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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 19

    SELECT *
      FROM gme_material_details
     WHERE batch_id = v_batch_id
       AND line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing;
Line: 25

    SELECT s.*
      FROM gme_batch_steps s, gme_batch_step_items item
     WHERE s.batchstep_id = item.batchstep_id
       AND item.material_detail_id = v_matl_dtl_id;
Line: 43

    error_update_batch       EXCEPTION;
Line: 46

    error_update_row         EXCEPTION;
Line: 94

    IF NOT gme_batch_header_dbl.update_row (p_batch_header => x_batch_header_rec) THEN
      RAISE error_update_batch;
Line: 99

    x_batch_header_rec.last_updated_by := gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident;
Line: 100

    x_batch_header_rec.last_update_date := gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp;
Line: 101

    x_batch_header_rec.last_update_login := gme_common_pvt.g_login_id;
Line: 133

              ,p_update_inv_ind             => x_batch_header_rec.update_inventory_ind
              ,x_exception_material_tbl     => x_exception_material_tbl
              ,x_return_status              => l_return_status);
Line: 172

        IF p_batch_header_rec.update_inventory_ind = 'Y' AND
           l_item_rec.mtl_transactions_enabled_flag = 'Y' THEN
          IF g_debug <= gme_debug.g_log_procedure THEN
            gme_debug.put_line(g_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name||' processing phantom product material_detail_id='||l_matl_dtl_rec.material_detail_id);
Line: 211

      UPDATE gme_material_details
         SET actual_qty = l_matl_dtl_rec.actual_qty,
             wip_plan_qty = l_matl_dtl_rec.wip_plan_qty,
             last_updated_by = gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident,
             last_update_date = gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp,
             last_update_login = gme_common_pvt.g_login_id
       WHERE material_detail_id = l_matl_dtl_rec.material_detail_id;
Line: 221

      UPDATE gme_material_details
         SET actual_qty = l_matl_dtl_rec.actual_qty,
             wip_plan_qty = l_matl_dtl_rec.wip_plan_qty,
             last_updated_by = gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident,
             last_update_date = gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp,
             last_update_login = gme_common_pvt.g_login_id
       WHERE material_detail_id = l_matl_dtl_rec.phantom_line_id;
Line: 231

    UPDATE gme_material_details
       SET wip_plan_qty = plan_qty
     WHERE batch_id = p_batch_header_rec.batch_id
       AND wip_plan_qty is NULL;
Line: 273

  WHEN  error_update_batch OR error_update_row OR error_fetch_material THEN
    /* Bug 5554841 No need to set messsage it is set by called APIs */
    --gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_UNEXPECTED_ERROR', 'ERROR', SQLERRM);
Line: 294

              ,p_update_inv_ind             IN         VARCHAR2
              ,x_exception_material_tbl     IN  OUT NOCOPY  gme_common_pvt.exceptions_tab
              ,x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS

    l_api_name               CONSTANT   VARCHAR2 (30)                := 'process_ingredient';
Line: 307

    l_update_matl                 BOOLEAN;
Line: 309

    error_update_row              EXCEPTION;
Line: 367

      l_update_matl := FALSE;
Line: 384

      IF p_update_inv_ind = 'Y' AND
         l_item_rec.mtl_transactions_enabled_flag = 'Y' THEN
        --Pawan Kumar  bug 4742244 --
        -- check for item which dispensable but non-reservable
          gme_debug.put_line(g_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name||'disp ind'||l_matl_dtl_rec.dispense_ind);
Line: 422

      l_update_matl := TRUE;
Line: 425

      l_update_matl := TRUE;
Line: 429

    IF l_update_matl THEN
      -- set WIP plan qty
      l_matl_dtl_rec.wip_plan_qty := l_matl_dtl_rec.plan_qty;
Line: 434

        gme_debug.put_line(g_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name||' before update_row; actual_qty='||l_matl_dtl_rec.actual_qty);
Line: 435

        gme_debug.put_line(g_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name||' before update_row; wip_plan_qty='||l_matl_dtl_rec.wip_plan_qty);
Line: 438

      IF NOT gme_material_details_dbl.update_row (l_matl_dtl_rec) THEN
        RAISE error_update_row;
Line: 448

  WHEN error_update_row OR error_fetch_batch THEN
    gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_UNEXPECTED_ERROR', 'ERROR', SQLERRM);
Line: 513

    SELECT revision
      FROM mtl_item_revisions_b
     WHERE inventory_item_id = v_item_id
       AND organization_id = v_org_id
       AND effectivity_date <= gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp
     ORDER BY effectivity_date desc;
Line: 938

    SELECT concatenated_segments
      FROM mtl_system_items_kfv
     WHERE inventory_item_id = v_inventory_item_id
       AND organization_id = v_org_id;
Line: 1370

    error_insert_exceptions    EXCEPTION;
Line: 1483

      IF NOT gme_common_pvt.insert_exceptions(p_exception_rec    => l_exceptions_rec) THEN
        RAISE error_insert_exceptions;
Line: 1498

    WHEN error_insert_exceptions THEN
      x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
Line: 1523

    SELECT *
    FROM   gme_material_details
    WHERE  batch_id = v_batch_id
    AND    line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing
    AND    phantom_type <> 0;
Line: 1530

    SELECT s.batchstep_id
      FROM gme_batch_steps s, gme_batch_step_items item
     WHERE s.batchstep_id = item.batchstep_id
       AND item.material_detail_id = v_matl_dtl_id;
Line: 1634

         SELECT *
          FROM gmd_recipe_validity_rules
          WHERE recipe_validity_rule_id = v_recipe_validity_rule_id;
Line: 1640

         SELECT status_type
          FROM gmd_status
          WHERE status_code=v_validity_rule_status;