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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 10

    select ame_exceptions_log_s.nextval
      into l_log_id
      from dual;
Line: 14

    insert into ame_exceptions_log
      (l_log_id,'ame_migration_pkg','sql code block','','',p_errorcode,to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY:MM:DD:HH24:MI:SS')|| p_message);
Line: 158

      select userresp.user_id
        from fnd_user_resp_groups  userresp
            ,fnd_responsibility_vl resp
            ,fnd_user users
            ,fnd_application appl
            ,fnd_security_groups sec
        where resp.responsibility_id = userresp.responsibility_id
          and resp.responsibility_key in ('AMELIMUSER'
          and users.user_id = userresp.user_id
          and appl.application_id = resp.application_id
          and sec.security_group_id = userresp.security_group_id
          and users.start_date <= sysdate and
                (users.end_date is null or users.end_date > sysdate)
          and userresp.start_date <= sysdate and
                (userresp.end_date is null or userresp.end_date > sysdate)
          and resp.start_date <= sysdate and
                (resp.end_date is null or resp.end_date > sysdate)
          order by userresp.user_id, resp.responsibility_key;
Line: 188

      select aca.fnd_application_id
        from ak_web_user_sec_attr_values sec
            ,fnd_application app
            ,ame_calling_apps aca
      where sec.attribute_code = 'AME_INTERNAL_TRANS_TYPE_ID'
        and app.application_short_name = 'ICX'
        and sec.attribute_application_id = app.application_id
        and sec.web_user_id = p_user_id
        and sysdate between aca.start_date AND nvl(aca.end_date-1/86400,sysdate)
        and aca.application_id = sec.NUMBER_VALUE;
Line: 201

      select responsibility_id
        from fnd_responsibility_vl
        where responsibility_key in ('AMEAPPADM', 'AMEGENUSER', 'AMELIMUSER')
          and start_date <= sysdate and
                (end_date is null or end_date > sysdate);
Line: 342

        fnd_responsibility_pkg.DELETE_ROW (
                        X_RESPONSIBILITY_ID => rec.responsibility_id
                        ,X_APPLICATION_ID => rec.application_id
Line: 369

    update ame_item_class_usages itu
       set itu.item_class_par_mode = 'S'
      where itu.item_class_par_mode = 'P'
        and sysdate between itu.start_date
              and nvl(itu.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
        and exists (select null
                      from ame_item_classes itc
                      where itc.name = 'header'
                        and itc.item_class_id = itu.item_class_id
                        and sysdate between itc.start_date
                              and nvl(itc.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
Line: 384

    update ame_item_class_usages itu
       set itu.item_id_query = 'select :transactionId from dual'
      where itu.item_id_query = 'select :transaction_id from dual'
        and sysdate between itu.start_date
              and nvl(itu.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
        and exists (select null
                      from ame_item_classes itc
                      where itc.name = 'header'
                        and itc.item_class_id = itu.item_class_id
                        and sysdate between itc.start_date
                              and nvl(itc.end_date - (1/86400), sysdate)
Line: 417

    select application_short_name
      from fnd_application
      where application_id = fnd_global.prog_appl_id;
Line: 422

    select concurrent_program_name
      from fnd_concurrent_programs
      where concurrent_program_id = fnd_global.conc_program_id;