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Line 50: FROM per_people_f ppf

46: cp_effective_date IN DATE
47: )
48: IS
49: SELECT ppf.full_name
50: FROM per_people_f ppf
51: WHERE ppf.person_id = cp_supervisor_id
52: AND cp_effective_date BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date
53: AND ppf.effective_end_date;

Line 55: supervisor_name per_people_f.full_name%TYPE;

51: WHERE ppf.person_id = cp_supervisor_id
52: AND cp_effective_date BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date
53: AND ppf.effective_end_date;
55: supervisor_name per_people_f.full_name%TYPE;
57: OPEN c_supervisor_name (p_supervisor_id, p_effective_date);
59: FETCH c_supervisor_name

Line 158: per_people_f per

154: SELECT count(*)
155: INTO l_cnt
156: FROM per_person_types ppt,
157: per_person_type_usages_f ptu,
158: per_people_f per
159: WHERE per.person_id = p_resource_id
160: AND ptu.person_id = per.person_id
161: AND ptu.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
162: -- AND ppt.system_person_type NOT IN ('EMP', 'EMP_APL', 'CWK') -- Bug 6486974

Line 237: from per_people_f ppf, per_assignments_f paf

233: -- before/after termination and re-hire.
234: /*
235: select min(ppf.effective_start_date), max(ppf.effective_end_date)
236: into l_p_start_date, l_p_end_date
237: from per_people_f ppf, per_assignments_f paf
238: where ppf.person_id = p_resource_id
239: and paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
240: and paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
241: and paf.effective_start_date between ppf.effective_start_date

Line 247: from per_people_f ppf,

243: */
245: /* select min(ppf.effective_start_date), max(ppf.effective_end_date)
246: into l_p_start_date, l_p_end_date
247: from per_people_f ppf,
248: per_assignments_f paf,
249: per_person_types ppt,
250: per_person_type_usages_f ptu
251: where ppf.person_id = p_resource_id

Line 270: per_people_f per

266: INTO
267: l_p_start_date, l_p_end_date
268: FROM
269: per_person_types ppt,
270: per_people_f per
271: WHERE
272: per.person_id = p_resource_id
273: AND ppt.person_type_id = per.person_type_id
274: AND ppt.system_person_type in ('EMP','EMP_APL','CWK')

Line 277: from per_people_f perMin

273: AND ppt.person_type_id = per.person_type_id
274: AND ppt.system_person_type in ('EMP','EMP_APL','CWK')
275: AND per.effective_start_date =
276: (select min(perMin.effective_start_date)
277: from per_people_f perMin
278: where perMin.person_id = per.person_id
279: AND perMin.effective_start_date <= p_end_date
280: AND perMin.effective_end_date >= p_start_date)

Line 305: per_people_f per

301: SELECT MIN (per.effective_start_date), MAX (per.effective_end_date)
302: INTO l_p_start_date, l_p_end_date
303: FROM per_person_type_usages_f ptu,
304: per_person_types ppt,
305: per_people_f per
306: WHERE per.person_id = p_resource_id
307: AND ptu.person_id = per.person_id
308: AND ptu.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
309: AND ppt.system_person_type IN ('EMP', 'EMP_APL', 'CWK')

Line 312: FROM per_people_f permin

308: AND ptu.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
309: AND ppt.system_person_type IN ('EMP', 'EMP_APL', 'CWK')
310: AND (per.effective_start_date =
311: (SELECT MIN (permin.effective_start_date)
312: FROM per_people_f permin
313: WHERE permin.person_id = per.person_id
314: AND permin.effective_start_date <= p_end_date
315: AND permin.effective_end_date >= p_start_date)
316: OR

Line 319: FROM per_people_f permin

315: AND permin.effective_end_date >= p_start_date)
316: OR
317: per.effective_start_date =
318: (SELECT MAX(permin.effective_start_date)
319: FROM per_people_f permin
320: WHERE permin.person_id = per.person_id
321: AND permin.effective_start_date <= p_end_date
322: AND permin.effective_end_date >= p_start_date)
323: )