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2 /* $Header: FIICACUS.pls 120.7 2005/10/30 05:07:47 appldev noship $ */
3 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------
4 -- Name: get_global_rate_primary
5 -- Parameters: From_Currency
6 --                    Exchange_Date
7 -- Desc: Given the from currency and exchange date, this API will
8 --           call the GL_CURRENCY_API.get_closest_rate_sql API to get
9 --           the currency conversion rate to the primary Global
10 --           Currency.
11 -- Output: Conversion rate, data type: NUMBER
12 --             Returns -1 if no rate exists
13 --             Returns -2 if the From Currency is an invalid currency
14 -- Error: If any sql errors occurs, an exception is raised.
15 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------
16 Function get_global_rate_primary(
17       p_from_currency_code  VARCHAR2,
18       p_exchange_date           DATE)
21 --PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES(get_global_rate_primary, WNDS,WNPS,RNPS);
23 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------
24 -- Name: get_global_rate_secondary
25 -- Parameters: From_Currency
26 --                    Exchange_Date
27 -- Desc: Given the from currency and exchange date, this API will
28 --           call the GL_CURRENCY_API.get_closest_rate_sql API to get
29 --           the currency conversion rate to the secondary Global
30 --           Currency.
31 -- Output: Conversion rate, data type: NUMBER
32 --             Returns -1 if no rate exists
33 --             Returns -2 if the From Currency is an invalid currency
34 -- Error: If any sql errors occurs, an exception is raised.
35 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------
36 Function get_global_rate_secondary(
37       p_from_currency_code  VARCHAR2,
38       p_exchange_date           DATE)
41 --PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES(get_global_rate_secondary, WNDS,WNPS,RNPS);
43 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------
44 -- Name: convert_global_amt_primary
45 -- Parameters: From_Currency
46 --             Amount
47 --             Exchange_Date
48 -- Desc: Given the from currency, amount in from currency, and exchange
49 --       date, this API will call the
50 --       GL_CURRENCY_API.convert_global_amount_sql to convert the amount
52 --       into amount in primary Global Currency.
53 -- Output: Amount in primary Global currency, data type: NUMBER
54 --         Returns -1 if no rate exists
55 --         Returns -2 if the From Currency is an invalid currency
56 -- Error: If any sql errors occurs, an exception is raised.
57 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------
58 Function convert_global_amt_primary(
59       p_from_currency_code  VARCHAR2,
60       p_from_amount         NUMBER,
61       p_exchange_date       DATE)
64 --PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES(convert_global_amt_primary, WNDS,WNPS,RNPS);
66 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------
67 -- Name: convert_global_amt_secondary
68 -- Parameters: From_Currency
69 --                    Amount
70 --                    Exchange_Date
71 -- Desc: Given the from currency, amount in from currency, and exchange
72 --           date, this API will call the
73 --           GL_CURRENCY_API.convert_global_amount_sql to convert the
74 --           amount into amount in secondary Global Currency.
75 -- Output: Amount in secondary Global currency, data type: NUMBER
76 --             Returns -1 if no rate exists
77 --             Returns -2 if the From Currency is an invalid currency
78 -- Error: If any sql errors occurs, an exception is raised.
79 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------
80 Function convert_global_amt_secondary(
81       p_from_currency_code  VARCHAR2,
82       p_from_amount         NUMBER,
83       p_exchange_date       DATE)
86 --PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES(convert_global_amt_secondary, WNDS,WNPS,RNPS);
88 -- --------------------------------------------------------------
89 -- Name: get_mau_primary
90 -- Desc: This function returns minimum accountable unit of the
91 --       primary global warehouse currency. If a currency does not have
92 --       minimum accountable unit, function returns currency precision.
93 --       If there is no precision, function returns default value of 0.01;
94 --       Function result can never be 0.
95 --       This function should be used in combination with get_rate
96 --       function to convert transaction amounts to amounts in primary
97 --       global warehouse currency:
98 --                                  <trx amount> * get_rate()
99 --         <global amount> = round (-------------------------) * get_mau()
100 --                                          get_mau()
101 --
102 -- Input : none
103 -- Output: function returns NULL in case of any exceptions.
104 -- --------------------------------------------------------------
110 -- --------------------------------------------------------------
111 -- Name: get_mau_secondary
112 -- Desc: This function returns minimum accountable unit of the
113 --       secondary global warehouse currency. If a currency does not have
114 --       minimum accountable unit, function returns currency precision.
115 --       If there is no precision, function returns default value of 0.01;
116 --       Function result can never be 0.
117 --       This function should be used in combination with get_rate
118 --       function to convert transaction amounts to amounts in secondary
119 --       global warehouse currency:
120 --                                  <trx amount> * get_rate()
121 --         <global amount> = round (-------------------------) * get_mau()
122 --                                          get_mau()
123 --
124 -- Input : none
125 -- Output: function returns NULL in case of any exceptions.
126 -- --------------------------------------------------------------
132 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------
133 -- Name: get_rate
134 -- Parameters: From Currency
135 --             To Currency
136 --             Exchange Date
137 --             Exchange Rate Type
138 -- Desc: Given the from currency, to currency, exchange date and rate type,
139 --       this API will call the GL_CURRENCY_API.get_closest_rate_sql API to
140 --       get the currency conversion rate.
141 -- Output: Conversion rate, data type: NUMBER
142 --          Returns -1 if no rate exists
143 --          Returns -2 if the From Currency is an invalid currency
144 --          Returns -3 when one of the currency is EUR and the
145 --          exchange date is before Jan 1,1999 and no rate exists
146 --          on Jan 1,1999 between the two currencies.
147 --          Returns -4 for other exceptions.
148 -- Error: If any sql errors occurs, an exception is raised.
149 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------
150 Function get_rate(
151       p_from_currency_code VARCHAR2,
152       p_to_currency_code   VARCHAR2,
153       p_exchange_date      DATE,
154       p_exchange_rate_type VARCHAR2)
157  ----------------------------
158 -- Rate Conversion API
159 ----------------------------
161 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
162 -- Name : compare_currency_codes
163 -- Type : Function
164 -- Description : Returns 1 if the given currency codes are the same
165 --               else returns 0;
166 --               This function also takes care of fixed currency for Oracle IT.
167 --               If USD is treated as CD , then if one of the parameters is CD
168 --               and the other is USD then the function returns 1.
169 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
170 FUNCTION compare_currency_codes(
171                                 p_currency_code1 IN VARCHAR2,
174 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
175 -- Name : get_fc_to_pgc_rate
176 -- Type : Function
177 -- Description : Returns rate to convert amounts from functional currency
178 --               to primary global currency. If the transactional currency
179 --               is the same as primary global currency , functional amts
180 --               are not converted and transactional amounts are used.
181 -- Output : Returns 0 if transactional currency and the primary global
182 --          currency is the same.
183 --          Returns 1 if the functional currency is the same as primary
184 --          global currency
185 --          Returns the rate between the functional currency and the
186 --          primary global currency.
187 -- Exceptions : Returns -1 when no rate exists
188 --              Returns -2 when invalid currency
189 --              Returns -3 when one of the currency is EUR and the
190 --              exchange date is before Jan 1,1999 and no rate exists
191 --              from fc to pgc on Jan 1,1999
192 --              Return -4 for any other exception.
193 -- How the exceptions are handled :
194 --     Other exceptions are handled by get_fc_to_pgc_rate
195 --     No Rate and Invalid Currency are handled in gl_currency_api.get_closest_rate_sql
196 --     When one of the currency is EUR and exchange date is before Jan 1,1999
197 --     and no rate exists from fc to pgc on Jan 1,1999 ,-3 is returned from
198 --     FII_CURRENCY.get_rate.
199 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
200 Function  get_fc_to_pgc_rate(p_tc_code IN VARCHAR2,
201                             p_fc_code IN VARCHAR2,
202 			    p_exchange_date IN DATE) RETURN NUMBER PARALLEL_ENABLE;
205 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
206 -- Name : get_fc_to_sgc_rate
207 -- Type : Function
208 -- Description : Returns rate to convert amounts from functional currency
209 --               to secondary global currency. If the transactional currency
210 --               is the same as secondary global currency , functional amts
211 --               are not converted and transactional amounts are used.
212 -- Output : Returns 0 if transactional currency and the secondary global
213 --          currency is the same.
214 --          Returns 1 if the functional currency is the same as secondary
215 --          global currency or secondary currency is not defined.
216 --          Returns the rate between the functional currency and the
217 --          secondary global currency.
218 -- Exceptions : Returns -1 when no rate exists
219 --              Returns -2 when invalid currency
220 --              Returns -3 when one of the currency is EUR and the
221 --              exchange date is before Jan 1 ,1999 and no rate exists
222 --              from fc to pgc on Jan 1,1999
223 --              Return -4 for any other exception.
224 -- How the exceptions are handled :
225 --     Other exceptions are handled by get_fc_to_pgc_rate
226 --     No Rate and Invalid Currency are handled in gl_currency_api.get_closest_rate_sql
227 --     When one of the currency is EUR and exchange date is before Jan 1,1999
228 --     and no rate exists from fc to pgc on Jan 1,1999 ,-3 is returned from
229 --     FII_CURRENCY.get_rate.
230 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
231 Function  get_fc_to_sgc_rate(p_tc_code IN VARCHAR2,
232                             p_fc_code IN VARCHAR2,
233 			    p_exchange_date IN DATE) RETURN NUMBER PARALLEL_ENABLE;
235 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
236 -- Name : get_tc_to_pgc_rate
237 -- Type : Function
238 -- Description : This api is to be used for modules not storing functional currency.
239 --               Returns rate to convert amounts from transactional currency to
240 --               primary global currency.
241 -- Output :
242 --                o If transactional currency and primary global currency is the same
243 --                  then return 1. user-defined rate is ignored.
244 --                o If user defined rate is given and functional currency and primary
245 --                  global currency is the same then return the user defined rate
246 --                  else returns the product of the user defined rate and the retrieved
247 --                  rate between the functional currency and the primary global currency.
248 --                o In all other cases, it returns the product of rate between transactional
249 --                  currency and functional currency and rate between functional currency
250 --                  and primary global currency.
251 -- Exceptions : Returns -2 when either of transactional currency and functional currency
252 --              is invalid.
253 --              Returns -3 when transactional or functional currency is EUR and the exchange date
254 --               is before Jan 1 ,1999 and no rate exists on Jan 1,1999.
255 --              Returns -4 for any other exception
256 --              Returns -5 when no rate exists between transactional currency and functional
257 --              currency.
258 --              Returns -6 when no rate exists between functional currency and primary
259 --              global currency.
260 --              Returns -7 when functional or primary global currency is EUR and the
261 --              exchange date is before Jan 1 ,1999 and no rate exists on Jan 1,1999.
262 --              Returns -8 when treasury rate type is null and p_rate is null and exchange
263 --              rate type is null.
264 -- How the exceptions are handled :
265 --              Other exceptions are handled by get_tc_to_pgc_rate
266 --              Invalid Currency (-2) is handled in gl_currency_api.get_closest_rate_sql
267 --              When one of the currency is EUR and exchange date is before Jan 1,1999
268 --              and no rate exists on Jan 1,1999 then -3 is returned from FII_CURRENCY.get_rate
269 --              -5,-6,-7,-8 are handled in get_tc_pgc_rate
270 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
272 FUNCTION get_tc_to_pgc_rate(p_tc_code IN VARCHAR2,
273                             p_exchange_date1 IN DATE,
274 			    p_exchange_rate_type IN VARCHAR2,
275 			    p_fc_code IN VARCHAR2,
276 			    p_exchange_date2 IN DATE,
279 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
280 -- Name : get_tc_to_sgc_rate
281 -- Type : Function
285 -- Output :
282 -- Description : This api is to be used for modules not storing functional currency.
283 --               Returns rate to convert amounts from transactional currency to
284 --               secondary global currency.
286 --                o If transactional currency and secondary global currency is the same
287 --                  then return 1. user-defined rate is ignored.
288 --                o If global secondary currency is not defined it returns 1.
289 --                o If user defined rate is given and functional currency and secondary
290 --                  global currency is the same then return the user defined rate
291 --                  else returns the product of the user defined rate and the retrieved
292 --                  rate between the functional currency and the secondary global currency.
293 --                o In all other cases, it returns the product of rate between transactional
294 --                  currency and functional currency and rate between functional currency
295 --                  and secondary global currency.
296 -- Exceptions : Returns -2 when either of transactional currency and functional currency
297 --              is invalid.
298 --              Returns -3 when transactional or functional currency is EUR and the exchange date
299 --               is before Jan 1 ,1999 and no rate exists on Jan 1,1999.
300 --              Returns -4 for any other exception
301 --              Returns -5 when no rate exists between transactional currency and functional
302 --              currency.
303 --              Returns -6 when no rate exists between functional currency and secondary
304 --              global currency.
305 --              Returns -7 when functional or secondary global currency is EUR and the
306 --              exchange date is before Jan 1 ,1999 and no rate exists on Jan 1,1999.
307 --              Returns -8 when treasury rate type is null and p_rate is null and exchange
308 --              rate type is null.
309 -- How the exceptions are handled :
310 --              Other exceptions are handled by get_tc_to_pgc_rate
311 --              Invalid Currency (-2) is handled in gl_currency_api.get_closest_rate_sql
312 --              When one of the currency is EUR and exchange date is before Jan 1,1999
313 --              and no rate exists on Jan 1,1999 then -3 is returned from FII_CURRENCY.get_rate
314 --              -5,-6,-7,-8 are handled in get_tc_sgc_rate
315 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
316 FUNCTION get_tc_to_sgc_rate(p_tc_code IN VARCHAR2,
317                             p_exchange_date1 IN DATE,
318 			    p_exchange_rate_type IN VARCHAR2,
319 			    p_fc_code IN VARCHAR2,
320 			    p_exchange_date2 IN DATE,