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Line 27: g_last_updated_by pa_expenditure_items.last_updated_by%TYPE := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;

23: /*
24: * Package level variables.
25: */
26: g_created_by pa_cost_distribution_lines.created_by%TYPE := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
27: g_last_updated_by pa_expenditure_items.last_updated_by%TYPE := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
28: g_last_update_login pa_expenditure_items.last_update_login%TYPE := FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID;
29: g_request_id pa_cost_distribution_lines.request_id%TYPE ;
30: g_program_application_id pa_cost_distribution_lines.program_application_id%TYPE := FND_GLOBAL.PROG_APPL_ID;
31: g_program_id pa_cost_distribution_lines.program_id%TYPE := FND_GLOBAL.CONC_PROGRAM_ID;

Line 28: g_last_update_login pa_expenditure_items.last_update_login%TYPE := FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID;

24: * Package level variables.
25: */
26: g_created_by pa_cost_distribution_lines.created_by%TYPE := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
27: g_last_updated_by pa_expenditure_items.last_updated_by%TYPE := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
28: g_last_update_login pa_expenditure_items.last_update_login%TYPE := FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID;
29: g_request_id pa_cost_distribution_lines.request_id%TYPE ;
30: g_program_application_id pa_cost_distribution_lines.program_application_id%TYPE := FND_GLOBAL.PROG_APPL_ID;
31: g_program_id pa_cost_distribution_lines.program_id%TYPE := FND_GLOBAL.CONC_PROGRAM_ID;
32: g_packet_id pa_bc_packets.packet_id%TYPE;

Line 128: l_ei_to_process_from pa_expenditure_items_all.expenditure_item_id%TYPE := 0;

124: l_bunch_size PLS_INTEGER := 100;
125: l_this_fetch PLS_INTEGER := 0;
126: l_totally_fetched PLS_INTEGER := 0;
127: l_totally_processed PLS_INTEGER := 0;
128: l_ei_to_process_from pa_expenditure_items_all.expenditure_item_id%TYPE := 0;
131: /*
132: * Cursor Declaration.

Line 189: FROM pa_expenditure_items_all ei

185: ,ei.po_line_id po_line_id -- R12 change
186: ,'EXP' pkt_reference1
187: ,cdl.expenditure_item_id pkt_reference2
188: ,cdl.line_num pkt_reference3
189: FROM pa_expenditure_items_all ei
190: ,pa_cost_distribution_lines_all cdl
191: ,pa_project_types_all pt
192: ,pa_projects_all p
193: ,pa_expenditures exp

Line 417: from pa_expenditure_items_all ei

413: ,bv.budget_version_id
414: ,DECODE(l_system_linkage_function_tab(l_this_fetch), 'BTC', -7777, DECODE(cdl.line_type, 'I', NULL, DECODE(cdl.line_num_reversed, NULL, -1, NULL)))
415: -- ,cdl.system_reference3 po_line_id -- R12 change
416: ,(select ei.po_line_id
417: from pa_expenditure_items_all ei
418: where ei.expenditure_item_id = cdl.expenditure_item_id
419: ) po_line_id -- R12 change
420: ,'EXP'
421: ,cdl.expenditure_item_id

Line 1339: UPDATE pa_expenditure_items ei

1335: * Failed.
1336: */
1337: l_stage := 700;
1338: FORALL l_counter IN 1 .. l_records_processed
1339: UPDATE pa_expenditure_items ei
1340: SET ei.cost_dist_rejection_code = l_cost_dist_rejection_code_tab(l_counter)
1341: WHERE ei.expenditure_item_id = l_expenditure_item_id_tab(l_counter)
1342: AND l_budget_ccid_tab(l_counter) IS NULL
1343: ;

Line 1428: FROM pa_expenditure_items ei

1424: l_stage := 200;
1425: SELECT ei.expenditure_item_id
1427: INTO l_rejected_eiid_tab
1428: FROM pa_expenditure_items ei
1429: WHERE ei.cost_dist_rejection_code IS NOT NULL
1430: AND ei.cost_distributed_flag = 'S'
1431: AND ei.request_id = g_request_id
1432: AND (ei.system_linkage_function IN ('VI')

Line 2058: ,pa_expenditure_items ei

2054: SELECT cdl.expenditure_item_id expenditure_item_id
2055: ,cdl.budget_ccid budget_ccid
2056: ,cdl.line_num line_num
2057: FROM pa_cost_distribution_lines cdl
2058: ,pa_expenditure_items ei
2059: WHERE (ei.system_linkage_function IN ('VI')
2060: --FP M changes
2061: OR (ei.system_linkage_function in ('ST','OT') AND ei.po_line_id IS NOT NULL))
2062: AND ei.expenditure_item_id = cdl.expenditure_item_id

Line 2204: UPDATE pa_expenditure_items ei

2200: /*
2201: * Update cost_dist_rejection_code.
2202: */
2203: FORALL i IN 1 .. l_expenditure_item_id_tab.LAST
2204: UPDATE pa_expenditure_items ei
2205: SET ei.ind_cost_dist_rejection_code = l_cost_dist_rejection_code_tab(i)
2206: WHERE ei.expenditure_item_id = l_expenditure_item_id_tab(i)
2207: AND l_cost_dist_rejection_code_tab(i) IS NOT NULL
2208: AND ei.ind_cost_dist_rejection_code IS NULL

Line 2295: l_ei_to_process_from pa_expenditure_items_all.expenditure_item_id%TYPE := 0;

2291: l_bunch_size PLS_INTEGER := 100;
2292: l_this_fetch PLS_INTEGER := 0;
2293: l_totally_fetched PLS_INTEGER := 0;
2294: l_totally_processed PLS_INTEGER := 0;
2295: l_ei_to_process_from pa_expenditure_items_all.expenditure_item_id%TYPE := 0;
2297: /*
2298: * Cursor Declaration.
2299: */

Line 2332: FROM pa_expenditure_items_all ei

2328: ,bv.budget_version_id
2329: ,'EXP' reference1
2330: ,cdl.expenditure_item_id reference2
2331: ,cdl.line_num reference3
2332: FROM pa_expenditure_items_all ei
2333: ,pa_cost_distribution_lines_all cdl
2334: ,pa_project_types_all pt
2335: ,pa_projects_all p
2336: ,pa_expenditures exp

Line 2773: UPDATE pa_expenditure_items ei

2769: pa_debug.write_file(pa_debug.g_err_stage);
2771: pa_debug.g_err_stage := TO_CHAR(l_stage) || ':ORACLE error while rejecting EIs.' ;
2772: FORALL i IN l_expenditure_item_id_tab.FIRST .. l_expenditure_item_id_tab.LAST
2773: UPDATE pa_expenditure_items ei
2774: SET ei.cost_dist_rejection_code = l_rejn_code_tab(i)
2775: WHERE ei.expenditure_item_id = l_expenditure_item_id_tab(i)
2776: AND l_rejn_code_tab(i) IS NOT NULL;