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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 98

                                        chars to enable inserts into
    ccarter  03-Jun-99 115.6            Added get_user_status function
    ccarter  30-Jun-99 115.7            Change made to get_user_status function
    skekkar  23-AUG-99 115.8            Added decode_territory ,
                                        decode_organization and
                                        decode_availability_status functions
    hsajja   25-AUG-99 115.9            Added DECODE_POSITION_CURRENT_NAME
    hsajja   27-AUG-99 115.10           Change made to VERTICAL_APP_ID function
                                        to add 8302(PQH) and 8303(PQP)
    darora   27-Sep-99 115.11           Included functions - DECODE_POSITION_LATEST_NAME,
                                       and DECODE_STEP

   rraina  29-Sep-99 115.12  985430  Added functions decode_ar_lookup and
    hsajja   01-OCT-99 115.13           Added DECODE_LATEST_POSITION_DEF_ID,
                                        DECODE_AVAIL_STATUS_START_DATE functions
    hsajja   04-OCT-99 115.14           Added GET_POSITION_DATE_END function
                                        Changed per_all_positions to
                                        hr_all_positions in decode_position
    hsajja   07-OCT-99 115.15           Added functions DECODE_PERSON_NAME,
    hsajja   12-OCT-99 115.16           Modified DECODE_POSITION_LATEST_NAME,
                                        and DECODE_LATEST_POSITION_DEF_ID
    hsajja   16-OCT-99 115.17           Modified DECODE_AVAIL_STATUS_START_DATE
  mmillmor 10-Nov-1999 115.18           Added check to init_forms to check that
                                        the business group id matches that of
                                        the security profile.
   rraina  10-NOV-1999 115.19           added decode_fnd_comm_lookup for ota views opt

    dkerr    10-NOV-99 115.20           Added p_hr_trace_dest parameter to
    cxsimpso 28-DEC-99 115.21           Added get_validation_name function.
    smcmilla 29-DEC-99 115.22           Added product id 453 to
                                        core_hr_app_id function (HRI)
    mbocutt  03/01/2000 115.23 1125512  Change get_business_group_id. Replace
                                        usage of fnd_profile.value_wnps to use
                                        fnd_profile.value. This routine writes
                                        the profile value to cache thus aiding
    alogue   14/02/2000 115.24          Utf8 support.
    hsajja   21/02/2000 115.25          Included function DECODE_SHARED_TYPE
    alogue   01/03/2000 115.26          Support of change to hr_locations.
    rvydyana 24/05/2000 115.27          Added new function get_xbg_profile
    mbocutt  06/06/2000 115.29          Fixed error in function descriptions
                                        for get_work/home_phone
    tclewis  29-feb-2000 115.30         added function maintain_tax_Records.
    arashid  13-OCT-00 115.22           Added a cover routine for:
                                        DBMS_DESCRIBE.DESCRIBE_PROCEDURE to
                                        compile an invalid package. The new
                                        routine is called: DESCRIBE_PROCEDURE
    pattwood 16-NOV-2000 115.32         Changed DESCRIBE_PROCEDURE so it
                                        only attempts to compile the package
                                        header, instead of the header and
                                        body. Required by hr_api_user_hooks
                                        package changes for deferred
                                        compilation changes.
    stlocke  23-JAN-2001 115.33		Added procedure init-fndload.
    stlocke  08-FEB-2001 115.34		Procedure init-fndload removed.
    cnholmes 28-NOV-2001 115.35         Add iRecruitment to HRSM_OBJECT.
    hsajja   17-JAN-2002 115.36         NLS fix: Changed per_shared_types to
                                        per_shared_types_vl in function
    gsayers  05-FEB-2002 115.37         Added check to prevent '01/01/0001'-1
                                        in init_forms.
    gperry   08-FEB-2002 115.38         Fixed WWBUG 2110218.
                                        Added userenv('sessionid') to query.
    dkerr    13-MAY-2002 115.38 2372279 Added check for null security profile
                                        to get_xbg_profile
    sgoyal   07-JUN-2002 115.41 2406408 Local variable defined as varchar2(60) changed
                                        to %type of organization name
    sgoyal   07-JUN-2002 115.42         Local variable defined as varchar2(60) changed
                                        to %type of location,position name
    hsajja   28-AUG-2002 115.43         Modified DECODE_POSITION_LATEST_NAME,
                                        and DECODE_LATEST_POSITION_DEF_ID
    adhunter 29-AUG-2002 115.46         2534838: cursors in get_user_status need to restrict
                                        to current language.
                                        GSCC warning: "exit when" clause in loop
                                        in DECODE_AVAIL_START_DATE not liked, changed to "if"
                                        clause with "exit".
    adhunter 07-OCT-2002 115.47 2610865 init_forms: remove "+0" from SELECT
                                        b.legislation_code clause.
    dsaxby   04-DEC-2002 115.48 2692195 Nocopy changes.
    joward   09-DEC-2002 115.49         MLS enabled grade name
    pmfletch 10-DEC-2002 115.50         Pointed decode_position_latest_name to select
                                        from MLS table hr_all_positions_f_tl
    joward   23-DEC-2002 115.51         MLS enabled job name
    kjagadee 26-JUN-2003 115.52 2519443 Modified the cursor csr_amend_user_status
                                        in function get_user_status, so that the
                                        amends in status types will affect only the
                                        concerned business group
    ynegoro  23-JUL-2003 115.53         Added DECODE_GRADE_LADDER
    njaladi  28-AUG-2003 115.54 2555987 Modified the size of v_meaning in
    					            procedure DECODE_ASS_STATUS_TYPE from
    					            30 to 80.
    njaladi  05-SEP-2003 115.55 2555987 Modified the size of v_meaning in
    					            procedure DECODE_ASS_STATUS_TYPE from
    					            80 to %type.
    adudekul 29-JAN-2004 115.56 3355231 Modified cursor csr_get_us_city_names in
                                        function chk_geocodes_installed.
    kkoh     31-AUG-2004 115.57 3078158 Modified function CORE_HR_APP_ID to include
                                        application_id range of 800 - 859
                                        Modified function VERTICAL_APP_ID to include
                                3491930 check on application_id 8403 Oracle Labor Distribution
                                        Modified function HRMS_OBJECT to include
                                        checks on application_short_name AME and PSP
    kkoh     01-SEP-2004 115.58         Typo in change history
    adhunter 06-OCT-2004 115.59 3902208 hr_lookup_locations is erroring when concatenated
                                        address segs exceed 600 chars. Added substr
                                        to limit returned details.
    hsajja   10-DEC-2004 115.60 3663875 Changed function
    hsajja   10-DEC-2004 115.61 3663875 Removed old/previous duplicate function
    svittal  30-SEP-2005 120.1          Global Name Format from R12
                                        changed decode_person_name


    IF REQUIRED PLEASE ADD TO HR_GENRAL2 (hrgenrl2.pkh/pkb)

-- Invalid package exception returned from DBMS_DESCRIBE.DESCRIBE_PROCEDURE.
invalid_package exception;
Line: 244

g_dummy         number (1);     -- dummy variable for select statements
Line: 611

     select fa.application_short_name
     from   fnd_application  fa
     where  fa.application_id = p_app_id ;
Line: 652

        select  1
        from    hr_locations
        where   location_id     = p_location_id
        and     location_use    = 'HR'
        and     nvl (inactive_date, c_end_of_time) >= p_date;
Line: 684

  select effective_date
  from   fnd_sessions
  where  session_id = userenv('sessionid');
Line: 726

        select  rule_mode
        from    pay_legislation_rules
        where   legislation_code        = p_legislation_code
        and     rule_type               = 'DC';
Line: 732

        select  currency_code
        from    fnd_currencies  CURRENCY,
                fnd_sessions    SESH
        where   currency.enabled_flag           = 'Y'
        and     currency.issuing_territory_code = p_legislation_code
        and     sesh.session_id         = userenv ('sessionid')
        and     sesh.effective_date     between nvl(currency.start_date_active,
                                        and     nvl(currency.end_date_active,
Line: 787

        select  currency_code
        from    per_business_groups_perf
        where   business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 812

        select meaning
        from    hr_lookups
        where   lookup_type     = p_lookup_type
        and     lookup_code     = p_lookup_code;
Line: 844

        select meaning
        from    fnd_common_lookups
        where   lookup_type     = p_lookup_type
        and     lookup_code     = p_lookup_code
      and   APPLICATION_ID = 800;
Line: 875

         select    name
         from      per_grades_vl
         where     grade_id      = p_grade_id;
Line: 901

         select    name
         from      ben_pgm_f pgm
                  ,fnd_sessions s
         where     pgm_id      = p_grade_ladder_pgm_id
         and       s.effective_date between
                   pgm.effective_start_date and pgm.effective_end_date
         and       s.session_id         = userenv ('sessionid');
Line: 932

         select    payroll_name
         from      pay_all_payrolls_f pay, fnd_sessions f
         where     payroll_id      = p_payroll_id
         and       f.effective_date between
                   pay.effective_start_date and pay.effective_end_date
         and       f.session_id         = userenv ('sessionid');
Line: 967

       select eev.screen_entry_value
       from   pay_element_entry_values_f eev,
              per_pay_bases              ppb,
              pay_element_entries_f       pe,
              fnd_sessions                 f
       where  ppb.pay_basis_id  +0 = p_pay_basis_id
       and    pe.assignment_id     = p_assignment_id
       and    eev.input_value_id   = ppb.input_value_id
       and    eev.element_entry_id = pe.element_entry_id
       and    f.effective_date between
                        eev.effective_start_date and eev.effective_end_date
       and    f.effective_date between
                        pe.effective_start_date and pe.effective_end_date
       and    f.session_id         = userenv ('sessionid');
Line: 1011

         select    name
         from      per_jobs_vl
         where     job_id      = p_job_id;
Line: 1038

         select    name
         from      hr_all_positions
         where     position_id      = p_position_id;
Line: 1064

         select    location_code
         from      hr_locations
         where     location_id      = p_location_id
         and       location_use     = 'HR';
Line: 1091

         select    name
         from      per_pay_bases
         where     pay_basis_id      = p_pay_basis_id;
Line: 1118

         select    user_status
         from      per_ass_status_type_amends
         where     assignment_status_type_id = p_assignment_status_type_id
         and       business_group_id         = p_business_group_id;
Line: 1186

    select  phn.phone_number
      from  per_phones phn
     where  phn.parent_id = p_person_id
       and  phn.parent_table = 'PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F'
       and  phn.phone_type = p_phone_type
       and  c_effective_date between phn.date_from and
   order by phn.date_from DESC    -- This is not a mistake of not using
           ,phn.date_to   DESC;   -- nvl(date_to, c_effective_date) in the order
Line: 1237

         select    phone_number
         from      per_phones phn
         where     phn.parent_id = p_person_id
         and       phn.parent_table = 'PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F'
         and       phn.phone_type = 'W1'
         and       c_effective_date between phn.date_from and
Line: 1265

         select    phone_number
         from      per_phones phn,
                   fnd_sessions f
         where     phn.parent_id = p_person_id
         and       phn.parent_table = 'PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F'
         and       phn.phone_type = 'H1'
         and       f.effective_date between phn.date_from and
         and       f.session_id         = userenv ('sessionid');
Line: 1276

         select    telephone_number_1
         from      per_addresses adr,
                   fnd_sessions f
         where     adr.person_id = p_person_id
         and       adr.primary_flag = 'Y'
         and       f.effective_date between adr.date_from and
         and       f.session_id         = userenv ('sessionid');
Line: 1306

         select    group_name
         from      pay_people_groups
         where     people_group_id      = p_people_group_id;
Line: 1417

  select business_group_id
  from per_security_profiles
  where security_profile_id=l_security_profile_id;
Line: 1432

      select b.legislation_code
           , b.short_name
           , b.name
           , b.currency_code
        into p_legislation_code
           , p_short_name
           , p_bg_name
           , p_bg_currency_code
        from per_business_groups b
       where b.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 1551

     select 'Y' from dual
     where exists(select null
                  from   pay_us_city_names
                  where rownum =1);
Line: 1630

  select 'X'
  from fnd_product_installations
  where application_id = p_application_id
  and status = 'I';
Line: 1655

  select tl.user_status
  from per_ass_status_type_amends am,
       per_ass_status_type_amends_tl tl
  where am.assignment_status_type_id = p_assignment_status_type_id
  and am.business_group_id = get_business_group_id -- Bug #2519443
  and am.ass_status_type_amend_id =
  and tl.language=USERENV('LANG');
Line: 1665

  select tl.user_status
  from per_assignment_status_types asg,
       per_assignment_status_types_tl tl
  where asg.assignment_status_type_id = p_assignment_status_type_id
  and asg.assignment_status_type_id =
  and tl.language=USERENV('LANG');
Line: 1702

         select    territory_short_name
         from      fnd_territories_vl
         where     territory_code      = p_territory_code;
Line: 1729

         select    name
         from      hr_all_organization_units_tl
         where     organization_id  = p_organization_id
           and     language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 1757

         select    shared_type_name
         from      per_shared_types_vl
         where     shared_type_id  = p_availability_status_id;
Line: 1783

         select    name
         from      hr_positions_x
         where     position_id  = p_position_id;
Line: 1812

         select    pft.name
         from      hr_all_positions_f_tl pft
         where     pft.position_id  = p_position_id
            and    pft.language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 1818

         select    psf.name
         from      hr_all_positions_f psf
         where     psf.position_id  = p_position_id
            and    p_effective_date between
                      psf.effective_start_date and psf.effective_end_date;
Line: 1825

select effective_date
from fnd_sessions
where session_id = userenv('sessionid');
Line: 1877

        select  psp.spinal_point
        from    per_spinal_point_steps_f sps, per_spinal_points psp
        where   sps.step_id = p_step_id
                and p_effective_date between sps.effective_start_date and sps.effective_end_date
                and sps.spinal_point_id = psp.spinal_point_id;
Line: 1907

  select meaning
   from ar_lookups
   where lookup_type = p_lookup_type
   and lookup_code = p_lookup_code;
Line: 1934

     decode(LOC1.ADDRESS_LINE_1,null,'',', ')|| LOC1.ADDRESS_LINE_2||
     decode(LOC1.ADDRESS_LINE_2,null,'',', ')|| LOC1.ADDRESS_LINE_3||
     decode(LOC1.ADDRESS_LINE_3,null,'',', ')||
     LOC1.TOWN_OR_CITY||decode(LOC1.TOWN_OR_CITY,null,'',', ')||
     LOC1.REGION_1||decode(LOC1.REGION_1,null,'',', ')|| LOC1.REGION_2||
     decode(LOC1.REGION_2,null,'',', ')||
     LOC1.REGION_3||decode(LOC1.REGION_3,null,'',', ')|| LOC1.POSTAL_CODE||
     decode(LOC1.POSTAL_CODE,null,'',', ')|| LOC1.COUNTRY||
     decode(LOC1.COUNTRY,null,' ',', ')
   from hr_locations LOC1
   where location_id  = p_location_id
   and   location_use = 'HR';
Line: 1970

         select    position_definition_id
         from      hr_all_positions_f
         where     position_id  = p_position_id
            and    effective_end_date = hr_general.end_of_time;
Line: 1999

select psf.availability_status_id, psf.effective_start_date
from hr_all_positions_f psf
where psf.position_id = p_position_id
and psf.effective_start_date < p_effective_date
order by psf.effective_start_date desc;
Line: 2038

select psf.effective_start_date - 1
from hr_all_positions_f psf, per_shared_types sht
where psf.position_id = p_position_id
and psf.availability_status_id = sht.shared_type_id
and sht.system_type_cd in ('DELETED','ELIMINATED');
Line: 2072

select pr.name
from pay_grade_rules pgr, pay_rates pr
where pgr.rate_id = pr.rate_id
and pgr.grade_rule_id = p_grade_rule_id;
Line: 2098

   SELECT validation_name
   FROM pay_legislative_field_info
   WHERE UPPER(target_location) = UPPER(p_target_location)
     AND UPPER(field_name) = UPPER(p_field_name)
     AND UPPER(legislation_code) = UPPER(p_legislation_code)
     AND UPPER(validation_type) = UPPER(p_validation_type);