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2 /* $Header: adtsutls.pls 115.9 2002/12/12 21:09:54 athies noship $*/
3    -- Star of Comments
4    --
5    -- Name
6    --
7    --   Package name:   AD_TSPACE_UTIL
8    --
9    -- History
10    --                Sept-10-02           hxue    Creation Date
11    --                Dec-10-02            sgadag  Added function to accept
12    --						  application_id
13    --
14    --
15 procedure is_new_ts_mode(x_ts_mode out NOCOPY varchar2);
16    --
17    -- Purpose
18    --
19    --   Check whether the database is in new tablespace management mode or not.
20    --
21    -- Arguments
22    --
23    -- Out Parameters
24    --
25    --   x_ts_mode     Return value of 'Y' indicates new tablespace management mode
26    --                 Return value of 'N' indicates old tablespace management mode
27    --
28    -- Example
29    --
30    --   none
31    --
32    -- Notes
33    --
34    --   none
35    --
36 procedure get_object_tablespace(x_product_short_name in varchar2,
37                                 x_object_name in varchar2,
38                                 x_object_type in varchar2,
39                                 x_index_lookup_flag in varchar2,
40                                 x_validate_ts_exists in varchar2,
41                                 x_is_object_registered out NOCOPY varchar2,
42                                 x_ts_exists out NOCOPY varchar2,
43                                 x_tablespace out NOCOPY varchar2);
44    --
45    -- Purpose
46    --
47    --   Returns the tablespace based on the product short name,
48    --   object name, object type and index look up flag.
49    --   Also return flags which indicate if the object specified has been registered in
50    --   FND_OBJECT_TABLESPACES and if x_validate_ts_exists is passed an 'Y', will validate
51    --   whether or not the tablespace exists in the database
52    --
53    -- Arguments
54    --
55    -- In Parameters
56    --   x_product_short_name: Application Short Name that the object belongs to
57    --   x_object_name: the name of object
58    --	x_object_type: valid object types are TABLE, MVIEW, AQ_TABLE, IOT_TABLE and MV_LOG.
59    --	x_index_lookup_flag: to get the tablespace for an index, pass the table
60    --                        name on which the index is based as x_object_name,
61    --                        pass 'TABLE' as x_object_type
62    --                        and 'Y' as x_index_lookup_flag. Set this flag
63    --                        to 'N'' if you are not looking up and index
64    --	x_validate_ts_exists: 'Y': to check if the tablespace exist,
65    --                         'N': do not check if the tablespace exist,
66    -- Out Parameters
67    --	x_is_object_registered: 'Y' indicates the object has been registered in
68    --                               FND_OBJECT_TABLESPACES
69    --                           'N' indicates the object has not been registered
70    --	x_ts_exists:
71    --                           'Y': indicates the tablespace exists
72    --                           'N': indicates the tablespace does not exist
73    --                           This will be Null if x_validate_ts_exists is 'N''
74    --
75    --	x_tablespace: the name of the(physical) tablespace
76    --
77    --  Example
78    --
79    --    none
80    --
81    --  Notes
82    --
83    --    none
84    --
85 procedure get_tablespace_name(x_product_short_name in varchar2,
86                               x_tablespace_type in varchar2,
87                               x_validate_ts_exists in varchar2,
88                               x_ts_exists out NOCOPY varchar2,
89                               x_tablespace out NOCOPY varchar2);
90    --
91    -- Purpose
92    --
93    --   Returns a physical tablespace given a tablespace type (logical tablespace)
94    --   and Application Short Name. Also returns a flag which indicates if the
95    --   tablespace exists in the database
96    --
97    -- Arguments
98    --  In Parameters
99    --   x_product_short_name: Application Short Name that object belongs to
100    --   x_tablespace_type: the tablespace type (logical tablespace name)
101    --	x_validate_ts_exists: 'Y' to check if the tablespace exists,
102    --                         'N' do not check
103    -- Out Parameters
104    --	x_ts_exists:          'Y': indicates the tablespace exists
105    --                         'N': indicates the tablespace does not exist
106    --                         This will be Null if x_validate_ts_exists is 'N'
107    --
108    --	x_tablespace: the name of the (physical) tablespace
109    --
110    -- Example
111    --
112    --   none
113    --
114    -- Notes
115    --
116    --   none
117    --
118 function get_appl_id(x_product_short_name in varchar2) return number;
119    -- Function to return application_short_name from FND_APPLICATION
120    -- when passed application_id
121 function get_product_short_name(x_appl_id in number) return varchar2;
122    -- Function to return application_id from FND_APPLICATION
123    -- when passed application_short_name