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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 21

    select oipl.opt_id, oipl.pl_id, pl.pl_typ_id
    from   ben_oipl_f  oipl, ben_pl_f pl
    where  oipl.oipl_id = p_oipl_id
    and    pl.pl_id = oipl.pl_id
    and    p_effective_date
           between pl.effective_start_date
           and     pl.effective_end_date
    and    p_effective_date
           between oipl.effective_start_date
           and     oipl.effective_end_date;
Line: 33

    select pl.pl_id, pl.pl_typ_id
    from   ben_pl_f pl
    where  pl.pl_id = p_pl_id
    and    p_effective_date
           between pl.effective_start_date
           and     pl.effective_end_date;
Line: 41

    select plip.pgm_id
    from   ben_plip_f plip
    where  plip.pgm_id = p_pgm_id
    and    plip.pl_id = p_pl_id
    and    p_effective_date
           between plip.effective_start_date
           and     plip.effective_end_date;
Line: 108

    select distinct pen.person_id , pen.pgm_id, nvl(pen.bnft_amt,0) bnft_amt
    from   ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen,
           per_all_people_f per  -- Bug 1750817 :  Filter out enrollments of deleted person.
    where  per.person_id = pen.person_id
    and    per.business_group_id = pen.business_group_id
    and    p_effective_date between per.effective_start_date
                                and per.effective_end_date
    and    pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
    and    pen.sspndd_flag = 'N'
    and    pen.comp_lvl_cd not in ('PLANFC', 'PLANIMP')  -- not a dummy plan
           -- cvg is active entire month
    and    ((pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt <= p_last_day_of_month
           and    pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt >= p_first_day_of_month)
           -- is no washrule and cvg was for at least part of the month
           (pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt <= p_last_day_of_month
           and    pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt >= p_first_day_of_month
           and p_wsh_rl_dy_mo_num is null)
           -- if washrule there, and cvg strts this month it starts before wash day.
           (p_wsh_rl_dy_mo_num is not null
           and pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt between
              p_first_day_of_month and p_last_day_of_month
           and to_char(pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt,'dd') < p_wsh_rl_dy_mo_num )
           -- if washrule there, and cvg end this month it ends after wash day.
           (p_wsh_rl_dy_mo_num is not null
           and pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt between
              p_first_day_of_month and p_last_day_of_month
           and to_char(pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt,'dd') > p_wsh_rl_dy_mo_num ))
    and    ((pen.pl_id = p_pl_id and pen.oipl_id is null) or p_pl_id is null)
    and    (pen.oipl_id = p_oipl_id or p_oipl_id is null)
    and    pen.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
    /*   Bug#2903964 - it is better to get the results based on effective end date rather
         filtering on effective_date
    and    p_effective_date between
           pen.effective_start_date and pen.effective_end_date */
    and    pen.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot;
Line: 149

     select nvl(vpf.val,0) val, vpf.upr_lmt_val, vpf.upr_lmt_calc_rl
           ,vpf.lwr_lmt_val, vpf.lwr_lmt_calc_rl, vpf.rndg_cd,
            vpf.rndg_rl, vpf.bnft_rt_typ_cd, vpf.mlt_cd
     from   ben_vrbl_rt_prfl_f vpf
     where  vpf.vrbl_rt_prfl_id = p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id
     and    vpf.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and    p_effective_date between
            vpf.effective_start_date and vpf.effective_end_date;
Line: 161

     select 'Y'
     from   ben_vrbl_rt_prfl_f vpf, ben_actl_prem_vrbl_rt_f apv
     where  apv.actl_prem_id = p_actl_prem_id
     and    apv.vrbl_rt_prfl_id = vpf.vrbl_rt_prfl_id
     and    ((vpf.alwys_cnt_all_prtts_flag = 'N' and exists
            (select 'x' from ben_ttl_prtt_rt_f ttp
             where ttp.vrbl_rt_prfl_id = vpf.vrbl_rt_prfl_id))
            or (vpf.alwys_sum_all_cvg_flag = 'N'and exists
            (select 'x' from ben_ttl_cvg_vol_rt_f tcv
             where tcv.vrbl_rt_prfl_id = vpf.vrbl_rt_prfl_id)))
     and    vpf.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and    p_effective_date between
            vpf.effective_start_date and vpf.effective_end_date;
Line: 186

l_insert_record        varchar2(1);
Line: 482

    select apr.wsh_rl_dy_mo_num, apr.actl_prem_id, apr.prem_asnmt_lvl_cd,
           apr.val, apr.uom, apr.pl_id, apr.oipl_id, apr.bnft_rt_typ_cd,
           apr.rndg_cd, apr.rndg_rl, apr.upr_lmt_calc_rl, apr.upr_lmt_val,
           apr.lwr_lmt_calc_rl, apr.lwr_lmt_val, apr.prsptv_r_rtsptv_cd,
           apr.mlt_cd, apr.cost_allocation_keyflex_id, apr.vrbl_rt_add_on_calc_rl
    from   ben_actl_prem_f apr
    where  apr.actl_prem_id = p_actl_prem_id
    and    p_effective_date between
           apr.effective_start_date and apr.effective_end_date;
Line: 500

    select count('s') num_of_prtts, sum(nvl(pen.bnft_amt,0)) total_cvg
    from   ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen,
           per_all_people_f per  -- Bug 1750817 :  Filter out enrollments of deleted person.
    where  per.person_id = pen.person_id
    and    per.business_group_id = pen.business_group_id
    and    p_effective_date between per.effective_start_date
                                and per.effective_end_date
    and    pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
    and    pen.sspndd_flag = 'N'
    and    pen.comp_lvl_cd not in ('PLANFC', 'PLANIMP')  -- not a dummy plan
           -- cvg is active entire month
    and    ((pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt <= p_last_day_of_month
           and    pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt >= p_first_day_of_month)
           -- is no washrule and cvg was for at least part of the month
           (pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt <= p_last_day_of_month
           and    pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt >= p_first_day_of_month
           and p_wsh_rl_dy_mo_num is null)
           -- if washrule there, and cvg strts this month it starts before wash day.
           (p_wsh_rl_dy_mo_num is not null
           and pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt between
              p_first_day_of_month and p_last_day_of_month
           and to_char(pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt,'dd') < p_wsh_rl_dy_mo_num )
           -- if washrule there, and cvg end this month it ends after wash day.
           (p_wsh_rl_dy_mo_num is not null
           and pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt between
              p_first_day_of_month and p_last_day_of_month
           and to_char(pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt,'dd') > p_wsh_rl_dy_mo_num ))
    and    ((pen.pl_id = p_pl_id and pen.oipl_id is null) or p_pl_id is null)
    and    (pen.oipl_id = p_oipl_id or p_oipl_id is null)
    and    pen.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     /*   Bug#2903964 - it is better to get the results based on effective end date rather
         filtering on effective_date
          and    p_effective_date between
           pen.effective_start_date and pen.effective_end_date */
    and    pen.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot;
Line: 546

    select pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id, pen.person_id, pen.pl_id, pen.oipl_id,
           pen.pgm_id, pen.pl_typ_id,
           /*  Start of Code Change for WWBUG: 1646442: added following table           */
           /*  End of Code Change for WWBUG: 1646442                                    */
    from   ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen,
           per_all_people_f per  -- Bug 1750817 :  Filter out enrollments of deleted person.
    where  per.person_id = pen.person_id
    and    per.business_group_id = pen.business_group_id
    and    p_effective_date between per.effective_start_date
                                and per.effective_end_date
    and    pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
    and    pen.sspndd_flag = 'N'
    and    pen.comp_lvl_cd not in ('PLANFC', 'PLANIMP')  -- not a dummy plan
           -- cvg is active entire month
    and    ((pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt <= p_last_day_of_month
           and    pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt >= p_first_day_of_month)
           -- is no washrule and cvg was for at least part of the month
           (pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt <= p_last_day_of_month
           and    pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt >= p_first_day_of_month
           and p_wsh_rl_dy_mo_num is null)
           -- if washrule there, and cvg strts this month it starts before wash day.
           (p_wsh_rl_dy_mo_num is not null
           and pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt between
              p_first_day_of_month and p_last_day_of_month
           and to_char(pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt,'dd') < p_wsh_rl_dy_mo_num )
           -- if washrule there, and cvg end this month it ends after wash day.
           (p_wsh_rl_dy_mo_num is not null
           and pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt between
              p_first_day_of_month and p_last_day_of_month
           and to_char(pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt,'dd') > p_wsh_rl_dy_mo_num ))
    and    ((pen.pl_id = p_pl_id and pen.oipl_id is null) or p_pl_id is null)
    and    (pen.oipl_id = p_oipl_id or p_oipl_id is null)
    and    pen.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
    /*   Bug#2903964 - it is better to get the results based on effective end date rather
         filtering on effective_date
         and    p_effective_date between
           pen.effective_start_date and pen.effective_end_date*/
    and   pen.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot;
Line: 593

    select ppe.std_prem_uom, ppe.prtt_prem_id
    from   ben_prtt_prem_f ppe,
           ben_per_in_ler pil
    where  ppe.actl_prem_id = p_actl_prem_id
    and    ppe.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
    and    ppe.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
    and    p_effective_date between
           ppe.effective_start_date and ppe.effective_end_date
    and    pil.per_in_ler_id(+)=ppe.per_in_ler_id
    and    pil.business_group_id(+)=ppe.business_group_id
    and    (pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT') -- found row condition
     	    or pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd is null                  -- outer join condition
Line: 609

    select pbm.pl_r_oipl_prem_by_mo_id, pbm.object_version_number
    from   ben_pl_r_oipl_prem_by_mo_f pbm
    where  pbm.mo_num = p_mo_num
    and    pbm.yr_num = p_yr_num
    and    pbm.actl_prem_id = p_actl_prem_id ;
Line: 618

    select prm.prtt_prem_by_mo_id,prm.val,prm.cr_val,mnl_adj_flag, prm.object_version_number
    from ben_prtt_prem_by_mo_f prm
    where  prm.mo_num = p_mo_num
    and    prm.yr_num = p_yr_num
    and    prm.prtt_prem_id = p_prtt_prem_id
    order by prm.effective_start_date ;
Line: 632

    select prm.prtt_prem_by_mo_id,prm.val,prm.cr_val,mnl_adj_flag, prm.object_version_number
    from ben_prtt_prem_by_mo_f prm
    where  prm.mo_num = p_mo_num
    and    prm.yr_num = p_yr_num
    and    prm.prtt_prem_id = p_prtt_prem_id
    and    p_effective_dt between prm.effective_start_date and prm.effective_end_date;
Line: 874

                   ,p_program_update_date     => sysdate
                   /* CODE PRIOR TO WWBUG: 1646442
                   ,p_effective_date          => p_effective_date);
Line: 915

                    ,p_program_update_date     => sysdate
                    ,p_effective_date          => l_effective_date_mo); --p_effective_date);
Line: 930

                         hr_utility.set_location ('update  the  premium:'|| l_prm.prtt_prem_by_mo_id, 10) ;
Line: 932

                          (p_prtt_prem_by_mo_id      => l_prm.prtt_prem_by_mo_id
                          ,p_effective_start_date    => l_effective_start_date
                          ,p_effective_end_date      => l_effective_end_date
                          ,p_mnl_adj_flag            => 'N'
                          ,p_val                     => l_prtt_val
                          ,p_cr_val                  => null
                          ,p_alctd_val_flag          => 'Y'
                          ,p_uom                     => l_ppe.std_prem_uom  -- uom from prtt_prem if exists
                          ,p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id => l_prems.cost_allocation_keyflex_id
                          ,p_object_version_number   => l_prm.object_version_number
                          ,p_request_id              => fnd_global.conc_request_id
                          ,p_program_application_id  => fnd_global.prog_appl_id
                          ,p_program_id              => fnd_global.conc_program_id
                          ,p_program_update_date     => sysdate
                          ,p_effective_date          => l_last_effective_dt
                          ,p_datetrack_mode          => hr_api.g_correction);
Line: 952

                         (p_prtt_prem_by_mo_id      => l_prm.prtt_prem_by_mo_id
                          ,p_effective_start_date    => l_effective_start_date
                          ,p_effective_end_date      => l_effective_end_date
                          ,p_mnl_adj_flag            => 'N'
                          ,p_val                     => l_prtt_val
                          ,p_alctd_val_flag          => 'Y'
                          ,p_uom                     => l_ppe.std_prem_uom  -- uom from prtt_prem if exists
                          ,p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id => l_prems.cost_allocation_keyflex_id
                          ,p_object_version_number   => l_prm.object_version_number
                          ,p_request_id              => fnd_global.conc_request_id
                          ,p_program_application_id  => fnd_global.prog_appl_id
                          ,p_program_id              => fnd_global.conc_program_id
                          ,p_program_update_date     => sysdate
                          ,p_effective_date          => l_last_effective_dt
                          ,p_datetrack_mode          => hr_api.g_correction);
Line: 1033

            ,p_program_update_date     => sysdate
            ,p_effective_date          => l_effective_date_mo ); -- p_effective_date);
Line: 1038

            (p_pl_r_oipl_prem_by_mo_id => l_pbm.pl_r_oipl_prem_by_mo_id
            ,p_effective_start_date    => l_effective_start_date
            ,p_effective_end_date      => l_effective_end_date
            ,p_mnl_adj_flag            => 'N'
            ,p_val                     => l_val
            ,p_uom                     => l_prems.uom  -- uom from actl_prem
            ,p_prtts_num               => l_results.num_of_prtts
            ,p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id => l_cak
            ,p_object_version_number   => l_pbm.object_version_number
            ,p_request_id              => fnd_global.conc_request_id
            ,p_program_application_id  => fnd_global.prog_appl_id
            ,p_program_id              => fnd_global.conc_program_id
            ,p_program_update_date     => sysdate
            ,p_effective_date          => l_effective_date_mo -- p_effective_date
            ,p_datetrack_mode          => hr_api.g_correction);