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1 package hxc_deposit_process_pkg AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: hxcdeppr.pkh 115.10 2003/03/12 12:52:08 ksethi ship $ */
4 -- procedure
5 --   execute_deposit_process
6 --
7 -- description
8 --   main wrapper process for depositing time information into the time
9 --   store.  accepts a 'timecard' in the form of a pl/sql record structure,
10 --   along with all associated header information, and splits the data into
11 --   suitable components prior to insertion into the following storage tables:
12 --
16 --
17 -- parameters
18 --   p_time_building_block_id    - time building block id
19 --   p_process_name              - deposit process name
20 --   p_source_name               - time source name
21 --   p_effective_date            - effective date of deposit
22 --   p_type                      - building block type, (R)ange or (D)uration
23 --   p_measure                   - magnitude of time unit
24 --   p_unit_of_measure           - time unit
25 --   p_start_time                - time in
26 --   p_stop_time                 - time out
27 --   p_parent_building_block_id  - id of parent building block
28 --   p_parent_building_block_ovn - ovn of parent building block
29 --   p_scope                     - scope of building block
30 --   p_approval_style_id         - approval style id
31 --   p_approval_status           - approval status code
32 --   p_resource_id               - resource id (fk dependent on p_resource_type)
33 --   p_resource_type             - (P)erson, (M)achine, (R)oom
34 --   p_comment_text              - comment text
35 --   p_application_set_id        - Application Set Id
36 --   p_timecard                  - time attributes in pl/sql table structure
38 procedure execute_deposit_process
39   (p_time_building_block_id    in out nocopy number
40   ,p_object_version_number     in out nocopy number
41   ,p_process_name              in     varchar2
42   ,p_source_name               in     varchar2
43   ,p_effective_date            in     date
44   ,p_type                      in     varchar2
45   ,p_measure                   in     number
46   ,p_unit_of_measure           in     varchar2
47   ,p_start_time                in     date
48   ,p_stop_time                 in     date
49   ,p_parent_building_block_id  in     number
50   ,p_parent_building_block_ovn in     number
51   ,p_scope                     in     varchar2
52   ,p_approval_style_id         in     number
53   ,p_approval_status           in     varchar2
54   ,p_resource_id               in     number
55   ,p_resource_type             in     varchar2
56   ,p_comment_text              in     varchar2
57   ,p_application_set_id        in     number default null
58   ,p_timecard                  in     hxc_time_attributes_api.timecard
59   );
61 -- function
62 --   deposit_process_registered
63 --
64 -- description
65 --   returns true or false depending on whether or not a deposit process
66 --   is registered in the time store for a given time source
67 --
68 -- parameters
69 --   p_source_name            - the name of the time source
70 --   p_process_name           - the name of the deposit process
72 FUNCTION deposit_process_registered
73   (p_source_name    in varchar2
74   ,p_process_name   in varchar2
75   ) RETURN number;
77 -- function
78 --   latest_ovn
79 --
80 -- description
81 --   returns true or false depending on whether or not the object version number
82 --   passed to the deposit api is the latest one.
83 --
84 -- parameters
85 --   p_time_building_block_id - the id of the time building block
86 --   p_object_version_number  - ovn of the time building block
88 function latest_ovn
89   (p_time_building_block_id    in number
90   ,p_object_version_number     in number
91   ) return boolean;
94 end hxc_deposit_process_pkg;