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Line 249: update ad_snapshots set snapshot_update_date = sysdate

246: end if;
248: --Bug 7255366 nissubra---
249: update ad_snapshots set snapshot_update_date = sysdate
250: where snapshot_id in (p_snapshot_id, p_global_snapshot_id);
252: commit;

Line 271: from ad_snapshots s, ad_appl_tops aat

267: end if;
269: select s.appl_top_id, aat.applications_system_name, aat.name
270: into l_appl_top_id, l_apps_sys_nm, l_at_name
271: from ad_snapshots s, ad_appl_tops aat
272: where s.appl_top_id = aat.appl_top_id
273: and s.snapshot_id = p_snapshot_id;
275: begin

Line 351: -- Creates just the top level info (ad_appl_tops and ad_snapshots)

348: end backfill_bugs_from_patch_hist;
351: -- Creates just the top level info (ad_appl_tops and ad_snapshots)
352: procedure get_create_global_view_header
353: (
354: p_apps_system_name varchar2,
355: p_global_appl_top_id out nocopy number,

Line 410: insert into ad_snapshots

406: to_char(tape_version) = (select release_name
407: from fnd_product_groups
408: where applications_system_name =
409: p_apps_system_name);
410: insert into ad_snapshots
411: (
412: snapshot_id, release_id,
413: appl_top_id, snapshot_name,
414: snapshot_creation_date, snapshot_update_date,

Line 420: ad_snapshots_s.nextval, l_release_id,

416: ran_snapshot_flag,
417: creation_date, last_updated_by, created_by, last_update_date
418: )
419: select
420: ad_snapshots_s.nextval, l_release_id,
421: p_global_appl_top_id, 'GLOBAL_VIEW',
422: sysdate, sysdate,
423: 'G', 'Created from Current View Snapshots',
424: 'N',

Line 428: from ad_snapshots

424: 'N',
425: sysdate, 5, 5, sysdate
426: from dual
427: where not exists (select 'Already exists'
428: from ad_snapshots
429: where appl_top_id = p_global_appl_top_id
430: and snapshot_type = 'G'
431: and snapshot_name = 'GLOBAL_VIEW');

Line 437: from ad_snapshots

433: /* Get above created Global snapshot ID */
435: select snapshot_id
436: into p_global_snapshot_id
437: from ad_snapshots
438: where snapshot_type = 'G'
439: and snapshot_name = 'GLOBAL_VIEW'
440: and appl_top_id = p_global_appl_top_id;

Line 477: from ad_snapshots s, ad_appl_tops at1

473: end if;
475: select snapshot_id
476: bulk collect into l_cv_ids
477: from ad_snapshots s, ad_appl_tops at1
478: where s.appl_top_id = at1.appl_top_id
479: and at1.applications_system_name = p_apps_system_name
480: and at1.appl_top_type = 'R'
481: and at1.active_flag = 'Y'

Line 625: from ad_snapshots

621: where major_version||'.'||minor_version||'.'||tape_version = p_release_name;
623: begin
624: select snapshot_id into l_global_snapshot_id
625: from ad_snapshots
626: where snapshot_name ='GLOBAL_VIEW'
627: and snapshot_type= 'G'
628: and appl_top_id = (
629: select appl_top_id

Line 644: from ad_snapshots ads

640: if p_instantiate_from_preseed then
641: if l_global_snapshot_id <> -1 then
642: begin
643: select 'x' into l_dummy
644: from ad_snapshots ads
645: where ads.release_id = l_release_id
646: and ads.snapshot_id = l_global_snapshot_id;
647: exception when no_data_found then
648: l_dummy := null;

Line 652: update ad_snapshots

648: l_dummy := null;
649: end;
651: if l_dummy is null then
652: update ad_snapshots
653: set snapshot_type = 'O',
654: snapshot_name = snapshot_name||'-'||snapshot_id,
655: last_update_date = sysdate
656: where snapshot_id = l_global_snapshot_id;

Line 681: from ad_snapshots ss, -- seeded

677: --
679: select ss.snapshot_id
680: into l_preseeded_snapshot_id
681: from ad_snapshots ss, -- seeded
682: ad_appl_tops ats -- seeded
683: where ss.appl_top_id = ats.appl_top_id
684: and ss.snapshot_type = 'B'
685: and ss.snapshot_name like '*PRESEEDED*'||p_release_name||'%'

Line 762: from ad_snapshots ads, ad_releases adr

758: if l_global_snapshot_id <> -1 then
760: begin
761: select 'x' into l_dummy
762: from ad_snapshots ads, ad_releases adr
763: where ads.release_id = adr.release_id
764: and ads.snapshot_id = l_global_snapshot_id
765: and adr.major_version = ( select distinct major_version from ad_releases
766: where release_id = l_release_id );

Line 773: update ad_snapshots

769: l_dummy := null;
770: end;
772: if l_dummy is null then
773: update ad_snapshots
774: set snapshot_type = 'O',
775: snapshot_name = snapshot_name||'-'||snapshot_id,
776: last_update_date = sysdate
777: where snapshot_id = l_global_snapshot_id;

Line 781: update ad_snapshots

777: where snapshot_id = l_global_snapshot_id;
778: l_global_snapshot_id := -1;
780: else
781: update ad_snapshots
782: set release_id = l_release_id,
783: last_update_date = sysdate
784: where snapshot_id = l_global_snapshot_id
785: and release_id <> l_release_id;

Line 819: from ad_snapshots s, ad_appl_tops at1

816: decode(min(decode(success_flag, 'N', 1, 2)), 1, 'N', 'Y')
817: from ad_snapshot_bugfixes
818: where snapshot_id in (select snapshot_id
819: from ad_snapshots s, ad_appl_tops at1
820: where s.appl_top_id = at1.appl_top_id
821: and at1.applications_system_name = p_apps_system_name
822: and at1.appl_top_type = 'R'
823: and s.snapshot_type = 'C'

Line 1181: from ad_snapshots

1177: );
1179: select snapshot_id
1180: into l_snapshot_id
1181: from ad_snapshots
1182: where appl_top_id = p_appl_top_id
1183: and snapshot_name = 'CURRENT_VIEW'
1184: and snapshot_type = 'C';

Line 1197: from ad_snapshots s, ad_appl_tops t

1194: /* Get Global snapshot ID for this Applications System */
1196: select snapshot_id into l_global_snapshot_id
1197: from ad_snapshots s, ad_appl_tops t
1198: where s.snapshot_type = 'G' and
1199: s.snapshot_name = 'GLOBAL_VIEW' and
1200: s.appl_top_id = t.appl_top_id and
1201: t.applications_system_name = l_apps_system_name;

Line 1805: from ad_snapshots s, ad_appl_tops t

1801: ' new files in the curr-vw snapshot');
1802: end if;
1804: select count(*) into l_snapshot_count
1805: from ad_snapshots s, ad_appl_tops t
1806: where s.snapshot_type = 'C' and
1807: s.appl_top_id = t.appl_top_id and
1808: t.applications_system_name = l_apps_system_name;

Line 2105: from ad_snapshots s, ad_appl_tops a

2101: where sf1.file_id = l_deleted_ru_file_ids(i)
2102: and nvl(sf1.containing_file_id, -1) = nvl(sf.containing_file_id, -1)
2103: and sf1.snapshot_id in (
2104: select s.snapshot_id
2105: from ad_snapshots s, ad_appl_tops a
2106: where s.snapshot_type = 'C'
2107: and s.appl_top_id = a.appl_top_id
2108: and a.applications_system_name = l_apps_system_name
2109: and nvl(a.active_flag,'Y') = 'Y'

Line 2121: update ad_snapshots set last_update_date = sysdate,

2118: end if;
2120: --Bug 7255366 nissubra---
2121: update ad_snapshots set last_update_date = sysdate,
2122: snapshot_update_date = sysdate
2123: where snapshot_id in (l_snapshot_id, l_global_snapshot_id);
2125: commit;

Line 2263: from ad_snapshots

2260: begin
2261: select snapshot_id
2262: into l_curr_vw_snapshot_id
2263: from ad_snapshots
2264: where appl_top_id = p_appl_top_id
2265: and snapshot_name = 'CURRENT_VIEW'
2266: and snapshot_type = 'C';
2267: exception when no_data_found then

Line 2275: from ad_snapshots ss, -- seeded

2272: begin
2273: select ss.snapshot_id, ss.release_id
2274: into l_preseeded_snapshot_id, l_preseeded_rlse_id
2275: from ad_snapshots ss, -- seeded
2276: ad_appl_tops ats -- seeded
2277: where ss.appl_top_id = ats.appl_top_id
2278: and ss.snapshot_type = 'B'
2279: and ss.snapshot_name like '*PRESEEDED*'||l_rlse_nm||'%'

Line 2293: from ad_snapshots ads

2289: if l_preseeded_snapshot_id <> -1 then
2290: if l_curr_vw_snapshot_id <> -1 then
2291: begin
2292: select 'x' into l_dummy
2293: from ad_snapshots ads
2294: where nvl(ran_snapshot_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
2295: and ads.release_id = p_release_id
2296: and ads.snapshot_id = l_curr_vw_snapshot_id;
2297: exception when no_data_found then

Line 2302: update ad_snapshots

2298: l_dummy := null;
2299: end;
2301: if l_dummy is null then
2302: update ad_snapshots
2303: set snapshot_type = 'O',
2304: snapshot_name = snapshot_name||'-'||snapshot_id,
2305: last_update_date = sysdate
2306: where snapshot_id = l_curr_vw_snapshot_id;

Line 2317: select ad_snapshots_s.nextval into l_curr_vw_snapshot_id from dual;

2313: if l_curr_vw_snapshot_id = -1 then
2315: -- create new CV through pressed.
2317: select ad_snapshots_s.nextval into l_curr_vw_snapshot_id from dual;
2319: insert into ad_snapshots
2320: (
2321: snapshot_id,

Line 2319: insert into ad_snapshots

2315: -- create new CV through pressed.
2317: select ad_snapshots_s.nextval into l_curr_vw_snapshot_id from dual;
2319: insert into ad_snapshots
2320: (
2321: snapshot_id,
2322: release_id, appl_top_id,
2323: snapshot_name, comments,

Line 2415: update ad_snapshots

2411: /* set ran_snapshot_flag only incase the *PRESEEDED* snapshot
2412: * has files information.
2413: */
2415: update ad_snapshots
2416: set ran_snapshot_flag = 'Y',
2417: last_update_date = sysdate
2418: where snapshot_id = l_curr_vw_snapshot_id;

Line 2436: from ad_snapshots ads, ad_releases adr

2432: if l_curr_vw_snapshot_id <> -1 then
2434: begin
2435: select 'x' into l_dummy
2436: from ad_snapshots ads, ad_releases adr
2437: where ads.release_id = adr.release_id
2438: and ads.snapshot_id = l_curr_vw_snapshot_id
2439: and adr.major_version = ( select distinct major_version from ad_releases
2440: where release_id = p_release_id );

Line 2448: update ad_snapshots

2444: end;
2446: if l_dummy is null then
2448: update ad_snapshots
2449: set snapshot_type = 'O',
2450: last_update_date = sysdate,
2451: snapshot_name = snapshot_name||'-'||snapshot_id
2452: where snapshot_id = l_curr_vw_snapshot_id;

Line 2471: select ad_snapshots_s.nextval into l_curr_vw_snapshot_id from dual;

2467: end if;
2469: p_return_code := G_INSTANTIATED_SNAPSHOT; -- Instantiated Snapshot
2471: select ad_snapshots_s.nextval into l_curr_vw_snapshot_id from dual;
2473: insert into ad_snapshots
2474: (
2475: snapshot_id,

Line 2473: insert into ad_snapshots

2469: p_return_code := G_INSTANTIATED_SNAPSHOT; -- Instantiated Snapshot
2471: select ad_snapshots_s.nextval into l_curr_vw_snapshot_id from dual;
2473: insert into ad_snapshots
2474: (
2475: snapshot_id,
2476: release_id, appl_top_id,
2477: snapshot_name, comments,

Line 2493: update ad_snapshots

2489: from dual;
2491: else
2493: update ad_snapshots
2494: set release_id = p_release_id,
2495: last_update_date = sysdate
2496: where snapshot_id = l_curr_vw_snapshot_id
2497: and release_id <> p_release_id;