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Line 524: from fa_mass_additions ma

520: ma.th_attribute13 ,
521: ma.th_attribute14 ,
522: ma.th_attribute15 ,
523: ma.th_attribute_category_code
524: from fa_mass_additions ma
525: where ma.posting_status = 'POST'
526: and ma.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
527: and ma.request_id = p_parent_request_id
528: and ma.worker_id = p_request_number

Line 575: FROM fa_mass_additions child

571: child.material_indicator_flag,
572: child.invoice_distribution_id,
573: child.invoice_line_number,
574: child.po_distribution_id
575: FROM fa_mass_additions child
576: WHERE child.merge_parent_mass_additions_id = p_massadd_id;
578: CURSOR c_distributions (p_massadd_id NUMBER) IS
579: select dist.employee_id,

Line 595: fa_mass_additions mac,

591: mad.employee_id,
592: mad.deprn_expense_ccid,
593: mad.location_id
594: from fa_massadd_distributions mad,
595: fa_mass_additions mac,
596: fa_mass_additions map
597: where map.sum_units = 'YES'
598: and map.mass_addition_id = p_massadd_id
599: and map.mass_addition_id = mac.merge_parent_mass_additions_id

Line 596: fa_mass_additions map

592: mad.deprn_expense_ccid,
593: mad.location_id
594: from fa_massadd_distributions mad,
595: fa_mass_additions mac,
596: fa_mass_additions map
597: where map.sum_units = 'YES'
598: and map.mass_addition_id = p_massadd_id
599: and map.mass_addition_id = mac.merge_parent_mass_additions_id
600: and mad.mass_addition_id = mac.mass_addition_id) dist

Line 1696: update fa_mass_additions

1692: else
1693: l_succ_asset_number := null;
1694: end if;
1696: update fa_mass_additions
1697: set posting_status = 'POSTED',
1698: queue_name = 'POSTED',
1699: post_batch_id = p_parent_request_id,
1700: asset_number = l_succ_asset_number,

Line 1706: update fa_mass_additions

1702: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
1703: last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id
1704: where mass_addition_id = l_mass_addition_id_tbl(i);
1706: update fa_mass_additions
1707: set posting_status = 'POSTED',
1708: queue_name = 'POSTED',
1709: post_batch_id = p_parent_request_id,
1710: asset_number = l_succ_asset_number,

Line 1732: update fa_mass_additions

1728: rollback to famapt;
1729: x_failure_count := x_failure_count + 1;
1730: l_fail_mass_addition_id_tbl(l_fail_mass_addition_id_tbl.count + 1) := l_mass_addition_id_tbl(i);
1732: update fa_mass_additions
1733: set posting_status = 'ON HOLD',
1734: queue_name = 'ON HOLD'
1735: where mass_addition_id = l_mass_addition_id_tbl(i);

Line 1748: update fa_mass_additions

1744: rollback to famapt;
1745: x_failure_count := x_failure_count + 1;
1746: l_fail_mass_addition_id_tbl(l_fail_mass_addition_id_tbl.count + 1) := l_mass_addition_id_tbl(i);
1748: update fa_mass_additions
1749: set posting_status = 'ON HOLD',
1750: queue_name = 'ON HOLD'
1751: where mass_addition_id = l_mass_addition_id_tbl(i);

Line 2204: update fa_mass_additions

2201: -- now update the rows in the interface with newly derived values
2203: forall i in 1..p_rowid_tbl.count
2204: update fa_mass_additions
2205: set description = px_description_tbl(i),
2206: date_placed_in_service = px_date_placed_in_service_tbl(i),
2207: asset_id = px_asset_id_tbl(i),
2208: add_to_asset_id = px_add_to_asset_id_tbl(i),

Line 2285: from fa_mass_additions mad,

2281: mad.amortization_start_date,
2282: mad.description,
2283: mad.fixed_assets_units,
2284: mad.units_to_adjust
2285: from fa_mass_additions mad,
2286: fa_category_book_defaults cbd
2287: where mad.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
2288: and mad.posting_status = 'POST'
2289: and mad.add_to_asset_id is null

Line 2315: from fa_mass_additions mad,

2311: mad.amortization_start_date,
2312: mad.description,
2313: mad.fixed_assets_units,
2314: mad.units_to_adjust
2315: from fa_mass_additions mad,
2316: fa_category_book_defaults cbd
2317: where mad.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
2318: and mad.posting_status = 'POST'
2319: and mad.add_to_asset_id is null

Line 2477: update fa_mass_additions mad

2474: -- update group asset information if we're not copying from corp
2475: if nvl(fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.allow_group_deprn_flag, 'N') = 'Y' then
2477: update fa_mass_additions mad
2478: set group_asset_id =
2479: (select cbd.group_asset_id
2480: from fa_category_book_defaults cbd
2481: where mad.asset_category_id = cbd.category_id

Line 2497: update fa_mass_additions mad

2494: end if;
2497: update fa_mass_additions mad
2498: set mad.request_id = p_parent_request_id,
2499: mad.worker_id = mod(nvl(mad.group_asset_id,
2500: nvl(mad.add_to_asset_id,
2501: nvl(mad.asset_id,

Line 2516: update fa_mass_additions mad

2513: -- update group asset information if we're not copying from corp
2514: if nvl(fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.allow_group_deprn_flag, 'N') = 'Y' then
2516: update fa_mass_additions mad
2517: set group_asset_id =
2518: (select cbd.group_asset_id
2519: from fa_category_book_defaults cbd
2520: where mad.asset_category_id = cbd.category_id

Line 2537: update fa_mass_additions mad

2533: and nvl(mad.transaction_type_code, 'FUTURE ADD') not in ('FUTURE CAP', 'FUTURE REV');
2535: end if;
2537: update fa_mass_additions mad
2538: set mad.request_id = p_parent_request_id,
2539: mad.worker_id = mod(nvl(mad.group_asset_id,
2540: nvl(mad.add_to_asset_id,
2541: nvl(mad.asset_id,