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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 20

                                 assignments only selected once and
                                 character validation is enforced.
  06-AUG-2002  A.Mills    115.2  2473608. Added join to periods_of_service
                                 from per_all_assignments_f.
  07-AUG-2002  A.Mills    115.4  Enabled package for Aggregated PAYE.
  02-DEC-2002  G.Butler   115.7  nocopy qualifier added to range_cursor
  18-DEC-2003   asengar   115.8  BUG 3294480 Changed code for NI update
  08-SEP-2004  K.Thampan  115.9  Revert the change for bug 2545016
  13-JAN-2005  K.Thampan  115.10 Bug 4117609 - Amended the cursor so that
                                 it will return employee regardless the
                                 NI number.
  25-MAY-2005  K.Thampan  115.11 Bug 4392220 - Amended the cursor c_state in
                                 procedure wnu_cleanse_act_creation to return
                                 assignments that does't have a record on the
                                 per_assignment_extra_info table.  This is
                                 because these assignments might have been entered
                                 using API, instead of front end (Form).
  09-FEB-2006  K.Thampan  115.12 Fixed bug 4938724. Set g_stored_asg_id to null
  16-JUN-2006  K.Thampan  115.13 Code change for EDI Rollback.
  23-JUN-2006  K.Thampan  115.14 Update deinitilization procedure.
  27-JUN-2006  K.Thampan  115.15 Added code to clear down data for aggregated
  29-JUN-2006  K.Thampan  115.16 Fixed GSCC error
  28-JUL-2006  tukumar    115.13 Enhancement 5398360 : wnu 3.0
  01-SEP-2006  tukumar    115.14 Performance fix bug 5504855
  13-MAR-2006  K.Thampan  115.19 Bug fix 5929268
TYPE act_info_rec IS RECORD
     ( assignment_id          number(20)
      ,effective_date         date
      ,action_info_category   varchar2(50)
      ,act_info1              varchar2(300)
      ,act_info2              varchar2(300)
      ,act_info3              varchar2(300)
      ,act_info4              varchar2(300)
      ,act_info5              varchar2(300)
      ,act_info6              varchar2(300)
      ,act_info7              varchar2(300)
      ,act_info8              varchar2(300)
      ,act_info9              varchar2(300)
      ,act_info10             varchar2(300)
      ,act_info11             varchar2(300)
      ,act_info12             varchar2(300)
      ,act_info13             varchar2(300)
      ,act_info14             varchar2(300)
      ,act_info15             varchar2(300)
      ,act_info16             varchar2(300)
      ,act_info17             varchar2(300)
      ,act_info18             varchar2(300)
      ,act_info19             varchar2(300)
      ,act_info20             varchar2(300)
      ,act_info21             varchar2(300)
      ,act_info22             varchar2(300)
      ,act_info23             varchar2(300)
      ,act_info24             varchar2(300)
      ,act_info25             varchar2(300)
      ,act_info26             varchar2(300)
      ,act_info27             varchar2(300)
      ,act_info28             varchar2(300)
      ,act_info29             varchar2(300)
      ,act_info30             varchar2(300)
Line: 107

     select to_number(pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,
                                        'PAYROLL_ID')) payroll_id,
                                        'TAX_REF'),1,20) tax_ref,
     from   pay_payroll_actions
     where  payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 117

     select /*+ ORDERED */
            asg.assignment_id assignment_id,
            decode(pap.per_information10,'Y','Y',NULL) agg_paye_flag,
     from   per_all_people_f          pap,
            per_assignments_f         asg,
            per_periods_of_service    serv,
            pay_all_payrolls_f        pay,
            per_assignment_extra_info aei,
            hr_soft_coding_keyflex    sck
     where  pap.person_id between stperson and endperson
     and    asg.business_group_id = l_business_group_id
     and    asg.person_id = pap.person_id
     and    asg.period_of_service_id = serv.period_of_service_id
     and    asg.payroll_id = pay.payroll_id
     and    pay.soft_coding_keyflex_id = sck.soft_coding_keyflex_id
     and    upper(l_tax_ref) = upper(sck.segment1)
     and    (l_payroll_id IS NULL
             l_payroll_id = pay.payroll_id)
     and    pap.current_employee_flag = 'Y'
     and    l_effective_date between asg.effective_start_date and asg.effective_end_date
     and    l_effective_date between pap.effective_start_date and pap.effective_end_date
     and    l_effective_date between pay.effective_start_date and pay.effective_end_date
     and    l_effective_date between serv.date_start and nvl(serv.actual_termination_date,hr_general.end_of_time)
     and    aei.assignment_id(+) = asg.assignment_id
     and    aei.information_type(+) = 'GB_WNU'
     and    nvl(aei.aei_information2,'N') <> 'Y'
     and    (p_mode = 'FULL'
             (    p_mode = 'UPDATE'
              and (aei.aei_information1 is not null or aei.aei_information3 = 'Y')))
     order by pap.person_id;
Line: 177

                select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
                into   l_locking_act_id
                from   dual;
Line: 195

        select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
        into   l_locking_act_id
        from   dual;
Line: 227

PROCEDURE update_aggregate_asg(p_assact_id in number)
     l_payroll_id        number;
Line: 239

     select to_number(pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,
                                        'PAYROLL_ID')) payroll_id,
                                        'TAX_REF'),1,20) tax_ref,
     from   pay_assignment_actions paa,
            pay_payroll_actions    pay
     where  paa.assignment_action_id = p_assact_id
     and    pay.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id;
Line: 251

     select person_id,
     from   pay_assignment_actions paa,
            per_all_assignments_f  paf
     where  paa.assignment_action_id = p_assact_id
     and    paa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id;
Line: 260

     select aei.assignment_extra_info_id
     from   per_assignment_extra_info aei
     where  aei.assignment_id = p_asg_id
     and    aei.information_type = 'GB_WNU';
Line: 266

     select /*+ ORDERED */
            asg.assignment_id assignment_id
     from   per_all_people_f          pap,
            per_assignments_f         asg,
            per_periods_of_service    serv,
            pay_all_payrolls_f        pay,
            per_assignment_extra_info aei,
            hr_soft_coding_keyflex    sck
     where  pap.person_id = l_person_id
     and    asg.business_group_id = l_business_group_id
     and    asg.person_id = pap.person_id
     and    asg.period_of_service_id = serv.period_of_service_id
     and    asg.payroll_id = pay.payroll_id
     and    pay.soft_coding_keyflex_id = sck.soft_coding_keyflex_id
     and    upper(l_tax_ref) = upper(sck.segment1)
     and    (l_payroll_id IS NULL
             l_payroll_id = pay.payroll_id)
     and    pap.current_employee_flag = 'Y'
     and    pap.per_information10 = 'Y'
     and    l_effective_date between asg.effective_start_date and asg.effective_end_date
     and    l_effective_date between pap.effective_start_date and pap.effective_end_date
     and    l_effective_date between pay.effective_start_date and pay.effective_end_date
     and    l_effective_date between serv.date_start and nvl(serv.actual_termination_date,hr_general.end_of_time)
     and    aei.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
     and    aei.information_type = 'GB_WNU'
     and    nvl(aei.aei_information2,'N') <> 'Y'
     and    (aei.aei_information1 is not null or aei.aei_information3 = 'Y')
     order by pap.person_id;
Line: 315

                  (p_validate                       => false,
                   p_object_version_number          => l_ovn,
                   p_assignment_extra_info_id       => l_wnu_id,
                   p_aei_information_category       => 'GB_WNU',
                   p_aei_information1               => null,
                   p_aei_information2               => 'N',
                   p_aei_information3               => 'N');
Line: 326

END update_aggregate_asg;
Line: 338

     select /*+ ORDERED */
     from   pay_assignment_actions pact,
            per_assignments_f  paa,
            per_people_f       pap
     where  pact.assignment_action_id = p_assactid
     and    pact.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
     and    paa.person_id = pap.person_id
     and    p_effective_date between paa.effective_start_date and paa.effective_end_date
     and    p_effective_date between pap.effective_start_date and pap.effective_end_date;
Line: 396

     select aei.assignment_extra_info_id,
            aei.aei_information1 old_asg_number,
            aei.aei_information2 not_flag,
            aei.aei_information3 ni_update,
     from   pay_assignment_actions paa,
            per_assignment_extra_info aei
     where  paa.assignment_action_id = p_assactid
     and    paa.assignment_id = aei.assignment_id
     and    aei.information_type = 'GB_WNU';
Line: 425

              (p_validate                       => false,
               p_object_version_number          => l_ovn,
               p_assignment_extra_info_id       => l_wnu_rec.assignment_extra_info_id,
               p_aei_information_category       => 'GB_WNU',
               p_aei_information1               => null,
               p_aei_information2               => 'N',
               p_aei_information3               => 'N');
Line: 434

Line: 443

        p_wnu_rec.act_info4 := l_wnu_rec.ni_update;
Line: 453

PROCEDURE insert_archive_row(p_assactid       IN NUMBER,
                             p_effective_date IN DATE,
                             p_tab_rec_data   IN action_info_table) IS
     l_proc  CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50):= g_package||'insert_archive_row';
Line: 509

END insert_archive_row;
Line: 523

     select hoi.org_information11,
     from   pay_payroll_actions pact,
            hr_organization_information hoi
     where  pact.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
     and    pact.business_group_id = hoi.organization_id
     and    hoi.org_information_context = 'Tax Details References'
     and    (hoi.org_information10 is null
             hoi.org_information10 = 'UK')
     and    hoi.org_information1 =
                   instr(pact.legislative_parameters,'TAX_REF=') + 8,
                   instr(pact.legislative_parameters||' ',' ',
                 - instr(pact.legislative_parameters,'TAX_REF=') - 8);
Line: 567

     sqlstr := 'select distinct person_id '||
               'from per_people_f ppf, '||
               'pay_payroll_actions ppa '||
               'where ppa.payroll_action_id = :payroll_action_id '||
               'and ppa.business_group_id = ppf.business_group_id '||
               'order by ppf.person_id';
Line: 586

PROCEDURE wnu_update_action_creation(pactid    in number,
                                     stperson  in number,
                                     endperson in number,
                                     chunk     in number) IS
     internal_act_creation(pactid, stperson, endperson, chunk, 'UPDATE');
Line: 592

END wnu_update_action_creation;
Line: 613

         insert_archive_row(p_assactid, p_effective_date, l_archive_tab);
Line: 627

	  select   substr(pact.legislative_parameters,
                instr(pact.legislative_parameters,'VERSION=') + 8,
                    instr(pact.legislative_parameters||' ',' ',instr(pact.legislative_parameters,'VERSION=')+8)
             - instr(pact.legislative_parameters,'VERSION=') - 8) version
	  from pay_payroll_actions pact where pact.payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 651

         select legislative_parameters para,
                fnd_number.number_to_canonical(request_id) control_id,
         from   pay_payroll_actions
         where  payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 660

         select nvl(hoi.org_information11,' ')       sender_id,
                nvl(upper(hoi.org_information2),' ') hrmc_office,
                nvl(upper(hoi.org_information4),' ') er_addr,
                nvl(upper(hoi.org_information3),' ') er_name
         from   hr_organization_information hoi
         where  hoi.organization_id = p_bus_id
         and    hoi.org_information_context = 'Tax Details References'
         and    nvl(hoi.org_information10,'UK') = 'UK'
         and    upper(hoi.org_information1) = upper(p_tax_ref);
Line: 784

         select /*+ ORDERED */
                peo.first_name          f_name ,
                peo.middle_names        m_name,
                peo.last_name           l_name,
                peo.title               title,
                paf.assignment_number   emp_no,
                peo.national_identifier ni_no ,
		pai.action_information2 old_works_number
         from   pay_payroll_actions    pay,
                pay_assignment_actions paa,
                per_all_assignments_f  paf,
                per_all_people_f       peo,
		pay_action_information pai
         where  pay.payroll_action_id = pactid
         and    paa.payroll_action_id = pay.payroll_action_id
         and    paa.action_status = p_type
	 and    pai.action_context_id(+) = paa.assignment_action_id
         and    pai.action_context_type(+) = 'AAP'
         and    pai.action_information_category(+) = 'GB WNU EDI'
         and    paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
         and    peo.person_id = paf.person_id
         and    pay.effective_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
         and    pay.effective_date between peo.effective_start_date and peo.effective_end_date;