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Line 56: update mrp_atp_schedule_temp

52: msc_sch_wb.atp_debug('Enter Update_Custom_Information');
53: END IF;
55: FORALL i in 1..p_atp_rec.inventory_item_id.count
56: update mrp_atp_schedule_temp
57: Set
58: inventory_item_name = p_atp_rec.inventory_item_name(i),
59: source_organization_id = p_atp_rec.source_organization_id(i),
60: source_organization_code = p_atp_rec.source_organization_code(i),

Line 2493: ---update information in mrp_atp_schedule_temp

2489: IF l_modify_flag = 1 and l_custom_atp_rec.inventory_item_id.count > 0
2490: and l_custom_ret_sts = FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS THEN
2492: l_atp_rec_temp := l_custom_atp_rec;
2493: ---update information in mrp_atp_schedule_temp
2494: MSC_ATP_PUB.Update_Custom_Information(l_atp_rec_temp,
2495: p_session_id);
2496: END IF;

Line 2717: --- ATP inquiry gets data from mrp_atp_schedule_temp table.

2713: FND_MSG_PUB.Add_Exc_Msg(G_PKG_NAME , 'Call_ATP_No_Commit');
2714: END IF;
2716: --- now we put the record back into temp table.
2717: --- ATP inquiry gets data from mrp_atp_schedule_temp table.
2718: --- If something goes wrong in ATP inquiry then we never get to the point to
2719: --- put the data back in the above table
2720: --AS a result we dont get a clue from ATP inquiry form as to what went wrong
2721: MSC_ATP_UTILS.put_into_temp_table(

Line 2806: --- ATP inquiry gets data from mrp_atp_schedule_temp table.

2802: END IF;
2803: -- End Error Handling Changes
2805: --- now we put the record back into temp table.
2806: --- ATP inquiry gets data from mrp_atp_schedule_temp table.
2807: --- If something goes wrong in ATP inquiry then we never get to the point to
2808: --- put the data back in the above table
2809: --AS a result we dont get a clue from ATP inquiry form as to what went wrong
2810: MSC_ATP_UTILS.put_into_temp_table(