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APPS.IGS_PS_GEN_003 dependencies on IGS_EN_UNIT_SET

Line 841: -- The routine is used by the defaulting mechanism for a IGS_EN_UNIT_SET. This is

837: AS
838: lv_param_values VARCHAR2(1080);
839: BEGIN -- crsp_ins_cous
840: -- This module inserts a record into the IGS_PS_OFR_UNIT_SET table.
841: -- The routine is used by the defaulting mechanism for a IGS_EN_UNIT_SET. This is
842: -- invoked from the 'Apply IGS_PS_UNIT Set to IGS_PS_COURSE Offerings' form (ie: CRSF4210)
843: -- and applies the unit_set_in context to all IGS_PS_COURSE offerings selected via
844: -- the screen.
845: -- The routine is not used by the IGS_EN_UNIT_SET rollover process.

Line 845: -- The routine is not used by the IGS_EN_UNIT_SET rollover process.

841: -- The routine is used by the defaulting mechanism for a IGS_EN_UNIT_SET. This is
842: -- invoked from the 'Apply IGS_PS_UNIT Set to IGS_PS_COURSE Offerings' form (ie: CRSF4210)
843: -- and applies the unit_set_in context to all IGS_PS_COURSE offerings selected via
844: -- the screen.
845: -- The routine is not used by the IGS_EN_UNIT_SET rollover process.
848: v_administrative_ind IGS_EN_UNIT_SET.administrative_ind%TYPE;
849: v_show_on_official_ntfctn_ind VARCHAR2(1);

Line 848: v_administrative_ind IGS_EN_UNIT_SET.administrative_ind%TYPE;

844: -- the screen.
845: -- The routine is not used by the IGS_EN_UNIT_SET rollover process.
848: v_administrative_ind IGS_EN_UNIT_SET.administrative_ind%TYPE;
849: v_show_on_official_ntfctn_ind VARCHAR2(1);
850: v_dummy VARCHAR2(1);
851: CURSOR c_cous IS
852: SELECT 'X'

Line 862: -- Fetch the administrative indicator from the IGS_EN_UNIT_SET table

858: cous.us_version_number = p_us_version_number;
860: x_rowid VARCHAR2(25);
861: BEGIN
862: -- Fetch the administrative indicator from the IGS_EN_UNIT_SET table
863: v_administrative_ind := IGS_PS_GEN_006.crsp_get_us_admin(
864: p_unit_set_cd,
865: p_us_version_number);
866: IF (v_administrative_ind = 'Y') THEN