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1 package fnd_user_resp_groups_api as
2 /* $Header: AFSCURGS.pls 120.6 2006/02/27 12:48:13 tmorrow ship $ */
3 /*#
4 * Table Handler to insert or update data in FND_USER_RESP_GROUPS table.
5 * @rep:scope public
6 * @rep:product FND
7 * @rep:displayname User Responsibility Group
8 * @rep:lifecycle active
9 * @rep:compatibility S
10 * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY FND_USER
11 */
13 --
14 -- Assignment_Exists
15 --   Check if user/resp/group assignment exists.  This API does not check
16 --   start or end dates on the user, repsonsibility, or responsibility
17 --   assignment.
18 -- IN
19 --   user_id - User to get assignment
20 --   responsibility_id - Responsibility to be assigned
21 --   responsibility_application_id - Resp Application to be assigned
22 --   security_group_id - Security Group to be assigned (default to current)
23 --   direct_flag- 'Y', 'N', or 'E' (default) determines whether this checks
24 --                indirect assignments from wf_role_hierarchy or just
25 --                direct assignments.
26 --     'Y'= Direct only.     Dates can be updated.
27 --     'N'= Indirect only.   Dates cannot be updated on these assignments.
28 --     'E'= Either Direct or Indirect. (this is the default)
30 --   TRUE if assignment is found
31 --
32 function Assignment_Exists(
33   user_id in number,
34   responsibility_id in number,
35   responsibility_application_id in number,
36   security_group_id in number default null,
37   direct_flag in varchar2 default null /* null means 'E': Direct or Indirect*/
38   )
39 return boolean;
41 --
42 -- Validates the security context to determine if the given user has access
43 -- to the given responsibility.  This API checks start and end dates on
44 -- the user, responsibility, and responsibility assignment.
45 -- IN
46 --   p_user_id - the user id
47 --   p_resp_appl_id - the application id of the responsibility
48 --   p_responsibility_id - the responsibility id
49 --   p_security_group_id - the security group id
50 -- OU
51 --  x_status:
52 --    'N' if the security context is not valid
53 --    'Y' if the security context is valid
54 --
55 procedure validate_security_context(
56   p_user_id            in  number,
57   p_resp_appl_id       in  number,
58   p_responsibility_id  in  number,
59   p_security_group_id  in  number,
60   x_status             out nocopy varchar2);
63 --
64 -- Assignment_Check (INTERNAL routine only)
65 --
66 -- Check whether a particular assignment of a user to a role exists,
67 -- regardless of start/end date.  This is different from
68 -- wf_directory.IsPerformer which only operates for current sysdate.
69 -- In: username- user name
70 -- In: rolename- role name
71 --
72 function Assignment_Check(username in varchar2,
73                           rolename in varchar2,
74                        direct_flag in varchar2 /* 'D', 'I', or 'E'*/)
75 return boolean;
77 --
78 -- Role_Name_from_Resp
79 --
80 -- Returns role name in the format FND_RESP|APPSNAME|RESPKEY|SECGRPKEY
81 -- from the security group and resp passed in.  This is generally only used
82 -- by FND internal code upgrading old data.
83 --
84 function Role_Name_from_Resp(
85   x_resp_id in number,
86   x_resp_appl_id in number,
87   x_secgrp_id in number) return varchar2;
89 --
90 -- Role_Name_from_Resp_No_Exc
91 --
92 -- This is a version of role_name_from_resp which won't raise exceptions,
93 -- to be used when calling from somewhere that errors can't be trapped
94 -- like inline inside a SQL select statement.  Again only used by internal
95 -- FND code.
96 function Role_Name_from_Resp_No_Exc(
97   x_resp_id in number,
98   x_resp_appl_id in number,
99   x_secgrp_id in number) return varchar2;
101 --
102 -- Lock_Assignment
103 --   Lock the row for an assignment (used by a UI)
104 -- IN
105 --   user_id - User
106 --   responsibility_id - Responsibility
107 --   responsibility_application_id - Resp Application
108 --   security_group_id - Security Group
109 --   start_date - Start date of assignment
110 --   end_date - End date of assignment
112 --
113 --
114 procedure Lock_Assignment(
115   x_user_id in number,
116   x_responsibility_id in number,
117   x_resp_application_id in number,
118   x_security_group_id in number,
119   x_start_date in date,
120   x_end_date in date,
121   x_description in varchar2);
123 --
124 -- Insert_Assignment
125 --   Insert a new user/resp/group assignment
126 -- IN
127 --   user_id - User to get assignment
128 --   responsibility_id - Responsibility to be assigned
129 --   responsibility_application_id - Resp Application to be assigned
130 --   security_group_id - Security Group to be assigned
131 --   start_date - Start date of assignment
132 --   end_date - End date of assignment
133 --   description - Optional comment
135 --   If user/resp/group assignment already exists
136 --
137 procedure Insert_Assignment(
138   user_id in number,
139   responsibility_id in number,
140   responsibility_application_id in number,
141   security_group_id in number default null,
142   start_date in date,
143   end_date in date,
144   description in varchar2);
146 --
147 -- Update_Assignment
148 --   Update an existing user/resp/group assignment
149 -- IN
150 -- KEY VALUES:  These columns identify row to update
151 --   user_id - User to get assignment
152 --   responsibility_id - Responsibility to be assigned
153 --   responsibility_application_id - Resp Application to be assigned
154 --   security_group_id - Security Group to be assigned (default to current)
155 -- UPDATE VALUES: These columns identify values to update
156 --   start_date - Start date of assignment
157 --   end_date - End date of assignment
158 --   description - Optional comment
159 -- FLAGS
160 --   update_who_columns- pass 'Y' or 'N' ('Y' is default if not passed)
161 --     'N' = leave old who vals.  'Y'= update who cols to current user/date
163 --   If user/resp/group assignment does not exist
164 --
165 procedure Update_Assignment(
166   user_id in number,
167   responsibility_id in number,
168   responsibility_application_id in number,
169   security_group_id in number default null,
170   start_date in date,
171   end_date in date,
172   description in varchar2,
173   update_who_columns in varchar2 default null
174      /* 'N' = leave old who vals.  'Y' (default) = update who to current*/);
176 --
177 -- Upload_Assignment
178 --   Update user/resp/group assignment if it exists,
179 --   otherwise insert new assignment.
180 -- IN
181 --   user_id - User to get assignment
182 --   responsibility_id - Responsibility to be assigned
183 --   responsibility_application_id - Resp Application to be assigned
184 --   security_group_id - Security Group to be assigned (default to current)
185 --   start_date - Start date of assignment
186 --   end_date - End date of assignment
187 --   description - Optional comment
188 --   update_who_columns in varchar2 default null
189 --    'N' = leave old who vals.  'Y' (default) = update who to current
190 --
191 procedure Upload_Assignment(
192   user_id in number,
193   responsibility_id in number,
194   responsibility_application_id in number,
195   security_group_id in number default null,
196   start_date in date,
197   end_date in date,
198   description in varchar2,
199   update_who_columns in varchar2 default null
200      /* 'N' = leave old who vals.  'Y' (default) = update who to current*/);
202 --
203 --  FNDLOAD-friendly cover for Upload_Assignment above
204 --
205     /*#
206      * Creates or updates User-Responsibility Group information as appropriate.
207      * @param x_user_name User Name
208      * @param x_resp_key Responsibility Key
209      * @param x_app_short_name Application Short Name
210      * @param x_security_group Security Group Name
211      * @param x_owner Owner Name
212      * @param x_start_date Effective Start Date
213      * @param x_end_date Effective End Date
214      * @param x_description Description
215      * @param x_last_update_date Insert/Update Date
216      * @rep:scope public
217      * @rep:lifecycle active
218      * @rep:displayname Create/Update User Responsibility Group
219      * @rep:compatibility S
220      */
221 procedure LOAD_ROW (
223   X_RESP_KEY		in	VARCHAR2,
226   X_OWNER               in	VARCHAR2,
228   X_END_DATE		in	VARCHAR2,
230   X_LAST_UPDATE_DATE    in      DATE default sysdate);
233 --
234 -- Makes a role for this resp/secgrp.
235 --
236 procedure sync_roles_one_resp_secgrp(
237                    respid in number,
238                    appid in number,
239                    respkey in varchar2,
240                    secgrpid in number,
241                    secgrpkey in varchar2,
242                    startdate in date,
243                    enddate in date);
245 --
246 -- Makes roles for all security groups for a particular resp.
247 -- This should be called when a resp is created/deleted.
248 --
249 procedure sync_roles_all_secgrps(
250                    respid in number,
251                    appid in number,
252                    respkey in varchar2,
253                    startdate in date,
254                    enddate in date);
256 --
257 -- Makes roles for all resps for a particular security group.
258 -- This should be called when a security group is created/deleted.
259 --
260 procedure sync_roles_all_resps(
261                   secgrpid in varchar2,
262                   secgrpkey in varchar2);
265 --
266 -- Makes roles for all resps for all security groups.
267 -- This routine is generally called once by an upgrade script which
268 -- converts from the old resp roles to the new resp roles.
269 -- Bug4349774 added sync_all_flag to enable original functionality when
270 -- set to TRUE.
272     /*#
273      * Creates roles for all responsibility and security group combinations.
274      * @param sync_all_flag Insert/Update All
275      * @rep:scope public
276      * @rep:lifecycle active
277      * @rep:displayname Creates all responsibility/security group roles.
278      * @rep:compatibility S
279      */
281 procedure sync_roles_all_resp_secgrps(sync_all_flag in boolean default FALSE);
283 --
284 -- Moves old data from fnd_user_resp_groups table to new workflow tables.
285 -- This routine is no longer used because this is now done in the
286 -- bulk sync.  But it remains exposed just in case in an emergency
287 -- it might be useful to resolve something.
288 procedure one_time_furg_to_wf_upgrade;
290 -- Converts role names from FND_RESPX:Y format to FND_RESP_SEC|A|B|C format
291  -- if necessary. Returns upgraded role name or original if it is in any
292  -- other format.
293 function upgrade_resp_role(respid in number,
294                             appid in number) return varchar2;
298 -- sync_roles_all_secgrps_int
299 --
300 --  Bug4322412
301 --   For a given resp, sync roles for all security groups if the role
302 --   does not already exist.
303 --
304 --   NOTE:This routine does not update existing roles. To update existing roles
305 --   the routine sync_roles_all_secgrps should be used.
306 --
307 procedure sync_roles_all_secgrps_int(
308                    respid in number,
309                    appid in number,
310                    respkey in varchar2,
311                    startdate in date,
312                    enddate in date);
315 end fnd_user_resp_groups_api;