         ,forwardRemandReason) then
       return true;
Line: 35

    select trans_deviation_flag /*allowed values are Y and N*/
      from ame_temp_transactions
      where application_id = applId
        and transaction_id = transIdIn;
Line: 45

       update ame_temp_transactions
          set trans_deviation_flag = 'Y'
             ,end_date = sysdate
             ,transaction_requestor = transactionRequesterIn
             ,transaction_description = transactionDescriptionIn
        where application_id = applicationIdIn
          and transaction_id = tranasactionId;
Line: 65

       update ame_temp_transactions
          set trans_deviation_flag = 'Y'
             ,end_date = sysdate
             ,transaction_requestor = transactionRequesterIn
             ,transaction_description = transactionDescriptionIn
        where application_id = applicationIdIn
          and transaction_id = tranasactionId;
Line: 92

   select is_static
  from ame_attribute_usages atu
      ,ame_attributes attr
  where attr.name = 'DESCRIPTION_OF_TRANSACTION'
    and attr.attribute_id = atu.attribute_id
    and application_id = applnIdIn
    and sysdate between attr.start_date and nvl(attr.end_date,sysdate)
    and sysdate between atu.start_date and nvl(atu.end_date,sysdate);
Line: 158

 /*This method insert the approverlist into the table. This method will be called only
 when approvalprocessis completed. This method does the following
   1. mark the transaction as deviated if not already done and mark the transaction as
   2. insert the record if the transaction is not already completed. This to prevent
   the insertion of the same record in repeatdely. To implement this we need the following
   check in other place
     a) clear the record from detailed table and trans_deviation_flag when approver status is cleared
     b) approver list changes even after the approval process is complete and now the transaction has
     new set of approver. In this case AME engine is responsible to clear the record from detailed table
     and the trans_deviation_flag from master table*/
 procedure insertDeviations( applicationIdIn in number
                            ,tranasactionIdIn in varchar2
                            ,deviationListIn in deviationReasonList
                            ,finalapproverListIn in ame_util.approversTable2) as
  tempTransSequenceId integer;
Line: 183

    select temp_transactions_id
      from ame_temp_transactions
     where application_id = applnIdIn
       and transaction_id = txnIdIn
       and end_date is not null;
Line: 189

    select temp_transactions_id
      from ame_temp_transactions
     where application_id = applnIdIn
       and transaction_id = txnIdIn;
Line: 227

     update ame_temp_transactions
        set end_date = sysdate
           ,trans_deviation_flag = 'N'
           ,transaction_requestor = tempDisplayName
           ,transaction_description = tempTransDescr
      where application_id = applicationIdIn
        and transaction_id = tranasactionIdIn;
Line: 244

        select ame_txn_approvers_s.nextval
          into approverDeviationId from dual;
Line: 246

       insert into ame_txn_approvers
Line: 324

                                routineNameIn => 'insertDeviations',
                                exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
                                exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
Line: 329

 end insertDeviations;
Line: 336

  if reasonIn = insertReason then
    templookupcode := 'INSERT';
Line: 362

    select meaning
      into descrOut
      from fnd_lookups
      where lookup_type = 'AME_DEVIATION_REASON'
        and lookup_code = templookupcode;
Line: 380

procedure updateDeviationState( applicationIdIn in number
                            ,tranasactionIdIn in varchar2
                            ,deviationListIn in deviationReasonList
                            ,approvalProcessCompleteYNIn in varchar2
                            ,finalapproverListIn in ame_util.approversTable2) as
tempTransactionKey integer;
Line: 388

  select temp_transactions_id
    from ame_temp_transactions
   where application_id = applnId
     and transaction_id = transIdIn
     and end_date is not null;
Line: 401

                            routineNameIn => 'updateDeviationState',
                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
Line: 416

      delete from ame_txn_approvers
       where temp_transactions_id = tempTransactionKey;
Line: 418

      update ame_temp_transactions
         set end_Date = null
            ,trans_deviation_flag = null
            ,transaction_requestor = null
            ,transaction_description = null
       where temp_transactions_id = tempTransactionKey;
Line: 428

                                    routineNameIn => 'updateDeviationState',
                                    exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
                                    exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
Line: 433

   insertDeviations( applicationIdIn  => applicationIdIn
                    ,tranasactionIdIn => tranasactionIdIn
                    ,deviationListIn  => deviationListIn
                    ,finalapproverListIn => finalapproverListIn);
Line: 438

end updateDeviationState;
Line: 446

  select temp_transactions_id
    from ame_temp_transactions
   where application_id = applnId
     and transaction_id = transIdIn
     and end_date is not null;
Line: 457

      delete from ame_txn_approvers
       where temp_transactions_id = tempTransSeq;
Line: 459

      update ame_temp_transactions
        set end_date  = null
           ,transaction_requestor = null
           ,transaction_description = null
           ,trans_deviation_flag = null
       where temp_transactions_id = tempTransSeq;
Line: 466

      ame_engine.updateTransactionState(isTestTransactionIn => false,
                                        isLocalTransactionIn => false,
                                        fetchConfigVarsIn => true,
                                        fetchOldApproversIn => true,
                                        fetchInsertionsIn => true,
                                        fetchDeletionsIn => true,
                                        fetchAttributeValuesIn => true,
                                        fetchInactiveAttValuesIn => false,
                                        processProductionActionsIn => false,
                                        processProductionRulesIn => false,
                                        updateCurrentApproverListIn => true,
                                        updateOldApproverListIn => true,
                                        prepareApproverTreeIn => true,
                                        processPrioritiesIn => true,
                                        prepareItemDataIn => false,
                                        prepareRuleIdsIn => false,
                                        prepareRuleDescsIn => false,
                                        transactionIdIn => transactionIdIn,
                                        ameApplicationIdIn => applicationIdIn,
                                        fndApplicationIdIn => null,
                                        transactionTypeIdIn => null );
Line: 516

      select lookup_code
       into TEMP_REASON
       from fnd_lookup_values
      where lookup_type ='AME_DEVIATION_REASON'
        and language = userenv('LANG')
        and meaning = P_REASON;
Line: 569

   select application_name
     into tempName
     from fnd_application_vl
    where application_id = to_number(P_APPLICATION);
Line: 581

    select application_name
      into tempapplName
     from ame_calling_apps_vl
    where application_id = P_AMEAPPLID
      and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date,sysdate);