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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 26

  SELECT  revision_qty_control_code
  FROM    mtl_system_items
  WHERE   inventory_item_id = p_item_id
  AND     organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 54

  SELECT  lot_control_code
  FROM    mtl_system_items
  WHERE   inventory_item_id = p_item_id
  AND     organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 151

        SELECT *
        FROM qa_plan_chars
        WHERE plan_id = p_id AND char_id = e_id;
Line: 178

                select 1
                from qa_chars qc
                where qc.char_id = x_char_id
                AND qc.values_exist_flag = 1;
Line: 255

                x_lov_sql := 'SELECT short_code, description
                      FROM   qa_char_value_lookups
                      WHERE  char_id = :1 ';
Line: 267

        x_lov_sql := 'SELECT short_code, description
                      FROM   qa_plan_char_value_lookups
                      WHERE  plan_id = :1
                      AND    char_id = :2';
Line: 320

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT department_code, description
                  FROM   bom_departments_val_v
                  WHERE organization_id = :1
                  ORDER BY department_code';
Line: 338

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT wip_entity_name, description
                   FROM  wip_discrete_jobs_all_v
                   WHERE organization_id = :1
                   ORDER BY wip_entity_name';
Line: 352

    'select WE.wip_entity_name, WDJ.description
     from wip_entities WE, wip_discrete_jobs WDJ
     where WDJ.organization_id = :1  and
           WDJ.status_type in (3,4) and
           WDJ.wip_entity_id = WE.wip_entity_id and
           WE.entity_type IN (6, 7)
     order by WE.wip_entity_name';
Line: 368

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT line_code, description
                   FROM  wip_lines_val_v
                   WHERE organization_id = :1
                   ORDER BY line_code';
Line: 382

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT resource_code, description
                   FROM   bom_resources_val_v
                   WHERE  organization_id = :1
                   ORDER BY resource_code';
Line: 394

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT vendor_name, segment1
                  FROM   po_vendors
                  WHERE  nvl(end_date_active, sysdate + 1) > sysdate
                  ORDER BY vendor_name';
Line: 417

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT  segment1, vendor_name
                   FROM   po_pos_val_v
                   ORDER BY po_header_id';
Line: 431

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT customer_name, customer_number
                  FROM   qa_customers_lov_v
                  WHERE  status = ''A''
                  AND nvl(customer_prospect_code, ''CUSTOMER'') = ''CUSTOMER''
                  ORDER BY customer_number';
Line: 444

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT order_number, order_type
                  FROM   qa_sales_orders_lov_v mso
                  ORDER BY order_number';
Line: 461

    /*x_lov_sql := 'SELECT to_char(sl.line_number), msik.concatenated_segments
                  FROM   mtl_system_items_kfv msik, so_lines sl
                  WHERE  sl.inventory_item_id = msik.inventory_item_id'; */
Line: 491

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT to_char(release_num), QLTDATE.date_to_user(release_date) ' ||
                 'FROM   po_releases pr ' ||
                 'WHERE  pr.po_header_id = :1 ' ||
                 'ORDER BY pr.release_num ';
Line: 520

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT to_char(release_num), QLTDATE.date_to_user(release_date)
                  FROM   po_releases pr
                  ORDER BY pr.release_num';
Line: 532

mtl_project_v changed to pjm_projects_all_v (selects from both pjm enabled and
non-pjm enabled orgs).
rkaza, 11/10/2001.

--  Bug 5249078.  Changed pjm_projects_all_v to
--  pjm_projects_v for MOAC compliance.
--  bso Thu Jun  1 10:46:50 PDT 2006

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT project_number, project_name
                  FROM   pjm_projects_v
                  ORDER BY project_number';
Line: 575

    x_lov_sql := 'select task_number, task_name
                  from mtl_task_v
                  where project_id = :1
                  ORDER BY task_number';
Line: 608

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT task_number, task_name
                  FROM   mtl_task_v
                  ORDER BY task_number';
Line: 623

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT to_char(sh.order_number), sot.name
                  FROM   so_order_types sot,
                         oe_order_headers sh,
                         qa_customers_lov_v rc
                  WHERE  sh.order_type_id = sot.order_type_id and
                         sh.sold_to_org_id = rc.customer_id and
                         sh.order_category_code in (''RETURN'', ''MIXED'')
                  ORDER BY sh.order_number';
Line: 652

    x_lov_sql := 'select distinct to_char(oel.line_number),''RMA Number: '' ||
                  sh.order_number || '';'' || ''Item: '' || oel.ordered_item  description
Line: 704

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT uom_code, description
                   FROM   mtl_item_uoms_view
                   WHERE organization_id = :1
                   AND inventory_item_id = :2
                   ORDER BY uom_code';
Line: 771

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT revision, QLTDATE.date_to_user(effectivity_date)
                   FROM   mtl_item_revisions
                   WHERE  inventory_item_id = :1
                   AND    organization_id = :2
                   ORDER BY revision';
Line: 777

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT revision, QLTDATE.date_to_user(effectivity_date)
                   FROM mtl_item_revisions mir,
                     mtl_system_items_kfv msi
                   WHERE mir.inventory_item_id         = msi.inventory_item_id
                   AND mir.organization_id           = msi.organization_id
                   AND msi.revision_qty_control_code = 2
                   AND mir.inventory_item_id         = :1
                   AND mir.organization_id           = :2
                   ORDER BY revision';
Line: 822

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT secondary_inventory_name, description
                   FROM   mtl_secondary_inventories
                   WHERE  organization_id = :1
                   AND    nvl(disable_date, sysdate+1) > sysdate ';
Line: 848

    x_lov_sql := 'select lot_number, description
                  from mtl_lot_numbers
                  where organization_id = :1' ||
                  ' and inventory_item_id = :2 ' ||
                  ' and (disable_flag = 2 or disable_flag is null)';
Line: 892

    x_lov_sql := 'select lot_number, description
                  from mtl_lot_numbers
                  where organization_id = :1 '||
                  ' and inventory_item_id = :2 ' ||
                  ' and (disable_flag = 2 or disable_flag is null)';
Line: 930

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT lot_number, lot_expiration_date
                   FROM   mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                   WHERE  transaction_temp_id = ' || x_transaction_id || '
                   ORDER BY lot_number';
Line: 963

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT msn.serial_number, msn.current_status_name
                  FROM mtl_serial_numbers_all_v msn
                  WHERE msn.current_organization_id = :1 ' ||
                  ' AND msn.inventory_item_id = :2 ';
Line: 1052

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT msn.serial_number, msn.current_status_name
                  FROM mtl_serial_numbers_all_v msn
                  WHERE msn.current_organization_id = :1 ' ||
                  ' AND msn.inventory_item_id = :2 ';
Line: 1135

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT msn.serial_number, msn.current_status
                   FROM  mtl_serial_numbers msn,
                         mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
                   WHERE msn.line_mark_id = ' || x_transaction_id || '
                   AND  mtlt.transaction_temp_id = msn.line_mark_id
                   AND mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id = msn.lot_line_mark_id
                   AND mtlt.lot_number = ' || '''' || x_lot_number || '''' || '
                   AND mtlt.lot_number IS NOT NULL
                   UNION ALL
                   SELECT msn.serial_number, msn.current_status
                   FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn
                   WHERE msn.line_mark_id = ' || x_transaction_id || '
                   ORDER BY serial_number';
Line: 1165

     'SELECT cii.instance_number, cii.instance_description
      csi_item_instances cii, mtl_system_items_b msib, mtl_parameters mp
      msib.organization_id = mp.organization_id and
      msib.organization_id = cii.last_vld_organization_id and
      msib.inventory_item_id = cii.inventory_item_id and
      msib.eam_item_type in (1,3) and
      msib.serial_number_control_code <> 1 and
      sysdate between nvl(cii.active_start_date, sysdate-1)
                and nvl(cii.active_end_date, sysdate+1) and
      mp.maint_organization_id = :1';
Line: 1232

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT
    	distinct msn.serial_number, msn.descriptive_text
    	mtl_serial_numbers msn, csi_item_instances cii, mtl_system_items_b msib, mtl_parameters mp
    	msib.organization_id = mp.organization_id and
    	msib.organization_id = cii.last_vld_organization_id and
    	msib.inventory_item_id = cii.inventory_item_id and
    	msib.eam_item_type in (1,3) and
    	sysdate between nvl(cii.active_start_date(+), sysdate-1)
    	          and nvl(cii.active_end_date(+), sysdate+1) and
    	msib.organization_id = msn.current_organization_id and
    	cii.serial_number=msn.serial_number and
    	msib.inventory_item_id = msn.inventory_item_id and
    	mp.maint_organization_id = :1 and
    	msn.inventory_item_id = :2 and --removed nvl: serial number requires asset group as well
    	cii.instance_id= nvl(:3, cii.instance_id)
    	order by msn.serial_number';
Line: 1328

        x_lov_sql := 'SELECT to_char(operation_seq_num), operation_code
                       FROM  wip_operations_all_v
                       WHERE wip_entity_id = :1
                       AND   organization_id = :2
                       ORDER BY operation_seq_num';
Line: 1339

        x_lov_sql := 'SELECT to_char(operation_seq_num), operation_code
                       FROM  wip_operations_all_v
                       WHERE wip_entity_id = :1
                       AND   organization_id = :2
                       AND   repetitive_schedule_id =
                        SELECT  repetitive_schedule_id
                        FROM    wip_first_open_schedule_v
                        WHERE   line_id = :3
                        AND     wip_entity_id = :4
                        AND organization_id = :5
                       ORDER BY operation_seq_num';
Line: 1430

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT to_char(line_num), concatenated_segments
                   FROM   po_lines_val_v
                   WHERE  po_header_id = :1
                   ORDER BY line_num';
Line: 1484

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT to_char(shipment_num), shipment_type
                  FROM  po_shipments_all_v
                  WHERE po_line_id =
                       (SELECT po_line_id
                        FROM po_lines_val_v
                        WHERE line_num = :1
                        AND po_header_id = :2)';
Line: 1493

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT  to_char(pll.shipment_num), pll.shipment_type
                  FROM po_line_locations pll
                  WHERE pll.ship_to_location_id is not null
                  AND pll.po_line_id =
                      (SELECT po_line_id
                       FROM po_lines
                       WHERE line_num = :1
                       AND po_header_id= :2 )';
Line: 1538

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT receipt_num, vendor_name
                             FROM  RCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS RCVSH,
                                   PO_VENDORS POV,
                                   RCV_TRANSACTIONS RT
                             WHERE RCVSH.RECEIPT_SOURCE_CODE in (''VENDOR'',''CUSTOMER'') AND
                                   RCVSH.VENDOR_ID = POV.VENDOR_ID(+) AND
                                   RT.SHIPMENT_HEADER_ID = RCVSH.SHIPMENT_HEADER_ID)
                   ORDER BY receipt_num';
Line: 1557

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT concatenated_segments, description
                   FROM  mtl_system_items_kfv
                   WHERE organization_id = :1
                   ORDER BY concatenated_segments';
Line: 1585

    	x_lov_sql := 'SELECT concatenated_segments, description
                      FROM  mtl_system_items_kfv
                      WHERE organization_id = :1 ' ||
		      ' and inventory_item_id in (
      		      	 SELECT bic.component_item_id
      			 FROM bom_inventory_components bic,
           		 bom_bill_of_materials bom
      			 WHERE bic.bill_sequence_id = bom.bill_sequence_id AND
            		       bic.effectivity_date <= sysdate AND
            		       nvl(bic.disable_date, sysdate+1) > sysdate AND
            		       bom.assembly_item_id = :2 AND
            		       bom.organization_id = :3)
                      ORDER BY concatenated_segments';
Line: 1601

    	x_lov_sql := 'SELECT concatenated_segments, description
                      FROM  mtl_system_items_kfv
                      WHERE 1 = 2
                      ORDER BY concatenated_segments';
Line: 1636

x_lov_sql := 'select distinct msikfv.concatenated_segments, msikfv.description
                    from mtl_system_items_b_kfv msikfv, mtl_parameters mp
                    where msikfv.organization_id = mp.organization_id
                    and msikfv.eam_item_type in (1,3)
                    and mp.maint_organization_id = :1
                    order by msikfv.concatenated_segments';
Line: 1676

    	x_lov_sql := 'SELECT meaav.activity, meaav.activity_description
         FROM   mtl_eam_asset_activities_v meaav, mtl_system_items_b msib
         WHERE  msib.organization_id = :1
         and meaav. maintenance_object_id = :2 --pass asset group inventory_item_id
  		   and (meaav.end_date_active is null or meaav.end_date_active > sysdate)
  		   and (meaav.start_date_active is null or meaav.start_date_active < sysdate)
         and msib.inventory_item_id = meaav. maintenance_object_id
  		   and meaav.maintenance_object_type = 2 --non serialized item
         ORDER BY meaav.activity';
Line: 1687

       x_lov_sql := 'SELECT
                    msib.concatenated_segments activity ,
                    msib.description activity_description
                FROM mtl_eam_asset_activities meaav,
                    mtl_system_items_b_kfv msib
                WHERE msib.organization_id = :1
                    AND meaav.maintenance_object_id = :2 --pass asset group inventory_item_id
                    AND (meaav.end_date_active is null
                         OR meaav.end_date_active > sysdate)
                    AND (meaav.start_date_active is null
                         OR meaav.start_date_active < sysdate)
                    AND msib.inventory_item_id = meaav.asset_activity_id
                    AND meaav.maintenance_object_type = 2 --non serialized item
                ORDER BY msib.concatenated_segments';
Line: 1705

    	x_lov_sql := 'SELECT meaav.activity, meaav.activity_description
         FROM   mtl_eam_asset_activities_v meaav, mtl_system_items_b msib
         WHERE  msib.organization_id = :1
  		   and meaav.maintenance_object_id = :2 --pass asset instance_id
  		   and meaav.maintenance_object_type = 3  --serialized item
  		   and (meaav.end_date_active is null or meaav.end_date_active > sysdate)
  		   and (meaav.start_date_active is null or meaav.start_date_active < sysdate)
         and msib.inventory_item_id = meaav.inventory_item_id
         ORDER BY meaav.activity';
Line: 1716

       x_lov_sql := 'SELECT
                            msi.concatenated_segments activity ,
                            msi.description activity_description
                        FROM mtl_eam_asset_activities meaa,
                            mtl_system_items_b_kfv msi
                        WHERE msi.organization_id = :1
                            AND meaa.maintenance_object_id = :2 --pass asset instance_id
                            AND meaa.maintenance_object_type = 3 --serialized item
                            AND (meaa.end_date_active is null
                                 OR meaa.end_date_active > sysdate)
                            AND (meaa.start_date_active is null
                                 OR meaa.start_date_active < sysdate)
                            AND msi.inventory_item_id = meaa.asset_activity_id
                        ORDER BY msi.concatenated_segments';
Line: 1801

   x_lov_sql := 'SELECT license_plate_number, attribute1
                 FROM   wms_license_plate_numbers
                 ORDER BY license_plate_number';
Line: 1835

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT concatenated_segments, description
                  FROM   mtl_item_locations_kfv
                  WHERE  organization_id = :1
                  AND    subinventory_code = :2
                  AND    nvl(disable_date, sysdate+1) > sysdate
                  ORDER BY concatenated_segments';
Line: 1867

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT party_name, party_number
                  FROM   hz_parties
                  WHERE  status = ''A''
                  AND party_type IN (''ORGANIZATION'',''PERSON'')
                  ORDER BY party_name';
Line: 1886

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT cii.instance_number, cii.serial_number
	          FROM   qa_csi_item_instances cii, mtl_system_items_kfv msik
		  WHERE  cii.inventory_item_id = msik.inventory_item_id
		  AND    cii.last_vld_organization_id = msik.organization_id
		  ORDER BY 1';
Line: 1900

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT name, description
                   FROM csi_counters_vl
                   WHERE trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN
                          nvl(start_date_active, trunc(sysdate))
                     AND  nvl(end_date_active, trunc(sysdate))
                   ORDER BY 1';
Line: 1907

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT cc.name, cc.description
		  FROM   cs_counters cc, cs_counter_groups ccg
		  WHERE  cc.counter_group_id = ccg.counter_group_id
		  AND    ccg.template_flag = ''N''
		  ORDER BY 1';
Line: 1921

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT amr.title, amr.version_number
                  FROM qa_ahl_mr amr
		  WHERE trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN
		  trunc(nvl(amr.effective_from, sysdate)) AND trunc(nvl(amr.effective_to, sysdate))
		  ORDER BY 1';
Line: 1934

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT incident_number, summary
                  FROM   cs_incidents
                  ORDER BY 1';
Line: 1945

    x_lov_sql:= 'SELECT wip_entity_name, description
                 FROM   wip_discrete_jobs_all_v
                 WHERE  organization_id = :1
                 ORDER BY wip_entity_name';
Line: 1956

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT v.short_code code,
		  FROM qa_char_value_lookups v
		  WHERE v.char_id = :1
		  ORDER BY 1';
Line: 1968

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT v.short_code code,
		  FROM qa_char_value_lookups v
		  WHERE v.char_id = :1
		  ORDER BY 1';
Line: 1980

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT v.short_code code,
		  FROM qa_char_value_lookups v
		  WHERE v.char_id = :1
                  ORDER BY 1';
Line: 1992

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT v.short_code code,
	          FROM qa_char_value_lookups v
		  WHERE v.char_id = :1
		  ORDER BY 1';
Line: 2005

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT cr.repair_number,
                  FROM csd_repairs cr
		  WHERE status not in (''C'', ''H'')
                  ORDER BY 1';
Line: 2017

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT task_number, task_name
                  FROM JTF_TASKS_VL
 		      ORDER BY 1';
Line: 2031

               'WHERE ORGANIZATION_ID is null or ORGANIZATION_ID = :1'||
               'ORDER BY BATCH_NO';
Line: 2055

               'WHERE STEPS.BATCH_ID = :1 ' ||
               'AND STEPS.OPRN_ID = OPS.OPRN_ID '||
               'ORDER BY BATCHSTEP_NO';
Line: 2111

               'FROM GMO_BATCH_STEPS_V '||
               'WHERE BATCHSTEP_ID = :1 '||
               ' AND BATCH_ID = :2 '||
Line: 2176

               'WHERE STEPS.BATCHSTEP_ID = :1 '||
               ' AND STEPS.BATCH_ID = :2 '||
               'ORDER BY ACTIVITY';
Line: 2255

               'WHERE GBSR.BATCHSTEP_ACTIVITY_ID = :1 '||
               'AND GBSR.BATCHSTEP_ID = :2 '||
               'AND GBSR.BATCH_ID = :3 '||
               'ORDER BY RESOURCES';
Line: 2309

               'AND GE.RESOURCES =  :1'||
               ' ORDER BY PARAMETER_NAME';
Line: 2365

    	x_lov_sql := 'SELECT to_char(operation_seq_num), operation_code
                  FROM   wip_operations_all_v
                  WHERE  wip_entity_id = :1
                  AND    organization_id = :2
                  ORDER BY operation_seq_num';
Line: 2371

	-- nothing should be selected.
    	x_lov_sql := 'SELECT to_char(operation_seq_num), operation_code
                  FROM   wip_operations_all_v
                  WHERE  1 = 2' || '
                  ORDER BY operation_seq_num';
Line: 2423

        x_lov_sql := 'SELECT concatenated_segments, description
                      FROM  mtl_system_items_kfv
                      WHERE organization_id = :1
                      ORDER BY concatenated_segments';
Line: 2435

        x_lov_sql := 'SELECT concatenated_segments, description
                      FROM  mtl_system_items_kfv
                      WHERE organization_id = :1
                      ORDER BY concatenated_segments';
Line: 2447

            x_lov_sql := 'SELECT secondary_inventory_name, description
                          FROM   mtl_secondary_inventories
                          WHERE  organization_id = :1
                          AND    nvl(disable_date, sysdate+1) > sysdate
                          ORDER BY secondary_inventory_name';
Line: 2487

        x_lov_sql := 'SELECT concatenated_segments, description
                      FROM   mtl_item_locations_kfv
                      WHERE  organization_id = ' || org_id || '
                      ORDER BY concatenated_segments';
Line: 2505

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT status_code,description
                  FROM mtl_material_statuses
                  ORDER BY status_code';
Line: 2515

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT status_code,description
                  FROM mtl_material_statuses
                  ORDER BY status_code';
Line: 2526

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT v.short_code code,
                  FROM qa_char_value_lookups v
                  WHERE v.char_id = :1
                  ORDER BY 1';
Line: 2539

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT v.short_code code,
                  FROM qa_char_value_lookups v
                  WHERE v.char_id = :1
                  ORDER BY 1';
Line: 2552

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT v.short_code code,
                  FROM qa_char_value_lookups v
                  WHERE v.char_id = :1
                  ORDER BY 1';
Line: 2565

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT v.short_code code,
                  FROM qa_char_value_lookups v
                  WHERE v.char_id = :1
                  ORDER BY 1';
Line: 2579

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT v.short_code code,
                  FROM qa_char_value_lookups v
                  WHERE v.char_id = :1
                  ORDER BY 1';
Line: 2597

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT k_number, short_description
                   FROM oke_k_headers_lov_v order by k_number';
Line: 2608

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT line_number, line_description
                   FROM oke_k_lines_full_v order by line_number';
Line: 2618

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT deliverable_num, description
                   FROM oke_k_deliverables_vl order by deliverable_num' ;
Line: 2634

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT v.short_code code,
                  FROM qa_char_value_lookups v
                  WHERE v.char_id = :1
                  ORDER BY 1';
Line: 2647

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT v.short_code code,
                  FROM qa_char_value_lookups v
                  WHERE v.char_id = :1
                  ORDER BY 1';
Line: 2660

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT v.short_code code,
                  FROM qa_char_value_lookups v
                  WHERE v.char_id = :1
                  ORDER BY 1';
Line: 2674

    x_lov_sql := 'SELECT v.short_code code,
                  FROM qa_char_value_lookups v
                  WHERE v.char_id = :1
                  ORDER BY 1';