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Line 31: | Generate_Password, added the call of fnd_user_pkg.update_user if the primary email of the person has been changed.

27: | |
28: | 27-JAN-2003 pkpatel (changed for Bug No 2753318, 2753728 )
29: | Create_Fnd_User, copy the password back to the workflow
30: | Generate_User, Added the validation that the password if entered should be at least 5 characters.
31: | Generate_Password, added the call of fnd_user_pkg.update_user if the primary email of the person has been changed.
32: | Create_Party, IGS_PE_TYP_INSTANCES_PKG.INSERT_row was commented
33: | 24-APR-2003 pkpatel Bug No: 2908802
34: | Modified Create_Fnd_User procedure
35: | 01-jul-2003 KUMMA, 2803555, Added the code to set the tokens for message IGS_PE_WF_EXISTS

Line 235: l_test_user_name := fnd_user_pkg.TestUserName(l_user_name);

231: l_init_user_name := replace(l_init_user_name, '~','');
232: l_init_user_name := replace(l_init_user_name, ':','');
234: l_user_name := l_init_user_name;
235: l_test_user_name := fnd_user_pkg.TestUserName(l_user_name);
237: WHILE (l_test_user_name <> fnd_user_pkg.USER_OK_CREATE AND l_count <= 100)
238: LOOP

Line 237: WHILE (l_test_user_name <> fnd_user_pkg.USER_OK_CREATE AND l_count <= 100)

234: l_user_name := l_init_user_name;
235: l_test_user_name := fnd_user_pkg.TestUserName(l_user_name);
237: WHILE (l_test_user_name <> fnd_user_pkg.USER_OK_CREATE AND l_count <= 100)
238: LOOP
240: IF l_number<0 THEN
241: l_number:=-l_number;

Line 244: l_test_user_name := fnd_user_pkg.TestUserName(l_user_name);

240: IF l_number<0 THEN
241: l_number:=-l_number;
242: END IF;
243: l_user_name := SUBSTR(l_init_user_name||SUBSTR(l_number,1,5),1,100);
244: l_test_user_name := fnd_user_pkg.TestUserName(l_user_name);
245: l_count := l_count+1;
246: END LOOP;
248: IF (l_count > 100) THEN

Line 486: || gmaheswa 19-Jan-06 4869740: depreciated api's: fnd_user_pvt package is replaced by fnd_user_pkg.

482: || No need to verify the existing responsibility attached.
483: || asbala 23-APR-2003 3528702: Modified cursor c_resp. The job can now assign responsibilities other than those mapped too 'OTHER'.
484: || This bug resulted in a regression in funtionality.
485: || Combinedly c_get_Sys_typ, c_resp and c_get_assigned_resp achieve the same functionality as c_resp did before 2908802 changes.
486: || gmaheswa 19-Jan-06 4869740: depreciated api's: fnd_user_pvt package is replaced by fnd_user_pkg.
487: */
488: l_api_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'Create_Fnd_User' ;
489: l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
490: l_user_id fnd_user.user_id%TYPE;

Line 514: l_user_id := fnd_user_pkg.CreateUserIdParty (

510: -- Pass the password back to the workflow.
511: wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype,itemkey,'USER_PASSWORD', l_user_password );
513: -- Create a user
514: l_user_id := fnd_user_pkg.CreateUserIdParty (
515: x_user_name => l_user_name,
516: x_owner => 'CUST',
517: x_unencrypted_password => l_user_password,
518: x_email_address => l_email_address,

Line 1686: x_return_status := fnd_user_pkg.TestUserName (x_user_name => p_user_name);

1683: l_encoded_message VARCHAR2 (32100);
1685: BEGIN
1686: x_return_status := fnd_user_pkg.TestUserName (x_user_name => p_user_name);
1687: IF NOT (x_return_status = fnd_user_pkg.USER_OK_CREATE) THEN
1688: l_encoded_message := fnd_message.get_encoded;
1689: fnd_message.parse_encoded (encoded_message => l_encoded_message,
1690: app_short_name => x_message_app_name,

Line 1687: IF NOT (x_return_status = fnd_user_pkg.USER_OK_CREATE) THEN

1683: l_encoded_message VARCHAR2 (32100);
1685: BEGIN
1686: x_return_status := fnd_user_pkg.TestUserName (x_user_name => p_user_name);
1687: IF NOT (x_return_status = fnd_user_pkg.USER_OK_CREATE) THEN
1688: l_encoded_message := fnd_message.get_encoded;
1689: fnd_message.parse_encoded (encoded_message => l_encoded_message,
1690: app_short_name => x_message_app_name,
1691: message_name => x_message_name);