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1 package body pay_us_over_limit_pkg as
2 /* $Header: pyusoltm.pkb 120.3.12010000.1 2008/07/27 23:54:29 appldev ship $ */
3 /*
4    Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All rights reserved
5 --
6    Name        :This package defines the cursors needed for OLT to run Multi-Threaded
7 --
8    Change List
9    -----------
10    Date         Name        Vers   Bug No   Description
11    -----------  ----------  -----  -------  -----------------------------------
12    01-DEC-2001  irgonzal    115.0  2045352  Created.
13    08-DEC-2001  irgonzal    115.1           Simplied the sort_action cursor
14                                             since the sorting is performed in
15                                             the second stage of the process.
16                                             Removed reference to pactid and
17                                             per_people_f in Action_Creation
18                                             cursor.
19    11-DEC-2001  irgonzal    115.2           Corrected typo in sort_action
20                                             procedure and removed reference
21                                             to per_people_f table in sort_
22                                             action procedure.
23    20-DEC-2001  meshah      115.3  2157065  changed hr_locations to
24                                             hr_locations_all in c_actions
25                                             cursor.
26    04-FEB-2001  meshah      115.4  2166701  Changed the action creation cursor.
27                                             Also changed the names of the
28                                             dummy parameters from
29                                             legislative_parameters.
30    05-FEB-2001  meshah      115.5           Added checkfile entry to the file.
31    19-MAR-2001  meshah      115.6  2262842  Added business_group_id checking
32                                             in the range and actio_creation
33                                             cursor.
34                                    2261018  Changed the date checking on the
35                                             per_assignments_f table in the
36                                             action_creation cursor.
37    06-AUG-2002 rmonge       115.7  2447123  Changed action_type to varchar2(30)
38    12-SEP-2002 irgonzal     115.8  2453584  Split action creation cursor in
39                                             several cursors to avoid reading
40                                             same objects twice.
41    13-NOV-2002 irgonzal     115.9  2453584  Changed action creation cursors:
42                                             modified condition that checks
43                                             ppa.effective_date.
44    18-MAY-2003 vgunasek     115.10 2938556  report rewrite including support for
45    					    new balance reporting architecture (run
46    					    balances) and multi threading.
47    06-JUN-2003 vgunasek     115.11 2938556  Changed sort action code
48    18-JUN-2003 kaverma      115.12 3015312  Modified action_creation code and broke
49                                             cursor all for performance improvement.
50    23-JUN-2003 kaverma      115.13 3018606  Modified insert_action to call load_data
51                                             only if assignment_action_id is not null
52    19-DEC-2003 kaverma      115.14 3326648  disabled index on ppa.effective date in
53                                             cursor c_get_latest_asg
54    15-JAN-2004 ardsouza     115.15 3361891  Modified 4 cursors to improve performance.
55    14-MAR-2005 sackumar     115.16 4222032  Change in the Range Cursor removing redundant
56 					    use of bind Variable (:payroll_action_id)
57    07-DEC-2005 sackumar     115.17 4748245  Changed the Range Cursor and Action_creation procedure
58 					    to improve the performance.
59 					    Also replaced the pay_us_over_limit_pkg.get_parameter
60 					    call to pay_us_payroll_utils.get_parameter call.
61    18-APR-2007 sudedas      115.18 5840569  In case Range Person ID Functionality
62                                             is disabled where conditions need to
63                                             be added to action_creation procedure.
64    29-OCT-2007 vaisriva     115.19 5717518  Cursor c_get_latest_asg has been modified to improve
65                                             it's performance
66 --
67 */
68 -------------------- range_cursor ---------------------------------------------
69 --
70 procedure range_cursor (pactid in number, sqlstr out nocopy varchar2) is
71 --
72   leg_param    pay_payroll_actions.legislative_parameters%type;
73   l_gre_id     number;
74   l_loc_id     number;
75   l_org_id     number;
76   l_as_of_date varchar2(240);
77   l_bg_id      pay_payroll_actions.business_group_id%type;
78   where_condition varchar(5000);
80 --
81 --
82 begin
83 --    hr_utility.trace_on(null,'oracle');
84     hr_utility.set_location('IN range_cursor',200);
86     begin
87       select ppa.legislative_parameters,
88              ppa.business_group_id,
89              pay_us_payroll_utils.get_parameter('GRE',ppa.legislative_parameters),
90 	     pay_us_payroll_utils.get_parameter('ORG',ppa.legislative_parameters),
91              pay_us_payroll_utils.get_parameter('LOC',ppa.legislative_parameters),
92              pay_us_payroll_utils.get_parameter('AS_OF_DATE',ppa.legislative_parameters)
93          into leg_param,
94               l_bg_id,
95               l_gre_id,
96 	      l_org_id,
97 	      l_loc_id,
98               l_as_of_date
99       from pay_payroll_actions ppa
100       where ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid;
101     exception
102        when others then
103           hr_utility.trace('Legislative parameters not found for pactid '||to_char(pactid));
104           --raise;
105     end;
107     where_condition := '';
108     if l_gre_id is not null then
109        where_condition :=where_condition||' and paa.tax_unit_id ='||l_gre_id;
110     end if;
111     if l_org_id is not null then
112        where_condition :=where_condition||' and paf.organization_id ='||l_org_id;
113     end if;
114     if l_loc_id is not null then
115        where_condition :=where_condition||' and paf.location_id ='||l_loc_id;
116     end if;
118 hr_utility.trace('Range where condition='||where_condition);
119 hr_utility.trace('l_as_of_date='||l_as_of_date);
120 hr_utility.trace('l_bg_id='||l_bg_id);
122     sqlstr := 'select /*+ ORDERED
123                index(ppa PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_N5)
124                index(paa PAY_ASSIGNMENT_ACTIONS_N50)
125                index(paf per_assignments_pk) */
126 	   distinct paf.person_id
127     from
128         pay_payroll_actions ppa,
129         pay_assignment_actions paa,
130         per_assignments_f paf
131     where :payroll_action_id    is not null
132        and paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
133        and paa.action_status=''C''
134        and ppa.action_type in (''B'', ''I'', ''R'', ''Q'', ''V'')
135        and ppa.action_status = ''C''
136        and paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
137        and ppa.effective_date between trunc(to_date('''||l_as_of_date||''',''YYYY/MM/DD''), ''Y'')
138                                   and to_date('''||l_as_of_date||''',''YYYY/MM/DD'')
139        and ppa.effective_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
140        and paf.business_group_id + 0 = '''||l_bg_id||'''
141        '|| where_condition ||'
142     order by paf.person_id';
144   hr_utility.set_location('OUT range_cursor',250);
145 end range_cursor;
146 --
147 --------------------------- action_creation ---------------------------------
148 --
149 procedure action_creation(pactid in number,
150                           stperson in number,
151                           endperson in number,
152                           chunk in number) is
154   leg_param    pay_payroll_actions.legislative_parameters%type;
155   action_type     varchar2(30);
156   l_as_of_date    varchar2(240);
157 --  l_date_prm      varchar2(50);
158   l_gre_id        pay_assignment_actions.tax_unit_id%type;
159   l_org_id        per_assignments_f.organization_id%type;
160   l_loc_id        per_assignments_f.location_id%type;
161   l_bg_id         per_assignments_f.business_group_id%type;
162   l_tax_type      varchar2(100);
164   l_per_id         per_assignments_f.person_id%type;
165   l_ssn            per_people_f.national_identifier%type;
166   l_state_code     pay_us_states.state_code%type;
167   l_state_abbrev   pay_us_states.state_abbrev%type;
170   lockingactid  number;
171   lockedactid   number;
172   assignid      number;
173   greid         number;
174   num           number;
176   l_aaid      pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%TYPE;
177   l_tu_id     pay_assignment_actions.tax_unit_id%TYPE;
178   l_person_id     per_people_f.person_id%TYPE;
180   p_over_limit_flag            varchar2(1);
181   sac_temp number;
182   lv_where_condition           varchar2(5000) ;
183 --
184 cursor c_parameters ( pactid number) is
185    select
186          ppa.legislative_parameters,
187          ppa.business_group_id,
188          pay_us_payroll_utils.get_parameter('GRE',ppa.legislative_parameters),
189          pay_us_payroll_utils.get_parameter('ORG',ppa.legislative_parameters),
190          pay_us_payroll_utils.get_parameter('LOC',ppa.legislative_parameters),
191          pay_us_payroll_utils.get_parameter('AS_OF_DATE',ppa.legislative_parameters),
192          pay_us_payroll_utils.get_parameter('TAX_TYPE',ppa.legislative_parameters)
193      from pay_payroll_actions ppa
194     where ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid;
196    l_prev_person_id         per_people_f.person_id%type;
197    l_prev_tu_id             pay_assignment_actions.tax_unit_id%type;
199 --
200 -- #2453584: split cursors
201 -- The report is only getting the YTD values so we only need to get
202 -- the payroll actions which have been submitted in the year for
203 -- which the user is running the report.
204 -- So this condition was modified:
205 --            " ...and ppa.effective_date <= to_date(l_as_of_date,'YYYY/MM/DD') ..."
206 --
207 -- All the four cursors are splitted for performance improvement. (Bug: 3015312)
208 -- Bug 3361891 - All the four cursors are modified to improve performance.
209 -- Bug 4748245 - All the four cursors are removed and introduce a ref cursor
211 TYPE overlimit IS REF CURSOR;
212 c_seq_act overlimit;
213 lv_sqlstr varchar2(5000);
214 lv_org_condition varchar2(200);
215 lv_loc_condition varchar2(200);
216 lv_gre_condition varchar2(200);
218 ln_greid  number;
219 ln_personid number;
220 ln_assgid number;
222 -- Bug 4748245
223 --
224 -- #2453584
225 -- Bug# 3015312 -  Added cursor to improve the performance of the action_code
226 -- and modified the procedure
228 procedure insert_action(pactid        IN number
229 		       ,chunk         IN number
230                        ,p_greid       IN number
231                        ,p_person_id   IN per_all_people_f.person_id%type
232                        ,p_assignid    IN number
233                        ) is
235 -- Cursor to get the assignment actions
236 -- Bug 5717518: Cursor c_get_latest_asg has been modified to improve it's performance
237 cursor c_get_latest_asg(
238          cp_person_id in number
239 	,cp_tax_unit_id in number
240 	,cp_as_of_date in varchar2
241 	,cp_assignid in number) is    -- Bug 5717518
242    select /*+ ORDERED */
243           to_number(substr(max(lpad(paa.action_sequence,15,'0')||paa.assignment_action_id),16)) assignment_action_id  -- Bug 5717518
244      from per_all_assignments_f paf,
245           pay_assignment_actions paa,
246           pay_payroll_actions ppa,
247           pay_action_classifications pac
248     where paf.assignment_id = cp_assignid      -- Bug 5717518: New parameter added for performance improvement
249       and paf.person_id = cp_person_id         -- Bug 5717518: Shuffled the Where Clause for performance improvement
250       and paa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
251       and paa.tax_unit_id = cp_tax_unit_id
252       and paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
253       and ((nvl(paa.run_type_id, ppa.run_type_id) is null
254                 and paa.source_action_id is null)
255             or (nvl(paa.run_type_id, ppa.run_type_id) is not null
256                 and paa.source_action_id is not null )
257             or (ppa.action_type = 'V' and ppa.run_type_id is null
258                 and paa.run_type_id is not null
259                 and paa.source_action_id is null))
260       and ppa.effective_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
261       and ppa.effective_date between trunc(to_date(cp_as_of_date,'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'Y') -- Bug 3326648
262                                  and to_date(cp_as_of_date,'YYYY/MM/DD')
263       and ppa.action_type = pac.action_type
264       and pac.classification_name = 'SEQUENCED';
265 -- End of Bug 5717518
267 l_max_asg_action_id number;
269 begin
270       if ((l_prev_person_id = p_person_id) AND
271           (l_prev_tu_id = p_greid)) then
272          null;
273       else
274          l_prev_person_id := p_person_id;
275          l_prev_tu_id     := p_greid;
277          num := 0;
278          num := num + 1;
279          --
280          -- Added the call as part of the bug # 2938556
281          -- moved insertion of assignment action to this package.
282 	 -- Bug 5717518: Cursor c_get_latest_asg has been modified to improve it's performance
283          open c_get_latest_asg(p_person_id,p_greid,l_as_of_date,p_assignid);
284 	 fetch c_get_latest_asg into l_max_asg_action_id;
285          close c_get_latest_asg;
286          if l_max_asg_action_id is not null then  --Bug3018606
287            pay_us_over_limit_tax_rpt_pkg.load_data
288 					(pactid,
289 					 chunk,
290 					 p_assignid,
291 					 l_max_asg_action_id,--p_lockedactid (Bug3015312 )
292 					 p_greid
293 					);
294          end if;
295       end if;
296       hr_utility.trace(' Actions found = '||to_char(num));
297 end insert_action;
298 --
299 --
300 --------------- Main Action Creation --------------------------------
301 begin
302 --hr_utility.trace_on(null,'oracle');
304   hr_utility.set_location('IN action_creation',300);
305   --
306   open c_parameters(pactid);
307   fetch c_parameters into leg_param,
308                           l_bg_id,
309                           l_gre_id,
310                           l_org_id,
311                           l_loc_id,
312                           l_as_of_date,
313                           l_tax_type;
315   if c_parameters%notfound then
316       hr_utility.trace('Legislative parameters not found for pactid '||pactid);
317       close c_parameters;
318       --raise;
319   end if;
320   close c_parameters;
322   hr_utility.set_location('action creation after prm',301);
323   hr_utility.trace('Parmeters: ');
324   hr_utility.trace('      gre_id : '||to_char(l_gre_id));
325   hr_utility.trace('      bg_id : '||to_char(l_bg_id));
326   hr_utility.trace('   as of date: '||l_as_of_date);
327   hr_utility.trace('    pactid   : '||to_char(pactid));
328   hr_utility.trace('    chunk   : '||to_char(chunk));
329   hr_utility.trace('    loc_id   : '||to_char(l_loc_id)); -- l_loc_id
330   hr_utility.trace('    org_id   : '||to_char(l_org_id)); -- l_org_id
331   hr_utility.trace('    stperson : '|| to_char(stperson));
332   hr_utility.trace('   endperson : '|| to_char(endperson));
334   hr_utility.set_location('action creation before ref cursor',302);
335   --
336 if pay_ac_utility.range_person_on(
337 					    P_REPORT_TYPE => 'OLT',
338 					    P_REPORT_FORMAT => 'DEFAULT',
340 					    P_REPORT_CATEGORY => 'REPORT'
341 					   ) then
343   hr_utility.set_location('action creation before opening ref cursor',303);
344   hr_utility.trace('Range Person id is ON');
347   lv_sqlstr := 'select distinct paf.person_id person_id,
348                 paf.assignment_id,
349                 paa.tax_unit_id
350      from per_assignments_f       paf,
351           pay_assignment_actions  paa,
352           pay_payroll_actions     ppa,
353           PAY_POPULATION_RANGES   ppr
354     where ppr.payroll_action_id = '|| pactid ||'
355       and ppr.chunk_number = '|| chunk ||'
356       and paf.person_id = ppr.person_id
357       and paf.assignment_type      = ''E''
358       and paa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
359       and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
360       and paf.payroll_id = ppa.payroll_id
361       and paf.payroll_id is not null
362       and ppa.action_type in (''R'',''Q'',''V'',''B'',''I'')
363       and paa.action_status = ''C''
364       and ppa.business_group_id = '||l_bg_id ||'
365       and paf.business_group_id = ppa.business_group_id
366       and ppa.effective_date between trunc(to_date('''|| l_as_of_date ||''',''yyyy/mm/dd''), ''Y'')
367                                     and to_date('''|| l_as_of_date || ''',''yyyy/mm/dd'')
368       and ppa.effective_date between paf.effective_start_date
369                                     and paf.effective_end_date
370       order by 1, 3';
371 else
373   hr_utility.set_location('action creation before opening ref cursor',304);
374   hr_utility.trace('Range Person id is Off');
376   -- 5840569
377   lv_where_condition := '' ;
378   if l_gre_id is not null then
379      lv_where_condition := lv_where_condition||' and paa.tax_unit_id ='||l_gre_id ;
380   end if;
381   if l_org_id is not null then
382      lv_where_condition := lv_where_condition||' and paf.organization_id ='||l_org_id ;
383   end if;
384   if l_loc_id is not null then
385      lv_where_condition := lv_where_condition||' and paf.location_id ='||l_loc_id ;
386   end if;
387   hr_utility.trace('lv_where_condition :'||lv_where_condition) ;
389   lv_sqlstr := 'select
390 		/*+ ORDERED
391                index(ppa PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_PK)
392                index(paa PAY_ASSIGNMENT_ACTIONS_N51)
393                index(paf PER_ASSIGNMENTS_N12) */
394 	       distinct paf.person_id person_id,
395                 paf.assignment_id,
396                 paa.tax_unit_id
397      from per_assignments_f       paf,
398           pay_assignment_actions  paa,
399           pay_payroll_actions     ppa
400     where paf.person_id between '|| stperson ||' and '|| endperson ||'
401       and paf.assignment_type      = ''E''
402       and paa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
403       and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
404       and paf.payroll_id = ppa.payroll_id
405       and paf.payroll_id is not null
406       and ppa.action_type in (''R'',''Q'',''V'',''B'',''I'')
407       and paa.action_status = ''C''
408       and ppa.business_group_id = '||l_bg_id ||'
409       and paf.business_group_id = ppa.business_group_id
410       and ppa.effective_date between trunc(to_date('''|| l_as_of_date ||''',''yyyy/mm/dd''), ''Y'')
411                                     and to_date('''|| l_as_of_date || ''',''yyyy/mm/dd'')
412       and ppa.effective_date between paf.effective_start_date
413                                     and paf.effective_end_date '||
414       lv_where_condition ||
415       ' order by 1, 3';
416 end if;
418   hr_utility.set_location('action creation before opening ref cursor',305);
419   open c_seq_act for lv_sqlstr;
420   loop
421     hr_utility.set_location('in ref cursor loop',310);
422     fetch c_seq_act into ln_personid,ln_assgid,ln_greid;
423     if c_seq_act%notfound then
424        hr_utility.set_location('exiting from ref cursor loop',320);
425        exit;
426     end if;
427     hr_utility.set_location('Insert action',320);
428     hr_utility.trace('ln_personid='||ln_personid);
429     hr_utility.trace('ln_assgid'||ln_assgid);
430     hr_utility.trace('ln_greid='||ln_greid);
432     insert_action(pactid        => pactid,
433 	           chunk         => chunk,
434                    p_greid       => ln_greid,
435                    p_person_id   => ln_personid,
436                    p_assignid    => ln_assgid
437                    );
438   end loop;
439   close c_seq_act;
441   hr_utility.set_location('OUT action_creation',350);
442 end action_creation;
443 --
444 --
445 ------------------------------ sort_action ------------------------------------
446 --
447 procedure sort_action
448 (
449    pactid   in     varchar2,     /* payroll action id */
450    sqlstr   in out nocopy varchar2,     /* string holding the sql statement */
451    len      out    nocopy number        /* length of the sql string */
452 ) is
453 --
454   leg_param          pay_payroll_actions.legislative_parameters%type;
455   l_sort1            varchar2(60);
456   l_sort2            varchar2(60);
457   l_sort3            varchar2(60);
459 cursor c_parameters ( pactid number) is
460    select
461         ppa.legislative_parameters,
462         pay_us_payroll_utils.get_parameter('SORT1',ppa.legislative_parameters),
463         pay_us_payroll_utils.get_parameter('SORT2',ppa.legislative_parameters),
464         pay_us_payroll_utils.get_parameter('SORT3',ppa.legislative_parameters)
465      from pay_payroll_actions ppa
466     where ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid;
467 --
468 begin
469   hr_utility.set_location('IN sort_action',400);
470   open c_parameters(pactid);
471   fetch c_parameters into leg_param,
472                           l_sort1,
473                           l_sort2,
474                           l_sort3;
475   if c_parameters%notfound then
476       hr_utility.trace('Legislative parameters not found for pactid '||pactid);
477       close c_parameters;
478       -- raise;
479   end if;
480   close c_parameters;
481   --
483   sqlstr :=
484 'SELECT paa.rowid
485    FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa,
486 	pay_assignment_actions paa,
487 	per_all_assignments_f paf,
488       	per_all_people_f ppf,
489 	hr_organization_units hou,
490 	hr_locations_all hl
491    WHERE ppa.payroll_action_id = :pactid
492    AND paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
493    and paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
494    and paf.effective_start_date =
495                            (select max(paf2.effective_start_date)
496                               from per_all_assignments_f paf2
497                              where paf2.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
498                                and paf2.effective_start_date <= ppa.effective_date)
499    and   paf.assignment_type = ''E''
500    and ppf.person_id = paf.person_id
501    and ppa.effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date
502    and hou.organization_id = nvl(paf.organization_id,paf.business_group_id)
503    and hl.location_id = NVL(paf.location_id,hou.location_id)
505   decode('''||l_sort1||''',
506   ''Employee_Name'',rpad(ppf.last_name||'' ''||ppf.first_name||'' ''||ppf.middle_names, 63),
507   ''Social_Security_Number'',rpad(ppf.national_identifier, 63),''Organization'', rpad(hou.name, 63),
508   ''Location'',rpad(hl.location_code, 63)),
509   decode('''||l_sort2||''',
510   ''Employee_Name'',rpad(ppf.last_name||'' ''||ppf.first_name||'' ''||ppf.middle_names, 63),
511   ''Social_Security_Number'',rpad(ppf.national_identifier, 63),''Organization'', rpad(hou.name, 63),
512   ''Location'',rpad(hl.location_code, 63)),
513   decode('''||l_sort3||''',
514   ''Employee_Name'',rpad(ppf.last_name||'' ''||ppf.first_name||'' ''||ppf.middle_names, 63),
515   ''Social_Security_Number'',rpad(ppf.national_identifier, 63),''Organization'', rpad(hou.name, 63),
516   ''Location'',rpad(hl.location_code, 63))
517 	';
518   len := length(sqlstr); -- return the length of the string.
520   hr_utility.trace('Sort sql string length = '||to_char(len));
521   hr_utility.set_location('OUT sort_action',450);
522  -- hr_utility.trace_off;
524 end sort_action;
526 --
527 ------------------------------ get_parameter ----------------------------------
528 --
529 function get_parameter(name in varchar2,
530                        parameter_list varchar2) return varchar2
531 is
532   start_ptr number;
533   end_ptr   number;
534   token_val pay_payroll_actions.legislative_parameters%type;
535   par_value pay_payroll_actions.legislative_parameters%type;
536 begin
537 --
538      token_val := name||'=';
539 --
540      start_ptr := instr(parameter_list, token_val) + length(token_val);
541      end_ptr := instr(parameter_list, ' ',start_ptr);
542 --
543      /* if there is no spaces use then length of the string */
544      if end_ptr = 0 then
545         end_ptr := length(parameter_list)+1;
546      end if;
547 --
548      /* Did we find the token */
549      if instr(parameter_list, token_val) = 0 then
550        par_value := NULL;
551      else
552        par_value := substr(parameter_list, start_ptr, end_ptr - start_ptr);
553      end if;
554 --
555      return par_value;
556 --
557 end get_parameter;
558 --
559 end pay_us_over_limit_pkg;