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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 6

PROCEDURE update_data(errbuf OUT NOCOPY varchar2, retcode OUT NOCOPY number,l_extract_run_id igs_he_ex_rn_dat_ln.extract_run_id%type, l_submission_name igs_he_submsn_header.submission_name%type,
l_return_name igs_he_submsn_return.return_name%type ) IS

  Created By      : sowsubra
  Date Created By : 21-JAN-2002
  Purpose : To update the marked program attempts in the IGS_HE_ST_SPA_ALL table  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
  Change History
  Who             When            What
  anwest          18-JAN-2006     Bug# 4950285 R12 Disable OSS Mandate

  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)

   CURSOR get_person_course_stud_details IS
   SELECT person_id, course_cd , student_inst_number
     FROM igs_he_ex_rn_dat_ln WHERE
	extract_run_id = l_extract_run_id;
Line: 36

   	UPDATE igs_he_st_spa_all
		SET HESA_SUBMISSION_NAME = l_submission_name,
		    HESA_RETURN_NAME =l_return_name,
		    HESA_RETURN_ID = l_extract_run_id
		WHERE PERSON_ID =   get_details_rec.person_id AND
		      COURSE_CD = get_details_rec.course_cd AND
		      STUDENT_INST_NUMBER =get_details_rec.student_inst_number ;
Line: 49

  errbuf :=fnd_message.get_string('IGS','IGS_SUB_UPDATE_DATA_ERR');
Line: 52

END update_data;