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APPS.IGS_EN_GEN_011 dependencies on IGS_EN_VAL_SCA

Line 343: stutta 03-Nov-2004 Added call igs_en_val_sca.enrp_val_chgo_alwd to log a

339: Who When Why
340: sarakshi 16-Nov-2004 Enh#4000939, added column FUTURE_DATED_TRANS_FLAG in the update row call of IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT_PKG
341: ckasu 05-Apr-2004 Modified IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT_Pkg.update_Row procedure
342: call as a part of bug 3544927.
343: stutta 03-Nov-2004 Added call igs_en_val_sca.enrp_val_chgo_alwd to log a
344: warning message. bug#3959306
345: jtmathew 05-Nov-2004 Modifications as per HESA DLD for bug 3985220
346: *****************************************************************************/
347: BEGIN -- enrpl_upd_sca_coo

Line 518: v_ret_dummy := IGS_EN_VAL_SCA.enrp_val_sca_cat(

514: IF p_acad_cal_type <> p_to_acad_cal_type THEN
515: -- Check if there is any enrolled/unconfirmed IGS_PS_UNIT attempt that
516: -- is not linked to the new academic period. (IGS_GE_NOTE: Routine
517: -- returns warnings only.)
518: v_ret_dummy := IGS_EN_VAL_SCA.enrp_val_sca_cat(
519: p_person_id,
520: p_course_cd,
521: p_to_acad_cal_type,
522: v_message_name);

Line 557: NOT IGS_EN_VAL_SCA.enrp_val_sca_fs(

553: END IF;
554: -- If the version number has been changed.
555: IF p_crv_version_number <> p_to_crs_version_number AND
556: p_funding_source IS NOT NULL AND
557: NOT IGS_EN_VAL_SCA.enrp_val_sca_fs(
558: p_course_cd,
559: p_to_crs_version_number,
560: p_funding_source,
561: v_message_name) THEN

Line 611: NOT IGS_EN_VAL_SCA.enrp_val_sua_coo(

607: -- Validate whether any of the students IGS_PS_UNIT attempts for the nominated
608: -- academic calendar instance have breached cross IGS_AD_LOCATION or cross mode
609: -- rules.
610: IF p_course_attempt_status = 'ENROLLED' AND
611: NOT IGS_EN_VAL_SCA.enrp_val_sua_coo(
612: p_person_id,
613: p_course_cd,
614: v_coo_rec.coo_id,
615: p_to_acad_cal_type,

Line 830: IF igs_en_val_sca.enrp_val_chgo_alwd(p_person_id,

827: END IF ; -- end of change in version and country code check
828: -- End of the New code added as per the HESA bug 3985220
830: IF igs_en_val_sca.enrp_val_chgo_alwd(p_person_id,
831: p_course_cd, v_message) THEN
832: -- if program offering option of a completed program attempt is changed
833: -- then log warning message.
834: IF v_message IS NOT NULL THEN

Line 1295: l_attendance_types VARCHAR2(100); -- As returned from the function igs_en_val_sca.enrp_val_coo_att

1291: l_processed BOOLEAN;
1292: l_action_processed BOOLEAN;
1293: l_attendance_type_reach BOOLEAN := TRUE;
1294: l_att_type VARCHAR2(40);
1295: l_attendance_types VARCHAR2(100); -- As returned from the function igs_en_val_sca.enrp_val_coo_att
1296: l_unit_attempt_status IGS_EN_SU_ATTEMPT.unit_attempt_status%TYPE;
1297: l_uoo_id IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT.uoo_id%TYPE;
1298: l_person_type IGS_PE_PERSON_TYPES.person_type_code%TYPE;
1299: l_en_cal_type IGS_CA_INST.CAL_TYPE%TYPE;

Line 1858: l_attendance_type_reach := igs_en_val_sca.enrp_val_coo_att(p_person_id => rec_sca.person_id,

1854: p_credit_points => l_total_credit_points );
1855: -- Check if the Forced Attendance Type has already been reached for the Student before transferring .
1856: l_message_name :=NULL;
1857: -- Modfied as a part of bug#5191592.
1858: l_attendance_type_reach := igs_en_val_sca.enrp_val_coo_att(p_person_id => rec_sca.person_id,
1859: p_coo_id => rec_sca.coo_id,
1860: p_cal_type => l_acad_cal_type,
1861: p_ci_sequence_number => l_acad_ci_sequence_number,
1862: p_message_name => l_message_name,

Line 3134: l_attendance_types VARCHAR2(100); -- As returned from the function igs_en_val_sca.enrp_val_coo_att

3131: p_deny_warn_att VARCHAR2(20) := NULL ;
3132: l_attendance_type_reach BOOLEAN := TRUE;
3133: l_cur_coo_id cur_coo_id%ROWTYPE;
3134: l_attendance_types VARCHAR2(100); -- As returned from the function igs_en_val_sca.enrp_val_coo_att
3136: rec_unit_cd c_unit_cd%ROWTYPE;
3137: rec_from_unit_cd c_unit_cd%ROWTYPE;
3138: rec_from_usec_grad_schm c_usec_grad_schm%ROWTYPE;

Line 4127: l_attendance_type_reach := igs_en_val_sca.enrp_val_coo_att(p_person_id => p_person_id,

4123: CLOSE cur_coo_id;
4125: -- Check if the Forced Attendance Type has already been reached for the Student before transferring .
4126: --Modfied as a part of bug#5191592.
4127: l_attendance_type_reach := igs_en_val_sca.enrp_val_coo_att(p_person_id => p_person_id,
4128: p_coo_id => l_cur_coo_id.coo_id,
4129: p_cal_type => p_acad_cal_type,
4130: p_ci_sequence_number => p_acad_seq_number,
4131: p_message_name => v_message_name ,