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1 Package HR_NMF_SYNC as
2 /* $Header: hrnmfsyn.pkh 120.4 2006/04/13 13:04 irgonzal noship $ */
4   g_prm_legislation_code VARCHAR2(30);
5   g_prm_format_name      HR_NAME_FORMATS.FORMAT_NAME%TYPE;
6   g_prm_scope            HR_NAME_FORMATS.USER_FORMAT_CHOICE%TYPE;
8   TYPE number_tbl      is TABLE OF NUMBER        INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
10   TYPE varchar_80_tbl  is TABLE OF VARCHAR2(80)  INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
11   TYPE varchar_250_tbl is TABLE OF VARCHAR2(250) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
13   TYPE leg_mask_cache_r is RECORD
14   (
15    legislation_code         varchar_80_tbl,
16    format_name              varchar_80_tbl,
17    user_format_choice       varchar_30_tbl,
18    format_mask              varchar_250_tbl,
19    seeded_package_name      varchar_80_tbl,
20    seeded_procedure_name    varchar_80_tbl,
21    sz                       number
22   );
24   TYPE leg_bg_cache_r is RECORD
25   (
26     legislation_code   varchar_30_tbl,
27     business_group_id  number_tbl,
28     bg_name            varchar_250_tbl,
29     sz                 number
30   );
32   TYPE leg_seeded_pkg_cache_r is RECORD
33   (
34    legislation_code         varchar_80_tbl,
35    format_name              varchar_80_tbl,
36    seeded_package_name      varchar_80_tbl,
37    seeded_procedure_name    varchar_80_tbl,
38    sz                       number
39   );
42   g_leg_masks_cache         leg_mask_cache_r;
43   g_masks_cached             boolean := FALSE;
45   g_business_groups_cache   leg_bg_cache_r;
46   g_bg_cached               boolean := FALSE;
48   g_leg_seeded_pkg_cache    leg_seeded_pkg_cache_r;
49   g_seeded_pkg_cached       boolean := FALSE;
51   g_format_names_tbl        varchar_80_tbl;
52 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
53 -- |--------------------------< range_cursor >--------------------------------|
54 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
55 --
56 procedure range_cursor (pactid in 	  number,
57 			                  sqlstr out NOCOPY varchar2);
58 --
59 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
60 -- |--------------------------< action_creation >-----------------------------|
61 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
62 --
63 -- Purpose : This routine creates assignment actions for a specific chunk.
64 --           Only one action is created for a single person ID. If a person
65 --           has multiple assignments then we ignore all but the first one.
66 --           This is so that we can process all the assignment records within
67 --           the same chunk(and therefore thread). Later in the process we
68 --           will get a list of all assignment IDs for a person and process
69 --           each one of them.
70 --
71 -- Notes :
72 --
73 procedure action_creation (pactid    in number,
74                            stperson  in number,
75 			                     endperson in number,
76 			                     chunk     in number);
77 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
78 -- |---------------------------< initialization >-----------------------------|
79 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
80 --
81 -- Purpose : This process is called for each slave process to perform
82 --           standard initialization.
83 --
84 -- Notes :
85 --
86 procedure initialization(pactid in number);
87 --
88 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
89 -- |----------------------------< archive_data >------------------------------|
90 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
91 --
92 -- Purpose : This process is called for each assignment action and performs the
93 --           processing required for each individual person. We have access
94 --           to an assignment ID but need to determine security for a person
95 --           so convert the assignment ID into a person ID and then kickoff
96 --           the processing for that person.
97 --
98 -- Notes :
99 --
100 procedure archive_data(p_assactid       in number,
101                        p_effective_date in date);
102 --
103 --
104 procedure submit_sync_names
105       (errbuf 		                 out NOCOPY varchar2
106       ,retcode 		                 out NOCOPY number
107       ,p_effective_date 	         varchar2
108       ,p_action_parameter_group_id varchar2
109       ,p_format_name_choice        varchar2
110       ,p_legislation_code          varchar2
111       ,p_format_name               varchar2
112       ,p_user_format_choice        varchar2
113       ,p_disable_who_triggers      varchar2);
114 --
115 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------+
116 --                           ValidateRun
117 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------+
118 -- Purpose: this allows control on whether or not to submit conc. program
119 --          It is used by the GUP infrastructure when submitting
120 --          program from ADPATCH.
121 --
122 -- Notes:
123 --
124 PROCEDURE ValidateRun(p_result OUT nocopy varchar2);
125 --
126 --
127 end hr_nmf_sync;