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Line 68: p_sql(11):=' select distinct rsh.* '||'from po_headers_all ph , rcv_shipment_lines rsl , rcv_shipment_headers rsh,'||'po_lines_all pl,po_line_locations_all pll '||

64: ') and (ili.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' or ili.po_number = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||')';
65: p_sql(10):= ' select distinct ihi.* '||' from ap_invoices_interface ihi , ap_invoice_lines_interface ili , po_headers_all ph '||' where (ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||
66: ''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||') and (ili.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' or ili.po_number = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||
67: ') and ihi.invoice_id = ili.invoice_id';
68: p_sql(11):=' select distinct rsh.* '||'from po_headers_all ph , rcv_shipment_lines rsl , rcv_shipment_headers rsh,'||'po_lines_all pl,po_line_locations_all pll '||
69: ' where (ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||
70: l_line_loc_num||') and rsl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id '||
71: ' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id '||' and pll.line_location_id=rsl.po_line_location_id'||
72: ' and rsl.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id';

Line 95: p_sql(16):=' select distinct rhi.* '||' from rcv_headers_interface rhi'||' where exists (select 1 '||' from po_headers_all ph , rcv_shipment_lines rsl , rcv_shipment_headers rsh'||

91: ' where (ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||' and pl.line_num ='||
92: l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num||') and rs.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||
93: ' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id '||' and pll.line_location_id=rs.po_line_location_id'||
94: ' and rs.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id';
95: p_sql(16):=' select distinct rhi.* '||' from rcv_headers_interface rhi'||' where exists (select 1 '||' from po_headers_all ph , rcv_shipment_lines rsl , rcv_shipment_headers rsh'||
96: ' where ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||'and rsl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||
97: ' and rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id '||'and rsh.shipment_header_id = rhi.receipt_header_id)'||
98: ' or exists (select 2 from rcv_transactions_interface rti '||'where rti.document_num = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and rhi.header_interface_id = rti.header_interface_id)'||
99: ' or exists (select 3 from rcv_transactions_interface rti , po_headers_all ph '||'where ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||

Line 299: l_receipt_num rcv_shipment_headers.receipt_num%TYPE := p_receipt_num;

296: -- Initialize Local Variables
297: l_operating_id po_headers_all.org_id%TYPE := p_operating_id;
298: l_po_number po_headers_all.segment1%TYPE :=p_po_number;
299: l_receipt_num rcv_shipment_headers.receipt_num%TYPE := p_receipt_num;
300: l_org_id rcv_shipment_headers.organization_id%TYPE := p_org_id;
301: l_line_num VARCHAR2(1000) := p_line_num;
302: l_line_loc_num VARCHAR2(1000) := p_line_loc_num;

Line 300: l_org_id rcv_shipment_headers.organization_id%TYPE := p_org_id;

296: -- Initialize Local Variables
297: l_operating_id po_headers_all.org_id%TYPE := p_operating_id;
298: l_po_number po_headers_all.segment1%TYPE :=p_po_number;
299: l_receipt_num rcv_shipment_headers.receipt_num%TYPE := p_receipt_num;
300: l_org_id rcv_shipment_headers.organization_id%TYPE := p_org_id;
301: l_line_num VARCHAR2(1000) := p_line_num;
302: l_line_loc_num VARCHAR2(1000) := p_line_loc_num;
304: BEGIN

Line 314: p_sql(1) := ' select distinct ph.* '||' from po_headers_all ph, '||' rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh '||

310: IF p_line_loc_num IS NULL THEN
311: l_line_loc_num := ' pll.shipment_num ';
312: END IF;
314: p_sql(1) := ' select distinct ph.* '||' from po_headers_all ph, '||' rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh '||
315: ',po_lines_all pl,po_line_locations_all pll'||
316: ' where rsh.shipment_header_id=rsl.shipment_header_id'||' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||
317: ' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id||' and rsl.po_header_id=ph.po_header_id'||' and ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||
318: ' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||' and rsl.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||' and rsl.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||

Line 321: p_sql(2) := ' select distinct pl.* '||' from po_lines_all pl,po_headers_all ph,po_line_locations_all pll,'||' rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh '||

317: ' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id||' and rsl.po_header_id=ph.po_header_id'||' and ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||
318: ' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||' and rsl.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||' and rsl.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||
319: ' and pl.po_header_id=ph.po_header_id'||
320: ' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num;
321: p_sql(2) := ' select distinct pl.* '||' from po_lines_all pl,po_headers_all ph,po_line_locations_all pll,'||' rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh '||
322: ' where rsh.shipment_header_id=rsl.shipment_header_id'||' and rsl.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||' and pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id'||
323: ' and pll.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||' and rsl.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||
324: ' and ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||
325: ' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id||

Line 327: p_sql(3) := ' select distinct pll.* '||' from po_line_locations_all pll , po_lines_all pl , '||'po_headers_all ph,rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh '||

323: ' and pll.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||' and rsl.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||
324: ' and ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||
325: ' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id||
326: ' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num;
327: p_sql(3) := ' select distinct pll.* '||' from po_line_locations_all pll , po_lines_all pl , '||'po_headers_all ph,rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh '||
328: ' where ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||
329: ' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num||' and pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id '||
330: ' and rsl.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||' and rsl.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||' and rsh.shipment_header_id=rsl.shipment_header_id'||
331: ' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id;

Line 333: ',rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh '||

329: ' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num||' and pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id '||
330: ' and rsl.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||' and rsl.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||' and rsh.shipment_header_id=rsl.shipment_header_id'||
331: ' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id;
332: p_sql(4) := ' select distinct pd.* '||' from po_line_locations_all pll , po_lines_all pl , '||' po_headers_all ph , po_distributions_all pd '||
333: ',rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh '||
334: ' where (ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||' and pl.line_num ='||
335: l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num||
336: ') and pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id '||' and pll.line_location_id = pd.line_location_id'||
337: ' and rsl.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||' and rsl.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||' and rsh.shipment_header_id=rsl.shipment_header_id'||

Line 340: ' po_distributions_all pd,rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh '||' where gcc.summary_flag = ''N'''||

336: ') and pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id '||' and pll.line_location_id = pd.line_location_id'||
337: ' and rsl.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||' and rsl.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||' and rsh.shipment_header_id=rsl.shipment_header_id'||
338: ' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id;
339: p_sql(5) := ' select distinct gcc.* '||' from gl_code_combinations gcc , po_line_locations_all pll , '||'po_lines_all pl , po_headers_all ph ,'||
340: ' po_distributions_all pd,rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh '||' where gcc.summary_flag = ''N'''||
341: ' and gcc.template_id is null and '||' (ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||
342: ' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num||
343: ') and pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id '||' and pll.line_location_id = pd.line_location_id'||
344: ' and gcc.code_combination_id in '||'(pd.accrual_account_id , pd.budget_account_id '||', pd.VARIANCE_ACCOUNT_ID , pd.code_combination_id)'||

Line 348: 'po_lines_all pl,po_line_locations_all pll '||',rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh '||

344: ' and gcc.code_combination_id in '||'(pd.accrual_account_id , pd.budget_account_id '||', pd.VARIANCE_ACCOUNT_ID , pd.code_combination_id)'||
345: ' and rsl.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||' and rsl.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||' and rsh.shipment_header_id=rsl.shipment_header_id'||
346: ' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id;
347: p_sql(6) := ' select distinct rrsl.* '||' from rcv_receiving_sub_ledger rrsl , rcv_transactions rt , po_headers_all ph,'||
348: 'po_lines_all pl,po_line_locations_all pll '||',rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh '||
349: ' where (ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||
350: l_line_loc_num||') and rt.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and rrsl.rcv_transaction_id = rt.transaction_id'||
351: ' and ph.po_header_id=pl.po_header_id '||'and pll.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||' and pll.line_location_id=rrsl.reference3'||
352: ' and rsl.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||' and rsl.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||' and rsh.shipment_header_id=rsl.shipment_header_id'||

Line 355: ',rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh '||

351: ' and ph.po_header_id=pl.po_header_id '||'and pll.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||' and pll.line_location_id=rrsl.reference3'||
352: ' and rsl.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||' and rsl.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||' and rsh.shipment_header_id=rsl.shipment_header_id'||
353: ' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id;
354: /*p_sql(7) := ' select distinct id.* '||' from ap_invoice_distributions_all id , po_line_locations_all pll , '||'po_lines_all pl , po_headers_all ph , po_distributions_all pd '||
355: ',rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh '||
356: ' where (ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||
357: l_line_loc_num||') and pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||
358: ' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id '||'and pll.line_location_id = pd.line_location_id '||'and id.po_distribution_id = pd.po_distribution_id'||
359: ' and rsl.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||' and rsl.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||' and rsh.shipment_header_id=rsl.shipment_header_id'||

Line 362: ',rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh,'||' rcv_transactions rt'||

358: ' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id '||'and pll.line_location_id = pd.line_location_id '||'and id.po_distribution_id = pd.po_distribution_id'||
359: ' and rsl.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||' and rsl.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||' and rsh.shipment_header_id=rsl.shipment_header_id'||
360: ' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id;*/
361: p_sql(7) := ' select distinct id.* '||' from ap_invoice_lines_all id , po_line_locations_all pll , '||'po_lines_all pl , po_headers_all ph , po_distributions_all pd '||
362: ',rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh,'||' rcv_transactions rt'||
363: ' where (ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||
364: l_line_loc_num||') and pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||
365: ' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id '||'and pll.line_location_id = pd.line_location_id '||'and id.po_distribution_id = pd.po_distribution_id'||
366: ' and rsl.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||' and rsl.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||' and rsh.shipment_header_id=rsl.shipment_header_id'||

Line 371: ', po_lines_all pl , po_headers_all ph ,'||'rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh ,'||

367: ' and id.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||' and rt.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||
368: ' and rt.transaction_id=id.rcv_transaction_id'||' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||
369: ' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id;
370: p_sql(8) := ' select distinct ai.* '||' from ap_invoices_all ai , ap_invoice_distributions_all id , po_line_locations_all pll '||
371: ', po_lines_all pl , po_headers_all ph ,'||'rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh ,'||
372: ' po_distributions_all pd where (ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||
373: l_line_loc_num||') and pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||
374: ' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id '||' and pll.line_location_id = pd.line_location_id '||' and id.po_distribution_id = pd.po_distribution_id '||
375: ' and ai.invoice_id = id.invoice_id'||

Line 383: p_sql(11):=' select distinct rsh.* '||'from po_headers_all ph , rcv_shipment_lines rsl , rcv_shipment_headers rsh,'||'po_lines_all pl,po_line_locations_all pll '||

379: ') and (ili.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' or ili.po_number = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||')';
380: p_sql(10):= ' select distinct ihi.* '||' from ap_invoices_interface ihi , ap_invoice_lines_interface ili , po_headers_all ph '||' where (ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||
381: ''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||') and (ili.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' or ili.po_number = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||
382: ') and ihi.invoice_id = ili.invoice_id';
383: p_sql(11):=' select distinct rsh.* '||'from po_headers_all ph , rcv_shipment_lines rsl , rcv_shipment_headers rsh,'||'po_lines_all pl,po_line_locations_all pll '||
384: ' where (ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||
385: l_line_loc_num||') and rsl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id '||
386: ' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id '||' and pll.line_location_id=rsl.po_line_location_id'||
387: ' and rsl.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id;

Line 388: p_sql(12):=' select distinct rsl.* '||' from po_headers_all ph , rcv_shipment_lines rsl,rcv_shipment_headers rsh,'||'po_lines_all pl,po_line_locations_all pll '||

384: ' where (ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||
385: l_line_loc_num||') and rsl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id '||
386: ' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id '||' and pll.line_location_id=rsl.po_line_location_id'||
387: ' and rsl.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id;
388: p_sql(12):=' select distinct rsl.* '||' from po_headers_all ph , rcv_shipment_lines rsl,rcv_shipment_headers rsh,'||'po_lines_all pl,po_line_locations_all pll '||
389: ' where (ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||' and pl.line_num ='||
390: l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num||') and rsl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||
391: ' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id '||' and pll.line_location_id=rsl.po_line_location_id'||
392: ' and rsl.shipment_header_id=rsh.shipment_header_id'||

Line 395: ',rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh '||

391: ' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id '||' and pll.line_location_id=rsl.po_line_location_id'||
392: ' and rsl.shipment_header_id=rsh.shipment_header_id'||
393: ' and rsl.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id;
394: p_sql(13):=' select distinct rt.* '||' from rcv_transactions rt , po_headers_all ph,'||'po_lines_all pl,po_line_locations_all pll '||
395: ',rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh '||
396: ' where (ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||
397: ''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||' and pl.line_num ='||
398: l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num||') and rt.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||
399: ' and rsh.shipment_header_id = rt.shipment_header_id'||' and rt.shipment_line_id=rsl.shipment_line_id'||

Line 404: ',rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh '||

400: ' and rsl.shipment_header_id=rsh.shipment_header_id'||' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id '||
401: ' and pll.line_location_id=rt.po_line_location_id'||' and rt.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||
402: ' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id;
403: p_sql(14):=' select distinct ms.* '||' from mtl_supply ms , po_headers_all ph,'||'po_lines_all pl,po_line_locations_all pll'||
404: ',rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh '||
405: ' where (ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||
406: ''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||' and pl.line_num ='||
407: l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num||') and ms.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||
408: ' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id '||' and pll.line_location_id=ms.po_line_location_id'||

Line 412: ',rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh '||

408: ' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id '||' and pll.line_location_id=ms.po_line_location_id'||
409: ' and rsl.shipment_header_id=rsh.shipment_header_id'||' and ms.shipment_line_id=rsl.shipment_line_id'||
410: ' and ms.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id;
411: p_sql(15):=' select distinct rs.* '||' from rcv_supply rs , po_headers_all ph ,'||'po_lines_all pl,po_line_locations_all pll '||
412: ',rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh '||
413: ' where (ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||' and pl.line_num ='||
414: l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num||') and rs.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||
415: ' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id '||' and pll.line_location_id=rs.po_line_location_id'||
416: ' and rs.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||' and rsl.shipment_header_id=rsh.shipment_header_id'||' and rs.shipment_line_id=rsl.shipment_line_id'||

Line 418: p_sql(16):=' select distinct rhi.* '||' from rcv_headers_interface rhi'||' where exists (select 1 '||' from po_headers_all ph , rcv_shipment_lines rsl , rcv_shipment_headers rsh'||

414: l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num||') and rs.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||
415: ' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id '||' and pll.line_location_id=rs.po_line_location_id'||
416: ' and rs.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||' and rsl.shipment_header_id=rsh.shipment_header_id'||' and rs.shipment_line_id=rsl.shipment_line_id'||
417: ' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id;
418: p_sql(16):=' select distinct rhi.* '||' from rcv_headers_interface rhi'||' where exists (select 1 '||' from po_headers_all ph , rcv_shipment_lines rsl , rcv_shipment_headers rsh'||
419: ' where ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||'and rsl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||
420: ' and rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id '||'and rsh.shipment_header_id = rhi.receipt_header_id'||
421: ' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id||')'||
422: ' or exists (select 2 from rcv_transactions_interface rti '||'where rti.document_num = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and rhi.header_interface_id = rti.header_interface_id)'||

Line 428: ',rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh '||

424: ' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||' and rti.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||'and rti.po_header_id is not null '||
425: ' and rhi.header_interface_id = rti.header_interface_id)';
426: p_sql(17):=' select distinct rti.*'||'from rcv_transactions_interface rti where '||'rti.document_num = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||
427: ' or exists (select 1 from po_headers_all ph,'||'po_lines_all pl,po_line_locations_all pll '||
428: ',rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh '||
429: ' where ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||
430: ' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num||
431: ' and rti.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id'||' and rsh.shipment_header_id=rsl.shipment_header_id'||' and rsl.po_header_id=ph.po_header_id'||
432: ' and rsl.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||' and rsl.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||

Line 437: ' rcv_shipment_headers rsh'||' WHERE rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||'''' ||

433: ' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id||
434: ' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id '||' and pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id )';
436: p_sql(18) := 'SELECT DISTINCT pie.* '||' FROM po_interface_errors pie , '||
437: ' rcv_shipment_headers rsh'||' WHERE rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||'''' ||
438: ' AND rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id||' AND ( '||
439: ' EXISTS (SELECT 1'||' FROM rcv_transactions_interface rti'||
440: ' WHERE pie.interface_line_id = rti.interface_transaction_id'||
441: ' AND rsh.shipment_header_id=rti.shipment_header_id )'||

Line 448: ',rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh '||

444: ' WHERE pie.interface_header_id = rhi.header_interface_id '||
445: ' AND rsh.shipment_header_id = rhi.header_interface_id))';
447: p_sql(19):=' select distinct msi.* '||' from mtl_system_items msi , po_line_locations_all pll , po_lines_all pl , po_headers_all ph '||
448: ',rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh '||
449: ' where pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||'and ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||
450: ' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num||
451: ' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id '||'and msi.inventory_item_id = pl.item_id '||'and msi.organization_id = pll.ship_to_organization_id'||
452: ' and rsl.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||' and rsl.shipment_header_id=rsh.shipment_header_id'||' and rsl.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||

Line 455: ' ,rcv_transactions rt,rcv_shipment_headers rsh'||

451: ' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id '||'and msi.inventory_item_id = pl.item_id '||'and msi.organization_id = pll.ship_to_organization_id'||
452: ' and rsl.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||' and rsl.shipment_header_id=rsh.shipment_header_id'||' and rsl.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||
453: ' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id;
454: p_sql(20):=' select distinct mmt.* '||'from mtl_material_transactions mmt , po_headers_all ph,'||'po_lines_all pl,po_line_locations_all pll '||
455: ' ,rcv_transactions rt,rcv_shipment_headers rsh'||
456: ' where mmt.transaction_source_id = ph.po_header_id '||
457: ' and mmt.transaction_source_type_id = 1 and '||'ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||
458: ' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num||
459: ' and rt.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||' and rt.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id'||' and rt.transaction_id=mmt.rcv_transaction_id'||

Line 469: /*p_sql(22):=' select distinct mol.* '||'from mtl_txn_request_lines mol , rcv_transactions rt ,'||' rcv_shipment_lines rsl ,rcv_shipment_headers rsh,'||

465: ' where mmt.transaction_source_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and mmt.transaction_source_type_id = 1 '||' and mtt.transaction_type_id = mmt.transaction_type_id'||
466: ' and ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||')'||
467: ' or exists (select 2 from mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt , po_headers_all ph '||' where mmtt.transaction_source_id = ph.po_header_id '||
468: ' and mmtt.transaction_type_id = mtt.transaction_type_id '||'and ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||')';
469: /*p_sql(22):=' select distinct mol.* '||'from mtl_txn_request_lines mol , rcv_transactions rt ,'||' rcv_shipment_lines rsl ,rcv_shipment_headers rsh,'||
470: ' po_headers_all ph '||
471: ' where mol.reference_id = decode(mol.reference ,'||'''SHIPMENT_LINE_ID'' , rt.shipment_line_id ,'||'''PO_LINE_LOCATION_ID'' , rt.po_line_location_id ,'||
472: ' ''ORDER_LINE_ID'' , rt.oe_order_line_id)'||' and rt.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id '||' and rsl.shipment_header_id=rsh.shipment_header_id'||
473: ' and mol.organization_id = rt.organization_id '||' and mol.inventory_item_id = rsl.item_id'||' and rsl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||

Line 476: p_sql(22):=' select distinct mol.* '||'from mtl_txn_request_lines mol ,'||' rcv_shipment_lines rsl ,rcv_shipment_headers rsh,'||

472: ' ''ORDER_LINE_ID'' , rt.oe_order_line_id)'||' and rt.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id '||' and rsl.shipment_header_id=rsh.shipment_header_id'||
473: ' and mol.organization_id = rt.organization_id '||' and mol.inventory_item_id = rsl.item_id'||' and rsl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||
474: ' and ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||
475: ' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id;*/
476: p_sql(22):=' select distinct mol.* '||'from mtl_txn_request_lines mol ,'||' rcv_shipment_lines rsl ,rcv_shipment_headers rsh,'||
477: ' po_headers_all ph '||' where rsl.shipment_header_id=rsh.shipment_header_id'||
478: ' and mol.organization_id = rsl.to_organization_id '||
479: ' and mol.inventory_item_id = rsl.item_id'||' and nvl(mol.revision,0)=nvl(rsl.item_revision,0) ' ||' and mol.line_status=7'||
480: ' and mol.transaction_type_id=18'||

Line 489: ' and exists (select 1 from rcv_shipment_headers rsh,rcv_shipment_lines rsl'||

485: ' po_lines_all pl,po_line_locations_all pll'||' where mmtt.transaction_source_id = ph.po_header_id'||
486: ' and ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||
487: ' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num||
488: ' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id '||
489: ' and exists (select 1 from rcv_shipment_headers rsh,rcv_shipment_lines rsl'||
490: ' where rsh.shipment_header_id=rsl.shipment_header_id'||' and rsl.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||' and rsl.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||
491: ' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id||')';
492: p_sql(24):=' select distinct ood.* '||' from org_organization_definitions ood , po_line_locations_all pll , '||'po_lines_all pl , po_headers_all ph ,'||
493: ' financials_system_params_all fsp '||' where pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id'||

Line 513: ' ,po_lines_all pl , po_line_locations_all pll,'||' mtl_material_transactions mmt '||',rcv_transactions rt,rcv_shipment_headers rsh'||

509: ' and ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id;
510: p_sql(28):=' select distinct fsp.* '||' from financials_system_params_all fsp , po_headers_all ph '||' where fsp.org_id = ph.org_id '||
511: ' and ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id;
512: p_sql(29):=' select distinct msn.* '||' from mtl_serial_numbers msn , mtl_unit_transactions mut , po_headers_all ph'||
513: ' ,po_lines_all pl , po_line_locations_all pll,'||' mtl_material_transactions mmt '||',rcv_transactions rt,rcv_shipment_headers rsh'||
514: ' where mmt.transaction_source_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id'||
515: ' and mmt.transaction_source_type_id = 1 '||'and mut.transaction_id = mmt.transaction_id'||
516: ' and msn.inventory_item_id = mut.inventory_item_id '||' and msn.current_organization_id = mut.organization_id '||
517: ' and rt.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||' and rt.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id'||' and rt.transaction_id=mmt.rcv_transaction_id'||

Line 524: ' mtl_material_transactions mmt'||', mtl_transaction_lot_numbers mtln '||',rcv_transactions rt,rcv_shipment_headers rsh'||

520: ' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num||
521: ' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id||
522: ' union all '||
523: ' select distinct msn.* '||' from mtl_serial_numbers msn , mtl_unit_transactions mut '||', po_headers_all ph'||',po_lines_all pl , po_line_locations_all pll,'||
524: ' mtl_material_transactions mmt'||', mtl_transaction_lot_numbers mtln '||',rcv_transactions rt,rcv_shipment_headers rsh'||
525: ' where mmt.transaction_source_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id'||
526: ' and mmt.transaction_source_type_id = 1 '||
527: ' and mtln.transaction_id = mmt.transaction_id '||'and mut.transaction_id = mtln.serial_transaction_id '||'and msn.inventory_item_id = mut.inventory_item_id'||
528: ' and msn.current_organization_id = mut.organization_id'||' and msn.serial_number = mut.serial_number '||

Line 540: ' and exists (select 1 from rcv_shipment_headers rsh,rcv_shipment_lines rsl'||

536: ' mmtt.transaction_source_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id'||
537: ' and msnt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id '||
538: ' and ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||
539: ' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num||
540: ' and exists (select 1 from rcv_shipment_headers rsh,rcv_shipment_lines rsl'||
541: ' where rsh.shipment_header_id=rsl.shipment_header_id'||' and rsl.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||' and rsl.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||
542: ' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id||')'||
543: ' union all '||
544: ' select msnt.* '||' from mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt'||', mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt , po_headers_all ph,'||

Line 551: ' and exists (select 1 from rcv_shipment_headers rsh,rcv_shipment_lines rsl'||

547: ' and mtln.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id'||
548: ' and msnt.transaction_temp_id = mtln.serial_transaction_temp_id'||
549: ' and ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||
550: ' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num||
551: ' and exists (select 1 from rcv_shipment_headers rsh,rcv_shipment_lines rsl'||
552: ' where rsh.shipment_header_id=rsl.shipment_header_id'||' and rsl.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||' and rsl.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||
553: ' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id||')';
554: p_sql(31):=' select distinct msni.* '||'from mtl_serial_numbers_interface msni , rcv_transactions_interface rti'||',rcv_shipment_headers rsh '||
555: ' where (nvl(rti.document_num , ''-9999'') = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||

Line 554: p_sql(31):=' select distinct msni.* '||'from mtl_serial_numbers_interface msni , rcv_transactions_interface rti'||',rcv_shipment_headers rsh '||

550: ' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num||
551: ' and exists (select 1 from rcv_shipment_headers rsh,rcv_shipment_lines rsl'||
552: ' where rsh.shipment_header_id=rsl.shipment_header_id'||' and rsl.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||' and rsl.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||
553: ' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id||')';
554: p_sql(31):=' select distinct msni.* '||'from mtl_serial_numbers_interface msni , rcv_transactions_interface rti'||',rcv_shipment_headers rsh '||
555: ' where (nvl(rti.document_num , ''-9999'') = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||
556: ' or exists (select 1 from po_headers_all ph '||' where ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||
557: ' and rti.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id ))'||' and msni.product_transaction_id = rti.interface_transaction_id'||
558: ' and rsh.shipment_header_id=rti.shipment_header_id'||

Line 561: ' po_lines_all pl , po_line_locations_all pll'||',rcv_transactions rt,rcv_shipment_headers rsh'||

557: ' and rti.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id ))'||' and msni.product_transaction_id = rti.interface_transaction_id'||
558: ' and rsh.shipment_header_id=rti.shipment_header_id'||
559: ' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id;
560: p_sql(32):=' select distinct mut.* '||'from mtl_unit_transactions mut , po_headers_all ph , mtl_material_transactions mmt,'||
561: ' po_lines_all pl , po_line_locations_all pll'||',rcv_transactions rt,rcv_shipment_headers rsh'||
562: ' where mmt.transaction_source_id = ph.po_header_id'||' and mmt.transaction_source_type_id = 1 '||
563: ' and pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id'||
564: ' and rt.transaction_id=mmt.rcv_transaction_id'||' and rt.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||' and rt.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||
565: ' and rt.shipment_header_id=rsh.shipment_header_id'||

Line 571: ' po_lines_all pl , po_line_locations_all pll'||',rcv_transactions rt,rcv_shipment_headers rsh'||

567: ' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num||
568: ' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id||
569: ' union all '||
570: ' select mut.* '||' from mtl_unit_transactions mut , po_headers_all ph , '||'mtl_material_transactions mmt , mtl_transaction_lot_numbers mtln,'||
571: ' po_lines_all pl , po_line_locations_all pll'||',rcv_transactions rt,rcv_shipment_headers rsh'||
572: ' where mmt.transaction_source_id = ph.po_header_id'||' and mmt.transaction_source_type_id = 1'||
573: ' and pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id'||
574: ' and mtln.transaction_id = mmt.transaction_id '||'and mut.transaction_id = mtln.serial_transaction_id '||
575: ' and rt.transaction_id=mmt.rcv_transaction_id'||' and rt.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||' and rt.po_line_id=pl.po_line_id'||

Line 580: p_sql(33):=' select distinct rss.* '||' from rcv_serials_supply rss , rcv_shipment_lines rsl,rcv_shipment_headers rsh'||', po_headers_all ph ,'||

576: ' and rt.shipment_header_id=rsh.shipment_header_id'||
577: ' and ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||
578: ' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num||
579: ' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id;
580: p_sql(33):=' select distinct rss.* '||' from rcv_serials_supply rss , rcv_shipment_lines rsl,rcv_shipment_headers rsh'||', po_headers_all ph ,'||
581: ' po_lines_all pl , po_line_locations_all pll'||' where rsl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||
582: ' and pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id'||
583: ' and rss.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id '||' and rsl.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id'||' and rsl.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||
584: ' and rsl.shipment_header_id=rsh.shipment_header_id'||

Line 588: p_sql(34):=' select distinct rst.* '||'from rcv_serial_transactions rst , rcv_shipment_lines rsl,rcv_shipment_headers rsh'||' , po_headers_all ph,'||

584: ' and rsl.shipment_header_id=rsh.shipment_header_id'||
585: ' and ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||''''||l_operating_id||''''||
586: ' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num||
587: ' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id;
588: p_sql(34):=' select distinct rst.* '||'from rcv_serial_transactions rst , rcv_shipment_lines rsl,rcv_shipment_headers rsh'||' , po_headers_all ph,'||
589: ' po_lines_all pl , po_line_locations_all pll'||' where rsl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||
590: ' and pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id'||
591: ' and rst.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id' ||' and rsl.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id'||' and rsl.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||
592: ' and rsl.shipment_header_id=rsh.shipment_header_id'||

Line 597: ' from po_headers_all ph,'||' po_lines_all pl , po_line_locations_all pll'||' ,rcv_shipment_headers rsh,rcv_shipment_lines rsl'||

593: ' and ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||''''||l_operating_id||''''||
594: ' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num||
595: ' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id;
596: p_sql(35):=' select distinct rsi.* '||'from rcv_serials_interface rsi , rcv_transactions_interface rti '||' where (exists (select 1 '||
597: ' from po_headers_all ph,'||' po_lines_all pl , po_line_locations_all pll'||' ,rcv_shipment_headers rsh,rcv_shipment_lines rsl'||
598: ' where rti.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id'||
599: ' and rsh.shipment_header_id=rsl.shipment_header_id'||' and rsl.shipment_line_id=rti.shipment_line_id'||
600: ' and ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||''''||l_operating_id||''''||
601: ' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num||

Line 606: ' mtl_material_transactions mmt'||',rcv_transactions rt,rcv_shipment_headers rsh'||

602: ' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id||
603: ')) and rsi.interface_transaction_id = rti.interface_transaction_id';
604: p_sql(36):=' select distinct mln.* '||'from mtl_lot_numbers mln , mtl_transaction_lot_numbers mtln ,'||'po_headers_all ph,'||
605: ' po_lines_all pl , po_line_locations_all pll,'||
606: ' mtl_material_transactions mmt'||',rcv_transactions rt,rcv_shipment_headers rsh'||
607: ' where mmt.transaction_source_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id'||
608: ' and mmt.transaction_source_type_id = 1 '||'and mtln.transaction_id = mmt.transaction_id '||
609: ' and mtln.lot_number = mln.lot_number'||' and mtln.inventory_item_id = mln.inventory_item_id '||' and mtln.organization_id = mln.organization_id '||
610: ' and mmt.rcv_transaction_id=rt.transaction_id'||' and rsh.shipment_header_id=rt.shipment_header_id'||

Line 617: ' mtl_material_transactions mmt '||',rcv_transactions rt,rcv_shipment_headers rsh'||

613: ' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num||
614: ' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id;
616: p_sql(37):=' select distinct mtln.* '||'from mtl_transaction_lot_numbers mtln , po_headers_all ph ,'||' po_lines_all pl , po_line_locations_all pll,'||
617: ' mtl_material_transactions mmt '||',rcv_transactions rt,rcv_shipment_headers rsh'||
618: ' where mmt.transaction_source_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and mmt.transaction_source_type_id = 1 '||
619: ' and pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id'||
620: ' and mmt.rcv_transaction_id=rt.transaction_id'||' and rsh.shipment_header_id=rt.shipment_header_id'||
621: ' and rt.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||

Line 627: ',rcv_shipment_headers rsh,rcv_shipment_lines rsl'||

623: ' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num||
624: ' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id;
625: p_sql(38):=' select distinct mtli.* '||'from mtl_transaction_lots_interface mtli , rcv_transactions_interface rti '||' where (nvl(rti.document_num ,''-9999'') = '||
626: ''''||l_po_number||''''||'or exists (select 1 from po_headers_all ph,'||' po_lines_all pl , po_line_locations_all pll'||
627: ',rcv_shipment_headers rsh,rcv_shipment_lines rsl'||
628: ' where rti.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||
629: ' and pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id'||
630: ' and rsl.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||' and rsl.shipment_header_id=rsh.shipment_header_id'||
631: ' and ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||

Line 636: ' po_lines_all pl , po_line_locations_all pll,'||'rcv_shipment_headers rsh,rcv_shipment_lines rsl'||' where '||

632: ' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num||
633: ' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id||
634: ')) and mtli.product_transaction_id = RTI.interface_transaction_id';
635: p_sql(39):=' select distinct mtlt.* '||'from mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt , mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt ,'||'po_headers_all ph,'||
636: ' po_lines_all pl , po_line_locations_all pll,'||'rcv_shipment_headers rsh,rcv_shipment_lines rsl'||' where '||
637: ' mmtt.transaction_source_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and mmtt.transaction_source_type_id = 1 '||
638: ' and pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id'||
639: ' and mmtt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.transaction_temp_id '||
640: ' and rsl.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||' and rsl.shipment_header_id=rsh.shipment_header_id'||

Line 644: p_sql(40):=' select distinct rls.* '||'from rcv_lots_supply rls , rcv_shipment_lines rsl,'||'rcv_shipment_headers rsh , po_headers_all ph ,'||

640: ' and rsl.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||' and rsl.shipment_header_id=rsh.shipment_header_id'||
641: ' and ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||
642: ' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num||
643: ' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id;
644: p_sql(40):=' select distinct rls.* '||'from rcv_lots_supply rls , rcv_shipment_lines rsl,'||'rcv_shipment_headers rsh , po_headers_all ph ,'||
645: ' po_lines_all pl , po_line_locations_all pll where '||' rsl.shipment_line_id = rls.shipment_line_id '||
646: ' and rsl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and rsl.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id'||' and rsl.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||
647: ' and pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id'||
648: ' and rsl.shipment_header_id=rsh.shipment_header_id'||

Line 652: p_sql(41):=' select distinct rlt.* '||'from rcv_lot_transactions rlt , rcv_shipment_lines rsl,'||'rcv_shipment_headers rsh, po_headers_all ph ,'||

648: ' and rsl.shipment_header_id=rsh.shipment_header_id'||
649: ' and ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||' and ph.org_id = '||l_operating_id||
650: ' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num||
651: ' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id;
652: p_sql(41):=' select distinct rlt.* '||'from rcv_lot_transactions rlt , rcv_shipment_lines rsl,'||'rcv_shipment_headers rsh, po_headers_all ph ,'||
653: ' po_lines_all pl , po_line_locations_all pll where '||' rsl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||
654: ' and pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id'||
655: ' and rlt.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id' ||' and rsl.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id'||' and rsl.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||
656: ' and rsl.shipment_header_id=rsh.shipment_header_id'||

Line 662: ' po_lines_all pl , po_line_locations_all pll,'||'rcv_shipment_headers rsh,rcv_shipment_lines rsl'||

658: ' and pl.line_num ='||l_line_num||' and pll.shipment_num ='||l_line_loc_num||
659: ' and rsh.receipt_num='||''''||l_receipt_num||''''||' and rsh.ship_to_org_id='||l_org_id;
660: p_sql(42):=' select distinct rli.* '||'from rcv_lots_interface rli , rcv_transactions_interface rti'||' where rti.interface_transaction_id = rli.interface_transaction_id '||
661: ' and exists (select 1 from po_headers_all ph,'||
662: ' po_lines_all pl , po_line_locations_all pll,'||'rcv_shipment_headers rsh,rcv_shipment_lines rsl'||
663: ' where rti.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||
664: ' and pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id '||' and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id'||
665: ' and rsl.po_line_location_id=pll.line_location_id'||' and rsl.shipment_header_id=rsh.shipment_header_id'||
666: ' and ph.segment1 = '||''''||l_po_number||''''||