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2 /* $Header: FTEEFREB.pls 120.2 2005/07/26 14:06:56 schennal noship $ */
3 /*
4 -- Global constants
5 -- +======================================================================+
6 --   Procedure :
7 --          Freight Estimate Rate Search
8 --
9 --   Description:
10 --      Call the Process Lines API to get the service and rates
11 --      for the given inputs
12 --       Apply discount/markup on top of the recieved rates.
13 --   Inputs:
14 --     rate input parameters ( self explained )
15 --   Output:
16 --       Insert the rows into Temp Table to populate the rows in the UI.
17 --       Status, and messages data
18 --   DB:
19 -- +======================================================================+
20 */
22 --
24 --
26 PROCEDURE Rate_Search(
27       p_init_msg_list           IN  VARCHAR2 default fnd_api.g_false,
28       p_api_version_number      IN  NUMBER  default 1.0,
29       p_origin                  IN  VARCHAR2,
30       p_destination             IN  VARCHAR2,
31       p_org_location_id         IN  NUMBER,
32       p_dest_location_id        IN  NUMBER,
33       p_org_country             IN  VARCHAR2,
34       p_dest_country            IN  VARCHAR2,
35       p_weight                  IN  NUMBER,
36       p_weight_uom              IN  VARCHAR2,
37       p_volume                  IN  NUMBER,
38       p_volume_uom              IN  VARCHAR2,
39       p_distance                IN  NUMBER,
40       p_distance_uom            IN  VARCHAR2,
41       p_show_ltl_rates_flag     IN  VARCHAR2,
42       p_show_tl_rates_flag      IN  VARCHAR2,
43       p_show_parcel_rates_flag  IN  VARCHAR2,
44       p_ship_date               IN  VARCHAR2,
45       p_del_date                IN  VARCHAR2,
46       p_carrier_id              IN  NUMBER,
47       p_service_level           IN  VARCHAR2,
48       p_md_type                 IN  VARCHAR2,  -- Markup / Discount Type (M/D)
49       p_md_percent              IN  NUMBER,
50       p_commodity_catg_id       IN  NUMBER,
51       p_vehicle_type_id         IN  NUMBER,
52       x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
53       x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
54       x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
55 is
57 l_vehicle_type_id number;
59 -- Define cursor to get the item name for the given inv.item.id
60 -- Here vehicle type id considered as inv item id
61 -- This is used to get the Vehicle type as INPUT parameter only
62 cursor c_get_vehicle_name(p_vehicle_type_id number) is
63     SELECT m.concatenated_segments
64     FROM   mtl_system_items_vl m
65     WHERE  m.inventory_item_id = p_vehicle_type_id
66     AND    m.organization_id in ( select p.master_organization_id
67            from mtl_parameters p)
68     AND rownum = 1;
70 -- Here vehicle type id considered as vehicle type id itself
71 -- This is used to get the Vehicle type as OUTPUT parameter only
72 cursor c_get_vehicle_type_name(l_vehicle_type_id number) is
73 select mtl.concatenated_segments VehicleName
74 from mtl_system_items_kfv mtl, fte_vehicle_types veh
75 where mtl.vehicle_item_flag = 'Y'
76 and  mtl.inventory_item_id = veh.inventory_item_id
77 and veh.vehicle_type_id = l_vehicle_type_id
78 and rownum=1;
80 -- Define cursor to get the carrier name
81 cursor c_get_carrier_name(p_carrier_id number) is
82 select party_name from hz_parties
83 where party_id = p_carrier_id;
85 -- define cursor for global parameter for Volume
86 CURSOR c_get_volume_uom IS
88 FROM wsh_global_parameters;
90 -- Define cursor to get lookup meaning for Mode and Service
91 cursor c_lookup_meaning (p_lookup_type varchar2, p_lookup_code varchar2 ) is
92 select meaning
93 from fnd_lookup_values_vl
94 where lookup_type = p_lookup_type
95 and nvl(start_date_active, sysdate) <= sysdate
96 and nvl(end_date_active, sysdate) >= sysdate
97 and lookup_code = p_lookup_code
98 and enabled_flag='Y';
100 l_modes varchar2(3);
101 l_count number;
102 l_line_count number;
103 /* declare the variables to call process_lines */
105 l_source_line_tab          FTE_PROCESS_REQUESTS.fte_source_line_tab;
106 l_source_header_tab        FTE_PROCESS_REQUESTS.fte_source_header_tab;
107 l_source_type              VARCHAR2(10) := 'FTE';
108 l_action                   VARCHAR2(30) := 'GET_ESTIMATE_RATE';
109 l_source_line_rates_tab    FTE_PROCESS_REQUESTS.fte_source_line_rates_tab;
110 l_source_header_rates_tab  FTE_PROCESS_REQUESTS.fte_source_header_rates_tab;
111 l_return_status            VARCHAR2(1);
112 l_msg_count                NUMBER;
113 l_msg_data                 VARCHAR2(2000);
114 l_org_location_id         NUMBER := p_org_location_id;
115 l_dest_location_id        NUMBER := p_dest_location_id;
117 -- Define orign/destination variables to split into city/state/zip code
118 l_origin_state varchar2(500);
119 l_origin_city varchar2(500);
120 l_origin_zip varchar2(500);
121 l_destination_state varchar2(500);
122 l_destination_city varchar2(500);
123 l_destination_zip varchar2(500);
125 /* declare local variables to apply the discounts and getting the meanings of codes/ids */
127 l_del_date   DATE;
128 l_ship_date   DATE;
129 l_rate_temp_id number;
130 l_carrier   VARCHAR2(60);
131 l_prev_carrier_id NUMBER;
132 l_volume_uom  varchar2(3);
133 l_carrier_id   NUMBER;
134 l_mode_of_transport   VARCHAR2(30);
135 l_prev_mode_of_transport   VARCHAR2(30);
136 l_mode_of_transport_parcel VARCHAR2(30);
137 l_mode_of_transport_tl VARCHAR2(30);
138 l_mode_of_transport_ltl VARCHAR2(30);
139 l_mode_of_transport_meaning varchar2(80);
140 l_service_level   VARCHAR2(60);
141 l_prev_service_level   VARCHAR2(30);
142 l_vehicle_type    VARCHAR2(60);
143 l_base_price      number ;
144 l_accessorial_charges number ;
145 l_estimated_rate  number;
146 l_markup_discount_value number;
147 l_base_price_c  varchar2(60);
148 l_estimated_rate_c  varchar2(60);
149 l_accessorial_charges_c varchar2(60);
150 l_currency_code   VARCHAR2(30);
151 l_markup_discount_value_c varchar2(60);
152 l_est_transit_time   NUMBER;
153 l_time_feasible_flag VARCHAR2(1);
155 l_org_error_flag varchar2(1);
157 l_precision number;
158 l_ext_precision number;
159 l_min_acct_unit number;
161 -- Define exception variables
162 e_process_lines_api_failed EXCEPTION;
163 e_no_data_found  EXCEPTION;
164 e_invalid_carrier  EXCEPTION;
165 e_invalid_vehicle EXCEPTION;
166 e_invalid_service_level  EXCEPTION;
167 e_invalid_mode_of_transport  EXCEPTION;
168 e_failed_split_csz_api  EXCEPTION;
169 e_org_is_too_long  EXCEPTION;
170 e_dest_is_too_long  EXCEPTION;
171 e_org_dest_is_too_long  EXCEPTION;
172 --
173 l_debug_on BOOLEAN;
174 l_debugfile     varchar2(2000);
176 --
177 l_module_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := 'fte.plsql.' || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || 'RATE_SEARCH';
178 --
180   --
181   l_debug_on := WSH_DEBUG_INTERFACE.g_debug;
182   --
183   IF l_debug_on IS NULL
184   THEN
185      l_debug_on := WSH_DEBUG_SV.is_debug_enabled;
186   END IF;
187   --
188   --
189   -- Debug Statements
190   --
191   IF l_debug_on THEN
192      fnd_profile.get('WSH_DEBUG_LOG_DIRECTORY',l_debugfile);
193      l_debugfile := l_debugfile||'/'||WSH_DEBUG_SV.g_file;
195      WSH_DEBUG_SV.push(l_module_name);
196      WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'Begin of the process ',l_debugfile);
198   END IF;
199   --
200   x_return_status := WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
202   -- delete to refresh the data from Global Temp Table
203   delete from FTE_FREIGHT_ESTIMATE_TEMP;
204   -- initialize old message from stack
205   FND_MSG_PUB.initialize;
206   -- passing null instead of 0 from UI for those null values
207   if p_volume_uom is null then
208      OPEN c_get_volume_uom;
209      FETCH c_get_volume_uom INTO l_volume_uom;
210      CLOSE c_get_volume_uom;
211   end if;
213   if nvl(p_carrier_id,0) = 0 then
214      l_carrier_id := null;
215   else
216      l_carrier_id := p_carrier_id;
217   end if;
218   -- Building the array for multi-modes
219   if p_show_parcel_rates_flag = 'Y' then
220      l_mode_of_transport_parcel := 'PARCEL';
221      l_modes := l_modes||'P';
222   end if;
223   if p_show_tl_rates_flag = 'Y' then
224      l_mode_of_transport_tl := 'TRUCK';
225      l_modes := l_modes||'T';
226   end if;
227   if p_show_ltl_rates_flag = 'Y' then
228      l_mode_of_transport_ltl := 'LTL';
229      l_modes := l_modes||'L';
230   end if;
232   l_ship_date   := fnd_date.DISPLAYDT_TO_DATE(p_ship_date,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS');
234   if p_del_date is null then
235      l_del_date   := sysdate;
236   else
237      l_del_date   := fnd_date.DISPLAYDT_TO_DATE(p_del_date,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS');
238      --dbms_output.put_line('ship_date-2 :'||l_ship_date);
239   end if;
240   -- Splitting Orgin into City, State and ZIP Code.
241   l_org_error_flag := 'N' ;
242   if nvl(p_org_location_id,0) = 0 then
243      l_org_location_id := null;
245      (p_city_state_zip=>p_origin,
246       x_city  =>l_origin_city,
247       x_state =>l_origin_state,
248       x_zip   =>l_origin_zip,
249       x_return_status=>l_return_status);
250       if l_return_status <> 'S' then
251          --dbms_output.put_line('Error '||sqlerrm );
252          raise e_failed_split_csz_api;
253       end if ;
254       -- Validating that City/State/Zip should not be greater than 30 characters
255       if (length(l_origin_city) > 30 or
256           length(l_origin_state) > 30 or
257           length(l_origin_zip) > 30 ) then
258           --dbms_output.put_line('Error long origin '|| p_dest_location_id);
260           l_org_error_flag := 'Y' ;
262           if nvl(p_dest_location_id,0) <> 0 then
263             raise e_org_is_too_long;
264           end if;
265       end if;
266       --dbms_output.put_line('Origin : '||p_origin||'-'||l_origin_city||'-'||
267        --                     l_origin_state||'-'||l_origin_zip);
268   end if;
269   -- Splitting Destination into City, State and ZIP Code.
270   if nvl(p_dest_location_id,0) = 0  then
271      l_dest_location_id := null;
273      (p_city_state_zip=>p_destination,
274       x_city  =>l_destination_city,
275       x_state =>l_destination_state,
276       x_zip   =>l_destination_zip,
277       x_return_status=>l_return_status);
278       if l_return_status <> 'S' then
279          raise e_failed_split_csz_api;
280          --dbms_output.put_line('Error in .SPLIT_CITY_STATE_ZIP '||sqlerrm );
281         -- dbms_output.put_line('Error '||sqlerrm );
282       end if ;
283       -- Validating that City/State/Zip should not be greater than 30 characters
284       if (length(l_destination_city) > 30 or
285           length(l_destination_state) > 30 or
286           length(l_destination_zip) > 30 ) then
288          --dbms_output.put_line('Error long dest ');
290           if l_org_error_flag = 'Y' then
291          --dbms_output.put_line('Error both ');
292              raise e_org_dest_is_too_long;
293           else
295          --dbms_output.put_line('Error nly dest is long ');
296              raise e_dest_is_too_long;
297           end if;
298       else
299          if l_org_error_flag = 'Y' then
300            raise e_org_is_too_long;
301          end if;
302       end if;
303       --dbms_output.put_line('Dest : '||p_destination||'-'||l_destination_city||'-'|| l_destination_state||'-'||l_destination_zip);
304   end if;
306   --dbms_output.put_line('you are here - 1');
307   --for all modes
308   l_count := 1;
309   -- Header Information input
310   --for all modes
311   l_count := 1;
312   -- Header Information input
313   l_source_header_tab(l_count).consolidation_id            := l_count;
314   l_source_header_tab(l_count).ship_from_location_id       := l_org_location_id;
315   l_source_header_tab(l_count).ship_to_location_id         := l_dest_location_id;
316   l_source_header_tab(l_count).ship_date                   := l_ship_date;
317   l_source_header_tab(l_count).arrival_date                := l_del_date;
318   l_source_header_tab(l_count).total_weight                := p_weight;
319   l_source_header_tab(l_count).weight_uom_code             := p_weight_uom;
320   l_source_header_tab(l_count).total_volume                := p_volume;
321   l_source_header_tab(l_count).volume_uom_code             := nvl(p_volume_uom,l_volume_uom);
322   l_source_header_tab(l_count).distance                    := p_distance;
323   l_source_header_tab(l_count).distance_uom                := p_distance_uom;
324   l_source_header_tab(l_count).carrier_id                  := l_carrier_id;
325   l_source_header_tab(l_count).service_level               := p_service_level;
326   l_source_header_tab(l_count).origin_country              := p_org_country;
327   --dbms_output.put_line('you are here - 1--1');
328   l_source_header_tab(l_count).origin_city                 := l_origin_city;
329   l_source_header_tab(l_count).origin_state                := l_origin_state;
330   l_source_header_tab(l_count).origin_zip                  := l_origin_zip;
331   --dbms_output.put_line('you are here - 1--2');
332   l_source_header_tab(l_count).destination_country         := p_dest_country;
333   l_source_header_tab(l_count).destination_state           := l_destination_state;
334   l_source_header_tab(l_count).destination_city            := l_destination_city;
335   l_source_header_tab(l_count).destination_zip             := l_destination_zip;
336   l_source_header_tab(l_count).commodity_category_id      := p_commodity_catg_id;
337   l_source_header_tab(l_count).vehicle_item_id             := p_vehicle_type_id;
338   -- Lines Information input
339   l_source_line_tab(l_count).source_type         := 'FTE';
340   l_source_line_tab(l_count).source_line_id      := l_count;
341   l_source_line_tab(l_count).consolidation_id      := l_count;
342   l_source_line_tab(l_count).ship_date := l_ship_date;
343   l_source_line_tab(l_count).arrival_date := l_del_date;
344   l_source_line_tab(l_count).carrier_id := l_carrier_id;
345   l_source_line_tab(l_count).service_level := p_service_level;
346   l_source_line_tab(l_count).weight := p_weight;
347   l_source_line_tab(l_count).weight_uom_code := p_weight_uom;
348   l_source_line_tab(l_count).volume := p_volume;
349   l_source_line_tab(l_count).volume_uom_code := p_volume_uom;
350   l_source_line_tab(l_count).ship_from_location_id := l_org_location_id;
351   l_source_line_tab(l_count).ship_to_location_id := l_dest_location_id;
352   l_source_line_tab(l_count).origin_country := p_org_country;
353   l_source_line_tab(l_count).origin_state   := l_origin_state;
354   l_source_line_tab(l_count).origin_city    := l_origin_city;
355   l_source_line_tab(l_count).origin_zip     := l_origin_zip;
356   l_source_line_tab(l_count).destination_country := p_dest_country;
357   --dbms_output.put_line('you are here - 1-1');
358   l_source_line_tab(l_count).destination_state   := l_destination_state;
359   l_source_line_tab(l_count).destination_city    := l_destination_city;
360   l_source_line_tab(l_count).destination_zip     := l_destination_zip;
361   --dbms_output.put_line('you are here - a1');
362   l_source_line_tab(l_count).distance            := p_distance;
363   l_source_line_tab(l_count).distance_uom        := p_distance_uom;
364   l_source_line_tab(l_count).vehicle_item_id     := p_vehicle_type_id;
365   l_source_line_tab(l_count).commodity_category_id := p_commodity_catg_id;
366   --dbms_output.put_line('you are here - 3');
368   /* Get Vehicle Name */
369   --dbms_output.put_line('Vehicle type id  :'||p_vehicle_type_id);
370   if p_vehicle_type_id is not null then
371      open c_get_vehicle_name(p_vehicle_type_id);
372      if c_get_vehicle_name%notfound then
373         --dbms_output.put_line('Vehicle type id-2  :'||p_vehicle_type_id);
374         close c_get_vehicle_name;
375         raise e_invalid_vehicle;
376      end if;
377      fetch c_get_vehicle_name into l_vehicle_type;
378      close c_get_vehicle_name;
379   end if;
380   IF l_debug_on THEN
381      WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'Vehicle Name ',l_vehicle_type);
382   END IF;
383   --dbms_output.put_line('Vehicle name :'||l_vehicle_type);
384   -- Building multiple records in the table based on the no of modes passed.
385   LOOP
386      --dbms_output.put_line('no of modes '||length(l_modes));
387      -- populate the info to all records since the data is same
388      l_source_line_tab(l_count) := l_source_line_tab(1);
389      l_source_header_tab(l_count) := l_source_header_tab(1);
391      -- getting the appropriate mode
392      if substr(l_modes,l_count,1) = 'P' then  -- PARCEL
393         l_mode_of_transport := l_mode_of_transport_parcel;
394      elsif substr(l_modes,l_count,1) = 'T' then   -- TRUCK
395         l_mode_of_transport := l_mode_of_transport_tl;
396      else   -- LTL
397         l_mode_of_transport := l_mode_of_transport_ltl;
398      end if;
399      l_source_header_tab(l_count).consolidation_id := l_count;
400      l_source_line_tab(l_count).consolidation_id := l_count;
401      l_source_line_tab(l_count).mode_of_transport := l_mode_of_transport;
402      l_source_header_tab(l_count).mode_of_transport  := l_mode_of_transport;
403      -- for next mode
404      l_count :=l_count+1;
405      if length(l_modes)<l_count then
406         exit;
407      end if;
408   END LOOP;
409   --dbms_output.put_line('no of records '||l_source_line_tab.COUNT);
411   FTE_PROCESS_REQUESTS.Process_Lines(
412      p_source_line_tab          =>l_source_line_tab,
413      p_source_header_tab        =>l_source_header_tab,
414      p_source_type              =>l_source_type,
415      p_action                   =>l_action,
416      x_source_line_rates_tab    =>l_source_line_rates_tab,
417      x_source_header_rates_tab  =>l_source_header_rates_tab,
418      x_return_status            =>l_return_status,
419      x_msg_count                =>l_msg_count,
420      x_msg_data                 =>l_msg_data );
421   if l_return_status not in ('S','W') then
422      raise e_process_lines_api_failed;
423   end if;
424   l_count := l_source_header_rates_tab.count;
425   -- No records to process
426   if nvl(l_count,0) = 0 then
427      raise e_no_data_found;
428   end if;
429   l_count := l_source_header_rates_tab.FIRST;
430   IF l_debug_on THEN
431      WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'No of records header : ',l_source_header_rates_tab.count);
432      WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'No of records lines : ',l_source_line_rates_tab.count);
433   END IF;
435   LOOP
436   --dbms_output.put_line('you are here - carrier id '||l_source_header_rates_tab(l_count).carrier_id);
437     /* Get Carrier Name */
438     if nvl(l_source_header_rates_tab(l_count).carrier_id,-99) <> nvl(l_prev_carrier_id,-99) then
439        open c_get_carrier_name(l_source_header_rates_tab(l_count).carrier_id);
440        if c_get_carrier_name%notfound then
441           close c_get_carrier_name;
442           raise e_invalid_carrier;
443        end if;
444        fetch c_get_carrier_name into l_carrier;
445        close c_get_carrier_name;
446        l_prev_carrier_id := l_source_header_rates_tab(l_count).carrier_id;
447     end if;
448   --dbms_output.put_line('you are here - 5');
449     /* Get Vehicle Name */
450     if ((p_vehicle_type_id is null or p_vehicle_type_id = 0) and l_source_header_rates_tab(l_count).vehicle_type_id is not null) then
451        if nvl(l_vehicle_type_id,-99) <> nvl(l_source_header_rates_tab(l_count).vehicle_type_id,-99) then
452        --{
453           l_vehicle_type := null;
454           l_vehicle_type_id := l_source_header_rates_tab(l_count).vehicle_type_id;
455           --dbms_output.put_line('Vehicle id :'||l_vehicle_type_id||'-'||l_vehicle_type);
456           open c_get_vehicle_type_name(l_vehicle_type_id);
457           if c_get_vehicle_type_name%notfound then
458              close c_get_vehicle_type_name;
459              raise e_invalid_vehicle;
460           end if;
461           fetch c_get_vehicle_type_name into l_vehicle_type;
462           close c_get_vehicle_type_name;
463        end if;
464     end if;
465     --dbms_output.put_line('Vehicle name-2 :'||l_vehicle_type_id||'-'||l_vehicle_type);
466     /*Lookup Types-- 'WSH_SERVICE_LEVELS', 'WSH_MODE_OF_TRANSPORT' */
467     /* Get Service Level*/
468     if nvl(l_prev_service_level,'XX') <> nvl(l_source_header_rates_tab(l_count).service_level,'XX') then
469        open c_lookup_meaning('WSH_SERVICE_LEVELS',
470                            l_source_header_rates_tab(l_count).service_level);
471        if c_lookup_meaning%notfound then
472           close c_lookup_meaning;
473           raise e_invalid_service_level;
474        end if;
475        fetch c_lookup_meaning into l_service_level;
476        close c_lookup_meaning;
477        l_prev_service_level := l_source_header_rates_tab(l_count).service_level;
478     end if;
479   --dbms_output.put_line('you are here - 6');
480     /* Get Mode of Transport */
481     if nvl(l_prev_mode_of_transport,'XX') <> nvl(l_source_header_rates_tab(l_count).mode_of_transport,'XX') then
482        open c_lookup_meaning('WSH_MODE_OF_TRANSPORT',
483                            l_source_header_rates_tab(l_count).mode_of_transport);
484        if c_lookup_meaning%notfound then
485           close c_lookup_meaning;
486           raise e_invalid_mode_of_transport;
487        end if;
488        fetch c_lookup_meaning into l_mode_of_transport_meaning;
489        close c_lookup_meaning;
490        l_prev_mode_of_transport :=l_source_header_rates_tab(l_count).mode_of_transport;
491     end if;
492   --dbms_output.put_line('you are here - 7');
493     l_est_transit_time   := l_source_header_rates_tab(l_count).transit_time;
494     l_time_feasible_flag := 'N';
496     if nvl(l_est_transit_time,0) = 0 or p_del_date is null or
497        ((l_del_date - l_ship_date) >= nvl(l_est_transit_time,0)) then
498        l_time_feasible_flag := 'Y';
499     end if;
501   --dbms_output.put_line('you are here - 8');
502     l_currency_code :=l_source_header_rates_tab(l_count).currency ;
503    /* get the rounding factor  before the calculation due to 0.01 descrepancy */
505      CURRENCY_CODE=>l_currency_code,
506      PRECISION    =>l_precision,
507      EXT_PRECISION =>l_ext_precision,
508      MIN_ACCT_UNIT=>l_min_acct_unit);
509     -- For each Line ( BASE Price and Acc Charge)
510     l_line_count := l_source_header_rates_tab(l_count).first_line_index;
511     IF l_debug_on THEN
512        WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'Mode at header level : ',l_mode_of_transport_meaning);
513        WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'Carrier at header level : ',l_carrier);
514        WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'Vehicle at header level : ',l_vehicle_type);
515        WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'Service at header level : ',l_service_level);
516     END IF;
517     -- initialized the variable for each header
518     l_base_price      := 0;
519     l_accessorial_charges := 0;
520     l_estimated_rate  := 0;
521     l_markup_discount_value := 0;
522     LOOP
523   --dbms_output.put_line('you are here - line type '||l_source_line_rates_tab(l_line_count).line_type_code);
524   --dbms_output.put_line('you are here - line-consolidationid '||l_source_line_rates_tab(l_line_count).consolidation_id);
525   --dbms_output.put_line('you are here - header-consolidationid '||l_source_header_rates_tab(l_count).consolidation_id);
526   --dbms_output.put_line('you are here - header-lane_id '||l_source_header_rates_tab(l_count).lane_id);
527   --dbms_output.put_line('you are here - line-lane_id '||l_source_line_rates_tab(l_line_count).lane_id);
528   --dbms_output.put_line('you are here - header-carrier_id '||l_source_header_rates_tab(l_count).carrier_id);
529   --dbms_output.put_line('you are here - line-carrier_id '||l_source_line_rates_tab(l_line_count).carrier_id);
530   --dbms_output.put_line('you are here - cost type '||l_source_line_rates_tab(l_line_count).cost_type);
531   --dbms_output.put_line('you are here -base price '||l_source_line_rates_tab(l_line_count).adjusted_price);
532        -- If consolidation id does not match between header and line
533        -- no more rate for the given header
534        if ((l_source_header_rates_tab(l_count).consolidation_id <>
535            l_source_line_rates_tab(l_line_count).consolidation_id)
536           or (l_source_header_rates_tab(l_count).lane_id <>
537               l_source_line_rates_tab(l_line_count).lane_id)
538           or (nvl(l_source_header_rates_tab(l_count).vehicle_type_id,-99) <>
539                 nvl(l_source_line_rates_tab(l_line_count).vehicle_type_id,-99))
540           or  (nvl(l_source_header_rates_tab(l_count).service_level,'XX') <>
541               nvl(l_source_line_rates_tab(l_line_count).service_level,'XX'))) then
542           EXIT;
543        end if;
544        IF l_debug_on THEN
545           WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'Lane ID at line level : ',l_source_line_rates_tab(l_line_count).lane_id);
546           WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'Consol ID at line level : ',l_source_line_rates_tab(l_line_count).consolidation_id);
547           WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'Carrier at line level : ',l_source_line_rates_tab(l_line_count).carrier_id);
548           WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'Service at line level : ',l_source_line_rates_tab(l_line_count).service_level);
549           WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'Vehicle at line level : ',l_source_line_rates_tab(l_line_count).vehicle_type_id);
550           WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'Cost Type at line level : ',l_source_line_rates_tab(l_line_count).cost_type);
551           WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'Adjusted Price at line level : ',l_source_line_rates_tab(l_line_count).adjusted_price);
552        END IF;
554   --dbms_output.put_line('you are here - 10');
555        /* rounding to 4 decimal */
556        if (l_source_line_rates_tab(l_line_count).line_type_code = 'PRICE' and
557           l_source_line_rates_tab(l_line_count).cost_type = 'FTEPRICE') then
559           --l_base_price := round(nvl(l_source_line_rates_tab(l_line_count).base_price,0),l_precision);
560           -- replacing base_price with adjusted_price to apply the discounted price
561           l_base_price := round(nvl(l_source_line_rates_tab(l_line_count).adjusted_price,0),l_precision);
563        elsif (l_source_line_rates_tab(l_line_count).line_type_code = 'CHARGE' and
564               l_source_line_rates_tab(l_line_count).cost_type = 'FTECHARGE') then
566           l_accessorial_charges := round(nvl(l_source_line_rates_tab(l_line_count).adjusted_price,0),l_precision);
568        end if;
569   --dbms_output.put_line('you are here - 11');
570        if l_line_count = l_source_line_rates_tab.LAST then
571           exit;
572        else
573           l_line_count := l_source_line_rates_tab.NEXT(l_line_count);
574        end if;
576     END LOOP;
577     -- Calculate Discount Amount
578   --dbms_output.put_line('you are here - 12');
579     if p_md_type is not null then
580        l_markup_discount_value :=round((((l_base_price+l_accessorial_charges)*p_md_percent)/100),l_precision);
581     end if;
582     if p_md_type = 'D' then
583        l_estimated_rate := l_base_price+l_accessorial_charges-l_markup_discount_value;
584     elsif  p_md_type = 'M' then
585        l_estimated_rate := l_base_price+l_accessorial_charges+l_markup_discount_value;
586     else
587        l_estimated_rate := l_base_price+l_accessorial_charges;
588     end if;
589     l_estimated_rate := round(l_estimated_rate,l_precision);
591     IF l_debug_on THEN
592        WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'Base Price : ',l_base_price);
593        WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'Acc.Charge : ',l_accessorial_charges);
594        WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'Markup-Discount : ',l_markup_discount_value);
595        WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'Estimated Rate : ',l_estimated_rate);
596        WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name,'inserting the row into temp table ');
597     END IF;
598     -- Padding currency with amount columns to display in the UI
599     -- There is no currency conversion since there will be same currency for Charges and Base price
600 /* not required since it is taking care of at UI level
601     l_estimated_rate_c := to_char(l_estimated_rate)||' '||l_currency_code;
603     l_base_price_c := to_char(l_base_price)||' '||l_currency_code;
605     l_accessorial_charges_c := to_char(l_accessorial_charges)||' '||l_currency_code;
606     if p_md_type = 'D' then
607     END IF;
608     -- Padding currency with amount columns to display in the UI
609     -- There is no currency conversion since there will be same currency for Charges and Base price
610 /* not required since it is taking care of at UI level
611     l_estimated_rate_c := to_char(l_estimated_rate)||' '||l_currency_code;
613     l_base_price_c := to_char(l_base_price)||' '||l_currency_code;
615     l_accessorial_charges_c := to_char(l_accessorial_charges)||' '||l_currency_code;
616     if p_md_type = 'D' then
617        l_markup_discount_value_c := '( '||l_markup_discount_value||' ) '||l_currency_code;
618     else
619        l_markup_discount_value_c := l_markup_discount_value||' '||l_currency_code;
620     end if;
621 */
622   --dbms_output.put_line('you are here - inserting row for '||l_carrier||' '||l_count);
624         (
625          RATE_TEMP_ID ,
626          CARRIER      ,
627          MODE_OF_TRANSPORT ,
628          SERVICE_LEVEL     ,
629          VEHICLE_TYPE      ,
630          ESTIMATED_RATE    ,
631          BASE_PRICE        ,
635          CURRENCY_CODE,
636          EST_TRANSIT_TIME   ,
637          TIME_FEASIBLE_FLAG ,
638          CREATED_BY         ,
639          CREATION_DATE      ,
640          LAST_UPDATED_BY    ,
641          LAST_UPDATE_DATE   ,
642          LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN
643          )
644          values
645          (
646          FTE_FREIGHT_COSTS_TEMP_S.nextval,
647          l_carrier      ,
648          l_mode_of_transport_meaning ,
649          l_service_level     ,
650          decode(l_source_header_rates_tab(l_count).mode_of_transport,'TRUCK',l_vehicle_type,null) ,
651          l_estimated_rate    ,
652          l_base_price        ,
653          l_accessorial_charges ,
654          p_md_type ,
655          l_markup_discount_value ,
656          l_currency_code,
657          l_est_transit_time   ,
658          l_time_feasible_flag ,
659          fnd_global.user_id,
660          sysdate ,
661          fnd_global.user_id ,
662          sysdate ,
663          fnd_global.login_id
664          );
665          if (SQL%NOTFOUND) then
666             raise e_no_data_found;
667          end if;
668   --dbms_output.put_line('you are here - mode '||l_source_header_rates_tab(l_count).mode_of_transport);
669   --dbms_output.put_line('you are here - after inserting row for '||l_carrier||' '||l_count);
670        if l_count = l_source_header_rates_tab.LAST then
671           exit;
672        else
673           l_count := l_source_header_rates_tab.NEXT(l_count);
674        end if;
675    END LOOP;
676   x_return_status := l_return_status;
677   --commit;
679 WHEN e_org_is_too_long then
681     x_return_status := WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
682     WSH_UTIL_CORE.ADD_MESSAGE(x_return_status);
684 WHEN e_dest_is_too_long then
686     x_return_status := WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
687     WSH_UTIL_CORE.ADD_MESSAGE(x_return_status);
689 WHEN e_org_dest_is_too_long then
691     x_return_status := WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
692     WSH_UTIL_CORE.ADD_MESSAGE(x_return_status);
694 WHEN e_process_lines_api_failed then
696     x_return_status := WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
697     WSH_UTIL_CORE.ADD_MESSAGE(x_return_status);
698     --dbms_output.put_line('API FTE_PROCESS_LINE_API_FAILED call failed '||sqlerrm );
700 WHEN e_invalid_service_level THEN
702     x_return_status := WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
703     WSH_UTIL_CORE.ADD_MESSAGE(x_return_status);
705 WHEN e_invalid_mode_of_transport THEN
707     x_return_status := WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
708     WSH_UTIL_CORE.ADD_MESSAGE(x_return_status);
710 WHEN e_invalid_carrier THEN
712     x_return_status := WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
713     WSH_UTIL_CORE.ADD_MESSAGE(x_return_status);
715 WHEN e_invalid_vehicle THEN
717     x_return_status := WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
718     WSH_UTIL_CORE.ADD_MESSAGE(x_return_status);
720 WHEN e_failed_split_csz_api THEN
722     x_return_status := WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
723     WSH_UTIL_CORE.ADD_MESSAGE(x_return_status);
725 WHEN e_no_data_found THEN
727     x_return_status := WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_WARNING;
728     WSH_UTIL_CORE.ADD_MESSAGE(x_return_status);
730 WHEN others then
731    wsh_util_core.default_handler('FTE_ESTIMATE_FREIGHT_RATE.RATE_SEARCH');
732    x_return_status := WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
733    --dbms_output.put_line('Unhandled Exception '||sqlerrm );
734 END;
736 /*  This API will be used to split city_state_zip into city state zip
737 INPUTS can be maximum 3 values seperated by comma
738 if there are 3, it will be converted city, state, zip
739 if there are 2, it will be converted state, zip
740 if there are 1, it will be converted zip
741 */
744   p_city_state_zip IN VARCHAR2,
745   x_city           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
746   x_state          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
747   x_zip            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
748   x_return_status  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
749  IS
750 l_csz varchar2(2000) := p_city_state_zip;
751 l_length number;
752 l_1st_position number;
753 l_2nd_position number;
754 i number;
755 l_zip_exists_flag VARCHAR2(1) := 'N';
757    l_length := length(trim(l_csz));
758    l_1st_position := instr(l_csz,',');
759    l_2nd_position := instr(substr(l_csz,l_1st_position+1),',');
760    x_city  := trim(substr(l_csz,1,l_1st_position-1));
761    x_state := trim(substr(l_csz,l_1st_position+1,l_2nd_position-1));
762    x_zip   := trim(substr(l_csz,l_1st_position+l_2nd_position+1));
763    i := 1;
764    while (i <= length(x_zip) )
765    loop
766      if ascii(substr(x_zip,i,1)) >= 48 and ascii(substr(x_zip,i,1)) <= 57 then
767         l_zip_exists_flag := 'Y';
768         exit;
769      end if;
770      i := i + 1;
771    end loop;
772    if l_zip_exists_flag = 'Y'then
773      --dbms_output.put_line('Ascii value '|| ascii(x_zip));
774      if x_state is null then
775         x_state := x_city;
776         x_city := null;
777      end if;
778    else
779      if x_state is null then
780         x_state := x_zip;
781         x_zip := null;
782      end if;
783    end if;
784    x_return_status:= 'S' ;
787   THEN
788      x_return_status:= 'E';
789      raise;
790 end;