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Line 667: P_grp_camp_Rec IN ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_Rec_Type,

665: -- This procudure defines the columns for the Dynamic SQL.
666: PROCEDURE Define_Columns(
667: P_grp_camp_Rec IN ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_Rec_Type,
668: p_cur_get_grp_camp IN NUMBER
669: )
670: IS
671: BEGIN

Line 690: X_grp_camp_Rec OUT ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_Rec_Type

687: -- This procudure gets column values by the Dynamic SQL.
688: PROCEDURE Get_Column_Values(
689: p_cur_get_grp_camp IN NUMBER,
690: X_grp_camp_Rec OUT ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_Rec_Type
691: )
692: IS
693: BEGIN
694: -- Debug Message

Line 710: p_order_by_rec IN ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_sort_rec_type,

706: JTF_PLSQL_API.Debug_Message(FND_MSG_PUB.G_MSG_LVL_DEBUG_LOW, 'ast', 'Private API: Get Column Values Ends');
707: END Get_Column_Values;
709: PROCEDURE Gen_grp_camp_order_cl(
710: p_order_by_rec IN ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_sort_rec_type,
711: x_order_by_cl OUT VARCHAR2,
712: x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2,
713: x_msg_count OUT NUMBER,
714: x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2

Line 753: P_grp_camp_Rec IN ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_Rec_Type,

749: END Gen_grp_camp_order_cl;
751: -- This procedure bind the variables for the Dynamic SQL
752: PROCEDURE Bind(
753: P_grp_camp_Rec IN ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_Rec_Type,
754: -- Hint: Add more binding variables here
755: p_cur_get_grp_camp IN NUMBER
756: )
757: IS

Line 802: P_grp_camp_Rec IN ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_Rec_Type,

799: END Gen_Select;
801: PROCEDURE Gen_grp_camp_Where(
802: P_grp_camp_Rec IN ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_Rec_Type,
803: x_grp_camp_where OUT VARCHAR2
804: )
805: IS
806: -- cursors to check if wildcard values '%' and '_' have been passed

Line 916: P_grp_camp_Rec IN ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_Rec_Type,

912: P_Api_Version_Number IN NUMBER,
913: P_Init_Msg_List IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
914: p_validation_level IN NUMBER := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
915: P_identity_salesforce_id IN NUMBER := NULL,
916: P_grp_camp_Rec IN ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_Rec_Type,
917: -- Hint: Add list of bind variables here
918: p_rec_requested IN NUMBER := G_DEFAULT_NUM_REC_FETCH,
919: p_start_rec_prt IN NUMBER := 1,
920: p_return_tot_count IN NUMBER := FND_API.G_FALSE,

Line 922: p_order_by_rec IN ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_sort_rec_type,

918: p_rec_requested IN NUMBER := G_DEFAULT_NUM_REC_FETCH,
919: p_start_rec_prt IN NUMBER := 1,
920: p_return_tot_count IN NUMBER := FND_API.G_FALSE,
921: -- Hint: user defined record type
922: p_order_by_rec IN ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_sort_rec_type,
923: x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2,
924: x_msg_count OUT NUMBER,
925: x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2,
926: X_grp_camp_Tbl OUT ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_Tbl_Type,

Line 926: X_grp_camp_Tbl OUT ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_Tbl_Type,

922: p_order_by_rec IN ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_sort_rec_type,
923: x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2,
924: x_msg_count OUT NUMBER,
925: x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2,
926: X_grp_camp_Tbl OUT ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_Tbl_Type,
927: x_returned_rec_count OUT NUMBER,
928: x_next_rec_ptr OUT NUMBER,
929: x_tot_rec_count OUT NUMBER
930: -- other optional parameters

Line 966: l_grp_camp_rec ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_Rec_Type;

962: l_flex_where VARCHAR2(2000) := NULL;
963: l_counter NUMBER;
965: -- Local scratch record
966: l_grp_camp_rec ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_Rec_Type;
967: l_crit_grp_camp_rec ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_Rec_Type;
968: BEGIN
969: -- Standard Start of API savepoint
970: SAVEPOINT GET_grp_camp_PVT;

Line 967: l_crit_grp_camp_rec ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_Rec_Type;

963: l_counter NUMBER;
965: -- Local scratch record
966: l_grp_camp_rec ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_Rec_Type;
967: l_crit_grp_camp_rec ast_grp_camp_PUB.grp_camp_Rec_Type;
968: BEGIN
969: -- Standard Start of API savepoint
970: SAVEPOINT GET_grp_camp_PVT;