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2 /* $Header: pefrd2rp.pkh 120.0 2005/05/31 08:54:26 appldev noship $ */
3   AS
4     --
5     type table_of_number is table of number index by binary_integer;
6     -- #4068197
7     type table_of_varchar is table of varchar2(30) index by binary_integer;
8     -- #4068197
10     --
11     type block_record is record (
12         per_type_id             per_all_people_f.person_type_id%type := null,
13         person_type_usages      varchar2(32000),
14         asg_id                  per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%type := null,
15         asg_status              per_all_assignments_f.assignment_status_type_id%type := null,
16         asg_primary             per_all_assignments_f.primary_flag%type := null,
17         asg_employment_category per_all_assignments_f.employment_category%type := null,
18         asg_freq                per_all_assignments_f.frequency%type := null,
19         asg_hours               per_all_assignments_f.normal_hours%type := null,
20         asg_type                per_all_assignments_f.assignment_type%type,
21         ctr_type                per_contracts_f.type%type := null,
22         ctr_fr_person_replaced  per_contracts_f.ctr_information5%type := null,
23         ctr_status              per_contracts_f.status%type := null,
24         ass_employee_category   hr_soft_coding_keyflex.segment2%type := null,
25         asg_full_time_freq      per_all_positions.frequency%type := null,
26         asg_full_time_hours     per_all_positions.working_hours%type := null,
27         asg_fte_value           per_assignment_budget_values_f.value%type := null,
28         block_start_date        date := null,
29         block_end_date          date := null );
30     --
31     type table_of_block is table of block_record index by binary_integer;
33     -- Removed nvl operators (Bug 2662236)
34     --
35     cursor csr_get_emp_year (p_establishment_id in NUMBER,
36                              p_1jan in DATE,
37                              p_31dec in date)
38     is
39     -- scan all employees in the given year
40     select distinct a.person_id
41       from per_assignment_status_types t,
42       per_all_assignments_f a
43       where t.assignment_status_type_id = a.assignment_status_type_id
44       and t.per_system_status in ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN','SUSP_ASSIGN'
45                                  ,'ACTIVE_CWK','SUSP_CWK_ASG')
46       and a.establishment_id = p_establishment_id
47       and a.assignment_type in ('E','C')
48       and a.effective_end_date >= p_1jan
49       and a.effective_start_date <= p_31dec;
50     --
51     cursor csr_get_asg_emp (p_establishment_id in number,
52                             p_1jan in date,
53                             p_31dec in date,
54                             p_person_id in number)
55     is
56     -- scan all assignments for the given employee
57     select distinct a.assignment_id asg_id
58       from per_assignment_status_types t,
59       per_all_assignments_f a
60       where a.person_id                 = p_person_id
61       and t.assignment_status_type_id   = a.assignment_status_type_id
62       and nvl(t.per_system_status,' ') in ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN','SUSP_ASSIGN'
63                                           ,'ACTIVE_CWK','SUSP_CWK_ASG')
64       and nvl(a.establishment_id,-1)    = p_establishment_id
65       and a.assignment_type            in ('E','C')
66       and a.effective_end_date         >= p_1jan
67       and a.effective_start_date       <= p_31dec
68       order by asg_id;
69       --
70      cursor csr_get_disabled (p_establishment_id in number,
71         p_1jan in date,
72         p_31dec in date)
73       is
74         -- works out IDs of disabled
75      select distinct id from
76        (select asg.person_id id,
77        pdf.effective_start_date date_from,
78        pdf.effective_end_date date_to,
79        asg.effective_start_date asg_from,
80        asg.effective_end_date asg_to
81        from
82        per_disabilities_f pdf,
83        per_assignment_status_types typ,
84        per_all_assignments_f asg
85        where asg.person_id               = pdf.person_id
86        and asg.assignment_type           = 'E'
87        and typ.assignment_status_type_id = asg.assignment_status_type_id
88        and typ.per_system_status        in ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN','SUSP_ASSIGN')
89        and asg.establishment_id          = p_establishment_id
90        and (pdf.category in ('A','B','C') or
91             pdf.reason = 'OCC_INC' or
92             pdf.dis_information1 in ('CIVIL','MILITARY','MILITARY_EQUIVALENT'))
93        and pdf.DIS_INFORMATION_CATEGORY  = 'FR'
94        and asg.effective_start_date     <= p_31dec
95        and asg.effective_end_date       >= p_1jan)
96        where date_from                  <= least(p_31dec,asg_to)
97        and   date_to                    >= greatest(p_1jan,asg_from)
98        order by id;
99      --
100      --
101     function set_headcounts (p_establishment_id in number,
102                                p_1jan in date,
103                                p_31dec in date,
104                                p_headcount_obligation out nocopy number,
105                                p_headcount_particular out nocopy number,
106                                p_basis_obligation out nocopy number,
107                                p_obligation out nocopy number,
108                                p_breakdown_particular out nocopy varchar2,
109                                p_count_disabled out nocopy varchar2,
110                             p_disabled_where_clause out nocopy varchar2)
111                               return integer;
112     -- compute headcounts for the establishment
113     --
114     procedure get_extra_units (p_establishment_id in number,
115 			       p_effective_date in date,
116 			       p_base_unit out nocopy number,
117 			       p_xcot_a out nocopy number,
118 			       p_xcot_b out nocopy number,
119 			       p_xcot_c out nocopy number,
120 			       p_xcot_young_age out nocopy number,
121 			       p_xcot_old_age out nocopy number,
122 			       p_xcot_age_units out nocopy number,
123 			       p_xcot_training_hours out nocopy number,
124 			       p_xcot_training_units out nocopy number,
125 			       p_xcot_ap out nocopy number,
126 			       p_xcot_impro out nocopy number,
127 			       p_xcot_cat out nocopy number,
128 			       p_xcot_cdtd out nocopy number,
129 			       p_xcot_cfp out nocopy number,
130 			       p_xipp_low_rate out nocopy number,
131 			       p_xipp_medium_rate out nocopy number,
132 			       p_xipp_high_rate out nocopy number,
133 			       p_xipp_low_units out nocopy number,
134 			       p_xipp_medium_units out nocopy number,
135 			       p_xipp_high_units out nocopy number,
136 			       p_hire_units out nocopy number);
137     -- get values from fr_d2_rates
138     --
139     function include_this_person_type (p_user_person_types in varchar2,
140                                        p_business_group_id in number,
141                                        p_effective_date in date)
142                                        return boolean;
143     -- decide wether the person type is reported in the D2 or not
144     --
145     procedure trunc_list_disabled (p_person_id in number,
146                                    p_list in out nocopy varchar2);
147     -- remove person from list of disabled
148     --
149     function contract_prorated (p_block in block_record,
150                                 p_business_group_id in number,
151                                 p_estab_hours in number,
152                                 p_31dec in date,
153                                 p_tmp_total in out nocopy number,
154                                 p_formula_id in number,
155                                 p_formula_start_date in date)
156                                 return integer;
157     -- update non-integer headcount (eg. 0.5 for half-time assignment)
158     --
159     -- Get the job valid pcs code
160     procedure get_pcs_code (p_report_qualifier    in         varchar2
161                            ,p_job_id              in         per_jobs.job_id%type default null
162 	                   ,p_job_name            in         per_jobs.name%type   default null
163                            ,p_pcs_code            in out nocopy varchar2
164                            ,p_effective_date      in         date);
166     procedure get_job_info (p_establishment_id in number,
167                            p_person_id in number,
168                            p_1jan in date,
169                            p_31dec in date,
170                            p_year in number,
171                            p_pcs_code out nocopy varchar2,
172                            p_job_title out nocopy varchar2,
173                            p_hours_training out nocopy number,
174                            p_hire_year out nocopy number,
175                            p_year_became_permanent out nocopy number);
176     -- retrieves info on job
177     --pragma restrict_references (get_job_info,WNDS,WNPS);
178     --
179     function get_estab_hours (p_establishment_id in number)
180                               return number;
181     -- return reference monthly hours
182     --
183     function list_disabled (p_establishment_id in number,
184                             p_1jan in date,
185                             p_31dec in date)
186                             return varchar2;
187     -- return SQL statement to select disabled employees ID
188     --
189     procedure update_particular (p_establishment_id in number,
190                              p_person_id in number,
191                              p_1jan in date,
192                              p_31dec in date,
193                              p_business_group_id in number,
194                              p_employee_count in number,
195                              p_headcount_particular in out nocopy number,
196                              p_pcs_count in out nocopy table_of_number,
197                              p_pcs_codes in out nocopy table_of_varchar);
198     -- update headcount for particular pcs_codes
199     --
200     -- #4068197
201     function string_of_particular (p_pcs_count in table_of_number,
202                                    p_pcs_codes in table_of_varchar)
203                                    return varchar2;
204     -- #4068197
205     -- change table (for breakdown) into SQL string to pass to the report
206     --
207     procedure update_count_disabled (p_person_id in number,
208                                p_list in varchar2,
209                                p_employee_count in number,
210                                p_count_disabled in out nocopy varchar2);
211     -- update string of disabled employees (eg. '123=1;436=0.5;677=1;')
212     --
213     procedure get_formula_ref (p_effective_date in date,
214                                p_business_group_id in number,
215                                p_formula_id out nocopy number,
216                                p_formula_start_date out nocopy date);
217     -- give references of 'Contract Prorated' fast formula
218     --
219     function relevant_change (block1 in block_record,
220                          block2 in block_record)
221                               return boolean;
222     -- work out if 2 consecutive small blocks must be considered
223     -- as 1 consolidated block or 2 distinct blocks
224     --
225     function posid_in_list (p_id in number,
226                             p_list in varchar2)
227                             return integer;
228     -- return position of id in list (or 0 if not in list)
229     -- eg. 78 is a substring of 178 but 78 is not an id in '12,178,2200'
230     --
231     procedure populate_blocks_table (p_establishment_id in number,
232                                      p_1jan in date,
233                                      p_31dec in date,
234                                      p_person_id in number,
235                                      p_blocks out nocopy table_of_block);
236     -- populate the table of blocks for an employee
237     --
238     function latest_block (p_assignment_id in number,
239                            p_establishment_id in number,
240                            p_start_period in date,
241                            p_end_period in date)
242                            return date;
243     -- get the end-date of the latest block
244     -- which meets the criteria in the given period
245     --
246     function beginning_of_block (p_assignment_id in number,
247                                  p_end_date in date,
248                                  p_1jan in date)
249                                  return date;
250     -- get the start-date of the block which end date is known
251     --
252     procedure add_block_row (p_block_table in out nocopy table_of_block,
253                              p_assignment_id in number,
254                              p_start_date in date,
255                              p_end_date in date);
256     -- add a record into the table of blocks
257     --