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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 6

   PROCEDURE insert_material_line
     (p_batch_header_rec      IN              gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE
     ,p_material_detail_rec   IN              gme_material_details%ROWTYPE
     ,p_batch_step_rec        IN              gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE
     ,p_trans_id              IN              NUMBER
     ,x_transacted            OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
     ,x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
     ,x_material_detail_rec   OUT NOCOPY      gme_material_details%ROWTYPE)
      l_api_name       CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30)       := 'insert_material_line';
Line: 31

         SELECT recipe_id
           FROM gmd_recipe_validity_rules
          WHERE recipe_validity_rule_id = v_recipe_validity_rule_id;
Line: 53

      UPDATE gme_material_details
         SET line_no = line_no + 1
            ,last_updated_by     = gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident
            ,last_update_date    = gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp
            ,last_update_login   = gme_common_pvt.g_login_id
       WHERE batch_id            = p_material_detail_rec.batch_id
         AND line_type           = p_material_detail_rec.line_type
         AND line_no            >= p_material_detail_rec.line_no;
Line: 67

      IF NOT gme_material_details_dbl.insert_row (p_material_detail_rec
                                                 ,x_material_detail_rec) THEN
         l_proc := 'gme_material_details_dbl.insert_row';
Line: 74

        gme_debug.put_line (g_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name||' inserted material; material_detail_id= '
Line: 85

                         ,p_insert                => FND_API.g_true
                         ,x_transacted            => x_transacted
                         ,x_return_status         => x_return_status);
Line: 100

         IF NOT gme_batch_step_items_dbl.insert_row
                                    (p_batch_step_items      => l_batchstep_items
                                    ,x_batch_step_items      => l_batchstep_items) THEN
            l_proc := 'gme_batch_step_items_dbl.insert_row';
Line: 127

      /* Bug 4866700 added update inventory check */
      IF x_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing AND
         x_material_detail_rec.phantom_type = 0 AND
         p_batch_header_rec.update_inventory_ind = 'Y' THEN
         l_material_detail_tbl (1) := x_material_detail_rec;
Line: 207

      IF NOT gme_material_details_dbl.update_row (x_material_detail_rec) THEN
         l_proc := 'gme_material_details_dbl.update_row';
Line: 213

        gme_debug.put_line (g_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name||' updated material; material_detail_id= '
Line: 229

                                        (p_batch_step_rec      => p_batch_step_rec
                                        ,x_message_count       => l_message_count
                                        ,x_message_list        => l_message_list
                                        ,x_return_status       => x_return_status
                                        ,x_batch_step_rec      => l_batch_step_rec);
Line: 237

            l_proc := 'gme_update_step_qty_pvt.update_step_qty';
Line: 273

   END insert_material_line;
Line: 801

     ,p_insert                IN       VARCHAR2
     ,x_transacted            OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
     ,x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2)
      CURSOR item_no_cursor (v_org_id NUMBER, v_inventory_item_id NUMBER)
         SELECT concatenated_segments
           FROM mtl_system_items_kfv
          WHERE inventory_item_id = v_inventory_item_id
            AND organization_id = v_org_id;
Line: 833

        gme_debug.put_line(g_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name||' p_insert='||p_insert);
Line: 854

                           ,p_update_inventory_ind     => p_batch_header_rec.update_inventory_ind
                           ,p_batchstep_id             => p_batch_step_rec.batchstep_id
                           ,p_step_status              => p_batch_step_rec.step_status
                           ,p_lot_control_code         => l_item_rec.lot_control_code
                           ,p_location_control_code    => NVL(l_item_rec.location_control_code,1)
                           ,p_restrict_locators_code   => l_item_rec.restrict_locators_code
                           ,p_insert                   => p_insert);
Line: 871

              gme_debug.put_line(g_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name||': open_actual_qty returned -1; can not update actual qty');
Line: 882

      IF p_batch_header_rec.update_inventory_ind = 'Y' AND
         (l_trans_id > 0 OR
          (l_trans_id = 0 AND p_material_detail_rec.actual_qty > 0)) THEN
        process_actual_qty (p_batch_header_rec         => p_batch_header_rec
                           ,p_material_detail_rec      => p_material_detail_rec
                           ,p_batch_step_rec           => p_batch_step_rec
                           ,p_trans_id                 => l_trans_id
                           ,p_item_rec                 => l_item_rec
                           ,x_return_status            => x_return_status);
Line: 939

    * >0 => open actual qty: Yes with transaction id returned; must update existing transaction
Line: 945

     ,p_update_inventory_ind  IN   VARCHAR2
     ,p_batchstep_id          IN   NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
     ,p_step_status           IN   NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
     ,p_lot_control_code      IN   NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
     ,p_location_control_code IN   NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
     ,p_restrict_locators_code IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
     ,p_insert                IN   VARCHAR2)
      CURSOR cur_get_trans (v_material_detail_id NUMBER, v_batch_id NUMBER)
         SELECT transaction_id
           FROM mtl_material_transactions
          WHERE transaction_source_id = v_batch_id
            AND trx_source_line_id = v_material_detail_id
            AND transaction_id NOT IN (
                   SELECT transaction_id1
                     FROM gme_transaction_pairs
                    WHERE batch_id = v_batch_id
                      AND material_detail_id = v_material_detail_id
                      AND pair_type = gme_common_pvt.g_pairs_reversal_type);
Line: 969

         SELECT COUNT (1)
           FROM mtl_transaction_lot_numbers
          WHERE transaction_id = v_trans_id;
Line: 975

         SELECT locator_type
           FROM mtl_secondary_inventories
          WHERE organization_id = v_org_id
            AND secondary_inventory_name = v_subinventory;
Line: 982

         SELECT lot_control_code, NVL(location_control_code, 1) location_control_code, restrict_locators_code,
           FROM mtl_system_items_b
          WHERE organization_id = v_org_id
            AND inventory_item_id = v_item_id;
Line: 990

         SELECT step_status
           FROM gme_batch_steps
          WHERE batchstep_id = v_step_id;
Line: 996

         SELECT revision_qty_control_code
           FROM mtl_system_items_b
          WHERE organization_id = v_org_id
            AND inventory_item_id = v_item_id;
Line: 1025

        gme_debug.put_line(g_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name||' p_update_inventory_ind='||p_update_inventory_ind);
Line: 1031

        gme_debug.put_line(g_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name||' p_insert='||p_insert);
Line: 1119

      /* FPbug#4543872 removed 'p_insert = fnd_api.G_TRUE OR' from IF condition
         because even if we are inserting new material line we need to check for other
         conditions like lot control, locator control, subinventory availaility etc. anyway
         no.of transactions will be zero for new material line that is being inserted
      IF ( p_update_inventory_ind = 'N') THEN
        RETURN 0;
Line: 1416

              (p_transaction_id       => p_trans_id
              ,p_txns_pair            => NULL
              ,x_return_status        => x_return_status);
Line: 1429

                             || ' from gme_transactions_pvt.delete_material_txn');
Line: 1439

                                || 'deleted transaction for trans_id= '
                                || TO_CHAR (p_trans_id) );
Line: 1444

         IF p_trans_id = 0 AND p_item_rec.mtl_transactions_enabled_flag = 'Y' THEN                             -- insert new txn

            -- construct new transaction; will be plain or locator
Line: 1507

              (p_mmt_rec         => l_mmt_rec
              ,p_mmln_tbl        => l_mmln_tbl
              ,x_return_status   => x_return_status);
Line: 1846

         SELECT *
           FROM mtl_system_items_b
          WHERE inventory_item_id = v_item_id
            AND organization_id = v_org_id;
Line: 1979

           SELECT concatenated_segments
             INTO l_segm
             FROM mtl_system_items_kfv
            WHERE inventory_item_id = p_item_id
              AND organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 1985

           gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_ITEM_INSERT', 'ITEM_NO', l_field);
Line: 2013

         SELECT 1
           FROM mtl_item_revisions_b
          WHERE inventory_item_id = v_item_id
            AND organization_id = v_org_id
            AND revision = v_revision;
Line: 2141

        SELECT 1
          FROM gem_lookup_values
         WHERE lookup_type = 'GMD_BY_PRODUCT_TYPE'
               AND lookup_code = v_byprod_type;
Line: 2202

         SELECT max(line_no)
           FROM gme_material_details
          WHERE batch_id = v_batch_id
            AND line_type = v_line_type;
Line: 2272

         SELECT disable_date
           FROM mtl_units_of_measure
          WHERE uom_code = v_uom_code;
Line: 2473

        SELECT 1
          FROM gem_lookup_values
         WHERE lookup_type = 'GMD_MATERIAL_RELEASE_TYPE'
               AND lookup_code = v_rel_type;
Line: 2651

        SELECT 1
          FROM gem_lookup_values
         WHERE lookup_type = 'GMD_ROUNDING_DIRECTION'
               AND lookup_code = v_round_dir;
Line: 2706

        SELECT 1
          FROM gem_lookup_values
         WHERE lookup_type = 'SCALE_TYPE'
               AND lookup_code = v_scale_type;
Line: 2760

      SELECT steprelease_type,step_status
       FROM  gme_batch_step_items si, gme_batch_steps s
       WHERE si.batchstep_id = s.batchstep_id
         AND si.material_detail_id = v_material_detail_id;
Line: 2765

      SELECT batch_status
       FROM  gme_batch_header
       WHERE batch_id = v_batch_id;
Line: 2769

      SELECT cost_alloc
       FROM  gme_material_details
       WHERE material_detail_id = v_material_detail_id;
Line: 2808

         /* in insert */
         IF p_material_detail_rec.cost_alloc <> 0 THEN
          gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_COST_ALLOC');
Line: 2814

         /* in update */
         OPEN Cur_get_cost_alloc(l_material_detail_id);
Line: 2857

        SELECT 1
          FROM gem_lookup_values
         WHERE lookup_type = 'PHANTOM_TYPE'
               AND lookup_code = v_phantom_type;
Line: 3050

         SELECT locator_type
           FROM mtl_secondary_inventories
          WHERE organization_id = v_org_id
            AND secondary_inventory_name = v_subinventory;
Line: 3118

   PROCEDURE update_material_line (
      p_batch_header_rec             IN              gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE
     ,p_material_detail_rec          IN              gme_material_details%ROWTYPE
     ,p_stored_material_detail_rec   IN              gme_material_details%ROWTYPE
     ,p_batch_step_rec               IN              gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE
     ,p_scale_phantom                IN              VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
     ,p_trans_id                     IN              NUMBER
     ,x_transacted                   OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
     ,x_return_status                OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
     ,x_material_detail_rec          OUT NOCOPY      gme_material_details%ROWTYPE)
      l_api_name    CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30)          := 'update_material_line';
Line: 3188

                         ,p_insert                => FND_API.g_false
                         ,x_transacted            => x_transacted
                         ,x_return_status         => x_return_status);
Line: 3198

    handle  the rescheduling batch/step when update yield Type of the Child batch is done.*/

      -- need to compare new and old of plan qty / wip plan qty for
      -- 1. calculating factor to scale phantom batch if p_scale_phantom
      --    is true
      -- 2. if they are different, need to update any move order lines
      --    with new qty
      -- batch_status is used to decide whether to use plan or wip_plan
      l_factor := 1;
Line: 3310

        l_mtl_dtl_rec.last_update_date := gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp;
Line: 3343

	 --sunitha ch. bug 5566769 update the revision field of the phantom batch
	 l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec.revision                := l_mtl_dtl_rec.revision;
Line: 3412

               /* REWORK Sunitha Bug 5353941. Following select statement will only execute for ingredient of parent batch and never for product of phantom batch as we have the check of line type to be ingredient. */

Line: 3416

                  SELECT batchstep_id INTO l_ph_batch_step_rec.batchstep_id
                               FROM gme_batch_step_items
                              WHERE batch_id = l_mtl_dtl_rec.phantom_id
                                AND material_detail_id =  l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec.material_detail_id;
Line: 3449

    /*Sunitha Ch. Bug#5391396  rescheduling batch/step when update yield Type
                                    of the Child batch is done */
	   IF ( l_mtl_dtl_rec.release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release AND
                                         (l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec.material_detail_id )) THEN
	     SELECT plan_start_date
             INTO  l_plan_cmplt_date
             FROM gme_batch_steps
             WHERE batch_id = l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec.batch_id
             AND batchstep_id =
                   (SELECT batchstep_id
                      FROM gme_batch_step_items
                     WHERE batch_id =  l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec.batch_id
                       AND material_detail_id =
                                              l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec.material_detail_id );
Line: 3465

	     SELECT plan_start_date
             INTO l_plan_cmplt_date
             FROM gme_batch_header
             WHERE batch_id = l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec.batch_id;
Line: 3476

           /* Sunitha Bug  5391396 . Following select statement will only execute for ingredient of parent batch and never for product of phantom batch as we have the check of line type to be ingredient. */
Line: 3502

         /* Sunitha REWORK Bug 5353941. We do not need to call fetch_row, as this will override the updated values of material_requirement_date, release_type, subinventory and locator that have been set above. */
         SELECT last_update_date INTO l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec.last_update_date
                          FROM gme_material_details
                         WHERE batch_id = l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec.batch_id
                           AND material_detail_id =  l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec.material_detail_id;
Line: 3509

         IF NOT gme_material_details_dbl.update_row (l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec) THEN
           l_proc := 'gme_material_details_dbl.update_row';
Line: 3517

            (p_batch_id             => l_mtl_dtl_rec.batch_id
            ,p_material_detail_id   => l_mtl_dtl_rec.material_detail_id
            ,p_new_qty              => l_qty
            ,p_new_date             => l_mtl_dtl_rec.material_requirement_date
            ,p_invis_move_line_id   => NULL
            ,x_return_status        => x_return_status);
Line: 3526

           l_proc := 'gme_move_orders_pvt.update_move_order_lines';
Line: 3533

             (p_organization_id         => p_batch_header_rec.organization_id
             ,p_batch_id                => p_batch_header_rec.batch_id
             ,p_material_detail_id      => l_mtl_dtl_rec.material_detail_id
             ,p_invis_move_line_id      => l_mtl_dtl_rec.move_order_line_id
             ,x_return_status           => x_return_status);
Line: 3541

             l_proc := 'gme_move_orders_pvt.delete_move_order_lines';
Line: 3591

      SELECT last_update_date INTO l_mtl_dtl_rec.last_update_date
        FROM gme_material_details
        WHERE batch_id = l_mtl_dtl_rec.batch_id
        AND material_detail_id =  l_mtl_dtl_rec.material_detail_id;
Line: 3595

      IF NOT gme_material_details_dbl.update_row (l_mtl_dtl_rec) THEN
         l_proc := 'gme_material_details_dbl.update_row';
Line: 3600

        gme_common_pvt.get_who(x_user_ident    => x_material_detail_rec.last_updated_by,
                           x_login_id      => x_material_detail_rec.last_update_login,
                           x_timestamp     => x_material_detail_rec.last_update_date,
                           x_return_status => x_return_status);
Line: 3615

                             || ' after gme_material_details_dbl.update_row');
Line: 3619

                             || ' successfully updated material_detail_id= '
                             || TO_CHAR (l_mtl_dtl_rec.material_detail_id) );
Line: 3633

                                        (p_batch_step_rec      => p_batch_step_rec
                                        ,x_message_count       => l_message_count
                                        ,x_message_list        => l_message_list
                                        ,x_return_status       => x_return_status
                                        ,x_batch_step_rec      => l_batch_step_rec);
Line: 3641

           l_proc := 'gme_update_step_qty_pvt.update_step_qty';
Line: 3651

                 || ' after gme_update_step_qty_pvt.update_step_qty: successful');
Line: 3685

   END update_material_line;
Line: 4220

     CURSOR c_get_delete(v_org_id NUMBER) IS
      SELECT delete_material_ind
        FROM gme_parameters
       WHERE organization_id = v_org_id;
Line: 4226

      SELECT COUNT (*)
        FROM gme_material_details
       WHERE batch_id = v_batch_id AND
             line_type = v_line_type;
Line: 4232

      SELECT 1
       FROM gmd_recipe_validity_rules
      WHERE recipe_validity_rule_id = v_rule_id
        AND inventory_item_id = (SELECT inventory_item_id
                                   FROM gme_material_details
                                  WHERE material_detail_id = v_det_id);
Line: 4240

      SELECT 1
       FROM  sys.DUAL
                       FROM  gme_batch_header h, gmd_recipe_validity_rules r
                      WHERE  h.batch_id = v_batch_id
                         AND h.recipe_validity_rule_id = r.recipe_validity_rule_id
                         AND r.item_id = v_item_id
                         AND h.parentline_id > 0); */
Line: 4249

     l_delete_ind          NUMBER;
Line: 4272

      OPEN c_get_delete(p_batch_header_rec.organization_id);
Line: 4273

      FETCH c_get_delete INTO l_delete_ind;
Line: 4274

      CLOSE c_get_delete;
Line: 4276

      l_delete_ind := NVL(l_delete_ind, 1);
Line: 4279

              (l_delete_ind = 2 AND
               p_batch_header_rec.batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip AND
               p_batch_header_rec. automatic_step_calculation = 0)
            ) THEN
        gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_BATCH_STATUS_OPER');
Line: 4303

       /* if there is only one ingredient or product we should not the delete */
       IF p_material_detail_rec.line_type IN (gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing,
                                              gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod) THEN
          OPEN num_detail_lines(p_batch_header_rec.batch_id,p_material_detail_rec.line_type);
Line: 4409

   PROCEDURE delete_material_line (
      p_batch_header_rec      IN       gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE
     ,p_material_detail_rec   IN       gme_material_details%ROWTYPE
     ,p_batch_step_rec        IN       gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE
     ,x_transacted            OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
     ,x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2)

      l_message_count        NUMBER;
Line: 4428

      l_api_name    CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30)          := 'delete_material_line';
Line: 4441

            (p_material_detail_id     => p_material_detail_rec.material_detail_id
            ,x_return_status          => x_return_status);
Line: 4446

           l_proc := 'gme_pending_product_lots.delete_pending_product_lot';
Line: 4450

           (p_organization_id         => p_batch_header_rec.organization_id
           ,p_batch_id                => p_batch_header_rec.batch_id
           ,p_material_detail_id      => p_material_detail_rec.material_detail_id
           ,p_invis_move_line_id      => p_material_detail_rec.move_order_line_id
           ,x_return_status           => x_return_status);
Line: 4458

           l_proc := 'gme_move_orders_pvt.delete_move_order_lines';
Line: 4462

      gme_reservations_pvt.delete_material_reservations (
          p_organization_id      => p_batch_header_rec.organization_id
         ,p_batch_id             => p_batch_header_rec.batch_id
         ,p_material_detail_id   => p_material_detail_rec.material_detail_id
         ,x_return_status        => x_return_status);
Line: 4481

          gme_transactions_pvt.delete_material_txn (
              p_transaction_id   => l_mmt_tbl(i).transaction_id
             ,p_txns_pair        => NULL
             ,x_return_status    => x_return_status);
Line: 4486

            l_proc := 'gme_transactions_pvt.delete_material_txn';
Line: 4505

          gme_debug.put_line(g_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name||' Invoking delete_prod_supply_resv' );
Line: 4507

        gme_supply_res_pvt.delete_prod_supply_resv (
            p_matl_dtl_rec         => p_material_detail_rec
           ,x_msg_count            => l_message_count
           ,x_msg_data             => l_message_list
           ,x_return_status        => x_return_status);
Line: 4514

          l_proc := 'gme_reservations_pvt.delete_prod_prod_supply_resv ';
Line: 4520

      IF NOT gme_material_details_dbl.delete_row (p_material_detail_rec) THEN
         l_proc := 'gme_material_details_dbl.delete_row';
Line: 4526

      UPDATE gme_material_details
         SET line_no = line_no - 1
            ,last_updated_by = gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident
            ,last_update_date = gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp
            ,last_update_login = gme_common_pvt.g_login_id
       WHERE batch_id = p_material_detail_rec.batch_id
         AND line_type = p_material_detail_rec.line_type
         AND line_no >= p_material_detail_rec.line_no;
Line: 4536

         DELETE FROM gme_batch_step_items
               WHERE material_detail_id =
                 AND batchstep_id = p_batch_step_rec.batchstep_id;
Line: 4551

                                        (p_batch_step_rec      => p_batch_step_rec
                                        ,x_message_count       => l_message_count
                                        ,x_message_list        => l_message_list
                                        ,x_return_status       => x_return_status
                                        ,x_batch_step_rec      => l_batch_step_rec);
Line: 4559

           l_proc := 'gme_update_step_qty_pvt.update_step_qty';
Line: 4569

                 || ' after gme_update_step_qty_pvt.update_step_qty: successful');
Line: 4603

   END delete_material_line;