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APPS.PAY_CA_RL1_REG dependencies on HR_UTILITY

Line 162: --hr_utility.trace_on('Y','RL1');

158: l_payroll_id number;
159: leg_param pay_payroll_actions.legislative_parameters%type;
161: begin
162: --hr_utility.trace_on('Y','RL1');
163: hr_utility.trace('begining of range_cursor 1 ');
164: select legislative_parameters
165: into leg_param
166: from pay_payroll_actions ppa

Line 163: hr_utility.trace('begining of range_cursor 1 ');

159: leg_param pay_payroll_actions.legislative_parameters%type;
161: begin
162: --hr_utility.trace_on('Y','RL1');
163: hr_utility.trace('begining of range_cursor 1 ');
164: select legislative_parameters
165: into leg_param
166: from pay_payroll_actions ppa
167: where ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid;

Line 202: hr_utility.trace('End of range_cursor 2 ');

198: and fai3.value = nvl(pay_ca_rl1_reg.get_parameter(''PER_ID'',
199: ppa.legislative_parameters),fai3.value)
200: order by to_number(fai3.value)';
202: hr_utility.trace('End of range_cursor 2 ');
203: end range_cursor;
204: /*
205: -------------------------------- action_creation ----------------------------------
206: */

Line 353: hr_utility.set_location('procpyr',1);

349: and paf.effective_end_date >= l_year_start
350: order by assignment_id desc;
352: begin
353: hr_utility.set_location('procpyr',1);
354: hr_utility.trace('begining of action creation 1'||to_char(pactid));
356: /* get report type and effective date */

Line 354: hr_utility.trace('begining of action creation 1'||to_char(pactid));

350: order by assignment_id desc;
352: begin
353: hr_utility.set_location('procpyr',1);
354: hr_utility.trace('begining of action creation 1'||to_char(pactid));
356: /* get report type and effective date */
358: select effective_date,

Line 369: hr_utility.trace('begining of action creation 2 '||

365: l_legislative_parameters
366: from pay_payroll_actions
367: where payroll_action_id = pactid;
369: hr_utility.trace('begining of action creation 2 '||
370: to_char(l_bus_group_id));
372: hr_utility.trace('legislative parameters is '||l_legislative_parameters);

Line 372: hr_utility.trace('legislative parameters is '||l_legislative_parameters);

369: hr_utility.trace('begining of action creation 2 '||
370: to_char(l_bus_group_id));
372: hr_utility.trace('legislative parameters is '||l_legislative_parameters);
374: l_year := pay_ca_rl1_reg.get_parameter('TAX_YEAR',l_legislative_parameters);
375: l_year_start := trunc(to_date(l_year,'YYYY'), 'Y');
376: l_year_end := add_months(trunc(to_date(l_year,'YYYY'), 'Y'),12) - 1;

Line 380: hr_utility.trace('begin action creation '||l_year||to_char(l_year_start)||to_char(l_year_end));

376: l_year_end := add_months(trunc(to_date(l_year,'YYYY'), 'Y'),12) - 1;
377: l_asg_set_id := pay_ca_rl1_reg.get_parameter('ASG_SET_ID',l_legislative_parameters);
378: lv_per_id := pay_ca_rl1_reg.get_parameter('PER_ID',l_legislative_parameters);
380: hr_utility.trace('begin action creation '||l_year||to_char(l_year_start)||to_char(l_year_end));
382: l_rl1reg_pre_org_id := pay_ca_rl1_reg.get_parameter('PRE_ORGANIZATION_ID',
383: l_legislative_parameters);

Line 385: hr_utility.trace('begining of action creation 4 *'||

382: l_rl1reg_pre_org_id := pay_ca_rl1_reg.get_parameter('PRE_ORGANIZATION_ID',
383: l_legislative_parameters);
385: hr_utility.trace('begining of action creation 4 *'||
386: l_rl1reg_pre_org_id||'*');
388: if l_rl1reg_pre_org_id is NULL then
389: open c_all_pres;

Line 390: hr_utility.trace('else condition after open c_all_pres '||

386: l_rl1reg_pre_org_id||'*');
388: if l_rl1reg_pre_org_id is NULL then
389: open c_all_pres;
390: hr_utility.trace('else condition after open c_all_pres '||
391: 'c_all_asg cursor 6 ');
392: else
393: l_pre_organization_id := l_rl1reg_pre_org_id;
394: hr_utility.trace('begining of if condition 5 '||l_pre_organization_id);

Line 394: hr_utility.trace('begining of if condition 5 '||l_pre_organization_id);

390: hr_utility.trace('else condition after open c_all_pres '||
391: 'c_all_asg cursor 6 ');
392: else
393: l_pre_organization_id := l_rl1reg_pre_org_id;
394: hr_utility.trace('begining of if condition 5 '||l_pre_organization_id);
395: end if;
397: if l_rl1reg_pre_org_id is NULL then
398: loop

Line 400: hr_utility.trace('Begining of else loop for c_all_pres 7 '||

397: if l_rl1reg_pre_org_id is NULL then
398: loop
399: fetch c_all_pres into l_pre_organization_id;
400: hr_utility.trace('Begining of else loop for c_all_pres 7 '||
401: l_pre_organization_id);
402: exit when c_all_pres%notfound;
403: open c_first_tax_unit_id(l_pre_organization_id);
404: fetch c_first_tax_unit_id into l_tax_unit_id;

Line 438: hr_utility.trace('Begining of loop for c_all_asg 8 '||

434: fetch c_all_asg into l_person_id, l_asg_id;
435: exit when c_all_asg%notfound;
436: end if;
438: hr_utility.trace('Begining of loop for c_all_asg 8 '||
439: to_char(l_asg_id));
441: if ( l_person_id = l_prev_person_id and
442: l_pre_organization_id = l_prev_pre_organization_id) then

Line 444: hr_utility.trace('Not creating assignment action');

441: if ( l_person_id = l_prev_person_id and
442: l_pre_organization_id = l_prev_pre_organization_id) then
444: hr_utility.trace('Not creating assignment action');
446: else
447: /* Get the primary assignment as the primary
448: assignment is the assignment_id that is

Line 457: hr_utility.raise_error;

453: fetch c_get_asg_id into l_primary_asg;
455: if c_get_asg_id%NOTFOUND then
456: close c_get_asg_id;
457: hr_utility.raise_error;
458: else
459: close c_get_asg_id;
460: end if;

Line 469: hr_utility.trace('No Archived Person Found');

465: fetch c_archived_person_info
466: into ln_arch_asgact_id,
467: ln_arch_pact_id;
468: if c_archived_person_info%notfound then
469: hr_utility.trace('No Archived Person Found');
470: else
471: select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
472: into lockingactid
473: from dual;

Line 481: hr_utility.trace('in if loop after calling '||

477: pactid,
478: chunk,
479: l_pre_org_id);
481: hr_utility.trace('in if loop after calling '||
482: 'hr_nonrun_asact.insact pkg 9 '||to_char(l_asg_id));
484: /* Added this to implement RL1 Register and RL1 Amendment Register
485: using the same report file */

Line 489: hr_utility.trace('lv_serial_number :' ||lv_serial_number);

485: using the same report file */
486: lv_serial_number := 'QC' ||lpad(to_char(ln_arch_asgact_id),14,0)||
487: lpad(to_char(ln_arch_pact_id),14,0);
489: hr_utility.trace('lv_serial_number :' ||lv_serial_number);
491: update pay_assignment_actions paa
492: set paa.serial_number = lv_serial_number
493: where paa.assignment_action_id = lockingactid;

Line 516: hr_utility.trace('No GRE for this PRE Organization id');

512: end if;
514: else
516: hr_utility.trace('No GRE for this PRE Organization id');
517: hr_utility.raise_error;
519: end if;
520: end loop;

Line 517: hr_utility.raise_error;

514: else
516: hr_utility.trace('No GRE for this PRE Organization id');
517: hr_utility.raise_error;
519: end if;
520: end loop;
521: close c_all_pres;

Line 557: hr_utility.trace('Begining of if part loop for c_all_asg 10 '||

553: fetch c_all_asg into l_person_id, l_asg_id;
554: exit when c_all_asg%notfound;
555: end if;
557: hr_utility.trace('Begining of if part loop for c_all_asg 10 '||
558: to_char(l_asg_id));
561: if ( l_person_id = l_prev_person_id and

Line 564: hr_utility.trace('Not creating assignment action');

561: if ( l_person_id = l_prev_person_id and
562: l_pre_organization_id = l_prev_pre_organization_id) then
564: hr_utility.trace('Not creating assignment action');
566: else
568: /* Get the primary assignment as the primary

Line 578: hr_utility.raise_error;

574: fetch c_get_asg_id into l_primary_asg;
576: if c_get_asg_id%NOTFOUND then
577: close c_get_asg_id;
578: hr_utility.raise_error;
579: else
580: close c_get_asg_id;
581: end if;

Line 590: hr_utility.trace('No Archived Person Found');

586: fetch c_archived_person_info
587: into ln_arch_asgact_id,
588: ln_arch_pact_id;
589: if c_archived_person_info%notfound then
590: hr_utility.trace('No Archived Person Found');
591: else
592: select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
593: into lockingactid
594: from dual;

Line 601: hr_utility.trace('in if loop after calling '||

597: l_asg_id,
598: pactid,
599: chunk,
600: l_pre_org_id);
601: hr_utility.trace('in if loop after calling '||
602: 'hr_nonrun_asact.insact pkg 11 '||to_char(lockingactid));
604: /* Added this to implement RL1 Register and RL1 Amendment Register
605: using the same report file */

Line 609: hr_utility.trace('lv_serial_number :' ||lv_serial_number);

605: using the same report file */
606: lv_serial_number := 'QC' ||lpad(to_char(ln_arch_asgact_id),14,0)||
607: lpad(to_char(ln_arch_pact_id),14,0);
609: hr_utility.trace('lv_serial_number :' ||lv_serial_number);
611: update pay_assignment_actions paa
612: set paa.serial_number = lv_serial_number
613: where paa.assignment_action_id = lockingactid;

Line 634: hr_utility.trace('End of cursor c_all_asg 12');

630: else
631: close c_all_asg;
632: end if;
634: hr_utility.trace('End of cursor c_all_asg 12');
635: end if;
636: end if;
637: hr_utility.trace('End of If Condition for Loop 13');
638: end action_creation;

Line 637: hr_utility.trace('End of If Condition for Loop 13');

634: hr_utility.trace('End of cursor c_all_asg 12');
635: end if;
636: end if;
637: hr_utility.trace('End of If Condition for Loop 13');
638: end action_creation;
639: /*
640: ---------------------------------- sort_action ----------------------------------
641: */

Line 649: hr_utility.trace('Start of Sort_Action 1');

645: sqlstr in out nocopy varchar2, /* string holding the sql statement */
646: len out nocopy number /* length of the sql string */
647: ) is
648: begin
649: hr_utility.trace('Start of Sort_Action 1');
650: sqlstr := 'select paa1.rowid /* we need the row id of the assignment actions that are created by PYUGEN */
651: from hr_all_organization_units hou1,
652: hr_all_organization_units hou,
653: hr_locations_all loc,

Line 694: hr_utility.trace('End of Sort_Action 2');

690: -- paaf.effective_end_date,-1,to_date(''31-DEC-''||
691: -- to_char(paaf.effective_end_date,''YY'')) )
693: len := length(sqlstr); -- return the length of the string.
694: hr_utility.trace('End of Sort_Action 2');
695: end sort_action;
696: /*
697: ------------------------------ get_parameter -------------------------------
698: */

Line 766: hr_utility.set_message(801,'PAY_74040_EOY_EXCP_TURNS_18');

762: fnd_date.canonical_to_date(lv_year)
763: then
764: lv_year := p_termination_dt;
765: end if;
766: hr_utility.set_message(801,'PAY_74040_EOY_EXCP_TURNS_18');
767: -- hr_utility.set_message_token('ST_DATE',lv_eighteen);
768: hr_utility.set_message_token('ST_DATE',lv_st_dt);
769: hr_utility.set_message_token('END_DATE',lv_year);
770: lv_message := hr_utility.get_message;

Line 767: -- hr_utility.set_message_token('ST_DATE',lv_eighteen);

763: then
764: lv_year := p_termination_dt;
765: end if;
766: hr_utility.set_message(801,'PAY_74040_EOY_EXCP_TURNS_18');
767: -- hr_utility.set_message_token('ST_DATE',lv_eighteen);
768: hr_utility.set_message_token('ST_DATE',lv_st_dt);
769: hr_utility.set_message_token('END_DATE',lv_year);
770: lv_message := hr_utility.get_message;
771: end if;

Line 768: hr_utility.set_message_token('ST_DATE',lv_st_dt);

764: lv_year := p_termination_dt;
765: end if;
766: hr_utility.set_message(801,'PAY_74040_EOY_EXCP_TURNS_18');
767: -- hr_utility.set_message_token('ST_DATE',lv_eighteen);
768: hr_utility.set_message_token('ST_DATE',lv_st_dt);
769: hr_utility.set_message_token('END_DATE',lv_year);
770: lv_message := hr_utility.get_message;
771: end if;
772: return(lv_message);

Line 769: hr_utility.set_message_token('END_DATE',lv_year);

765: end if;
766: hr_utility.set_message(801,'PAY_74040_EOY_EXCP_TURNS_18');
767: -- hr_utility.set_message_token('ST_DATE',lv_eighteen);
768: hr_utility.set_message_token('ST_DATE',lv_st_dt);
769: hr_utility.set_message_token('END_DATE',lv_year);
770: lv_message := hr_utility.get_message;
771: end if;
772: return(lv_message);
773: end get_rl1_message;

Line 770: lv_message := hr_utility.get_message;

766: hr_utility.set_message(801,'PAY_74040_EOY_EXCP_TURNS_18');
767: -- hr_utility.set_message_token('ST_DATE',lv_eighteen);
768: hr_utility.set_message_token('ST_DATE',lv_st_dt);
769: hr_utility.set_message_token('END_DATE',lv_year);
770: lv_message := hr_utility.get_message;
771: end if;
772: return(lv_message);
773: end get_rl1_message;