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1 PACKAGE BODY igs_uc_trx_gen_hook AS
2 /* $Header: IGSUC21B.pls 120.2 2006/08/21 03:51:45 jbaber noship $ */
3   l_alt_appl_id  igs_ad_appl.alt_appl_id%TYPE;
4   lv_choice_no  igs_uc_transactions.choice_no%TYPE;
5   lv_person_number  igs_pe_person.person_number%TYPE;
6   lv_admission_appl_number  igs_uc_transactions.app_no%TYPE;
7   lv_nominated_course_cd  igs_ad_ps_appl_inst.nominated_course_cd%TYPE;
8   lv_sequence_number  igs_ad_ps_appl_inst.sequence_number%TYPE;
9   lv_out_come_status  igs_ad_ps_appl_inst.adm_outcome_status%TYPE;
10   lv_cond_offer_status  igs_ad_ps_appl_inst.adm_cndtnl_offer_status%TYPE;
11   lv_system_outcome_status igs_ad_ou_stat.s_adm_outcome_status%TYPE;
12   lv_return1 igs_uc_transactions.return1%TYPE;
13   lv_return2 igs_uc_transactions.return2%TYPE;
15   PROCEDURE create_ucas_transactions(
16     p_ucas_id  IN igs_pe_person.api_person_id%TYPE,
17     p_choice_number IN igs_uc_transactions.choice_no%TYPE,
18     p_person_number IN igs_pe_person.person_number%TYPE,
19     p_admission_appl_number IN igs_ad_ps_appl_inst_all.admission_appl_number%TYPE,
20     p_nominated_course_cd IN igs_ad_ps_appl_inst.nominated_course_cd%TYPE,
21     p_sequence_number IN igs_ad_ps_appl_inst.sequence_number%TYPE,
22     p_outcome_status IN igs_ad_ps_appl_inst.adm_outcome_status%TYPE,
23     p_cond_offer_status IN igs_ad_ps_appl_inst.adm_cndtnl_offer_status%TYPE,
24     p_alt_appl_id  IN igs_ad_appl.alt_appl_id%TYPE,
25     p_condition_category IN igs_uc_offer_conds.condition_category%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
26     p_condition_name IN igs_uc_offer_conds.condition_name%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
27     p_uc_tran_id OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
28   ) IS
30     /*************************************************************
31     Created By      : vbandaru
32     Date Created By : 23-JAN-2002
33     Purpose :
35     Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
36     Change History
37     Who         When            What
38     anwest      29-May-2006     Bug #5190520 UCTD320 - UCAS 2006 CLEARING ISSUES
39     rbezawad    31-Jul-2002     While creating the LD Transaction with Withdrawn Status(W), the comments_in_offer field was being populated
40                                 with the text 'WITHDRAWN'.  The code removed and the parameter is passed with NULL value w.r.t. Bug 2483587.
41     rbezawad    17-Sep-2002     Added logic to create RD or RX transactions in clearing period.  And also added logic to add the message to stack
42                                   which was returned with return1, return2 OUT NOCOPY parameters when some error is occurred in igs_uc_tran_processor_pkg.trans_build().
43                                   Modifications are done w.r.t. UCFD06 Build 2570389.
44     smaddali   02-oct-2002    Modified for bug 2603384 ,
45                               1) added 3 new parameters to trans_build call .passing auto_generated_flag='Y' since
46                                  these transactions are automatically generated
47     pmarada    14-Nov-2002    Modified as per the small systems TD, added the p_alt_appl_id parameter
48     (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
49     ***************************************************************/
51      -- Get the ucas_cycle from app_choices;
52      CURSOR cur_cycle(cp_app_no igs_uc_app_choices.app_no%TYPE, cp_choice_no igs_uc_app_choices.choice_no%TYPE) IS
53      SELECT MAX(ucas_cycle) FROM igs_uc_app_choices
54        WHERE  app_no = cp_app_no
55        AND    choice_no = cp_choice_no;
57       l_ucas_cycle igs_uc_app_choices.ucas_cycle%TYPE;
59      -- Get the decision and reply, program details for the applicant choice.
60     CURSOR c_app_choices(cp_app_no  igs_uc_app_choices.app_no%TYPE,
61                          cp_choice_no  igs_uc_app_choices.choice_no%TYPE,
62                          cp_ucas_cycle igs_uc_app_choices.ucas_cycle%TYPE) IS
63       SELECT decision, reply , ucas_program_code, campus
64       FROM   igs_uc_app_choices
65       WHERE  app_no= cp_app_no
66         AND  choice_no = cp_choice_no
67         AND  ucas_cycle = cp_ucas_cycle;
69       -- Get the system code using the alternate application id (appno)
70     CURSOR cur_system_code(cp_appno igs_uc_applicants.app_no%TYPE) IS
71     SELECT system_code FROM igs_uc_applicants WHERE app_no = cp_appno;
73      -- Check whether clearing flag is set for the system
74      CURSOR cur_clearing (cp_system_code igs_uc_cyc_defaults.system_code%TYPE,
75                           cp_ucas_cycle  igs_uc_cyc_defaults.ucas_cycle%TYPE  ) IS
76      SELECT clearing_flag FROM igs_uc_cyc_defaults
77      WHERE system_code = cp_system_code
78        AND ucas_cycle = cp_ucas_cycle;
79        l_clearing igs_uc_cyc_defaults.clearing_flag%TYPE;
81      -- Check whether exists any clearing record for the applicant.
82     CURSOR cur_app_clearing(cp_app_no igs_uc_app_clearing.app_no%TYPE) IS
83       SELECT 'X'
84       FROM igs_uc_app_clearing
85       WHERE app_no = cp_app_no;
87     app_clearing_rec cur_app_clearing%ROWTYPE;
89      -- Check whether exists any clearing round details for the applicant.
90     CURSOR cur_app_clr_rnd(cp_app_no igs_uc_app_clr_rnd.app_no%TYPE) IS
91       SELECT 'X'
92       FROM igs_uc_app_clr_rnd
93       WHERE app_no = cp_app_no;
95     -- To Fetch the Decision Mapping to Admission Outcome Status for a UCAS System
96     CURSOR ucas_decision_cd_cur( p_system_code igs_uc_map_out_stat.system_code%TYPE,
97                                  p_adm_outcome_status igs_uc_map_out_stat.adm_outcome_status%TYPE) IS
98     SELECT decision_code
99     FROM igs_uc_map_out_stat
100     WHERE system_code = p_system_code AND
101           adm_outcome_status = p_adm_outcome_status AND
102           closed_ind = 'N';
104     -- To Fetch the Name of the UCAS System
105     CURSOR system_name_cur ( p_system_code igs_uc_defaults.system_code%TYPE) IS
106       SELECT name
107       FROM igs_uc_defaults
108       WHERE system_code = p_system_code;
110     app_clr_rnd_rec cur_app_clr_rnd%ROWTYPE;
112     l_decision_value     igs_uc_app_choices.decision%TYPE;
113     l_transaction_type   igs_uc_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
114     l_decision           igs_uc_app_choices.decision%TYPE;
115     l_reply              igs_uc_app_choices.reply%TYPE;
116     l_ucas_program_code  igs_uc_app_choices.ucas_program_code%TYPE;
117     l_campus             igs_uc_app_choices.campus%TYPE;
118     l_system_code        igs_uc_cyc_defaults.system_code%TYPE;
119     l_system_name        igs_uc_defaults.name%TYPE;
120     l_validate_error_cd  igs_lookup_values.lookup_code%TYPE;
121     l_transaction_toy igs_uc_ucas_control.transaction_toy_code%TYPE;
123   BEGIN
125     SAVEPOINT ucas_transactions;
127     l_system_name := NULL;
128     l_decision_value := NULL;
129     l_alt_appl_id := TO_NUMBER(p_alt_appl_id);        --alternate application id
130     lv_choice_no := TO_NUMBER(p_choice_number);
131     lv_person_number := p_person_number;
132     lv_admission_appl_number := p_admission_appl_number;
133     lv_nominated_course_cd := p_nominated_course_cd;
134     lv_sequence_number := p_sequence_number;
135     lv_out_come_status := p_outcome_status;
136     lv_cond_offer_status := p_cond_offer_status;
137     lv_system_outcome_status := igs_ad_gen_008.admp_get_saos(lv_out_come_status);  -- It returns the system outcome status
138     p_uc_tran_id := NULL;
140     OPEN cur_cycle(l_alt_appl_id,lv_choice_no);
141     FETCH cur_cycle INTO l_ucas_cycle;
142     CLOSE cur_cycle;
144     -- Get the Ucas decision, reply and Ucas program ,campus details for further usage
145     OPEN c_app_choices(l_alt_appl_id,lv_choice_no,l_ucas_cycle);
146     FETCH c_app_choices INTO l_decision, l_reply, l_ucas_program_code, l_campus;
148      -- check whether any records exists for the applicant choices
149     IF (c_app_choices%NOTFOUND) THEN
150         CLOSE c_app_choices;
151         fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_DEC_REP_NOT_FOUND');
152         fnd_message.set_token('APPNO', l_alt_appl_id);
153         fnd_message.set_token('CHOICENO', TO_CHAR(lv_choice_no));
154         igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
155         RETURN;
156     ELSE
157        -- get the system code for the applicant.
158       OPEN cur_system_code(l_alt_appl_id);
159       FETCH cur_system_code INTO l_system_code;
160       CLOSE cur_system_code;
162        -- get the Decision Code maaped to the System Code and Admission Outcome Status
163       OPEN ucas_decision_cd_cur (l_system_code, lv_out_come_status);
164       FETCH ucas_decision_cd_cur INTO l_decision_value;
166       -- check whether any records exists in the mapping table
167       IF (ucas_decision_cd_cur%NOTFOUND) THEN
168           CLOSE ucas_decision_cd_cur;
170           OPEN system_name_cur(l_system_code);
171           FETCH system_name_cur INTO l_system_name;
172           CLOSE system_name_cur;
174           fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_DECISION_MAP_NOT_FOUND');
175           fnd_message.set_token('SYS_NAME',l_system_name );
176           fnd_message.set_token('ADM_OUTSTAT', lv_out_come_status);
177           igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
178           RETURN;
179       END IF;
180       CLOSE ucas_decision_cd_cur;
182         -- Get the clearing flag value for the the system, for checking the system allows clearing or not
183       OPEN cur_clearing(l_system_code,l_ucas_cycle);
184       FETCH cur_clearing INTO l_clearing;
185       CLOSE cur_clearing;
187       -- If processing period is clearing then generate RX, RD transactions
188       -- Get the transaction time of year, call to the get_transaction_toy
189          l_transaction_toy := NULL;
190       igs_uc_gen_001.get_transaction_toy(p_system_code     => l_system_code,
191                                          p_ucas_cycle      => l_ucas_cycle ,
192                                          p_transaction_toy => l_transaction_toy);
194       IF (l_transaction_toy = 'C' AND l_clearing = 'Y') THEN
195         -- Check whether there exists any clearing details for the applicant
196         OPEN cur_app_clearing(l_alt_appl_id);
197         FETCH cur_app_clearing INTO app_clearing_rec;
198          -- Check whether there exists any clearing round details for the applicant
199         OPEN cur_app_clr_rnd(l_alt_appl_id);
200         FETCH cur_app_clr_rnd INTO app_clr_rnd_rec;
202         -- 29-MAY-2006 anwest Bug #5190520 UCTD320 - UCAS 2006 CLEARING ISSUES
203         IF cur_app_clearing%FOUND AND
204            lv_system_outcome_status IN ('OFFER', 'COND-OFFER') AND
205            (l_ucas_cycle >= 2006 OR cur_app_clr_rnd%FOUND) THEN
207                -- Create a RX transaction with the decision A
208                igs_uc_tran_processor_pkg.trans_build ( p_tran_type       => 'RX',
209                                                   p_app_no          => l_alt_appl_id,
210                                                   p_choice_no       => lv_choice_no,
211                                                   p_decision        => l_decision_value,
212                                                   p_course          => l_ucas_program_code,
213                                                   p_campus          => l_campus,
214                                                   p_entry_month     => NULL,
215                                                   p_entry_year      => NULL,
216                                                   p_entry_point     => NULL,
217                                                   p_soc             => NULL,
218                                                   p_free_format     => NULL,
219                                                   p_hold            => 'Y',
220                                                   p_return1         => lv_return1,
221                                                   p_return2         => lv_return2,
222                                                   p_inst_reference  => NULL ,
223                                                   p_cond_cat        => p_condition_category,
224                                                   p_cond_name       => p_condition_name,
225                                                   p_auto_generated  => 'Y',
226                                                   p_system_code     => l_system_code,
227                                                   p_ucas_cycle      => l_ucas_cycle,
228                                                   p_modular         => NULL,
229                                                   p_part_time       => NULL,
230                                                   p_uc_tran_id      => p_uc_tran_id,
231                                                   p_validate_error_cd => l_validate_error_cd
232                                                 );
234         -- 29-MAY-2006 anwest Bug #5190520 UCTD320 - UCAS 2006 CLEARING ISSUES
235         ELSIF (lv_system_outcome_status IN ('OFFER', 'REJECTED')) THEN
236             -- Create a RD transaction with decision A
237             igs_uc_tran_processor_pkg.trans_build ( p_tran_type       =>  'RD',
238                                                     p_app_no          =>  l_alt_appl_id,
239                                                     p_choice_no       =>  lv_choice_no,
240                                                     p_decision        =>  l_decision_value,
241                                                     p_course          =>  NULL,
242                                                     p_campus          =>  NULL,
243                                                     p_entry_month     =>  NULL,
244                                                     p_entry_year      =>  NULL,
245                                                     p_entry_point     =>  NULL,
246                                                     p_soc             =>  NULL,
247                                                     p_free_format     =>  NULL,
248                                                     p_hold            =>  'N',
249                                                     p_return1         =>  lv_return1,
250                                                     p_return2         =>  lv_return2,
251                                                     p_inst_reference  =>  NULL,
252                                                     p_cond_cat        =>  p_condition_category,
253                                                     p_cond_name       =>  p_condition_name,
254                                                     p_auto_generated  => 'Y',
255                                                     p_system_code     => l_system_code,
256                                                     p_ucas_cycle      => l_ucas_cycle,
257                                                     p_modular         => NULL,
258                                                     p_part_time       => NULL,
259                                                     p_uc_tran_id      => p_uc_tran_id,
260                                                     p_validate_error_cd => l_validate_error_cd
261                                                   );
262         ELSE
263             fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_CREATE_TRANSACTION');
264             igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
265             RETURN;
266         END IF;
268         CLOSE cur_app_clearing;
269         CLOSE cur_app_clr_rnd;
271       ELSE   -- Processing period is not in clearing
273         IF (lv_system_outcome_status IN ('OFFER','REJECTED')) THEN
275             -- Both decision and reply are null then call the transaction builder with transaction LD
276            IF l_decision IS NULL AND l_reply IS NULL THEN
277                  l_transaction_type := 'LD';
278            -- smaddali added decision A to the list for bug#3096471
279            ELSIF l_decision IN ('U','A','C','W','R','B','F','S','E','I','M','X','G')  AND l_reply IS NULL THEN
280                  -- Call the transaction builder with transaction LA
281                  l_transaction_type := 'LA';
283            ELSIF l_decision IN ('C','I') AND l_reply IN  ('F','I') THEN
284                  -- Call the transaction builder with RD transaction.
285                  l_transaction_type := 'RD';
286            ELSE
287                  fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_CREATE_TRANSACTION');
288                  igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
289                  RETURN;
290            END IF;
292         -- Smaddali added the check for outcome status = SUSPEND along with WITHDRAWN for bug# 2593568
293         -- Even when the outcome status is changed to SUSPEND ,the same transaction should be
294         -- generated as for WITHDRAWN
295         ELSIF (lv_system_outcome_status IN ('WITHDRAWN','SUSPEND') ) THEN
296            IF l_decision IS NULL AND l_reply IS NULL THEN
297                  -- Call the transaction builder with LD
298                  l_transaction_type := 'LD';
299            -- smaddali added decision A to the list for bug#3096471
300            ELSIF l_decision IN ('U','A','C','R','B','F','S','E','I','M','X','G') AND l_reply IS NULL THEN
301                  -- call the transaction builder with LA
302                  l_transaction_type := 'LA';
304            ELSIF l_decision IN ('C','I') AND l_reply IN ('F','I') THEN
305                  -- Call the transaction builder with LA
306                  l_transaction_type := 'LA';
307            -- smaddali added decision A to the list for bug#3096471
308            ELSIF l_decision IN ('U','A') AND l_reply = 'F' THEN
309                  -- Call the transaction builder with RW
310                  l_transaction_type := 'RW';
312            ELSE
313                  fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_CREATE_TRANSACTION');
314                  igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
315                  RETURN;
316            END IF;
318         ELSIF (lv_system_outcome_status = 'COND-OFFER') THEN
319            IF l_decision IS NULL AND l_reply IS NULL THEN
320                -- Call the transaction builder with LD
321                l_transaction_type := 'LD';
322            -- smaddali Added decisions I and A to the list for bug#3096471
323            ELSIF l_decision IN ('U','A','W','R','B','F','S','E','I','M','X','G')  AND l_reply IS NULL THEN
324                -- Call the transaction builder with LA
325                l_transaction_type := 'LA';
327            ELSE
328                fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_CREATE_TRANSACTION');
329                igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
330                RETURN;
331            END IF;
333         ELSE
334            fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_CREATE_TRANSACTION');
335            igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
336            RETURN;
337         END IF; -- End if for system status
339         -- Call the transaction builder for the above transactions
340         IF l_transaction_type IS NOT NULL AND l_decision_value IS NOT NULL THEN
341           igs_uc_tran_processor_pkg.trans_build ( p_tran_type       =>  l_transaction_type,
342                                                   p_app_no          =>  l_alt_appl_id,
343                                                   p_choice_no       =>  lv_choice_no,
344                                                   p_decision        =>  l_decision_value,
345                                                   p_course          =>  NULL,
346                                                   p_campus          =>  NULL,
347                                                   p_entry_month     =>  NULL,
348                                                   p_entry_year      =>  NULL,
349                                                   p_entry_point     =>  NULL,
350                                                   p_soc             =>  NULL,
351                                                   p_free_format     =>  NULL,
352                                                   p_hold            =>  'N',
353                                                   p_return1         =>  lv_return1,
354                                                   p_return2         =>  lv_return2,
355                                                   p_inst_reference  =>  NULL,
356                                                   p_cond_cat        =>  p_condition_category,
357                                                   p_cond_name       =>  p_condition_name,
358                                                   p_auto_generated  => 'Y',
359                                                   p_system_code     => l_system_code,
360                                                   p_modular         => NULL,
361                                                   p_part_time       => NULL,
362                                                   p_ucas_cycle      => l_ucas_cycle,
363                                                   p_uc_tran_id      => p_uc_tran_id,
364                                                   p_validate_error_cd => l_validate_error_cd
365                                                 );
366         END IF;
368       END IF;  -- Clearing Period Check
370     END IF;
371     CLOSE c_app_choices;
373     IF (lv_return1 = 1) THEN
374       fnd_message.set_name('IGS',lv_return2);
375       igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
376     END IF;
380      -- Incase if there is any exception, the rollback is limited to only ucas transaction.
381      -- changes as per bug# 2459877.
382       ROLLBACK TO ucas_transactions;
383       fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_GE_UNHANDLED_EXP');
384       fnd_message.set_token('NAME','IGS_UC_TRX_GEN_HOOK.CREATE_UCAS_TRANSACTIONS');
385       igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
386   END create_ucas_transactions;
388 END igs_uc_trx_gen_hook;