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Line 738: from hz_locations hl,

734: -- start abhaxen modiyied for SQL Performance
736: select cle_fin.id fin_line_id,
737: substr(arp_addr_label_pkg.format_address(null,hl.address1,hl.address2,hl.address3, hl.address4,hl.city,hl.county,hl.state,hl.province,hl.postal_code,null,hl.country,null, null,null,null,null,null,null,'n','n',80,1,1),1,80) location_id
738: from hz_locations hl,
739: csi_item_instances csi,
740: okc_k_items cim_ib,
741: okc_line_styles_b lse_ib,
742: okc_k_lines_b cle_ib,

Line 764: -- and csi.location_type_code = 'HZ_LOCATIONS'

760: and cim_ib.dnz_chr_id = cle_ib.dnz_chr_id
761: and cim_ib.object1_id1 = csi.instance_id
762: and cim_ib.object1_id2 = '#'
763: and cim_ib.jtot_object1_code = 'OKX_IB_ITEM'
764: -- and csi.location_type_code = 'HZ_LOCATIONS'
765: -- and csi.location_id = hl.location_id
766: and csi.install_location_type_code = 'HZ_LOCATIONS' -- cklee
767: and csi.install_location_id = hl.location_id -- cklee
768: and cle_fin.dnz_chr_id = p_dnz_chr_id

Line 766: and csi.install_location_type_code = 'HZ_LOCATIONS' -- cklee

762: and cim_ib.object1_id2 = '#'
763: and cim_ib.jtot_object1_code = 'OKX_IB_ITEM'
764: -- and csi.location_type_code = 'HZ_LOCATIONS'
765: -- and csi.location_id = hl.location_id
766: and csi.install_location_type_code = 'HZ_LOCATIONS' -- cklee
767: and csi.install_location_id = hl.location_id -- cklee
768: and cle_fin.dnz_chr_id = p_dnz_chr_id
769: order by cle_fin.id asc;
770: -- end abhaxen modiyied for SQL Performance

Line 778: from hz_locations hl,

774: -- start abhaxen modiyied for SQL Performance
776: select cle_fin.id fin_line_id,
777: substr(arp_addr_label_pkg.format_address(null,hl.address1,hl.address2,hl.address3, hl.address4,hl.city,hl.county,hl.state,hl.province,hl.postal_code,null,hl.country,null, null,null,null,null,null,null,'n','n',80,1,1),1,80) location_id
778: from hz_locations hl,
779: hz_party_sites hps,
780: --Bug# 3569441 :
781: --hz_party_site_uses hpsu,
782: csi_item_instances csi,

Line 825: from hz_locations hl,

821: IS
822: -- start abhaxen modiyied for SQL Performance
823: select cle_fin.id fin_line_id,
824: substr(arp_addr_label_pkg.format_address(null,hl.address1,hl.address2,hl.address3, hl.address4,hl.city,hl.county,hl.state,hl.province,hl.postal_code,null,hl.country,null, null,null,null,null,null,null,'n','n',80,1,1),1,80) location_id
825: from hz_locations hl,
826: hz_party_sites hps,
827: hz_party_site_uses hpsu,
828: okl_txl_itm_insts iti,
829: okc_line_styles_b lse_ib,