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Line 15: Call FND_STATS.SET_TABLE_STATS for the MV log if num_rows in all_tables

12: /**Changes for Enhancement 4378448. We have to review/rollback
13: the changes after ST fix the issue as mentioned in the enhancement.
14: Changes made:
15: Call FND_STATS.SET_TABLE_STATS for the MV log if num_rows in all_tables
16: for this log <>0. Otherwise, not to call FND_STATS.SET_TABLE_STATS for the MV log.
17: **/
19: procedure GATHER_TABLE_STATS(errbuf out NOCOPY varchar2,

Line 82: from all_tables

78: if l_object_log is not null then
79: begin
80: select num_rows
81: into l_num_rows
82: from all_tables
83: where owner=l_object_owner
84: and table_name=l_object_log;
85: exception
86: when no_data_found then

Line 94: bis_collection_utilities.put_line('Not to call FND_STATS.SET_TABLE_STATS for '||l_object_owner||'.'||l_object_log||' because num_rows in all_tables for this MV log is already 0');

90: end;
91: end if;
93: if l_object_log is not null and l_num_rows=0 then
94: bis_collection_utilities.put_line('Not to call FND_STATS.SET_TABLE_STATS for '||l_object_owner||'.'||l_object_log||' because num_rows in all_tables for this MV log is already 0');
95: end if;
97: if l_object_log is not null and l_num_rows<>0 then
98: begin