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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 12

  g_select_stmt LONG :=
   NVL(MTLI.ATTRIBUTE1             , MLN.ATTRIBUTE1             ),
   NVL(MTLI.ATTRIBUTE2             , MLN.ATTRIBUTE2             ),
   NVL(MTLI.ATTRIBUTE3             , MLN.ATTRIBUTE3             ),
   NVL(MTLI.ATTRIBUTE4             , MLN.ATTRIBUTE4             ),
   NVL(MTLI.ATTRIBUTE5             , MLN.ATTRIBUTE5             ),
   NVL(MTLI.ATTRIBUTE6             , MLN.ATTRIBUTE6             ),
   NVL(MTLI.ATTRIBUTE7             , MLN.ATTRIBUTE7             ),
   NVL(MTLI.ATTRIBUTE8             , MLN.ATTRIBUTE8             ),
   NVL(MTLI.ATTRIBUTE9             , MLN.ATTRIBUTE9             ),
   NVL(MTLI.ATTRIBUTE10            , MLN.ATTRIBUTE10            ),
   NVL(MTLI.ATTRIBUTE11            , MLN.ATTRIBUTE11            ),
   NVL(MTLI.ATTRIBUTE12            , MLN.ATTRIBUTE12            ),
   NVL(MTLI.ATTRIBUTE13            , MLN.ATTRIBUTE13            ),
   NVL(MTLI.ATTRIBUTE14            , MLN.ATTRIBUTE14            ),
   NVL(MTLI.ATTRIBUTE15            , MLN.ATTRIBUTE15            ),
   NVL(MTLI.DESCRIPTION            , MLN.DESCRIPTION            ),
   NVL(MTLI.VENDOR_NAME            , MLN.VENDOR_NAME            ),
   NVL(MTLI.DATE_CODE              , MLN.DATE_CODE              ),
   NVL(MTLI.CHANGE_DATE            , MLN.CHANGE_DATE            ),
   NVL(MTLI.AGE                    , MLN.AGE                    ),
   NVL(MTLI.ITEM_SIZE              , MLN.ITEM_SIZE              ),
   NVL(MTLI.COLOR                  , MLN.COLOR                  ),
   NVL(MTLI.VOLUME                 , MLN.VOLUME                 ),
   NVL(MTLI.VOLUME_UOM             , MLN.VOLUME_UOM             ),
   NVL(MTLI.BEST_BY_DATE           , MLN.BEST_BY_DATE           ),
   NVL(MTLI.LENGTH                 , MLN.LENGTH                 ),
   NVL(MTLI.LENGTH_UOM             , MLN.LENGTH_UOM             ),
   NVL(MTLI.THICKNESS              , MLN.THICKNESS              ),
   NVL(MTLI.WIDTH                  , MLN.WIDTH                  ),
   NVL(MTLI.WIDTH_UOM              , MLN.WIDTH_UOM              ),
   NVL(MTLI.C_ATTRIBUTE1           , MLN.C_ATTRIBUTE1           ),
   NVL(MTLI.C_ATTRIBUTE2           , MLN.C_ATTRIBUTE2           ),
   NVL(MTLI.C_ATTRIBUTE3           , MLN.C_ATTRIBUTE3           ),
   NVL(MTLI.C_ATTRIBUTE4           , MLN.C_ATTRIBUTE4           ),
   NVL(MTLI.C_ATTRIBUTE5           , MLN.C_ATTRIBUTE5           ),
   NVL(MTLI.C_ATTRIBUTE6           , MLN.C_ATTRIBUTE6           ),
   NVL(MTLI.C_ATTRIBUTE7           , MLN.C_ATTRIBUTE7           ),
   NVL(MTLI.C_ATTRIBUTE8           , MLN.C_ATTRIBUTE8           ),
   NVL(MTLI.C_ATTRIBUTE9           , MLN.C_ATTRIBUTE9           ),
   NVL(MTLI.C_ATTRIBUTE10          , MLN.C_ATTRIBUTE10          ),
   NVL(MTLI.C_ATTRIBUTE11          , MLN.C_ATTRIBUTE11          ),
   NVL(MTLI.C_ATTRIBUTE12          , MLN.C_ATTRIBUTE12          ),
   NVL(MTLI.C_ATTRIBUTE13          , MLN.C_ATTRIBUTE13          ),
   NVL(MTLI.C_ATTRIBUTE14          , MLN.C_ATTRIBUTE14          ),
   NVL(MTLI.C_ATTRIBUTE15          , MLN.C_ATTRIBUTE15          ),
   NVL(MTLI.C_ATTRIBUTE16          , MLN.C_ATTRIBUTE16          ),
   NVL(MTLI.C_ATTRIBUTE17          , MLN.C_ATTRIBUTE17          ),
   NVL(MTLI.C_ATTRIBUTE18          , MLN.C_ATTRIBUTE18          ),
   NVL(MTLI.C_ATTRIBUTE19          , MLN.C_ATTRIBUTE19          ),
   NVL(MTLI.C_ATTRIBUTE20          , MLN.C_ATTRIBUTE20          ),
   NVL(MTLI.D_ATTRIBUTE1           , MLN.D_ATTRIBUTE1           ),
   NVL(MTLI.D_ATTRIBUTE2           , MLN.D_ATTRIBUTE2           ),
   NVL(MTLI.D_ATTRIBUTE3           , MLN.D_ATTRIBUTE3           ),
   NVL(MTLI.D_ATTRIBUTE4           , MLN.D_ATTRIBUTE4           ),
   NVL(MTLI.D_ATTRIBUTE5           , MLN.D_ATTRIBUTE5           ),
   NVL(MTLI.D_ATTRIBUTE6           , MLN.D_ATTRIBUTE6           ),
   NVL(MTLI.D_ATTRIBUTE7           , MLN.D_ATTRIBUTE7           ),
   NVL(MTLI.D_ATTRIBUTE8           , MLN.D_ATTRIBUTE8           ),
   NVL(MTLI.D_ATTRIBUTE9           , MLN.D_ATTRIBUTE9           ),
   NVL(MTLI.D_ATTRIBUTE10          , MLN.D_ATTRIBUTE10          ),
   NVL(MTLI.N_ATTRIBUTE1           , MLN.N_ATTRIBUTE1           ),
   NVL(MTLI.N_ATTRIBUTE2           , MLN.N_ATTRIBUTE2           ),
   NVL(MTLI.N_ATTRIBUTE3           , MLN.N_ATTRIBUTE3           ),
   NVL(MTLI.N_ATTRIBUTE4           , MLN.N_ATTRIBUTE4           ),
   NVL(MTLI.N_ATTRIBUTE5           , MLN.N_ATTRIBUTE5           ),
   NVL(MTLI.N_ATTRIBUTE6           , MLN.N_ATTRIBUTE6           ),
   NVL(MTLI.N_ATTRIBUTE7           , MLN.N_ATTRIBUTE7           ),
   NVL(MTLI.N_ATTRIBUTE8           , MLN.N_ATTRIBUTE8           ),
   NVL(MTLI.N_ATTRIBUTE9           , MLN.N_ATTRIBUTE9           ),
   NVL(MTLI.N_ATTRIBUTE10          , MLN.N_ATTRIBUTE10          ),
   NVL(MTLI.VENDOR_ID              , MLN.VENDOR_ID              ),
Line: 176

      SELECT transaction_interface_id
           , inventory_item_id
           , revision
           , organization_id
           , transaction_quantity
           , primary_quantity
           , transaction_uom
           , subinventory_code
           , locator_id
           , transaction_type_id
           , transaction_action_id
           , acct_period_id
           , distribution_account_id
           , transfer_subinventory
           , transfer_organization
           , transfer_locator
           , parent_id
           , cost_group_id
           , transfer_cost_group_id
           , lpn_id
           , transfer_lpn_id
        FROM mtl_transactions_interface
       WHERE parent_id = p_parent_id;
Line: 202

      SELECT transaction_interface_id
           , lot_number
           , lot_expiration_date
           , transaction_quantity
           , primary_quantity
           , grade_code
           , origination_date
           , date_code
           , status_id
           , change_date
           , age
           , retest_date
           , maturity_date
           , lot_attribute_category
           , item_size
           , color
           , volume
           , volume_uom
           , place_of_origin
           , best_by_date
           , LENGTH
           , length_uom
           , recycled_content
           , thickness
           , thickness_uom
           , width
           , width_uom
           , curl_wrinkle_fold
           , c_attribute1
           , c_attribute2
           , c_attribute3
           , c_attribute4
           , c_attribute5
           , c_attribute6
           , c_attribute7
           , c_attribute8
           , c_attribute9
           , c_attribute10
           , c_attribute11
           , c_attribute12
           , c_attribute13
           , c_attribute14
           , c_attribute15
           , c_attribute16
           , c_attribute17
           , c_attribute18
           , c_attribute19
           , c_attribute20
           , d_attribute1
           , d_attribute2
           , d_attribute3
           , d_attribute4
           , d_attribute5
           , d_attribute6
           , d_attribute7
           , d_attribute8
           , d_attribute9
           , d_attribute10
           , n_attribute1
           , n_attribute2
           , n_attribute3
           , n_attribute4
           , n_attribute5
           , n_attribute6
           , n_attribute7
           , n_attribute8
           , n_attribute10
           , supplier_lot_number
           , n_attribute9
           , territory_code
           , serial_transaction_temp_id
        FROM mtl_transaction_lots_interface
       WHERE transaction_interface_id = p_transaction_interface_id;
Line: 282

      SELECT fm_serial_number
           , NVL (to_serial_number, fm_serial_number) to_serial_number
        FROM mtl_serial_numbers_interface
       WHERE transaction_interface_id = p_serial_transaction_temp_id;
Line: 296

      SELECT group_mark_id
           , status_id
        FROM mtl_serial_numbers
       WHERE serial_number = p_serial_number
         AND current_organization_id = p_organization_id
         AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id;
Line: 315

      SELECT group_mark_id
           , status_id
        FROM mtl_serial_numbers
       WHERE serial_number = p_serial_number
         AND current_organization_id = p_organization_id
         AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
	 AND lot_number = p_lot_number
         AND current_subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
         AND nvl(current_locator_id, -9999) = nvl(p_locator_id, -9999)
         AND nvl(lpn_id, -9999) = nvl(p_lpn_id, -9999)
	 AND nvl(revision, '@#') = nvl(p_revision, '@#')
	 AND current_status in (1,3,6)
	 AND reservation_id IS NULL;
Line: 344

      SELECT serial_number
           , status_id
           , group_mark_id
        FROM mtl_serial_numbers
       WHERE lot_number = p_lot_number
         AND current_organization_id = p_organization_id
         AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
         AND current_subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
         AND nvl(current_locator_id, -9999) = nvl(p_locator_id, -9999)
	 AND nvl(lpn_id, -9999)		    = nvl(p_lpn_id , -9999)
	 AND nvl(revision, '@#')	    = nvl(p_revision, '@#')
         AND current_status IN (1,3,6)
	 AND reservation_id IS NULL;
Line: 500

        SELECT primary_uom_code
          INTO l_start_primary_uom
          FROM mtl_system_items
         WHERE organization_id = l_mti_csr.organization_id
           AND inventory_item_id = l_mti_csr.inventory_item_id;
Line: 761

      UPDATE mtl_transactions_interface
         SET transaction_quantity = l_transaction_quantity
           , primary_quantity = l_primary_quantity
       WHERE transaction_interface_id = l_transaction_interface_id;
Line: 766

      UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_interface
         SET transaction_quantity = ABS (l_transaction_quantity)
           , primary_quantity = ABS (l_primary_quantity)
       WHERE transaction_interface_id = l_transaction_interface_id;
Line: 772

      SELECT serial_number_control_code
        INTO l_serial_code
        FROM mtl_system_items
       WHERE inventory_item_id = l_mti_csr.inventory_item_id
         AND organization_id = l_mti_csr.organization_id;
Line: 1506

      SELECT   column_name
             , data_type
             , data_length
          FROM all_tab_columns
         WHERE table_name = UPPER (p_table_name)
           AND owner = l_app_owner_schema
           AND column_id > 22
      ORDER BY column_id; */
Line: 1517

    l_select_stmt        LONG                                         := NULL;
Line: 1532

      SELECT COUNT (lot_number)
        INTO l_lot_num
        FROM mtl_lot_numbers mtl
       WHERE lot_number = p_lot_number
         AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
         AND organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 1550

      Also, instead of building the SELECT clause here in the loop it is defined in the
      global varialble g_select_stmt only once.

    FOR l_lot_column_csr IN lot_column_csr ('MTL_TRANSACTION_LOTS_INTERFACE')
      l_column_idx := l_column_idx + 1;
Line: 1575

        l_select_stmt :=
          || ' NVL(MTLI.'
          || l_lot_attr_tbl (l_column_idx).column_name
          || ', MTL.'
          || l_lot_attr_tbl (l_column_idx).column_name
          || ')';
Line: 1583

        l_select_stmt :=
          || ' , NVL(MTLI.'
          || l_lot_attr_tbl (l_column_idx).column_name
          || ', MTL.'
          || l_lot_attr_tbl (l_column_idx).column_name
          || ')';
Line: 1597

      l_select_stmt :=
        || ' MTL_LOT_NUMBERS MLN '
        || ' WHERE mtli.transaction_interface_id = :b_interface_id '
        || ' AND   mtli.lot_number = :b_lot_number '
        || ' AND   mtli.transaction_interface_id = mti.transaction_interface_id '
        || ' AND   mln.lot_number = mtli.lot_number (+)'
        || ' AND   mln.inventory_item_id = mti.inventory_item_id (+)'
        || ' AND   mln.organization_id = mti.organization_id (+)';
Line: 1612

      l_select_stmt :=
        || ' MTL_LOT_NUMBERS MLN '
        || ' WHERE mtli.transaction_interface_id = :b_interface_id '
        || ' AND   mtli.lot_number = :b_lot_number '
        || ' AND   mtli.transaction_interface_id = mti.transaction_interface_id '
        || ' AND   mln.lot_number = :b_starting_lot_number'
        || ' AND   mln.inventory_item_id = mti.inventory_item_id (+)'
        || ' AND   mln.organization_id = mti.organization_id (+)';
Line: 1634

    DBMS_SQL.parse (l_sql_p, l_select_stmt, DBMS_SQL.native);
Line: 1759

  PROCEDURE update_lot_attr_record (
    p_lot_attr_tbl               IN   inv_lot_sel_attr.lot_sel_attributes_tbl_type
  , p_transaction_interface_id   IN   NUMBER
  , p_lot_number                 IN   VARCHAR2
  , p_organization_id            IN   NUMBER
  , p_inventory_item_id          IN   NUMBER
    l_lot_attr_tbl     inv_lot_sel_attr.lot_sel_attributes_tbl_type;
Line: 1769

Line: 1775

    print_debug ('Inside update attr', 'Validate_Lot_Split');
Line: 1776

    print_debug ('Count' || p_lot_attr_tbl.COUNT, 'Update Lot attr');
Line: 1777

    print_debug ('Lot Number' || p_lot_number, 'Update Lot attr');
Line: 1787

          EXECUTE IMMEDIATE    'Update mtl_transaction_lots_interface
		    set '
                            || p_lot_attr_tbl (i).column_name
                            || ' = :1 '
                            || 'where transaction_interface_id = :2 '
                      USING p_lot_attr_tbl (i).column_value
                          , p_transaction_interface_id;
Line: 1798

          EXECUTE IMMEDIATE    'Update Mtl_transaction_lots_interface
		    SET '
                            || p_lot_attr_tbl (i).column_name
                            || ' = :1 '
                            || 'where transaction_interface_id = :2 '
                                               (p_lot_attr_tbl (i).column_value
                          , p_transaction_interface_id;
Line: 1812

          EXECUTE IMMEDIATE    'Update Mtl_transaction_lots_interface
		    SET '
                            || p_lot_attr_tbl (i).column_name
                            || ' = :1 '
                            || 'where transaction_interface_id = :2 '
                      USING p_lot_attr_tbl (i).column_value
                          , p_transaction_interface_id;
Line: 1827

      fnd_message.set_name ('WMS', 'WMS_UPDATE_ATTR_ERROR');
Line: 1837

  END update_lot_attr_record;
Line: 2201

      SELECT transaction_action_id
        INTO l_transaction_action_id
        FROM mtl_transaction_types
       WHERE transaction_type_id = l_transaction_type_id;
Line: 2286

          UPDATE mtl_transactions_interface
             SET cost_group_id = l_rs_cost_group_id_tbl (i)
           WHERE transaction_interface_id = l_rs_interface_id_tbl (i);
Line: 2424

        SELECT DECODE (serial_number_control_code, 2, 'Y', 5, 'Y', 'N')
          INTO l_is_serial_controlled
          FROM mtl_system_items
         WHERE inventory_item_id = l_st_item_id_tbl (1)
           AND organization_id = l_st_org_id_tbl (1);
Line: 2657

            print_debug ('calling update_lot_attr_record'
                       , 'validate_lot_split_trx'
Line: 2662

                      (p_lot_attr_tbl                 => l_lot_attr_tbl
                     , p_transaction_interface_id     => l_rs_interface_id_tbl
                     , p_lot_number                   => l_rs_lot_number_tbl
                     , p_organization_id              => l_rs_org_id_tbl (i)
                     , p_inventory_item_id            => l_rs_item_id_tbl (i)
Line: 3044

      SELECT transaction_action_id
        INTO l_transaction_action_id
        FROM mtl_transaction_types
       WHERE transaction_type_id = l_transaction_type_id;
Line: 3104

          UPDATE mtl_transactions_interface
             SET cost_group_id = l_rs_cost_group_id_tbl (i)
           WHERE transaction_interface_id = l_rs_interface_id_tbl (i);
Line: 3225

        SELECT DECODE (serial_number_control_code, 2, 'Y', 5, 'Y', 'N')
          INTO l_is_serial_controlled
          FROM mtl_system_items
         WHERE inventory_item_id = l_st_item_id_tbl (1)
           AND organization_id = l_st_org_id_tbl (1);
Line: 3346

    SELECT representative_lot_number
      INTO l_represenatative_lot
      FROM mtl_transactions_interface
     WHERE transaction_interface_id = l_st_interface_id_tbl (1);
Line: 3441

        print_debug ('callign update_lot_attr_record', 'validate_lot_merge');
Line: 3446

                     (p_lot_attr_tbl                 => l_lot_attr_tbl
                    , p_transaction_interface_id     => l_rs_interface_id_tbl
                    , p_lot_number                   => l_rs_lot_number_tbl
                    , p_organization_id              => l_rs_org_id_tbl (1)
                    , p_inventory_item_id            => l_rs_item_id_tbl (1)
Line: 3818

          SELECT distribution_account_id
          INTO   l_distribution_account_id
          FROM   mtl_parameters
          WHERE  organization_id = l_st_org_id_tbl (1);
Line: 3854

          SELECT transaction_account_id
            INTO l_distribution_account_id
            FROM wsm_parameters
           WHERE organization_id = l_st_org_id_tbl (1);
Line: 3906

        UPDATE mtl_transactions_interface
           SET distribution_account_id = l_distribution_account_id
         WHERE transaction_interface_id IN
                       (l_st_interface_id_tbl (1), l_rs_interface_id_tbl (1));
Line: 3995

      SELECT transaction_action_id
        INTO l_transaction_action_id
        FROM mtl_transaction_types
       WHERE transaction_type_id = l_transaction_type_id;
Line: 4055

          UPDATE mtl_transactions_interface
             SET cost_group_id = l_rs_cost_group_id_tbl (i)
               , distribution_account_id = l_distribution_account_id
           WHERE transaction_interface_id = l_rs_interface_id_tbl (i);
Line: 4182

        SELECT DECODE (serial_number_control_code, 2, 'Y'
                       , 5, 'Y',
          INTO l_is_serial_controlled
          FROM mtl_system_items
         WHERE inventory_item_id = l_st_item_id_tbl (1)
           AND organization_id = l_st_org_id_tbl (1);
Line: 4375

                     (p_lot_attr_tbl                 => l_lot_attr_tbl
                    , p_transaction_interface_id     => l_rs_interface_id_tbl
                    , p_lot_number                   => l_rs_lot_number_tbl
                    , p_organization_id              => l_rs_org_id_tbl (1)
                    , p_inventory_item_id            => l_rs_item_id_tbl (1)