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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 19

 select max(rct.transaction_id)
        into x_last_receipt_id
        from   rcv_transactions rct,
	       rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
	       po_headers poh
	where  rct.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
	and    rct.transaction_type = 'RECEIVE'
	and    rct.transaction_date between
		to_date(p_cum_period_start_date) and
        and     rsl.to_organization_id = p_org_id
        and     rsl.item_id            = p_item_id
        and     rsl.po_header_id       = poh.po_header_id
        and     poh.vendor_id          = p_vendor_id
        and     poh.vendor_site_id     = p_vendor_site_id
        and     poh.supply_agreement_flag = 'Y'
        and    rct.transaction_date in
        (select max(rct2.transaction_date)
        from   rcv_transactions rct2,
	       rcv_shipment_lines rsl2,
               po_headers poh2
        where  rct2.shipment_line_id   = rsl2.shipment_line_id
        and    rct2.transaction_type   = 'RECEIVE'
        and    rct2.transaction_date between
                to_date(p_cum_period_start_date) and
        and    rsl2.to_organization_id = p_org_id
        and    rsl2.item_id            = p_item_id
        and    rsl2.po_header_id       = poh2.po_header_id
        and    poh2.vendor_id          = p_vendor_id
        and    poh2.vendor_site_id     = p_vendor_site_id
        and    poh2.supply_agreement_flag = 'Y');
Line: 53

  select receipt_num
  into   x_last_receipt_num
  from   rcv_transactions rct,
	 rcv_shipment_headers rsh
  where  rct.transaction_id = x_last_receipt_id
  and    rct.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id;
Line: 80

 select max(rct.transaction_id)
        into x_last_receipt_id
        from   rcv_transactions rct,
	       rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
	       po_headers poh
	where  rct.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
	and    rct.transaction_type = 'RECEIVE'
	and    rct.transaction_date between
		to_date(p_cum_period_start_date) and
        and     rsl.to_organization_id = p_org_id
        and     rsl.item_id            = p_item_id
        and     rsl.po_header_id       = poh.po_header_id
        and     poh.vendor_id          = p_vendor_id
        and     poh.vendor_site_id     = p_vendor_site_id
        and     poh.supply_agreement_flag = 'Y'
        and     rct.transaction_date in
        (select max(rct2.transaction_date)
        from   rcv_transactions rct2,
	        rcv_shipment_lines rsl2,
               po_headers poh2
        where  rct2.shipment_line_id   = rsl2.shipment_line_id
        and    rct2.transaction_type   = 'RECEIVE'
        and    rct2.transaction_date between
                to_date(p_cum_period_start_date) and
        and    rsl2.to_organization_id = p_org_id
        and    rsl2.item_id            = p_item_id
        and    rsl2.po_header_id       = poh.po_header_id
        and    poh2.vendor_id          = p_vendor_id
        and    poh2.vendor_site_id     = p_vendor_site_id
        and    poh2.supply_agreement_flag = 'Y');
Line: 114

  select transaction_date
  into   x_last_receipt_date
  from   rcv_transactions rct
  where  rct.transaction_id = x_last_receipt_id;
Line: 145

 select max(rct.transaction_id)
        into x_last_receipt_id
        from   rcv_transactions rct,
	       rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
	       po_headers poh
	where  rct.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
	and    rct.transaction_type = 'RECEIVE'
	and    rct.transaction_date between
		to_date(p_cum_period_start_date) and
        and     rsl.to_organization_id = p_org_id
        and     rsl.item_id            = p_item_id
        and     rsl.po_header_id       = poh.po_header_id
        and     poh.vendor_id          = p_vendor_id
        and     poh.vendor_site_id     = p_vendor_site_id
        and     poh.supply_agreement_flag = 'Y'
        and     rct.transaction_date in
        (select max(rct2.transaction_date)
        from   rcv_transactions rct2,
	        rcv_shipment_lines rsl2,
               po_headers poh2
        where  rct2.shipment_line_id   = rsl2.shipment_line_id
        and    rct2.transaction_type   = 'RECEIVE'
        and    rct2.transaction_date between
                to_date(p_cum_period_start_date) and
        and    rsl2.to_organization_id = p_org_id
        and    rsl2.item_id            = p_item_id
        and    rsl2.po_header_id       = poh2.po_header_id
        and    poh2.vendor_id          = p_vendor_id
        and    poh2.vendor_site_id     = p_vendor_site_id
        and    poh2.supply_agreement_flag = 'Y');
Line: 179

  select primary_quantity,
  into   x_primary_quantity,
  from   rcv_transactions rct
  where  rct.transaction_id = x_last_receipt_id;
Line: 188

        SELECT uom_code
        INTO   x_primary_uom_code
        FROM   mtl_units_of_measure
        WHERE  unit_of_measure = x_primary_unit_of_measure;
Line: 202

        SELECT uom_code
        INTO   x_purchasing_uom_code
        FROM   mtl_units_of_measure
        WHERE  unit_of_measure = p_purchasing_uom;
Line: 262

      SELECT rsl.quantity_received,
      FROM   rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
	     po_headers poh,
	     po_lines pol,
	     rcv_transactions rct
      WHERE  rct.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
      AND    rct.transaction_type = 'RECEIVE'
      AND    rsl.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id
      AND    rsl.po_line_id = pol.po_line_id
      AND    poh.vendor_id = X_vendor_id
      AND    poh.vendor_site_id = X_vendor_site_id
      AND    rsl.to_organization_id = X_organization_id
      AND    poh.supply_agreement_flag = 'Y'
      AND    pol.item_id = X_item_id
      AND    rct.transaction_date between X_cum_period_start
			          and     X_cum_period_end;
Line: 286

         SELECT rct.primary_quantity,
	 FROM   rcv_transactions rct
         WHERE  rct.transaction_type = 'RETURN TO VENDOR'
         AND    rct.parent_transaction_id = X_transaction_id;
Line: 293

      SELECT rsl.quantity_received,
      FROM   rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
	     po_headers poh,
	     po_lines pol
      WHERE  pol.item_id = X_item_id
      AND    rsl.po_line_id = pol.po_line_id
      AND    pol.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id
      AND    poh.vendor_id = X_vendor_id
      AND    poh.vendor_site_id = X_vendor_site_id
      AND    rsl.to_organization_id = X_organization_id
      AND    poh.supply_agreement_flag = 'Y'
      AND    exists
		(select 1
	         from   rcv_transactions rct
	         where  rct.transaction_date between x_cum_period_start
				             and     x_cum_period_end
                 and    rct.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
	         and    rct.transaction_type = 'RECEIVE');
Line: 349

      SELECT uom_code
      INTO   X_transaction_uom_code
      FROM   mtl_units_of_measure
      WHERE  unit_of_measure = X_unit_of_measure;
Line: 357

      SELECT uom_code
      INTO   X_purchasing_uom_code
      FROM   mtl_units_of_measure
      WHERE  unit_of_measure = X_purchasing_unit_of_measure;
Line: 365

      SELECT uom_code
      INTO   X_primary_uom_code
      FROM   mtl_units_of_measure
      WHERE  unit_of_measure = X_primary_unit_of_measure;
Line: 397

      select sum(adjustment_quantity)
      into   x_adjustment_quantity
      from   chv_cum_adjustments cha,
             chv_cum_periods ccp
      where  cha.organization_id = X_organization_id
      and    cha.vendor_id = X_vendor_id
      and    cha.vendor_site_id = X_vendor_site_id
      and    cha.item_id = X_item_id
      and    cha.cum_period_id = ccp.cum_period_id
      and    ccp.cum_period_start_date = X_cum_period_start
      and    ccp.cum_period_end_date   = X_cum_period_end
      and    ccp.organization_id       = cha.organization_id;
Line: 416

        SELECT primary_uom_code
	INTO   X_primary_uom_code
        FROM   mtl_system_items
        WHERE  inventory_item_id = X_item_id
        AND    organization_id = X_organization_id;
Line: 422

        SELECT uom_code
        INTO   X_purchasing_uom_code
        FROM   mtl_units_of_measure
        WHERE  unit_of_measure = X_purchasing_unit_of_measure;
Line: 468

         SELECT uom_code
         INTO   X_transaction_uom_code
         FROM   mtl_units_of_measure
         WHERE  unit_of_measure = X_unit_of_measure;
Line: 474

         SELECT uom_code
         INTO   X_primary_uom_code
         FROM   mtl_units_of_measure
         WHERE  unit_of_measure = X_primary_unit_of_measure;
Line: 480

         SELECT uom_code
         INTO   X_purchasing_uom_code
         FROM   mtl_units_of_measure
         WHERE  unit_of_measure = X_purchasing_unit_of_measure;
Line: 520

               SELECT sum(rct.primary_quantity)
               INTO   X_corrtv_primary_quantity
	       FROM   rcv_transactions rct
	       WHERE  rct.transaction_type = 'CORRECT'
	       AND    rct.parent_transaction_id = X_rtv_transaction_id;
Line: 555

      select sum(adjustment_quantity)
      into   x_adjustment_quantity
      from   chv_cum_adjustments cha,
             chv_cum_periods ccp
      where  cha.organization_id = X_organization_id
      and    cha.vendor_id = X_vendor_id
      and    cha.vendor_site_id = X_vendor_site_id
      and    cha.item_id = X_item_id
      and    cha.cum_period_id = ccp.cum_period_id
      and    ccp.cum_period_start_date = X_cum_period_start
      and    ccp.cum_period_end_date   = X_cum_period_end
      and    ccp.organization_id       = cha.organization_id;
Line: 597

	SELECT paa.purchasing_unit_of_measure
	INTO   x_purchasing_unit_of_measure
        FROM    po_asl_attributes_val_v paa
        WHERE  paa.vendor_id = x_vendor_id
        AND    paa.vendor_site_id = x_vendor_site_id
        AND    paa.item_id = x_item_id
        AND    paa.using_organization_id =
			(SELECT max(paa2.using_organization_id)
			 FROM   po_asl_attributes_val_v paa2
			 WHERE  decode(paa2.using_organization_id, -1,
				       paa2.using_organization_id) =
			 AND    paa2.vendor_id = x_vendor_id
			 AND    paa2.vendor_site_id = x_vendor_site_id
			 AND    paa2.item_id = x_item_id) ;
Line: 614

        SELECT uom_code
        INTO   x_primary_uom_code
        FROM   mtl_units_of_measure
        WHERE  unit_of_measure = X_primary_unit_of_measure;
Line: 619

	SELECT uom_code
        INTO   x_purchasing_uom_code
        FROM   mtl_units_of_measure
        WHERE  unit_of_measure = X_purchasing_unit_of_measure;