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1 PACKAGE gme_phantom_pvt AS
2 /*  $Header: GMEVPHBS.pls 120.3.12010000.1 2008/07/25 10:31:18 appldev ship $    */
3 /*
4 REM **********************************************************************
5 REM *                                                                    *
6 REM * FILE:    GMEVPHBS.pls                                              *
7 REM * PURPOSE: Package Spec for the GME PHANTOM API         routines     *
8 REM * AUTHOR:  Thomas Daniel, OPM Development                            *
9 REM * DATE:    July 10th 2001                                            *
10 REM * HISTORY:                                                           *
11 REM * ========                                                           *
12 REM *  Swapna K Bug#6738476 11-JAN-2008
13 REM *   Added the variable, p_batch_header_rec to the procedure, create_phantom *
14 REM **********************************************************************/
16    /*************************************************************************
17 * This file contains procedures for the Phantom Batch APIs for GME in    *
18 * Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM). Each procedure has a common set of *
19 * parameters to which API-specific parameters are appended.              *
20 *************************************************************************/
21    PROCEDURE create_phantom (
22       p_material_detail_rec      IN              gme_material_details%ROWTYPE
23      ,p_batch_header_rec         IN              gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE --swapna
24      ,p_batch_no                 IN              VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
25      ,x_material_detail_rec      OUT NOCOPY      gme_material_details%ROWTYPE
26      ,p_validity_rule_id         IN              NUMBER
27      ,p_use_workday_cal          IN              VARCHAR2
28      ,p_contiguity_override      IN              VARCHAR2
29      ,p_use_least_cost_validity_rule     IN      VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
30      ,x_exception_material_tbl   OUT NOCOPY      gme_common_pvt.exceptions_tab
31      ,x_return_status            OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2);
33    FUNCTION is_phantom (
34       p_batch_header    IN              gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE
35      ,x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2)
38    PROCEDURE fetch_step_phantoms (
39       p_batch_id                 IN              NUMBER
40      ,p_batchstep_id             IN              NUMBER
41      ,p_all_release_type_assoc   IN              NUMBER DEFAULT 0
42      ,x_phantom_ids              OUT NOCOPY      gme_common_pvt.number_tab
43      ,x_return_status            OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2);
45    PROCEDURE fetch_line_phantoms (
46       p_batch_id        IN              NUMBER
47      ,p_include_step    IN              BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE
48      ,x_phantom_ids     OUT NOCOPY      gme_common_pvt.number_tab
49      ,x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2);
50 END gme_phantom_pvt;