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Line 84: Bug# 2384909, Checking and Inserting the segments from the table igs_fi_f_type_accts is being done based on

81: Bug#2384909, Since Function 'finp_ins_roll_anc' was returning FALSE, next rollover category 'finp_ins_roll_revseg'
82: was not getting processed.
84: Bug# 2384909, Checking and Inserting the segments from the table igs_fi_f_type_accts is being done based on
85: fee_cal_type and fee_ci_sequence_number disregarding the fee type. When the same fee_cal_type and
86: fee_ci_sequence_number in different fee types then as many records are inserted, this function was returning FALSE
87: when the record is already exists, returning flase will terminate the process. Process should log the message and
88: should continue with next rollover categories

Line 290: p_fee_type IN IGS_FI_F_TYPE_ACCTS_ALL.fee_type%TYPE,

286: --New function added by kkillams w.r.t. Student Finance Dld bug id: 1882122
287: --To rollover revenue segments over for Fee Type Calendar Instances occurs.
288: --
289: FUNCTION finp_ins_roll_revseg(
290: p_fee_type IN IGS_FI_F_TYPE_ACCTS_ALL.fee_type%TYPE,
291: p_source_cal_type IN IGS_CA_INST.cal_type%TYPE,
292: p_source_sequence_number IN IGS_CA_INST.sequence_number%TYPE,
293: p_dest_cal_type IN IGS_CA_INST.cal_type%TYPE,
294: p_dest_sequence_number IN IGS_CA_INST.sequence_number%TYPE,

Line 302: p_v_fee_type IN igs_fi_f_type_accts_all.fee_type%TYPE,

299: -- To Rollover Account Table Attribute Records IF System Fee Type is OTHER or TUITION
300: -- This has been added as part of Enh# 2831572
301: FUNCTION finpl_ins_roll_over_ftci_accts (
302: p_v_fee_type IN igs_fi_f_type_accts_all.fee_type%TYPE,
303: p_v_source_cal_type IN igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
304: p_n_source_sequence_number IN igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE,
305: p_v_dest_cal_type IN igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
306: p_n_dest_sequence_number IN igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE

Line 3281: p_fee_type IN IGS_FI_F_TYPE_ACCTS_ALL.fee_type%TYPE,

3278: END;
3279: END finp_ins_roll_anc;
3280: FUNCTION finp_ins_roll_revseg(
3281: p_fee_type IN IGS_FI_F_TYPE_ACCTS_ALL.fee_type%TYPE,
3282: p_source_cal_type IN IGS_CA_INST.cal_type%TYPE,
3283: p_source_sequence_number IN IGS_CA_INST.sequence_number%TYPE,
3284: p_dest_cal_type IN IGS_CA_INST.cal_type%TYPE,
3285: p_dest_sequence_number IN IGS_CA_INST.sequence_number%TYPE,

Line 3298: vchappid 29-May-2002 Bug# 2384909, Checking and Inserting the segments from the table igs_fi_f_type_accts

3294: Change History
3295: Who When What
3296: sapanigr 14-Jun-2006 Bug 5148913. Unhandled exceptions at insert row caught and appropriate
3297: error message logged.
3298: vchappid 29-May-2002 Bug# 2384909, Checking and Inserting the segments from the table igs_fi_f_type_accts
3299: is being done based on fee_cal_type and fee_ci_sequence_number disregarding the fee type
3300: When the same fee_cal_type and fee_ci_sequence_number in different fee types then as many
3301: records are inserted,
3302: this function was returning FALSE when the record is already exists, returning flase will terminate

Line 3305: CURSOR cur_chk_ex_revsegs IS SELECT 1 FROM igs_fi_f_type_accts

3301: records are inserted,
3302: this function was returning FALSE when the record is already exists, returning flase will terminate
3303: the process. Process should log the message and should continue with next rollover categories
3304: ***************************************************************/
3305: CURSOR cur_chk_ex_revsegs IS SELECT 1 FROM igs_fi_f_type_accts
3306: WHERE fee_type = p_fee_type AND
3307: fee_cal_type= p_dest_cal_type AND
3308: fee_ci_sequence_number= p_dest_sequence_number;
3309: CURSOR cur_roll_segs IS SELECT * FROM igs_fi_f_type_accts

Line 3309: CURSOR cur_roll_segs IS SELECT * FROM igs_fi_f_type_accts

3305: CURSOR cur_chk_ex_revsegs IS SELECT 1 FROM igs_fi_f_type_accts
3306: WHERE fee_type = p_fee_type AND
3307: fee_cal_type= p_dest_cal_type AND
3308: fee_ci_sequence_number= p_dest_sequence_number;
3309: CURSOR cur_roll_segs IS SELECT * FROM igs_fi_f_type_accts
3310: WHERE fee_type = p_fee_type AND
3311: fee_cal_type= p_source_cal_type AND
3312: fee_ci_sequence_number= p_source_sequence_number;
3313: l_rowid VARCHAR2(25);

Line 3314: l_fee_type_accid igs_fi_f_type_accts.fee_type_account_id%TYPE;

3310: WHERE fee_type = p_fee_type AND
3311: fee_cal_type= p_source_cal_type AND
3312: fee_ci_sequence_number= p_source_sequence_number;
3313: l_rowid VARCHAR2(25);
3314: l_fee_type_accid igs_fi_f_type_accts.fee_type_account_id%TYPE;
3315: l_chk_exists cur_chk_ex_revsegs%ROWTYPE;
3316: l_roll_segs cur_roll_segs%ROWTYPE;
3318: BEGIN

Line 3331: igs_fi_f_type_accts_pkg.insert_row (

3327: LOOP
3328: FETCH cur_roll_segs INTO l_roll_segs;
3329: EXIT WHEN cur_roll_Segs%NOTFOUND;
3330: BEGIN
3331: igs_fi_f_type_accts_pkg.insert_row (
3332: x_rowid => l_rowid,
3333: x_fee_type_account_id => l_fee_type_accid,
3334: x_fee_type => p_fee_type,
3335: x_fee_cal_type => p_dest_cal_type,

Line 3361: p_v_fee_type IN igs_fi_f_type_accts_all.fee_type%TYPE,

3358: END finp_ins_roll_revseg;
3360: FUNCTION finpl_ins_roll_over_ftci_accts (
3361: p_v_fee_type IN igs_fi_f_type_accts_all.fee_type%TYPE,
3362: p_v_source_cal_type IN igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
3363: p_n_source_sequence_number IN igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE,
3364: p_v_dest_cal_type IN igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
3365: p_n_dest_sequence_number IN igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE