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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 24

              p_last_updated_by       IN NUMBER,
              p_last_update_login     IN NUMBER) IS

  x_return_status    VARCHAR2(5);
Line: 34

    select organization_id, item_id, lpn_id, xfr_lpn_id,
           lot_number, serial_number, insp_result, sum(insp_qty)
    from   qa_insp_collections_dtl_temp
    where  collection_id = p_collection_id
    group by organization_id, item_id, lpn_id, xfr_lpn_id,
             lot_number, serial_number, insp_result;
Line: 42

    select primary_unit_of_measure
    from   mtl_system_items_b
    where  inventory_item_id = l_item
    and    organization_id = l_org;
Line: 70

    SELECT max(interface_transaction_id)
    FROM   rcv_transactions_interface
    WHERE  group_id = grp_id
    AND    parent_transaction_id = txn_id;
Line: 132

           (p_api_version           => 1.1,
            p_init_msg_list         => NULL,
            p_commit                => 'F',
            p_validation_level      => NULL,
            p_created_by            => p_created_by,
            p_last_updated_by       => p_last_updated_by,
            p_last_update_login     => p_last_update_login,
            p_employee_id           => p_employee_id,
            p_group_id              => p_po_group_id,
            p_transaction_id        => p_transaction_id,
            p_transaction_type      => l_insp_result,
            p_processing_mode       => p_po_txn_processor_mode,
            p_quantity              => l_insp_qty,
            p_uom                   => p_uom,
            p_quality_code          => null,
            p_transaction_date      => p_transaction_date,
            p_comments              => null,
            p_reason_id             => null,
            p_vendor_lot            => null,
            p_lpn_id                => l_lpn_id,
            p_transfer_lpn_id       => l_xfr_lpn_id,
            p_qa_collection_id      => p_collection_id,
            p_return_status         => x_return_status,
            p_msg_count             => x_msg_count,
            p_msg_data              => x_msg_data,
            p_subinventory          => L_RTI_SUB_CODE,
            p_locator_id            => L_RTI_LOC_ID,
            p_from_subinventory     => L_RTI_SUB_CODE,
            p_from_locator_id       => L_RTI_LOC_ID);
Line: 165

                qa_skiplot_utility.insert_error_log (
                p_module_name => 'QA_SKIPLOT_RES_ENGINE.LAUNCH_SHIPMENT_ACTION_INT',
                p_error_message => 'QA_PO_INSP_ACTION_FAIL',
                p_comments => x_msg_data);
Line: 178

        /*-- Bug 3225280. Moved the Lot and serial insertion code after RCV
        -- insert_inspection API because, we want the interface_transaction_id
        -- of the ACCEPT and REJECT transactions to be passed to the WMS APIs
        -- as product_transaction_id.
        -- For this, first we need to find the interface_transaction_id of the
        -- inspection record inserted by RCV API. The logic here is to fetch the
        -- max(interface_transaction_id) from rti for the parent_transaction_id
        -- and group_id combination. Since we are implementing this just after
        -- RCV API call, it will fetch the interface_transaction_id of the
        -- inspection record just inserted.
        -- kabalakr. Wed Oct 29 23:19:22 PST 2003.

        OPEN  int_txn(p_po_group_id, p_transaction_id);
Line: 245

               (p_api_version                => 1.0,
                p_init_msg_lst               => NULL,
                x_return_status              => x_return_status,
                x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count,
                x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data,
                p_transaction_interface_id   => l_int_txn_id,
                p_transaction_quantity       => l_insp_qty,
                p_primary_quantity           => l_primary_qty,
                p_organization_id            => l_org_id,
                p_inventory_item_id          => l_item_id,
                p_lot_number                 => l_lot_number,
                p_expiration_date            => NULL,
                p_status_id                  => NULL,
                x_serial_transaction_temp_id => l_ser_txn_id,
                p_product_code               => 'RCV',
                p_product_transaction_id     => l_rti_int_txn_id);
Line: 265

                qa_skiplot_utility.insert_error_log (
                p_module_name => 'QA_SKIPLOT_RES_ENGINE.LAUNCH_SHIPMENT_ACTION_INT',
                p_error_message => 'QA_WMS_LOT_INSERT_FAIL',
                p_comments => x_msg_data);
Line: 270

                fnd_message.set_name ('QA', 'QA_WMS_LOT_INSERT_FAIL');
Line: 295

              (p_api_version              => 1.0,
               p_init_msg_lst             => NULL,
               x_return_status            => x_return_status,
               x_msg_count                => x_msg_count,
               x_msg_data                 => x_msg_data,
               p_transaction_interface_id => l_int_txn_id,
               p_fm_serial_number         => l_serial_number,
               p_to_serial_number         => l_serial_number,
               p_organization_id          => l_org_id,
               p_inventory_item_id        => l_item_id,
               p_status_id                => NULL,
               p_product_code             => 'RCV',
               p_product_transaction_id   => l_rti_int_txn_id);
Line: 312

                qa_skiplot_utility.insert_error_log (
                p_module_name => 'QA_SKIPLOT_RES_ENGINE.LAUNCH_SHIPMENT_ACTION_INT',
                p_error_message => 'QA_WMS_SER_INSERT_FAIL',
                p_comments => x_msg_data);
Line: 317

                fnd_message.set_name ('QA', 'QA_WMS_SER_INSERT_FAIL');
Line: 340

        'select result_column_name
        from qa_plan_chars
        where plan_id = :1 and
        char_id = 8'
        using p_plan_id;
Line: 366

        select sum(quantity)
        from qa_results
        where collection_id = x_coll_id and
        plan_id = x_plan_id;
Line: 406

        'select displayed_field ' ||
        'from po_lookup_codes ' ||
        'where lookup_type = ''ERT RESULTS ACTION'' and lookup_code = ''REJECT''';
Line: 417

        sql_str := 'select sum(quantity) from qa_results ' ||
        'where collection_id = :1 and plan_id = :2 and '||
        result_column || ' in (' || in_str || ' )';
Line: 511

        select 'FINISHED' from qa_skiplot_rcv_results
        where shipment_line_id = x_shl_id and
        lot_qty <= transacted_qty + nvl(x_txn_qty, 0) ;
Line: 540

    procedure update_plan_states(
    p_insp_result in varchar2,
    p_criteria_id in number,
    p_lot_id in number default null,
    p_shipment_line_id in number default null,
    p_lot_size in number,
    p_lot_plans in lotPlanTable,
    p_txn in number,
    p_prev_txn_type in varchar2 default null,
    p_reinsp_flag in varchar2 default null) is

    i number;
Line: 556

        select receipt_date
        from qa_skiplot_rcv_results
        where insp_lot_id = x_insp_lot_id;
Line: 561

        select receipt_date
        from qa_skiplot_rcv_results
        where shipment_line_id = x_shl_id;
Line: 571

        select qsa.process_id
        from qa_skiplot_association qsa
        where criteria_id = x_cid and
        trunc(x_receipt_date) between
        nvl(trunc(qsa.effective_from), trunc(x_receipt_date)) and
        nvl(trunc(qsa.effective_to), trunc(x_receipt_date)) and
        x_lotsize between
        nvl(qsa.lotsize_from, x_lotsize) and
        nvl(qsa.lotsize_to, x_lotsize);
Line: 633

                    p_insp_result => p_insp_result,
                    p_criteria_id => p_criteria_id,
                    p_process_id => pid,
                    p_lot_plan => p_lot_plans(i),
                    p_txn =>p_txn);
Line: 644

    end update_plan_states;
Line: 656

        update qa_insp_collections_temp
        set skiplot_flag = 'Y'
        where collection_id = p_collection_id;
Line: 674

        select transaction_type
        from rcv_transactions
        where transaction_id = x_txn_id;
Line: 733

        p_collection_id => p_collection_id,
        p_insp_lot_id => p_insp_lot_id,
        p_shipment_line_id => p_shipment_line_id,
        p_rcv_txn_id => p_rcv_txn_id,
        p_inspected_qty => p_inspected_qty,
        p_prev_txn_type => prev_txn_type,
        p_reinsp_flag => reinsp_flag);
Line: 747

        p_collection_id => p_collection_id,
        p_insp_lot_id => p_insp_lot_id,
        p_shipment_line_id => p_shipment_line_id,
        p_total_txn_qty => p_total_txn_qty,
        p_prev_txn_type => prev_txn_type,
        p_reinsp_flag => reinsp_flag,
        p_criteria_id => criteria_id, -- out parameter
        p_result => lot_result, -- out parameter
        p_lot_plans => lot_plans); -- out parameter
Line: 768

        p_insp_result => lot_result,
        p_criteria_id => criteria_id,
        p_shipment_line_id => p_shipment_line_id,
        p_lot_id => p_insp_lot_id,
        p_lot_size => p_total_txn_qty,
        p_lot_plans => lot_plans,
        p_txn =>txn,
        p_prev_txn_type => prev_txn_type,
        p_reinsp_flag => reinsp_flag);
Line: 784

            qa_skiplot_utility.insert_error_log (
            p_module_name => 'QA_SKIPLOT_RES_ENGINE.PROCESS_SKIPLOT_RESULT',
            p_error_message => 'QA_SKIPLOT_PROCESS_RES_ERROR',
            p_comments => SUBSTR (SQLERRM , 1 , 240));
Line: 804

    select shipment_line_id
    from qa_skiplot_rcv_results
    where lpn_id = x_lpn_id;
Line: 862

        ' select distinct rs.shipment_line_id  ' ||
        ' from rcv_supply rs, rcv_transactions rt, rcv_shipment_headers rsh  ' ||
        ' where  rsh.receipt_source_code = ''CUSTOMER''  ' ||
        ' and    rs.oe_order_header_id = :1  ' ||
        ' and    rs.to_organization_id = :2  ' ||
        ' and    rs.item_id            = :3  ' ||
        ' and   (rs.item_revision      = :4 OR  ' ||
        '        (rs.item_revision is null and :4 is null ))  ' ||
        ' and    rs.rcv_transaction_id     = rt.transaction_id  ' ||
        ' and    rsh.shipment_header_id    = rs.shipment_header_id  ' ||
        ' and    rt.inspection_status_code = ''NOT INSPECTED''  ' ||
        ' and    rs.supply_type_code       = ''RECEIVING''  ' ||
        ' and    rt.transaction_type       <> ''UNORDERED''  ' ||
        ' and    rt.routing_header_id      = 2 ';
Line: 885

        ' select   distinct rs.shipment_line_id  ' ||
        ' from rcv_supply rs, rcv_transactions rt, rcv_shipment_headers rsh  ' ||
        ' where  rsh.receipt_source_code <> ''VENDOR''  ' ||
        ' and    rs.shipment_header_id = :1  ' ||
        ' and    rs.to_organization_id = :2  ' ||
        ' and    rs.item_id            = :3  ' ||
        ' and    (rs.item_revision     = :4 OR  ' ||
        '        (rs.item_revision is null and :4 is null))  ' ||
        ' and    rs.rcv_transaction_id     = rt.transaction_id  ' ||
        ' and    rsh.shipment_header_id    = rs.shipment_header_id  ' ||
        ' and    rt.inspection_status_code = ''NOT INSPECTED''  ' ||
        ' and    rs.supply_type_code       = ''RECEIVING''  ' ||
        ' and    rt.transaction_type       <> ''UNORDERED''  ' ||
        ' and    rt.routing_header_id      = 2)  ';
Line: 908

        ' select distinct rsl.shipment_line_id ' ||
        ' from rcv_supply rs,  ' ||
        ' rcv_transactions rt,  ' ||
        ' rcv_shipment_headers rsh, ' ||
        ' rcv_shipment_lines rsl ' ||
        ' where     rsh.receipt_num           = :1  ' ||
        ' and       rsh.shipment_header_id    = rs.shipment_header_id  ' ||
        ' and       rs.supply_type_code       = ''RECEIVING''  ' ||
        ' and       rs.rcv_transaction_id     = rt.transaction_id  ' ||
        ' and       rt.inspection_status_code = ''NOT INSPECTED''  ' ||
        ' and       rt.transaction_type       <> ''UNORDERED''  ' ||
        ' and       rt.routing_header_id      = 2  ' ||
        ' and       rsh.shipment_header_id    = rsl.shipment_header_id ';
Line: 930

        ' SELECT distinct rs.shipment_line_id ' ||
        ' FROM   rcv_supply rs, rcv_transactions rt, po_headers ph ' ||
        ' WHERE  rs.rcv_transaction_id = rt.transaction_id ' ||
        ' AND    rs.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id ' ||
        ' AND    ph.segment1 = :1 ' ||
        ' AND    rs.to_organization_id = :2 ' ||
        ' AND    rs.item_id = :3 ' ||
        ' AND    (rs.item_revision = :4 OR  ' ||
        '        (rs.item_revision is null AND :4 is null)) ' ||
        ' AND    rt.inspection_status_code = ''NOT INSPECTED'' ';
Line: 975

        select qa_collection_id
        from rcv_transactions
        where transaction_id = x_txn_id;
Line: 998

    p_collection_id IN NUMBER,
    p_insp_lot_id IN NUMBER,
    p_rcv_txn_id IN NUMBER,
    p_shipment_line_id IN NUMBER,
    p_inspected_qty IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
    p_prev_txn_type IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_reinsp_flag IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) IS

    cursor lotPlans (x_insp_lot_id number) is
        select *
        from qa_skiplot_lot_plans
        where insp_lot_id = x_insp_lot_id;
Line: 1013

        select *
        from qa_skiplot_lot_plans
        where shipment_line_id = x_shl_id;
Line: 1113

                    sql_str := 'update qa_skiplot_lot_plans set ' ||
                    'plan_insp_status = ''INSPECTED'', ' ||
                    'plan_insp_result = :1, ' ||
                    'inspected_qty = :2 ,' ||
                    'accepted_qty = :3, ' ||
                    'rejected_qty = :4, ' ||
                    'collection_id = :5 ' ||
                    'where shipment_line_id = :6 and ' ||
                    'plan_id = :7 ';
Line: 1177

                    sql_str := 'update qa_skiplot_lot_plans set ' ||
                    'plan_insp_status = ''INSPECTED'', ' ||
                    'plan_insp_result = :1, ' ||
                    'inspected_qty = :2 ,' ||
                    'accepted_qty =  :3, ' ||
                    'rejected_qty = :4, ' ||
                    'collection_id = :5 ' ||
                    'where insp_lot_id = :6 and ' ||
                    'plan_id = :7 ';
Line: 1197

            qa_skiplot_utility.insert_error_log (
            p_module_name => 'QA_SKIPLOT_RES_ENGINE.UPDATE_LOT_PLANS',
            p_error_message => 'QA_SKIPLOT_RES_UPDATE_PLANS_ERR',
            p_comments => SUBSTR (SQLERRM , 1 , 240));
Line: 1202

            fnd_message.set_name ('QA', 'QA_SKIPLOT_RES_UPDATE_PLANS_ERR');
Line: 1205

Line: 1207

    p_collection_id IN NUMBER,
    p_insp_lot_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
    p_shipment_line_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
    p_total_txn_qty IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
    p_prev_txn_type IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_reinsp_flag IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_criteria_id OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
    p_lot_plans OUT NOCOPY lotPlanTable,
    p_result OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS

    c_id NUMBER := null;
Line: 1228

        select *
        from qa_skiplot_lot_plans
        where insp_lot_id = x_insp_lot_id;
Line: 1233

        select *
        from qa_skiplot_lot_plans
        where shipment_line_id = x_shl_id;
Line: 1238

        select sampling_flag, lot_result
        from  qa_insp_collections_temp
        where collection_id = x_coll_id;
Line: 1335

                update qa_skiplot_rcv_results
                set inspection_status = lot_status,
                inspection_result = decode(p_reinsp_flag, fnd_api.g_true, lot_result,
                                           decode (inspection_result, 'REJECT', 'REJECT', lot_result)),
                transacted_qty =  decode (p_reinsp_flag, fnd_api.g_true, transacted_qty,
                                          (nvl(transacted_qty, 0) + nvl(p_total_txn_qty, 0))),
                last_insp_date = sysdate,
                valid_flag = 2,
                last_update_date = sysdate,
                last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
                last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id
                where shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id
                returning criteria_id, inspection_result into c_id, lot_result;
Line: 1349

                update qa_skiplot_rcv_results
                set inspection_status = lot_status,
                inspection_result = decode(p_reinsp_flag, fnd_api.g_true, lot_result,
                                           decode (inspection_result, 'REJECT', 'REJECT', lot_result)),
                transacted_qty =  decode(p_reinsp_flag, fnd_api.g_true, transacted_qty,
                                         (nvl(transacted_qty, 0) + nvl(p_total_txn_qty, 0))),
                last_insp_date = sysdate,
                valid_flag = 2,
                last_update_date = sysdate,
                last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
                last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id
                where insp_lot_id = p_insp_lot_id
                returning criteria_id, inspection_result into c_id, lot_result;
Line: 1371

            qa_skiplot_utility.insert_error_log (
            p_module_name => 'QA_SKIPLOT_RES_ENGINE.UPDATE_SKIPLOT_RESULT',
            p_error_message => 'QA_SKIPLOT_RES_UPDATE_RESULT_ERR',
            p_comments => SUBSTR (SQLERRM , 1 , 240));
Line: 1376

            fnd_message.set_name ('QA', 'QA_SKIPLOT_RES_UPDATE_RESULT_ERR');
Line: 1379

Line: 1382

    p_insp_result IN VARCHAR2,
    p_criteria_id IN NUMBER,
    p_process_id IN NUMBER,
    p_lot_plan IN lot_plan_rec,
    p_txn IN NUMBER,
    p_prev_txn_type IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_reinsp_flag IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) IS

    plan_state qa_skiplot_utility.plan_state_rec;
Line: 1454

            p_process_plan_id => plan_state.process_plan_id,
            p_criteria_id => plan_state.criteria_id,
            p_next_lot => plan_state.current_lot + forward_lot,
            p_lot_accepted => plan_state.lot_accepted + 1,
            p_txn => p_txn);
Line: 1475

            p_process_plan_id => plan_state.process_plan_id,
            p_criteria_id => plan_state.criteria_id,
            p_next_round => plan_state.current_round + 1,
            p_next_lot => 1,
            p_lot_accepted => 1,
            p_txn => p_txn);
Line: 1492

            p_process_plan_id => plan_state.process_plan_id,
            p_criteria_id => plan_state.criteria_id,
            p_next_rule => next_rule,
            p_next_round => 1,
            p_next_lot => 1,
            p_lot_accepted => 1,
            p_txn => p_txn);
Line: 1504

            qa_skiplot_utility.insert_error_log (
            p_module_name => 'QA_SKIPLOT_RES_ENGINE.UPDATE_PLAN_STATE',
            p_error_message => 'QA_SKIPLOT_RES_UPDATE_STATE_ERR',
            p_comments => SUBSTR (SQLERRM , 1 , 240));
Line: 1509

            fnd_message.set_name ('QA', 'QA_SKIPLOT_RES_UPDATE_STATE_ERR');
Line: 1512

Line: 1518

        select skiplot_flag
        from qa_insp_collections_temp
        where collection_id = x_coll_id;
Line: 1545

        update qa_insp_collections_temp
        set skiplot_flag = decode(p_skiplot_flag, 'T', 'Y','Y', 'Y', 'N')
        where collection_id = p_collection_id;
Line: 1559

        select sum(rejected_qty)
        from qa_skiplot_lot_plans
        where collection_id = x_coll_id;
Line: 1590

    p_last_updated_by IN NUMBER,
    p_last_update_login IN NUMBER) IS

    x_rejected_qty number;
Line: 1602

      select count(*) AS insp_plans
      from   qa_insp_plans_temp
      where  collection_id = p_collection_id;
Line: 1630

              p_last_updated_by       => p_last_updated_by,
              p_last_update_login     => p_last_update_login);
Line: 1666

            p_api_version           => 1.1,
            p_init_msg_list         => NULL,
            p_commit                => 'F',
            p_validation_level      => NULL,
            p_created_by            => p_created_by,
            p_last_updated_by       => p_last_updated_by,
            p_last_update_login     => p_last_update_login,
            p_employee_id           => p_employee_id,
            p_group_id              => p_po_group_id,
            p_transaction_id        => p_transaction_id,
            p_transaction_type      => 'REJECT',
            p_processing_mode       => p_po_txn_processor_mode,
            p_quantity              => x_rejected_qty,
            p_uom                   => p_uom,
            p_quality_code          => null,
            p_transaction_date      => p_transaction_date,
            p_comments              => null,
            p_reason_id             => null,
            p_vendor_lot            => null,
            p_lpn_id                => null,
            p_transfer_lpn_id       => null,
            p_qa_collection_id      => p_collection_id,
            p_return_status         => x_return_status,
            p_msg_count             => x_msg_count,
            p_msg_data              => x_msg_data);
Line: 1695

            qa_skiplot_utility.insert_error_log (
            p_module_name => 'QA_SKIPLOT_RES_ENGINE.LAUNCH_SHIPMENT_ACTION',
            p_error_message => 'QA_SKIPLOT_REJECTION_ACTION_ERROR',
            p_comments => x_msg_data);
Line: 1708

            p_api_version           => 1.1,
            p_init_msg_list         => NULL,
            p_commit                => 'F',
            p_validation_level      => NULL,
            p_created_by            => p_created_by,
            p_last_updated_by       => p_last_updated_by,
            p_last_update_login     => p_last_update_login,
            p_employee_id           => p_employee_id,
            p_group_id              => p_po_group_id,
            p_transaction_id        => p_transaction_id,
            p_transaction_type      => 'ACCEPT',
            p_processing_mode       => p_po_txn_processor_mode,
            p_quantity              => x_accepted_qty,
            p_uom                   => p_uom,
            p_quality_code          => null,
            p_transaction_date      => p_transaction_date,
            p_comments              => null,
            p_reason_id             => null,
            p_vendor_lot            => null,
            p_lpn_id                => null,
            p_transfer_lpn_id       => null,
            p_qa_collection_id      => p_collection_id,
            p_return_status         => x_return_status,
            p_msg_count             => x_msg_count,
            p_msg_data              => x_msg_data);
Line: 1736

            qa_skiplot_utility.insert_error_log (
            p_module_name => 'QA_SKIPLOT_RES_ENGINE.LAUNCH_SHIPMENT_ACTION',
            p_error_message => 'QA_SKIPLOT_ACCEPTANCE_ACTION_ERROR',
            p_comments => x_msg_data);
Line: 1780

SELECT past.status
FROM   po_approved_supplier_list pasl,
       po_asl_statuses past,
       po_headers ph
WHERE  ph.segment1 = c_po_num AND
       ph.vendor_id = pasl.vendor_id(+) AND
       ph.vendor_site_id = pasl.vendor_site_id(+) AND
       pasl.using_organization_id = c_org_id AND
       pasl.item_id = c_item_id AND
       pasl.asl_status_id = past.status_id(+);
Line: 1792

        select asl_status_dsp
        from   po_asl_suppliers_v pasv,
               po_headers ph
        where  ph.segment1 = c_po_num
        and    ph.vendor_id = pasv.vendor_id(+)
        and    ph.vendor_site_id = pasv.vendor_site_id(+)
        and    pasv.using_organization_id = c_org_id
        and    pasv.item_id = c_item_id;