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2 -- $Header: pyfgtpkg.pkh 115.3 2002/12/10 18:44:42 dsaxby noship $
3 --
4 --
5 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
6 -- | NAME       : write_fgt_check                                              |
7 -- | DESCRIPTION: Used by the Dynamic Trigger code generator to write the call |
8 -- |              to the Functional Area checking routine into the source code |
9 -- |              of the trigger                                               |
10 -- | PARAMETERS : p_id      - The primary key of the event record which is     |
11 -- |                          being used to generate this trigger              |
12 -- |              p_sql     - The PL/SQL code to add the call to               |
13 -- |              p_has_bus - Flag to indicate if the base table has a         |
14 -- |                          mandatory business_group_id column               |
15 -- |              p_has_pay - Flag to indicate if the base table has a         |
16 -- |                          mandatory payroll_id column                      |
17 -- | RETURNS    : The modified PL/SQL code, via the OUT parameter              |
18 -- | RAISES     : None - n/a                                                   |
19 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
20   PROCEDURE write_fgt_check(
21     p_id      IN     NUMBER,
22     p_sql     IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
23     p_has_bus IN     BOOLEAN,
24     p_has_pay IN     BOOLEAN
25   );
26 --
27 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
28 -- | NAME       : trigger_is_not_enabled                                       |
29 -- | DESCRIPTION: Used by the triggers that have been Dynamically Generated    |
30 -- |              to determine whether they should execute the logic           |
31 -- |              that they contain or not. See the description of the table   |
32 -- |              PAY_FUNCTIONAL_USAGES for an explaination of the logic that  |
33 -- |              this function encapsulates.                                  |
34 -- | PARAMETERS : p_event_id          - The primary key of the event record    |
35 -- |                                    from which this trigger was generated  |
36 -- |              p_legislation_code  - The legislation value of the current   |
37 -- |                                    record                                 |
38 -- |              p_business_group_id - The current record's business group ID |
39 -- |              p_payroll_id        - The payroll ID of the current record   |
40 -- | RETURNS    : TRUE if the trigger logic _SHOULD NOT_ be executed, FALSE    |
41 -- |              otherwise. See the PAY_FUNCTIONAL_USAGES table description   |
42 -- |              for the logic which determines this. The logic is reversed   |
43 -- |              from that in the table description to make the generated code|
44 -- |              simpler.                                                     |
45 -- | RAISES     : None - n/a                                                   |
46 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
47   FUNCTION trigger_is_not_enabled(
48     p_event_id          IN NUMBER,
49     p_legislation_code  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
50     p_business_group_id IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
51     p_payroll_id        IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL
53 --
54 END paywsfgt_pkg;