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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 25

  g_cnt_cm_selected             pls_integer;
Line: 36

  g_update_tp_tables            pls_integer;
Line: 44

  g_delete_record_count         pls_integer;
Line: 45

  g_delete_record_count_loop    pls_integer;
Line: 61

    select meaning
    from wsh_lookups
    where lookup_type = 'WSH_MODE_OF_TRANSPORT'
    and lookup_code = l_mode_of_transport;
Line: 88

    g_cnt_cm_selected            := 0;
Line: 99

    g_update_tp_tables           := 1;
Line: 107

    g_delete_record_count        := 1;
Line: 108

    g_delete_record_count_loop   := 1;
Line: 200

Line: 204

Line: 241

    if g_update_tp_tables = 1 then
      --print_info(g_log_must_message,' + TP tables updated');
Line: 333

      g_update_tp_tables          := substr(l_profile_mst_release_debug,4,1);
Line: 341

      g_delete_record_count_loop  := substr(l_profile_mst_release_debug,12,1);
Line: 342

      g_delete_record_count       := substr(l_profile_mst_release_debug,13);
Line: 356

    select substr('   '||tp_plan_name||' '||tp_trip_number||' '||decode(mode_of_transport,'TRUCK',g_str_truck_tl,'LTL',g_str_ltl_tl,'PARCEL',g_str_parcel_tl,mode_of_transport),1,100)
    from wsh_trips_interface
    where interface_action_code = g_tp_release_code
    and group_id = l_group_id
    order by tp_trip_number;
Line: 387

  procedure insert_trips (p_plan_id    in number
                        , p_release_id in number
                        , p_load_tab   in number_tab_type
                        , p_load_type  in varchar2) is
    print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'insert_trips : Program started');
Line: 396

        insert into mst_release_temp
        , group_id
        , plan_id
        , trip_id
        , sr_trip_id
        , trip_number
        , planned_flag
        , release_status
        , trip_start_date
        , cm_id_of_trip
        , continuous_move_sequence
        , out_of_scope
        , trip_process_flag
        , selected_trips
        , trip_id_iface
        , status_code
        , inventory_item_id
        , organization_id
        , carrier_id
        , ship_method_code
        , compile_designator
        , mode_of_transport
        , load_tender_status
        , lane_id
        , service_level
        select p_release_id
        , null
        , mt.plan_id
        , mt.trip_id
        , mt.sr_trip_id
        , mt.trip_number
        , mt.planned_flag
        , mt.release_status
        , mt.trip_start_date
        , mt.continuous_move_id
        , mt.continuous_move_sequence
        , mt.out_of_scope
        , null
        , 1
        , wsh_trips_interface_s.nextval
        , mt.status_code
        , fvt.inventory_item_id
        , fvt.organization_id
        , mt.carrier_id
        , mt.ship_method_code
        , mp.compile_designator
        , mt.mode_of_transport
        , mt.load_tender_status
        , mt.lane_id
        , mt.service_level
        from mst_plans mp
        , mst_trips mt
        , fte_vehicle_types fvt
        where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
        and mt.plan_id = mp.plan_id
        and mt.vehicle_type_id = fvt.vehicle_type_id (+)
        and mt.continuous_move_id = p_load_tab(i)
Line: 460

        insert into mst_release_temp
        , group_id
        , plan_id
        , trip_id
        , sr_trip_id
        , trip_number
        , planned_flag
        , release_status
        , trip_start_date
        , cm_id_of_trip
        , continuous_move_sequence
        , out_of_scope
        , trip_process_flag
        , selected_trips
        , trip_id_iface
        , status_code
        , inventory_item_id
        , organization_id
        , carrier_id
        , ship_method_code
        , compile_designator
        , mode_of_transport
        , load_tender_status
        , lane_id
        , service_level
        select p_release_id
        , null
        , mt.plan_id
        , mt.trip_id
        , mt.sr_trip_id
        , mt.trip_number
        , mt.planned_flag
        , mt.release_status
        , mt.trip_start_date
        , mt.continuous_move_id
        , mt.continuous_move_sequence
        , mt.out_of_scope
        , null
        , 1
        , wsh_trips_interface_s.nextval
        , mt.status_code
        , fvt.inventory_item_id
        , fvt.organization_id
        , mt.carrier_id
        , mt.ship_method_code
        , mp.compile_designator
        , mt.mode_of_transport
        , mt.load_tender_status
        , mt.lane_id
        , mt.service_level
        from mst_plans mp
        , mst_trips mt
        , fte_vehicle_types fvt
        where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
        and mt.plan_id = mp.plan_id
        and mt.vehicle_type_id = fvt.vehicle_type_id (+)
        and mt.trip_id = p_load_tab(i)
Line: 526

    print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'insert_trips : Program ended');
Line: 527

  end insert_trips;
Line: 536

    select mrt.trip_id, mrt.trip_number, mrt.out_of_scope, mrt.planned_flag, mrt.release_status, decode(mrt.mode_of_transport,'TRUCK',g_str_truck_tl,'LTL',g_str_ltl_tl,'PARCEL',g_str_parcel_tl,mrt.mode_of_transport)
    from mst_release_temp_gt mrt
    where mrt.release_id = l_release_id
    and mrt.trip_id is not null
    and mrt.out_of_scope = 1;
Line: 545

    select mrt.trip_id, mrt.trip_number, decode(mrt.mode_of_transport,'TRUCK',g_str_truck_tl,'LTL',g_str_ltl_tl,'PARCEL',g_str_parcel_tl,mrt.mode_of_transport)
    from mst_release_temp_gt mrt
    where mrt.release_id = l_release_id
    and mrt.cm_id_of_trip is null
    and mrt.trip_id not in (select mdl.trip_id
                            from mst_delivery_legs mdl
                            where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id);
Line: 579

        update mst_release_temp_gt
        set planned_flag = -1111
        where release_id = p_release_id
        and trip_id = l_trip_id_tab(i);
Line: 602

      update mst_release_temp_gt
      set planned_flag = -2222
      where release_id = p_release_id
      and trip_id = l_trip_id_tab(i);
Line: 626

    select 1
    from mst_release_temp_gt
    where release_id = l_release_id
    and continuous_move_id = l_cm_id;
Line: 635

    select mct.planned_flag, mct.sr_cm_trip_id, mct.lane_id, mct.service_level, mp.compile_designator, mct.cm_trip_number
    from mst_cm_trips mct
    , mst_plans mp
    where mp.plan_id = l_plan_id
    and mct.plan_id = l_plan_id
    and mct.continuous_move_id = l_cm_id;
Line: 656

      g_cnt_cm_selected := g_cnt_cm_selected + 1;
Line: 663

      insert into mst_release_temp_gt
      , plan_id
      , group_id
      , planned_flag
      , continuous_move_id
      , sr_cm_trip_id
      , continuous_move_id_iface
      , lane_id
      , service_level
      , compile_designator
      , cm_trip_number
      , p_plan_id
      , p_group_id
      , l_cm_planned_flag
      , p_cm_id_of_trip
      , l_sr_cm_trip_id
      , fte_moves_interface_s.nextval
      , l_lane_id
      , l_service_level
      , l_compile_designator
      , l_cm_trip_number
Line: 693

      insert into mst_release_temp_gt
      , group_id
      , plan_id
      , trip_id
      , sr_trip_id
      , trip_number
      , planned_flag
      , release_status
      , trip_start_date
      , cm_id_of_trip
      , continuous_move_sequence
      , out_of_scope
      , trip_process_flag
      , trip_id_iface
      , status_code
      , inventory_item_id
      , organization_id
      , carrier_id
      , ship_method_code
      , compile_designator
      , mode_of_transport
      , load_tender_status
      , lane_id
      , service_level
        select p_release_id
      , null
      , mt.plan_id
      , mt.trip_id
      , mt.sr_trip_id
      , mt.trip_number
      , mt.planned_flag
      , mt.release_status
      , mt.trip_start_date
      , mt.continuous_move_id
      , mt.continuous_move_sequence
      , mt.out_of_scope
      , null
      , wsh_trips_interface_s.nextval
      , mt.status_code
      , fvt.inventory_item_id
      , fvt.organization_id
      , mt.carrier_id
      , mt.ship_method_code
      , mp.compile_designator
      , mt.mode_of_transport
      , mt.load_tender_status
      , mt.lane_id
      , mt.service_level
      from mst_plans mp
      , mst_trips mt
      , fte_vehicle_types fvt
      where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
      and mt.continuous_move_id = p_cm_id_of_trip
      and mt.plan_id = mp.plan_id
      and mt.vehicle_type_id = fvt.vehicle_type_id (+)
      and mt.trip_id not in (select mrt1.trip_id
                             from mst_release_temp_gt mrt1
                             where mrt1.release_id = p_release_id
                             and mrt1.trip_id is not null)
Line: 760

      update mst_release_temp_gt mrt
      Set mrt.group_id = p_group_id
      , mrt.planned_flag = decode(p_planned_flag,-1111,-1111,decode(l_cm_planned_flag, 1, decode(nvl(mrt.planned_flag,3),3,2,mrt.planned_flag), mrt.planned_flag))
      where release_id = p_release_id
      and cm_id_of_trip = p_cm_id_of_trip;
Line: 789

      insert into mst_release_temp_gt
      , group_id
      , plan_id
      , sr_trip_id
      , trip_id
      , trip_number
      , planned_flag
      , release_status
      , trip_start_date
      , cm_id_of_trip
      , continuous_move_sequence
      , out_of_scope
      --, trip_id_iface                   bug # 3509717 moving to update section below
      , trip_process_flag
      , status_code
      , inventory_item_id
      , organization_id
      , carrier_id
      , ship_method_code
      , compile_designator
      , mode_of_transport
      , load_tender_status
      , lane_id
      , service_level
        select distinct p_release_id      -- distinct added to remove repeatation of trips
      , null
      , mt.plan_id
      , mt.sr_trip_id
      , mt.trip_id
      , mt.trip_number
      , mt.planned_flag
      , mt.release_status
      , mt.trip_start_date
      , mt.continuous_move_id
      , mt.continuous_move_sequence
      , mt.out_of_scope
      --, wsh_trips_interface_s.nextval    bug # 3509717 moving to update section below
      , null
      , mt.status_code
      , fvt.inventory_item_id
      , fvt.organization_id
      , mt.carrier_id
      , mt.ship_method_code
      , mp.compile_designator
      , mt.mode_of_transport
      , mt.load_tender_status
      , mt.lane_id
      , mt.service_level
      from mst_delivery_legs mdl
      , mst_delivery_legs mdl1
      , mst_trips mt
      , mst_plans mp
      , fte_vehicle_types fvt
      where mdl.plan_id = p_plan_id
      and mdl.trip_id = p_trip_id
      and mdl1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
      and mdl1.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
      and mdl1.trip_id <> mdl.trip_id
      and mt.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
      and mt.trip_id = mdl1.trip_id
      and mt.plan_id = mp.plan_id
      and mt.vehicle_type_id = fvt.vehicle_type_id (+)
      and mt.trip_id not in (select mrt.trip_id
                             from mst_release_temp_gt mrt
                             where release_id = p_release_id)
Line: 862

    update mst_release_temp_gt mrt
    Set mrt.group_id = p_group_id
    , trip_id_iface = wsh_trips_interface_s.nextval -- bug # 3509717 moved here from insert section
    , mrt.planned_flag = decode(p_planned_flag,-1111,-1111,
    where mrt.release_id = p_release_id
    and mrt.trip_id in (select mdl_rel.trip_id
                        from mst_delivery_legs mdl
                        , mst_delivery_legs mdl_rel
                        where mdl_rel.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                        and mdl_rel.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
                        and mdl_rel.trip_id <> mdl.trip_id
                        and mdl.plan_id = p_plan_id
                        and mdl.trip_id = p_trip_id);
Line: 893

    select trip_id
    , group_id
    , planned_flag
    , cm_id_of_trip
    from mst_release_temp_gt
    where release_id = l_release_id
    and trip_id is not null
    and trip_process_flag is null
    order by group_id;
Line: 929

        select mst_release_seq.nextval
        into l_group_id
        from dual;
Line: 935

      update mst_release_temp_gt
      set group_id = l_group_id
      , trip_process_flag = 1
      where release_id = p_release_id
      and trip_id = l_trip_id;
Line: 971

    select mrt.group_id, mrt.trip_number, decode(mrt.mode_of_transport,'TRUCK',g_str_truck_tl,'LTL',g_str_ltl_tl,'PARCEL',g_str_parcel_tl,mrt.mode_of_transport)
    from mst_release_temp_gt mrt
    where mrt.release_id = l_release_id
    and mrt.trip_start_date < l_release_start_date;
Line: 990

      update mst_release_temp_gt mrt
      set mrt.planned_flag = -3333
      where mrt.release_id = p_release_id
      and mrt.group_id = l_group_id_tab(i);
Line: 1021

    select group_id, trip_id, trip_number, decode(mode_of_transport,'TRUCK',g_str_truck_tl,'LTL',g_str_ltl_tl,'PARCEL',g_str_parcel_tl,mode_of_transport)
    from mst_release_temp_gt
    where release_id = l_release_id
    and trip_id is not null
    order by group_id;
Line: 1032

    l_group_id_tobedeleted_tab number_tab_type;
Line: 1039

    select mep.release_option
    from mst_excep_preferences mep
    , mst_exception_details med
    where mep.user_id = -9999
    and mep.release_option = 1
    and mep.exception_type = med.exception_type
    and med.plan_id = l_plan_id
    and (med.trip_id1 = l_trip_id                                    -- trip_id2 is not being checked since
      or med.delivery_id in (select mdl.delivery_id                  -- it can not exists without trip_id1.
                             from mst_delivery_legs mdl              -- continuous_move_id is not being checked
                             where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id           -- since it is not being populated without trip_id1
                             and mdl.trip_id = l_trip_id)
      or med.location_id in (select mts.stop_location_id
                             from mst_trip_stops mts
                             where mts.plan_id = l_plan_id
                             and mts.trip_id = l_trip_id));
Line: 1076

              l_group_id_tobedeleted_tab(nvl(l_group_id_tobedeleted_tab.last,0) + 1) := l_group_id_tab(i);
Line: 1089

      if nvl(l_group_id_tobedeleted_tab.last,0) > 0 then
Line: 1092

        forall i in 1..l_group_id_tobedeleted_tab.last
        update mst_release_temp_gt
        set planned_flag = -4444
        where release_id = p_release_id
        and group_id = l_group_id_tobedeleted_tab(i);
Line: 1117

    select group_id, trip_id, trip_number, decode(mrt.mode_of_transport,'TRUCK',g_str_truck_tl,'LTL',g_str_ltl_tl,'PARCEL',g_str_parcel_tl,mrt.mode_of_transport)
    from mst_release_temp_gt
    where release_id = l_release_id
    and trip_id is not null
    and selected_trips is null;
Line: 1128

    l_group_id_tobedeleted_tab number_tab_type;
Line: 1142

            l_group_id_tobedeleted_tab(nvl(l_group_id_tobedeleted_tab.last,0) + 1) := l_group_id_tab(i);
Line: 1152

        if nvl(l_group_id_tobedeleted_tab.last,0) > 0 then
Line: 1155

          forall i in 1..l_group_id_tobedeleted_tab.last
          update mst_release_temp_gt
          set planned_flag = -5555
          where release_id = p_release_id
          and group_id = l_group_id_tobedeleted_tab(i);
Line: 1183

    select distinct group_id
    from mst_release_temp_gt
    where release_id = l_release_id
    and plan_id = l_plan_id
    and trip_id is not null
    and group_id is not null
    order by group_id;
Line: 1209

        update mst_release_temp_gt
        set group_id = l_group_id-1
        where release_id = p_release_id
        and group_id = p_group_tab(l_count);
Line: 1234

    insert into mst_release_temp_gt
    , group_id
    , plan_id
    , planned_flag
    , delivery_id
    , sr_delivery_id
    , out_of_scope
--    , delivery_id_iface
    , status_code
    , pickup_date
    , dropoff_date
    , pickup_location_id
    , dropoff_location_id
    , customer_id
    , gross_weight
    , net_weight
    , weight_uom
    , volume
    , volume_uom
    , currency_uom
    , organization_id
    , shipment_direction
    , delivery_number
    , compile_designator
    , earliest_pickup_date
    , latest_pickup_date
    , earliest_acceptable_date
    , latest_acceptable_date
    , supplier_id
    , party_id
    select DISTINCT mrt.release_id
    , mrt.group_id
    , mrt.plan_id
    , DECODE(md.planned_flag, 1, 1
                            , 2, decode(md.preserve_grouping_flag, 1, 2
                                                                 , 2, 3
                                                                    , 3
                               , 3
    , md.delivery_id
    , md.sr_delivery_id
    , md.out_of_scope
--    , wsh_new_del_interface_s.nextval
    , nvl(md.status_code,1) status_code
    , md.pickup_date
    , md.dropoff_date
    , md.pickup_location_id
    , md.dropoff_location_id
    , md.customer_id
    , md.gross_weight
    , md.net_weight
    , mp.weight_uom
    , md.volume
    , mp.volume_uom
    , mp.currency_uom
    , nvl(md.organization_id,mst_wb_util.get_org_id(md.plan_id,md.delivery_id))
    , decode(md.shipment_direction ,1,'I',2,'O',3,'D',4,'IO','O')
    , md.delivery_number
    , mp.compile_designator
    , md.earliest_pickup_date
    , md.latest_pickup_date
    , md.earliest_acceptable_date
    , md.latest_acceptable_date
    , md.supplier_id
    , hzr.object_id
      from mst_release_temp_gt mrt
    , mst_deliveries md
    , mst_delivery_legs mdl
    , mst_plans mp
    , hz_relationships hzr
      where mrt.release_id = p_release_id
      and mrt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
      and mrt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
      and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
      and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
      and md.plan_id = mp.plan_id
      and hzr.relationship_type (+) = 'POS_VENDOR_PARTY'
      and hzr.object_table_name (+) = 'PO_VENDORS'
      and hzr.object_type (+) = 'POS_VENDOR'
      and hzr.subject_table_name (+) = 'HZ_PARTIES'
      and hzr.subject_type (+) = 'ORGANIZATION'
      and hzr.status (+) = 'A'
      and hzr.subject_id (+) = md.supplier_id
Line: 1325

    UPDATE mst_release_temp_gt mrt
    SET mrt.delivery_id_iface = wsh_new_del_interface_s.nextval
    WHERE mrt.release_id = p_release_id
    AND mrt.delivery_id IS NOT NULL;
Line: 1331

    UPDATE mst_release_temp_gt mrt
    SET mrt.planned_flag = 1
    WHERE mrt.release_id = p_release_id
    AND mrt.delivery_id IN (SELECT mdl.delivery_id
                            FROM mst_delivery_legs mdl
                            , mst_release_temp_gt mrt1
                            WHERE mdl.plan_id = mrt1.plan_id
                            AND mdl.trip_id = mrt1.trip_id
                            AND mrt1.release_id = p_release_id
                            AND mrt1.trip_id IS NOT NULL
                            AND mrt1.planned_flag = 1);
Line: 1352

  procedure update_ids_in_wdd_iface_tab (p_release_id in pls_integer) is
    cursor cur_wdd_ids (l_release_id in pls_integer)
    select wdd_iface.delivery_detail_interface_id, min(wdd.source_header_id), min(wdd.source_line_id), min(wdd.source_line_set_id)
    from wsh_delivery_details wdd
    , mst_release_temp_gt mrt
    , wsh_del_details_interface wdd_iface
    where wdd.source_code = wdd_iface.source_code
    and wdd.source_header_number = wdd_iface.source_header_number
    and substr(wdd.source_line_number,1,instr(wdd.source_line_number||'.','.',1,1)-1) = substr(wdd_iface.source_line_number,1,instr(wdd_iface.source_line_number||'.','.',1,1)-1)
    and (wdd_iface.source_header_id is null or wdd_iface.source_line_id = FND_API.G_MISS_NUM or wdd_iface.source_line_set_id is null)
    and wdd_iface.delivery_detail_interface_id = mrt.delivery_detail_id_iface
    and mrt.release_id = l_release_id
    group by wdd_iface.delivery_detail_interface_id;
Line: 1372

    print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'update_ids_in_wdd_iface_tab : Program started');
Line: 1379

      update wsh_del_details_interface
      set source_header_id = l_source_header_id_tab(i)
      , source_line_id = l_source_line_id_tab(i)
      , source_line_set_id = l_source_line_set_id_tab(i)
      where delivery_detail_interface_id = l_delivery_detail_iface_id_tab(i);
Line: 1385

    print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'update_ids_in_wdd_iface_tab : Program ended');
Line: 1386

  end update_ids_in_wdd_iface_tab;
Line: 1388

  procedure update_loc_id_in_iface_tab (p_release_id in pls_integer) is
    cursor cur_wdd_loc_ids (l_release_id in pls_integer)
    select wda_iface.delivery_interface_id, wdd_iface.delivery_detail_interface_id, mplav.cust_location_id
    from mst_po_location_asso_v mplav
    , wsh_del_details_interface wdd_iface
    , wsh_del_assgn_interface wda_iface
    , wsh_delivery_details wdd
    , mst_release_temp_gt mrt
    where mplav.location_id = wdd_iface.ship_to_location_id
    and wdd_iface.delivery_detail_id = wdd.delivery_detail_id
    and wdd.ship_to_location_id <> wdd_iface.ship_to_location_id
    and wda_iface.delivery_detail_interface_id = wdd_iface.delivery_detail_interface_id
    and wdd_iface.delivery_detail_interface_id = mrt.delivery_detail_id_iface
    and mrt.release_id = l_release_id;
Line: 1408

    print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'update_loc_id_in_wdd_iface_tab : Program started');
Line: 1415

      update wsh_new_del_interface
      set ultimate_dropoff_location_id = l_ship_to_location_id_tab(i)
      where delivery_interface_id = l_delivery_iface_id_tab(i);
Line: 1422

      update wsh_del_details_interface
      set ship_to_location_id = l_ship_to_location_id_tab(i)
      where delivery_detail_interface_id = l_delivery_detail_iface_id_tab(i);
Line: 1426

    print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'update_loc_id_in_wdd_iface_tab : Program ended');
Line: 1427

  end update_loc_id_in_iface_tab;
Line: 1436

    insert into wsh_trips_interface
    ( trip_interface_id
    , trip_id
    , planned_flag
    , status_code
    , vehicle_item_id
    , vehicle_organization_id
    , carrier_id
    , ship_method_code
    , interface_action_code
    , tp_plan_name
    , tp_trip_number
    , group_id
    , mode_of_transport
    , load_tender_status
    , lane_id
    , service_level
    , creation_date
    , created_by
    , last_update_date
    , last_updated_by
    , last_update_login
    select mrt.trip_id_iface
    , mrt.sr_trip_id
    , decode(mrt.planned_flag,1,'F',2,'Y',3,'N','N')
    , decode(mrt.status_code,1,'OP',2,'IT',3,'CL','OP')
    , mrt.inventory_item_id
    , mrt.organization_id
    , mrt.carrier_id
    , mrt.ship_method_code
    , g_tp_release_code
    , mrt.compile_designator
    , mrt.trip_number
    , mrt.group_id
    , mrt.mode_of_transport
    , mrt.load_tender_status
    , mrt.lane_id
    , mrt.service_level
    , l_date
    , l_user
    , l_date
    , l_user
    , l_user
    from mst_release_temp_gt mrt
    where mrt.release_id = p_release_id
    and mrt.trip_id is not null
Line: 1486

    insert into fte_moves_interface
    ( move_interface_id
    , move_id
    , lane_id
    , service_level
    , planned_flag
    , tp_plan_name
    , cm_trip_number
    , interface_action_code
    , creation_date
    , created_by
    , last_update_date
    , last_updated_by
    , last_update_login
    select mrt.continuous_move_id_iface
    , mrt.sr_cm_trip_id
    , mrt.lane_id
    , mrt.service_level
    , decode(mrt.planned_flag,1,'Y',2,'N','N')
    , mrt.compile_designator
    , mrt.cm_trip_number
    , g_tp_release_code
    , l_date
    , l_user
    , l_date
    , l_user
    , l_user
    from mst_release_temp_gt mrt
    where mrt.release_id = p_release_id
    and mrt.continuous_move_id is not null
Line: 1520

    insert into fte_trip_moves_interface
    ( trip_move_interface_id
    , trip_move_id
    , move_interface_id
    , move_id
    , trip_interface_id
    , trip_id
    , sequence_number
    , interface_action_code
    , creation_date
    , created_by
    , last_update_date
    , last_updated_by
    , last_update_login
    select fte_trip_moves_interface_s.nextval
    , null
    , mrt1.continuous_move_id_iface
    , mrt1.sr_cm_trip_id
    , mrt2.trip_id_iface
    , mrt2.sr_trip_id
    , mrt2.continuous_move_sequence
    , g_tp_release_code
    , l_date
    , fnd_global.user_id
    , l_date
    , l_user
    , l_user
    from mst_release_temp_gt mrt1
    , mst_release_temp_gt mrt2
    where mrt1.release_id = mrt2.release_id
    and mrt1.continuous_move_id = mrt2.cm_id_of_trip
    and mrt2.release_id = p_release_id
Line: 1557

    insert into mst_release_temp_gt
    , group_id
    , plan_id
    , stop_id
    , trip_id_iface
    , stop_id_iface
    , sr_trip_id
    , status_code
    , sr_stop_id
    , stop_location_id
    , stop_sequence_number
    , planned_arrival_date
    , planned_departure_date
    , departure_gross_weight
    , departure_net_weight
    , weight_uom
    , departure_volume
    , volume_uom
    , departure_fill_percent
    , wkend_layover_stops
    , wkday_layover_stops
    , pln_loading_start_time
    , pln_loading_end_time
    , pln_unloading_start_time
    , pln_unloading_end_time
    select p_release_id
    , mrt.group_id
    , mts.plan_id
    , mts.stop_id
    , mrt.trip_id_iface
    , wsh_trip_stops_interface_s.nextval
    , mrt.sr_trip_id
    , mrt.status_code
    , mts.sr_stop_id
    , mts.stop_location_id
    , mts.stop_sequence_number
    , mts.planned_arrival_date
    , mts.planned_departure_date
    , mts.departure_gross_weight
    , mts.departure_net_weight
    , mp.weight_uom
    , mts.departure_volume
    , mp.volume_uom
    , mts.departure_fill_percent
    , mts.wkend_layover_stops
    , mts.wkday_layover_stops
    , mts.pln_loading_start_time
    , mts.pln_loading_end_time
    , mts.pln_unloading_start_time
    , mts.pln_unloading_end_time
    from mst_plans mp
    , mst_trip_stops mts
    , mst_release_temp_gt mrt
    where mrt.release_id = p_release_id
      and mrt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
      and mrt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
      and mrt.plan_id = mp.plan_id
Line: 1620

    insert into wsh_trip_stops_interface
    ( stop_interface_id
    , stop_id
    , trip_id
    , tp_stop_id
    , trip_interface_id
    , stop_location_id
    , status_code
    , stop_sequence_number
    , planned_arrival_date
    , planned_departure_date
    , departure_gross_weight
    , departure_net_weight
    , weight_uom_code
    , departure_volume
    , volume_uom_code
    , departure_fill_percent
    , wkend_layover_stops
    , wkday_layover_stops
    , loading_start_datetime
    , loading_end_datetime
    , unloading_start_datetime
    , unloading_end_datetime
    , interface_action_code
    , creation_date
    , created_by
    , last_update_date
    , last_updated_by
    , last_update_login
    select mrt.stop_id_iface
    , mrt.sr_stop_id
    , mrt.sr_trip_id
    , mrt.stop_id
    , mrt.trip_id_iface
    , mrt.stop_location_id
    , decode(mrt.status_code,1,'OP',2,'IT',3,'CL','OP')
    , mrt.stop_sequence_number
    , mrt.planned_arrival_date
    , mrt.planned_departure_date
    , mrt.departure_gross_weight
    , mrt.departure_net_weight
    , mrt.weight_uom
    , mrt.departure_volume
    , mrt.volume_uom
    , mrt.departure_fill_percent
    , mrt.wkend_layover_stops
    , mrt.wkday_layover_stops
    , mrt.pln_loading_start_time
    , mrt.pln_loading_end_time
    , mrt.pln_unloading_start_time
    , mrt.pln_unloading_end_time
    , g_tp_release_code
    , l_date
    , fnd_global.user_id
    , l_date
    , l_user
    , l_user
    from mst_release_temp_gt mrt
    where mrt.release_id = p_release_id
    and mrt.stop_id is not null
Line: 1684

    insert into wsh_new_del_interface
    ( delivery_interface_id
    , delivery_id
    , planned_flag
    , status_code
    , initial_pickup_date
    , initial_pickup_location_id
    , ultimate_dropoff_location_id
    , ultimate_dropoff_date
    , customer_id
    , gross_weight
    , net_weight
    , weight_uom_code
    , volume
    , volume_uom_code
    , currency_code
    , organization_id
    , shipment_direction
    , tp_delivery_number
    , tp_plan_name
    , earliest_pickup_date
    , latest_pickup_date
    , earliest_dropoff_date
    , latest_dropoff_date
    , delivery_type
    , interface_action_code
    , creation_date
    , created_by
    , last_update_date
    , last_updated_by
    , last_update_login
    select mrt.delivery_id_iface
    , mrt.sr_delivery_id
    , decode(mrt.planned_flag,1,'F',2,'Y',3,'N','N')
    , decode(mrt.status_code,1,'OP',2,'IT',3,'CL','OP')
    , mrt.pickup_date
    , mrt.pickup_location_id
    , mrt.dropoff_location_id
    , mrt.dropoff_date
    , mrt.customer_id
    , mrt.gross_weight
    , mrt.net_weight
    , mrt.weight_uom
    , mrt.volume
    , mrt.volume_uom
    , mrt.currency_uom
    , mrt.organization_id
    , mrt.shipment_direction
    , mrt.delivery_number
    , mrt.compile_designator
    , mrt.earliest_pickup_date
    , mrt.latest_pickup_date
    , mrt.earliest_acceptable_date
    , mrt.latest_acceptable_date
    , 'STANDARD'
    , g_tp_release_code
    , l_date
    , l_user
    , l_date
    , l_user
    , l_user
    from mst_release_temp_gt mrt
    where mrt.release_id = p_release_id
    and mrt.delivery_id is not null
Line: 1752

    insert into wsh_del_legs_interface
    ( delivery_leg_interface_id
    , delivery_leg_id
    , delivery_id
    , delivery_interface_id
    , sequence_number
    , pick_up_stop_id
    , pick_up_stop_interface_id
    , drop_off_stop_id
    , drop_off_stop_interface_id
    , gross_weight
    , net_weight
    , weight_uom_code
    , volume
    , volume_uom_code
    , interface_action_code
    , creation_date
    , created_by
    , last_update_date
    , last_updated_by
    , last_update_login
    select wsh_del_legs_interface_s.nextval
    , mdl.sr_delivery_leg_id
    , mrt1.sr_delivery_id
    , mrt1.delivery_id_iface
    , mdl.sequence_number
    , mrt2.sr_stop_id
    , mrt2.stop_id_iface
    , mrt3.sr_stop_id
    , mrt3.stop_id_iface
    , mrt1.gross_weight
    , mrt1.net_weight
    , mrt1.weight_uom
    , mrt1.volume
    , mrt1.volume_uom
    , g_tp_release_code
    , l_date
    , l_user
    , l_date
    , l_user
    , l_user
    from mst_release_temp_gt mrt1
    , mst_release_temp_gt mrt2
    , mst_release_temp_gt mrt3
    , mst_delivery_legs mdl
    where mrt1.plan_id= mdl.plan_id
    and mrt1.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
    and mrt1.release_id = p_release_id
    and mrt2.stop_id = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
    and mrt2.release_id = p_release_id
    and mrt3.stop_id = mdl.drop_off_stop_id
    and mrt3.release_id = p_release_id
Line: 1809

    insert into mst_release_temp_gt
    ( release_id
    , group_id
    , plan_id
    , sr_delivery_id
    , delivery_id_iface
    , sr_delivery_assignment_id
    , delivery_detail_id
    , delivery_detail_id_iface
    , sr_delivery_detail_id
    , source_code
    , customer_id
    , inventory_item_id
    , ship_from_location_id
    , ship_to_location_id
    , requested_quantity
    , gross_weight
    , net_weight
    , weight_uom
    , volume
    , volume_uom
    , source_header_number
    , ship_set_id
    , arrival_set_id
    , organization_id
    , org_id
    , container_flag
    , source_line_number
    , split_from_delivery_detail_id
    , earliest_pickup_date
    , latest_pickup_date
    , earliest_acceptable_date
    , latest_acceptable_date
    , line_direction
    , po_shipment_line_number
    , src_requested_quantity
    , src_requested_quantity_uom
    , supplier_id
    , party_id
    select p_release_id
    , mrt.group_id
    , mrt.plan_id
    , mrt.sr_delivery_id
    , mrt.delivery_id_iface
    , mda.sr_delivery_assignment_id
    , mda.delivery_detail_id
    , wsh_del_details_interface_s.nextval
    , mdd1.sr_delivery_detail_id
    , mdd.source_code
    , mdd.customer_id
    , mdd.inventory_item_id
    , mdd.ship_from_location_id
    , mdd.ship_to_location_id
    , mdd.requested_quantity
    , mdd.gross_weight
    , mdd.net_weight
    , mp.weight_uom
    , mdd.volume
    , mp.volume_uom
    , mdd.source_header_number
    , mdd.ship_set_id
    , mdd.arrival_set_id
    , mdd.organization_id
    , mdd.org_id
    , mdd.container_flag
    , mdd.source_line_number
    , mdd.split_from_delivery_detail_id
    , mdd.earliest_pickup_date
    , mdd.latest_pickup_date
    , mdd.earliest_acceptable_date
    , mdd.latest_acceptable_date
    , mdd.line_direction
    , mdd.po_shipment_line_number
    , mdd.src_requested_quantity
    , mdd.src_requested_quantity_uom
    , mdd.supplier_id
    , hzr.object_id
    from mst_plans mp
    , mst_release_temp_gt mrt
    , mst_delivery_assignments mda
    , mst_delivery_details mdd
    , mst_delivery_details mdd1
    , hz_relationships hzr
    where mrt.plan_id = mp.plan_id
    and mrt.plan_id = mda.plan_id
    and mrt.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
    and mda.plan_id = mdd.plan_id
    and mda.delivery_detail_id = mdd.delivery_detail_id
    and mdd.plan_id = mdd1.plan_id
    and mdd.split_from_delivery_detail_id = mdd1.delivery_detail_id
    and mdd.split_from_delivery_detail_id is not null
    and mrt.release_id = p_release_id
    and hzr.relationship_type (+) = 'POS_VENDOR_PARTY'
    and hzr.object_table_name (+) = 'PO_VENDORS'
    and hzr.object_type (+) = 'POS_VENDOR'
    and hzr.subject_table_name (+) = 'HZ_PARTIES'
    and hzr.subject_type (+) = 'ORGANIZATION'
    and hzr.status (+) = 'A'
    and hzr.subject_id (+) = mdd.supplier_id
Line: 1913

    insert into mst_release_temp_gt
    ( release_id
    , group_id
    , plan_id
    , sr_delivery_id
    , delivery_id_iface
    , sr_delivery_assignment_id
    , delivery_detail_id
    , delivery_detail_id_iface
    , sr_delivery_detail_id
    , source_code
    , customer_id
    , inventory_item_id
    , ship_from_location_id
    , ship_to_location_id
    , requested_quantity
    , gross_weight
    , net_weight
    , weight_uom
    , volume
    , volume_uom
    , source_header_number
    , ship_set_id
    , arrival_set_id
    , organization_id
    , org_id
    , container_flag
    , source_line_number
    , split_from_delivery_detail_id
    , earliest_pickup_date
    , latest_pickup_date
    , earliest_acceptable_date
    , latest_acceptable_date
    , line_direction
    , po_shipment_line_number
    , src_requested_quantity
    , src_requested_quantity_uom
    , supplier_id
    , party_id
    select p_release_id
    , mrt.group_id
    , mrt.plan_id
    , mrt.sr_delivery_id
    , mrt.delivery_id_iface
    , mda.sr_delivery_assignment_id
    , mda.delivery_detail_id
    , wsh_del_details_interface_s.nextval
    , mdd.sr_delivery_detail_id
    , mdd.source_code
    , mdd.customer_id
    , mdd.inventory_item_id
    , mdd.ship_from_location_id
    , mdd.ship_to_location_id
    , mdd.requested_quantity
    , mdd.gross_weight
    , mdd.net_weight
    , mp.weight_uom
    , mdd.volume
    , mp.volume_uom
    , mdd.source_header_number
    , mdd.ship_set_id
    , mdd.arrival_set_id
    , mdd.organization_id
    , mdd.org_id
    , mdd.container_flag
    , mdd.source_line_number
    , mdd.split_from_delivery_detail_id
    , mdd.earliest_pickup_date
    , mdd.latest_pickup_date
    , mdd.earliest_acceptable_date
    , mdd.latest_acceptable_date
    , mdd.line_direction
    , mdd.po_shipment_line_number
    , mdd.src_requested_quantity
    , mdd.src_requested_quantity_uom
    , mdd.supplier_id
    , hzr.object_id
    from mst_plans mp
    , mst_release_temp_gt mrt
    , mst_delivery_assignments mda
    , mst_delivery_details mdd
    , hz_relationships hzr
    where mrt.plan_id = mp.plan_id
    and mrt.plan_id = mda.plan_id
    and mrt.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
    and mda.plan_id = mdd.plan_id
    and mda.delivery_detail_id = mdd.delivery_detail_id
    and mdd.split_from_delivery_detail_id is null
    and mrt.release_id = p_release_id
    and hzr.relationship_type (+) = 'POS_VENDOR_PARTY'
    and hzr.object_table_name (+) = 'PO_VENDORS'
    and hzr.object_type (+) = 'POS_VENDOR'
    and hzr.subject_table_name (+) = 'HZ_PARTIES'
    and hzr.subject_type (+) = 'ORGANIZATION'
    and hzr.status (+) = 'A'
    and hzr.subject_id (+) = mdd.supplier_id
Line: 2013

    insert into wsh_del_assgn_interface
    ( del_assgn_interface_id
    , delivery_assignment_id
    , delivery_interface_id
    , delivery_id
    , delivery_detail_interface_id
    , delivery_detail_id
    , interface_action_code
    , creation_date
    , created_by
    , last_update_date
    , last_updated_by
    , last_update_login
    select wsh_del_assgn_interface_s.nextval
    , null -- mrt.sr_delivery_assignment_id commented as not need in TE (william)
    , mrt.delivery_id_iface
    , mrt.sr_delivery_id
    , mrt.delivery_detail_id_iface
    , mrt.sr_delivery_detail_id
    , g_tp_release_code
    , l_date
    , l_user
    , l_date
    , l_user
    , l_user
    from mst_release_temp_gt mrt
    where mrt.release_id = p_release_id
    and mrt.delivery_detail_id_iface is not null
Line: 2045

    insert into wsh_del_details_interface
    ( delivery_detail_interface_id
    , delivery_detail_id
    , source_code
    , customer_id
    , inventory_item_id
    , ship_from_location_id
    , ship_to_location_id
    , requested_quantity
    , gross_weight
    , net_weight
    , weight_uom_code
    , volume
    , volume_uom_code
    , source_header_number
    , ship_set_id
    , arrival_set_id
    , organization_id
    , org_id
    , source_line_id
    , container_flag
    , source_line_number
    , split_from_delivery_detail_id
    , earliest_pickup_date
    , latest_pickup_date
    , earliest_dropoff_date
    , latest_dropoff_date
    , tp_delivery_detail_id
    , line_direction
    , po_shipment_line_number
    , requested_quantity_uom
    , source_header_id
    , source_line_set_id
    , src_requested_quantity
    , src_requested_quantity_uom
    , requested_quantity2
    , requested_quantity_uom2
    , src_requested_quantity2
    , src_requested_quantity_uom2
    , interface_action_code
    , creation_date
    , created_by
    , last_update_date
    , last_updated_by
    , last_update_login
    select mrt.delivery_detail_id_iface --wsh_del_details_interface_s.nextval
    , mrt.sr_delivery_detail_id
    , mrt.source_code
    , mrt.customer_id
    , mrt.inventory_item_id
    , mrt.ship_from_location_id
    , mrt.ship_to_location_id
    , mrt.requested_quantity
    , mrt.gross_weight
    , mrt.net_weight
    , mrt.weight_uom
    , mrt.volume
    , mrt.volume_uom
    , mrt.source_header_number
    , mrt.ship_set_id
    , mrt.arrival_set_id
    , mrt.organization_id
    , mrt.org_id
    , nvl(wdd.source_line_id,FND_API.G_MISS_NUM)
    , decode(mrt.container_flag,1,'Y','N')
    , mrt.source_line_number
    , mrt.split_from_delivery_detail_id
    , mrt.earliest_pickup_date
    , mrt.latest_pickup_date
    , mrt.earliest_acceptable_date
    , mrt.latest_acceptable_date
    , mrt.delivery_detail_id
    , decode(mrt.line_direction,1,'I',2,'O',3,'D',4,'IO','O')
    , mrt.po_shipment_line_number
    , wdd.requested_quantity_uom
    , wdd.source_header_id
    , wdd.source_line_set_id
    , mrt.src_requested_quantity
    , mrt.src_requested_quantity_uom
    , wdd.requested_quantity2
    , wdd.requested_quantity_uom2
    , wdd.src_requested_quantity2
    , wdd.src_requested_quantity_uom2
    , g_tp_release_code
    , l_date
    , l_user
    , l_date
    , l_user
    , l_user
    from mst_release_temp_gt mrt
    , wsh_delivery_details wdd
    where mrt.release_id = p_release_id
    and mrt.sr_delivery_detail_id = wdd.delivery_detail_id (+)
    and mrt.delivery_detail_id is not null
Line: 2143

    update_ids_in_wdd_iface_tab (p_release_id);
Line: 2144

    update_loc_id_in_iface_tab (p_release_id);
Line: 2155

  procedure update_mst_cm_trips (x_return_status out nocopy varchar2
                               , p_group_id      in         pls_integer
                               , p_plan_id       in         number
                               , p_release_id    in         pls_integer
                               , p_release_mode  in         number
                               , p_date          in         date
                               , p_error_found   in         number) is

    --cursor to retrieve the continuous moves in a group to update TP tables
    cursor cur_continuous_moves (l_release_id in pls_integer, l_group_id in pls_integer)
    select continuous_move_id, planned_flag
    from mst_release_temp_gt
    where release_id = l_release_id
    and group_id = l_group_id
    and continuous_move_id is not null;
Line: 2179

    print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'update_mst_cm_trips for group '||p_group_id||' : Program started');
Line: 2188

        update mst_cm_trips
        set planned_flag = l_planned_flag_tab(i)
        , release_status = l_planned_flag_tab(i)
        , release_date = l_date -- sysdate since successful
        , auto_release_flag = l_release_mode
        , selected_for_release = null
        where plan_id = l_plan_id
        and continuous_move_id = l_continuous_move_id_tab(i);
Line: 2199

        update mst_cm_trips
        set release_status = 3 -- failed
        , release_date = l_date -- datetime at start of process since unsuccessful
        , auto_release_flag = l_release_mode
        , selected_for_release = null
        where plan_id = l_plan_id
        and continuous_move_id = l_continuous_move_id_tab(i);
Line: 2211

    print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'update_mst_cm_trips for group '||p_group_id||' : Program ended');
Line: 2215

      print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'update_mst_cm_trips : Unexpected error ' || to_char(sqlcode) || ':' || SQLERRM);
Line: 2217

  end update_mst_cm_trips;
Line: 2227

    select count(1)
    from mst_release_temp_gt
    where release_id = l_release_id
    and group_id = l_group_id
    and trip_id is not null
    and mode_of_transport = l_mode_of_transport;
Line: 2237

    select count(1)
    from mst_release_temp_gt mrt_gt
    where mrt_gt.release_id = l_release_id
    and mrt_gt.group_id = l_group_id
    and mrt_gt.plan_id = l_plan_id
    and mrt_gt.trip_id is not null
    and mrt_gt.cm_id_of_trip is not null
    and mrt_gt.trip_id not in (select mdl.trip_id
                               from mst_delivery_legs mdl
                               where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id);
Line: 2267

  procedure update_mst_trips (x_return_status out nocopy varchar2
                            , p_group_id      in         pls_integer
                            , p_plan_id       in         number
                            , p_release_id    in         pls_integer
                            , p_release_mode  in         number
                            , p_date          in         date
                            , p_error_found   in         number) is

    --cursor to retrieve the trips in a group to update TP tables
    cursor cur_trips (l_release_id in pls_integer, l_group_id in pls_integer)
    select trip_id, planned_flag
    from mst_release_temp_gt
    where release_id = l_release_id
    and group_id = l_group_id
    and trip_id is not null;
Line: 2291

    print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'update_mst_trips for group '||p_group_id||' : Program started');
Line: 2300

        update mst_trips
        set planned_flag = l_planned_flag_tab(i)
        , release_status = l_planned_flag_tab(i)
        , release_date = l_date
        , auto_release_flag = l_release_mode
        , selected_for_release = null
        where plan_id = l_plan_id
        and trip_id = l_trip_id_tab(i);
Line: 2317

        update mst_trips
        set release_status = 4
        , release_date = l_date -- datetime at start process, it is coming as parameter to this procedure
        , auto_release_flag = l_release_mode
        , selected_for_release = null
        where plan_id = l_plan_id
        and trip_id = l_trip_id_tab(i) ;
Line: 2334

    print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'update_mst_trips for group '||p_group_id||' : Program ended');
Line: 2338

      print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'update_mst_trips : Unexpected error ' || to_char(sqlcode) || ':' || SQLERRM);
Line: 2340

  end update_mst_trips;
Line: 2342

  procedure update_mst_deliveries (x_return_status out nocopy varchar2
                                 , p_group_id      in         pls_integer
                                 , p_plan_id       in         number
                                 , p_release_id    in         pls_integer
                                 , p_error_found   in         pls_integer) is

    --cursor to retrieve the deliveries in a group to update TP tables
    cursor cur_deliveries (l_release_id in pls_integer, l_group_id in pls_integer)
    select delivery_id, planned_flag
    from mst_release_temp_gt
    where release_id = l_release_id
    and group_id = l_group_id
    and delivery_id is not null;
Line: 2363

    print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'update_mst_deliveries for group '||p_group_id||' : Program started');
Line: 2371

        update mst_deliveries  -- remember l_error_found = 0 => successful and l_error_found = 1 => unsuccessful
        set planned_flag = decode(l_planned_flag_tab(i),1,1,2)
        , preserve_grouping_flag = decode(l_planned_flag_tab(i),1,null,2,1,2)
        , known_te_firm_status = l_planned_flag_tab(i)
        where plan_id = l_plan_id
        and delivery_id = l_delivery_id_tab(i);
Line: 2381

    print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'update_mst_deliveries for group '||p_group_id||' : Program ended');
Line: 2385

      print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'update_mst_deliveries : Unexpected error ' || to_char(sqlcode) || ':' || SQLERRM);
Line: 2387

  end update_mst_deliveries;
Line: 2389

  procedure update_sr_ids_in_mt (x_return_status out nocopy varchar2
                               , p_group_id      in         pls_integer
                               , p_plan_id       in         number
                               , p_release_id    in         pls_integer
                               , p_error_found   in         pls_integer) is

    --cursor to retrieve the trips in a group to update mst_trips
    cursor cur_trips (l_release_id in pls_integer, l_group_id in pls_integer)
    select mrt.trip_id, wti.trip_id
    from mst_release_temp_gt mrt
    , wsh_trips_interface wti
    where mrt.release_id = l_release_id
    and mrt.group_id = l_group_id
    and mrt.trip_id is not null
    and mrt.trip_id_iface = wti.trip_interface_id;
Line: 2412

    print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'update_sr_ids_in_mt for group '||p_group_id||' : Program started');
Line: 2420

        update mst_trips
        set sr_trip_id = l_sr_trip_id_tab(i)
        where plan_id = l_plan_id
        and trip_id = l_trip_id_tab(i);
Line: 2428

    print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'update_sr_ids_in_mt for group '||p_group_id||' : Program ended');
Line: 2432

      print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'update_sr_ids_in_mt : Unexpected error ' || to_char(sqlcode) || ':' || SQLERRM);
Line: 2434

  end update_sr_ids_in_mt;
Line: 2436

  procedure update_sr_ids_in_md (x_return_status out nocopy varchar2
                               , p_group_id      in         pls_integer
                               , p_plan_id       in         number
                               , p_release_id    in         pls_integer
                               , p_error_found   in         pls_integer) is

    --cursor to retrieve the trips in a group to update mst_trips
    cursor cur_deliveries (l_release_id in pls_integer, l_group_id in pls_integer)
    select mrt.delivery_id, wndi.delivery_id
    from mst_release_temp_gt mrt
    , wsh_new_del_interface wndi
    where mrt.release_id = l_release_id
    and mrt.group_id = l_group_id
    and mrt.delivery_id is not null
    and mrt.delivery_id_iface = wndi.delivery_interface_id;
Line: 2459

    print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'update_sr_ids_in_md for group '||p_group_id||' : Program started');
Line: 2467

        update mst_deliveries
        set sr_delivery_id = l_sr_delivery_id_tab(i)
        where plan_id = l_plan_id
        and delivery_id = l_delivery_id_tab(i);
Line: 2475

    print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'update_sr_ids_in_md for group '||p_group_id||' : Program ended');
Line: 2479

      print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'update_sr_ids_in_md : Unexpected error ' || to_char(sqlcode) || ':' || SQLERRM);
Line: 2481

  end update_sr_ids_in_md;
Line: 2483

  procedure update_sr_ids_in_mdd (x_return_status out nocopy varchar2
                                , p_group_id      in         pls_integer
                                , p_plan_id       in         number
                                , p_release_id    in         pls_integer
                                , p_error_found   in         pls_integer) is

    --cursor to retrieve the trips in a group to update mst_trips
    cursor cur_delivery_details (l_release_id in pls_integer, l_group_id in pls_integer)
    select mrt.delivery_detail_id, wddi.delivery_detail_id
    from mst_release_temp_gt mrt
    , wsh_del_details_interface wddi
    where mrt.release_id = l_release_id
    and mrt.group_id = l_group_id
    and mrt.delivery_detail_id is not null
    and mrt.delivery_detail_id_iface = wddi.delivery_detail_interface_id;
Line: 2506

    print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'update_sr_ids_in_mdd for group '||p_group_id||' : Program started');
Line: 2514

        update mst_delivery_details
        set sr_delivery_detail_id = l_sr_delivery_detail_id_tab(i)
        where plan_id = l_plan_id
        and delivery_detail_id = l_delivery_detail_id_tab(i);
Line: 2522

    print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'update_sr_ids_in_mdd for group '||p_group_id||' : Program ended');
Line: 2526

      print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'update_sr_ids_in_mdd : Unexpected error ' || to_char(sqlcode) || ':' || SQLERRM);
Line: 2528

  end update_sr_ids_in_mdd;
Line: 2530

  procedure update_tp_tables (x_return_status      out nocopy varchar2
                            , p_group_tab          in         wsh_tp_release_grp.id_tab_type
                            , p_plan_id            in         number
                            , p_release_id         in         pls_integer
                            , p_release_mode       in         number
                            , p_release_start_date in         date) is

    --cursor to check whether a group_id has failed or successful
    cursor cur_check_error (l_group_id in pls_integer)
    select 1
    from wsh_interface_errors wie
    where wie.interface_error_group_id = l_group_id
    and wie.interface_action_code = wsh_tp_release_grp.G_TP_RELEASE_CODE;
Line: 2548

    select error_message
    from wsh_interface_errors wie
    where wie.interface_error_group_id = l_group_id
    and wie.interface_action_code = wsh_tp_release_grp.G_TP_RELEASE_CODE
    order by wie.interface_error_id;
Line: 2565

    print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'update_tp_tables : Program started');
Line: 2574

          select sysdate
          into l_date
          from dual;
Line: 2585

        update_mst_cm_trips (l_return_status, p_group_tab(i), p_plan_id, p_release_id, p_release_mode, l_date, l_error_found);
Line: 2589

          update_mst_trips (l_return_status, p_group_tab(i), p_plan_id, p_release_id, p_release_mode, l_date, l_error_found);
Line: 2594

              update_mst_deliveries (l_return_status, p_group_tab(i), p_plan_id, p_release_id, l_error_found);
Line: 2598

                update_sr_ids_in_mt (l_return_status, p_group_tab(i), p_plan_id, p_release_id, l_error_found);
Line: 2602

                  update_sr_ids_in_md (l_return_status, p_group_tab(i), p_plan_id, p_release_id, l_error_found);
Line: 2606

                    update_sr_ids_in_mdd (l_return_status, p_group_tab(i), p_plan_id, p_release_id, l_error_found);
Line: 2645

    print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'update_tp_tables : Program ended');
Line: 2651

      print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'update_tp_tables : Unexpected error ' || to_char(sqlcode) || ':' || SQLERRM);
Line: 2653

  end update_tp_tables;
Line: 2659

    insert into mst_release_temp_gt
    ( release_id
    , group_id
    , plan_id
    , trip_id
    , trip_number
    , planned_flag
    , release_status
    , trip_start_date
    , cm_id_of_trip
    , continuous_move_id
    , delivery_id
    , out_of_scope
    , trip_process_flag
    , selected_trips
    , trip_id_iface
    , continuous_move_id_iface
    , delivery_id_iface
    , stop_id_iface
    , continuous_move_sequence
    , sr_cm_trip_id
    , sr_trip_id
    , stop_id
    , sr_delivery_id
    , delivery_detail_id_iface
    , delivery_detail_id
    , sr_delivery_detail_id
    , sr_delivery_assignment_id
    , sr_stop_id, status_code
    , pickup_date
    , dropoff_date
    , pickup_location_id
    , dropoff_location_id
    , customer_id
    , gross_weight
    , net_weight
    , weight_uom
    , volume
    , volume_uom
    , currency_uom
    , organization_id
    , delivery_number
    , compile_designator
    , earliest_pickup_date
    , latest_pickup_date
    , earliest_acceptable_date
    , latest_acceptable_date
    , inventory_item_id
    , carrier_id
    , ship_method_code
    , mode_of_transport
    , load_tender_status
    , lane_id, service_level
    , cm_trip_number
    , stop_location_id
    , stop_sequence_number
    , planned_arrival_date
    , planned_departure_date
    , departure_gross_weight
    , departure_net_weight
    , departure_volume
    , departure_fill_percent
    , wkend_layover_stops
    , wkday_layover_stops
    , distance_to_next_stop
    , pln_loading_start_time
    , pln_loading_end_time
    , pln_unloading_start_time
    , pln_unloading_end_time
    , source_code
    , ship_from_location_id
    , ship_to_location_id
    , requested_quantity
    , source_header_number
    , ship_set_id
    , arrival_set_id
    , org_id
    , container_flag
    , source_line_number
    , split_from_delivery_detail_id
    , line_direction
    , po_shipment_number
    , po_shipment_line_number
    , src_requested_quantity_uom
    , src_requested_quantity
    , shipment_direction
    , supplier_id
    , party_id
    select release_id
    , group_id
    , plan_id
    , trip_id
    , trip_number
    , planned_flag
    , release_status
    , trip_start_date
    , cm_id_of_trip
    , continuous_move_id
    , delivery_id
    , out_of_scope
    , trip_process_flag
    , selected_trips
    , trip_id_iface
    , continuous_move_id_iface
    , delivery_id_iface
    , stop_id_iface
    , continuous_move_sequence
    , sr_cm_trip_id
    , sr_trip_id
    , stop_id
    , sr_delivery_id
    , delivery_detail_id_iface
    , delivery_detail_id
    , sr_delivery_detail_id
    , sr_delivery_assignment_id
    , sr_stop_id, status_code
    , pickup_date
    , dropoff_date
    , pickup_location_id
    , dropoff_location_id
    , customer_id
    , gross_weight
    , net_weight
    , weight_uom
    , volume
    , volume_uom
    , currency_uom
    , organization_id
    , delivery_number
    , compile_designator
    , earliest_pickup_date
    , latest_pickup_date
    , earliest_acceptable_date
    , latest_acceptable_date
    , inventory_item_id
    , carrier_id
    , ship_method_code
    , mode_of_transport
    , load_tender_status
    , lane_id, service_level
    , cm_trip_number
    , stop_location_id
    , stop_sequence_number
    , planned_arrival_date
    , planned_departure_date
    , departure_gross_weight
    , departure_net_weight
    , departure_volume
    , departure_fill_percent
    , wkend_layover_stops
    , wkday_layover_stops
    , distance_to_next_stop
    , pln_loading_start_time
    , pln_loading_end_time
    , pln_unloading_start_time
    , pln_unloading_end_time
    , source_code
    , ship_from_location_id
    , ship_to_location_id
    , requested_quantity
    , source_header_number
    , ship_set_id
    , arrival_set_id
    , org_id
    , container_flag
    , source_line_number
    , split_from_delivery_detail_id
    , line_direction
    , po_shipment_number
    , po_shipment_line_number
    , src_requested_quantity_uom
    , src_requested_quantity
    , shipment_direction
    , supplier_id
    , party_id
    from mst_release_temp
    where release_id = p_release_id
Line: 2856

    select count(distinct mrt_gt.group_id)
    from mst_release_temp_gt mrt_gt
    where mrt_gt.release_id = l_release_id
    and mrt_gt.plan_id = l_plan_id
    and mrt_gt.trip_id is not null
    and mrt_gt.planned_flag in (-1111,-2222,-3333,-4444,-5555);
Line: 2866

    select count(1)
    from mst_release_temp_gt mrt_gt
    where mrt_gt.release_id = l_release_id
    and mrt_gt.plan_id = l_plan_id
    and mrt_gt.trip_id is not null
    and mrt_gt.planned_flag in (-1111,-2222,-3333,-4444,-5555)
    and mrt_gt.mode_of_transport = l_mode_of_transport;
Line: 2877

    select count(1)
    from mst_release_temp_gt mrt_gt
    where mrt_gt.release_id = l_release_id
    and mrt_gt.trip_id is not null
    and mrt_gt.planned_flag in (-1111,-2222,-3333,-4444,-5555)
    and mrt_gt.cm_id_of_trip is not null
    and mrt_gt.trip_id not in (select mdl.trip_id
                               from mst_delivery_legs mdl
                               where plan_id = l_plan_id);
Line: 2890

    select count(1)
    from mst_release_temp_gt mrt_gt
    where mrt_gt.release_id = l_release_id
    and mrt_gt.trip_id is not null
    and mrt_gt.planned_flag in (-1111,-2222,-3333,-4444,-5555)
    and mrt_gt.cm_id_of_trip is null
    and mrt_gt.trip_id not in (select mdl.trip_id
                               from mst_delivery_legs mdl
                               where plan_id = l_plan_id);
Line: 2903

    select mrt_gt.planned_flag, count(*)
    from mst_release_temp_gt mrt_gt
    where mrt_gt.release_id = l_release_id
    and mrt_gt.trip_id is not null
    and mrt_gt.planned_flag in (-1111,-2222,-3333,-4444,-5555)
    group by mrt_gt.planned_flag;
Line: 2965

    delete from mst_release_temp_gt mrt_gt
    where mrt_gt.release_id = p_release_id
    and mrt_gt.plan_id = p_plan_id
    and mrt_gt.planned_flag in (-1111,-2222,-3333,-4444,-5555);
Line: 2985

    select 1
    from mst_release_temp_gt
    where release_id = l_release_id;
Line: 3012

      select sysdate
      into l_release_start_date
      from dual;
Line: 3050

                        if g_update_tp_tables = 1 then
                          print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'g_update_tp_tables : ' ||g_update_tp_tables);
Line: 3052

                          update_tp_tables (l_return_status, l_group_tab, p_plan_id, p_release_id, p_release_mode, l_release_start_date);
Line: 3080

        delete from mst_release_temp
        where release_id = p_release_id;
Line: 3084

        insert into mst_release_temp
        ( release_id
        , group_id
        , plan_id
        , trip_id
        , trip_number
        , planned_flag
        , release_status
        , trip_start_date
        , cm_id_of_trip
        , continuous_move_id
        , delivery_id
        , out_of_scope
        , trip_process_flag
        , selected_trips
        , trip_id_iface
        , continuous_move_id_iface
        , delivery_id_iface
        , stop_id_iface
        , continuous_move_sequence
        , sr_cm_trip_id
        , sr_trip_id
        , stop_id
        , sr_delivery_id
        , delivery_detail_id_iface
        , delivery_detail_id
        , sr_delivery_detail_id
        , sr_delivery_assignment_id
        , sr_stop_id, status_code
        , pickup_date
        , dropoff_date
        , pickup_location_id
        , dropoff_location_id
        , customer_id
        , gross_weight
        , net_weight
        , weight_uom
        , volume
        , volume_uom
        , currency_uom
        , organization_id
        , delivery_number
        , compile_designator
        , earliest_pickup_date
        , latest_pickup_date
        , earliest_acceptable_date
        , latest_acceptable_date
        , inventory_item_id
        , carrier_id
        , ship_method_code
        , mode_of_transport
        , load_tender_status
        , lane_id, service_level
        , cm_trip_number
        , stop_location_id
        , stop_sequence_number
        , planned_arrival_date
        , planned_departure_date
        , departure_gross_weight
        , departure_net_weight
        , departure_volume
        , departure_fill_percent
        , wkend_layover_stops
        , wkday_layover_stops
        , distance_to_next_stop
        , pln_loading_start_time
        , pln_loading_end_time
        , pln_unloading_start_time
        , pln_unloading_end_time
        , source_code
        , ship_from_location_id
        , ship_to_location_id
        , requested_quantity
        , source_header_number
        , ship_set_id
        , arrival_set_id
        , org_id
        , container_flag
        , source_line_number
        , split_from_delivery_detail_id
        , line_direction
        , po_shipment_number
        , po_shipment_line_number
        , src_requested_quantity_uom
        , src_requested_quantity
        , shipment_direction
        , supplier_id
        , party_id
        select release_id
        , group_id
        , plan_id
        , trip_id
        , trip_number
        , planned_flag
        , release_status
        , trip_start_date
        , cm_id_of_trip
        , continuous_move_id
        , delivery_id
        , out_of_scope
        , trip_process_flag
        , selected_trips
        , trip_id_iface
        , continuous_move_id_iface
        , delivery_id_iface
        , stop_id_iface
        , continuous_move_sequence
        , sr_cm_trip_id
        , sr_trip_id
        , stop_id
        , sr_delivery_id
        , delivery_detail_id_iface
        , delivery_detail_id
        , sr_delivery_detail_id
        , sr_delivery_assignment_id
        , sr_stop_id, status_code
        , pickup_date
        , dropoff_date
        , pickup_location_id
        , dropoff_location_id
        , customer_id
        , gross_weight
        , net_weight
        , weight_uom
        , volume
        , volume_uom
        , currency_uom
        , organization_id
        , delivery_number
        , compile_designator
        , earliest_pickup_date
        , latest_pickup_date
        , earliest_acceptable_date
        , latest_acceptable_date
        , inventory_item_id
        , carrier_id
        , ship_method_code
        , mode_of_transport
        , load_tender_status
        , lane_id, service_level
        , cm_trip_number
        , stop_location_id
        , stop_sequence_number
        , planned_arrival_date
        , planned_departure_date
        , departure_gross_weight
        , departure_net_weight
        , departure_volume
        , departure_fill_percent
        , wkend_layover_stops
        , wkday_layover_stops
        , distance_to_next_stop
        , pln_loading_start_time
        , pln_loading_end_time
        , pln_unloading_start_time
        , pln_unloading_end_time
        , source_code
        , ship_from_location_id
        , ship_to_location_id
        , requested_quantity
        , source_header_number
        , ship_set_id
        , arrival_set_id
        , org_id
        , container_flag
        , source_line_number
        , split_from_delivery_detail_id
        , line_direction
        , po_shipment_number
        , po_shipment_line_number
        , src_requested_quantity_uom
        , src_requested_quantity
        , shipment_direction
        , supplier_id
        , party_id
        from mst_release_temp_gt
        where release_id = p_release_id
Line: 3294

      delete from mst_release_temp
      where release_id = p_release_id;
Line: 3327

  procedure insert_plan_trips_ruleset(x_return_status out nocopy varchar2, p_plan_id in number, p_release_id in pls_integer) is

    AREL_CARRIER_CODE  	     constant number := 1;
Line: 3351

    select marrs.rule_set_id
    , marrs.auto_release_restriction
    , mrra.rule_id
    from mst_plans mp
    , mst_auto_rel_rule_sets marrs
    , mst_rel_rule_associations mrra
    where mp.plan_id = l_plan_id
    and mp.auto_rel_rule_set_id = marrs.rule_set_id
    and marrs.rule_set_id = mrra.rule_set_id;
Line: 3363

    select mrrc.attribute_code
    , mrrc.condition
    , mrrc.from_number_value
    , mrrc.to_number_value
    , mrrc.from_char_value
    , mrrc.to_char_value
    , mrrc.from_date_value
    , mrrc.to_date_value
    from mst_rel_rule_conditions mrrc
    where mrrc.rule_id = l_rule_id;
Line: 3377

    print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'insert_plan_trips_ruleset : Program started');
Line: 3402

          l_where_clause := l_where_clause || ' and ' || ' exists (select 1 from mst_deliveries md, mst_delivery_legs mdl';
Line: 3408

          l_where_clause := l_where_clause || ' and ' || ' exists (select 1 from mst_deliveries md, mst_delivery_legs mdl';
Line: 3463

      'insert into mst_release_temp_gt
      , group_id
      , plan_id
      , trip_id
      , sr_trip_id
      , trip_number
      , planned_flag
      , release_status
      , trip_start_date
      , cm_id_of_trip
      , continuous_move_sequence
      , out_of_scope
      , trip_process_flag
      , selected_trips
      , trip_id_iface
      , status_code
      , inventory_item_id
      , organization_id
      , carrier_id
      , ship_method_code
      , compile_designator
      , mode_of_transport
      , load_tender_status
      , lane_id
      , service_level
      select '||p_release_id||'
      , null
      , mt.plan_id
      , mt.trip_id
      , mt.sr_trip_id
      , mt.trip_number
      , decode(nvl('||l_auto_release_restriction||',3),1,1,2,decode(mt.planned_flag,3,2,mt.planned_flag),mt.planned_flag)
      , mt.release_status
      , mt.trip_start_date
      , mt.continuous_move_id
      , mt.continuous_move_sequence
      , mt.out_of_scope
      , null
      , 1
      , wsh_trips_interface_s.nextval
      , mt.status_code
      , fvt.inventory_item_id
      , fvt.organization_id
      , mt.carrier_id
      , mt.ship_method_code
      , mp.compile_designator
      , mt.mode_of_transport
      , mt.load_tender_status
      , mt.lane_id
      , mt.service_level
      from mst_plans mp
      , mst_trips mt
      , fte_vehicle_types fvt
      where mt.plan_id = '||p_plan_id||'
      and mt.plan_id = mp.plan_id
      and mt.vehicle_type_id = fvt.vehicle_type_id (+) and ( '||l_where_clause||' ))';
Line: 3527

    print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'insert_plan_trips_ruleset : Program ended');
Line: 3531

      print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'insert_plan_trips_ruleset : ' || to_char(sqlcode) || ':' || SQLERRM);
Line: 3533

  end insert_plan_trips_ruleset;
Line: 3535

  procedure insert_plan_trips (x_return_status out nocopy varchar2, p_plan_id in number, p_release_id in number) is
    print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'insert_plan_trips : Program started');
Line: 3538

    insert into mst_release_temp_gt
    , group_id
    , plan_id
    , trip_id
    , sr_trip_id
    , trip_number
    , planned_flag
    , release_status
    , trip_start_date
    , cm_id_of_trip
    , continuous_move_sequence
    , out_of_scope
    , trip_process_flag
    , selected_trips
    , trip_id_iface
    , status_code
    , inventory_item_id
    , organization_id
    , carrier_id
    , ship_method_code
    , compile_designator
    , mode_of_transport
    , load_tender_status
    , lane_id
    , service_level
      select p_release_id
    , null
    , mt.plan_id
    , mt.trip_id
    , mt.sr_trip_id
    , mt.trip_number
    , mt.planned_flag
    , mt.release_status
    , mt.trip_start_date
    , mt.continuous_move_id
    , mt.continuous_move_sequence
    , mt.out_of_scope
    , null
    , 1
    , wsh_trips_interface_s.nextval
    , mt.status_code
    , fvt.inventory_item_id
    , fvt.organization_id
    , mt.carrier_id
    , mt.ship_method_code
    , mp.compile_designator
    , mt.mode_of_transport
    , mt.load_tender_status
    , mt.lane_id
    , mt.service_level
    from mst_plans mp
    , mst_trips mt
    , fte_vehicle_types fvt
    where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
    and mt.plan_id = mp.plan_id
    and mt.vehicle_type_id = fvt.vehicle_type_id (+)
Line: 3601

    print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'insert_plan_trips : Program ended');
Line: 3605

      print_info(g_log_flow_of_control,'insert_plan_trips : ' || to_char(sqlcode) || ':' || SQLERRM);
Line: 3607

  end insert_plan_trips;
Line: 3628

Line: 3633

Line: 3645

    else -- delete from table
      for i in 1..g_delete_record_count_loop loop
        delete from mst_release_temp
        where rownum < g_delete_record_count;
Line: 3660

    for i in 1..g_delete_record_count_loop loop
      delete from wsh_trips_interface
      where interface_action_code = g_tp_release_code
      and rownum < g_delete_record_count;
Line: 3674

    for i in 1..g_delete_record_count_loop loop
      delete from fte_moves_interface
      where interface_action_code = g_tp_release_code
      and rownum < g_delete_record_count;
Line: 3688

    for i in 1..g_delete_record_count_loop loop
      delete from fte_trip_moves_interface
      where interface_action_code = g_tp_release_code
      and rownum < g_delete_record_count;
Line: 3702

    for i in 1..g_delete_record_count_loop loop
      delete from wsh_trip_stops_interface
      where interface_action_code = g_tp_release_code
      and rownum < g_delete_record_count;
Line: 3706

      print_info(g_log_must_message,'Attempted to delete '||sql%rowcount||' records from wsh_trip_stops_interface.');
Line: 3716

    for i in 1..g_delete_record_count_loop loop
      delete from wsh_new_del_interface
      where interface_action_code = g_tp_release_code
      and rownum < g_delete_record_count;
Line: 3720

      print_info(g_log_must_message,'Attempted to delete '||sql%rowcount||' records from wsh_new_del_interface.');
Line: 3730

    for i in 1..g_delete_record_count_loop loop
      delete from wsh_del_legs_interface
      where interface_action_code = g_tp_release_code
      and rownum < g_delete_record_count;
Line: 3744

    for i in 1..g_delete_record_count_loop loop
      delete from wsh_del_assgn_interface
      where interface_action_code = g_tp_release_code
      and rownum < g_delete_record_count;
Line: 3758

    for i in 1..g_delete_record_count_loop loop
      delete from wsh_del_details_interface
      where interface_action_code = g_tp_release_code
      and rownum < g_delete_record_count;
Line: 3772

    for i in 1..g_delete_record_count_loop loop
      delete from wsh_interface_errors
      where interface_action_code = g_tp_release_code
      and rownum < g_delete_record_count;
Line: 3798

    select auto_release
    from mst_plans
    where plan_id = l_plan_id;
Line: 3820

      insert_plan_trips_ruleset(l_return_status, p_plan_id, p_release_id);
Line: 3827

      insert_plan_trips (l_return_status, p_plan_id, p_release_id);
Line: 3836

        insert_plan_trips (l_return_status, p_plan_id, p_release_id);
Line: 3843

        insert_plan_trips_ruleset(l_return_status, p_plan_id, p_release_id);
Line: 3857

          insert_plan_trips (l_return_status, p_plan_id, p_release_id);
Line: 3864

          insert_plan_trips_ruleset(l_return_status, p_plan_id, p_release_id);