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2 /* $Header: AFSCORGB.pls 120.6.12000000.6 2007/07/06 20:57:42 rsantis ship $*/
3 -- package internal globals
4 G_MODULE_SOURCE  constant varchar2(80) := 'fnd.plsql.oid.fnd_sso_registration.';
6 /* TDA */
8 type permited_operation is record (
9     enabled boolean,
10     identity_add varchar2(4000),
11     identity_update varchar2(4000),
12     identity_delete varchar2(4000),
13     subscription_add varchar2(10),
14     subscription_delete varchar2(10),
15     subscription_update varchar2(10) );
17 type realm_type is  RECORD (
18   seq pls_integer ,
19   guid raw(16),
20   dn varchar2(4000) ,
21   loaded boolean,
22   appsToOiD permited_operation,
23   oidToApps permited_operation
24   )
25   ;
27 type realm_table_type is table of realm_type index by binary_integer;
29 realm_table realm_table_type;
32 /*
33 ** Name      : getAttribute
34 ** Type      : Private
35 ** Desc      : returns the first value of an OiD attribute
36 ** Parameters  :
37 **       ldap: ldap sesion
38 **       dn : OiD Entry
39 **       attrName: attributeName
40 **       filterExp: additional filter.
41 ** Exceptions: DBMS_LDAP exceptions
42 **             NOte that this DBMS_LDAP exception maybe risen by other reasons
43 **
44 */
45 function getAttribute(ldap in out nocopy dbms_ldap.session,dn in  varchar2, attrName in varchar2, filterExp in varchar2 default 'objectclass=*')
46  return varchar2
47  is
48   result pls_integer;
49   l_attrs dbms_ldap.string_collection;
50   l_message dbms_ldap.message := NULL;
51 l_entry dbms_ldap.message := NULL;
52 l_result varchar2(4000);
55    l_attrs(0):= attrName;
56     result := dbms_ldap.search_s(ld => ldap
57                              , base => dn
58 			     , scope => dbms_ldap.SCOPE_BASE
59 			     , filter => filterExp
60 			     , attrs => l_attrs
61 			     , attronly => 0
62                              , res => l_message);
63       l_entry := dbms_ldap.first_entry(ldap, l_message);
64       if (l_entry is null ) then return null; end if;
65       l_attrs := dbms_ldap.get_values(ldap, l_entry, attrName);
66       l_result := l_attrs(0);
67       return l_result;
68 	-- Bug 6129943
69       exception when dbms_ldap.general_error then
70           return null;
71        when others then
72 	  raise;
73  END getAttribute;
76 /*
77 ** Name      : parse_ops
78 ** Type      : Private
79 ** Desc      : Retrive povisioning profile attributes and parse it into INTERNAL TDA.
80 ** Parameters  :
81 **       ldap: ldap sesion
82 **       dn : OiD Entry
83 **       attrName: attributeName - multivalued
84 ** Exceptions: DBMS_LDAP exceptions
85 **             NOte that this DBMS_LDAP exception maybe risen by other reasons
86 **
87 */
88 function parse_ops(ldap in out nocopy dbms_ldap.session, dn in varchar2, attrname in varchar2)
89     return permited_operation
90 is
91    r permited_operation;
92    l_result pls_integer;
93    l_attrs dbms_ldap.string_collection;
94    l_entry dbms_ldap.message;
95    l_message	dbms_ldap.message;
96    vals dbms_ldap.string_collection;
97    i pls_integer;
98    i1 pls_integer;
99    i2 pls_integer;
100    i3 pls_integer;
101    i4 pls_integer;
102    ent varchar2(100);
103    op varchar2(100);
104    lista varchar2(4000);
105    v2 varchar2(4000);
106   invalid_operation exception;
107 PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (invalid_operation, -20002);
109 begin
110   r. identity_add :=null;
111   r.  identity_update :=null;
112   r.  identity_delete :=null;
113   r.  subscription_add :=null;
114   r.  subscription_delete :=null;
115   r.  subscription_update:=null;
116   r.enabled := true; -- else this method shouldn't had been called
117    l_attrs(0) := attrname;
118    l_result := dbms_ldap.search_s(ld => ldap,
119           base => dn,
120           scope => dbms_ldap.SCOPE_BASE,
121           filter => 'objectclass=*',
122           attrs => l_attrs,
123           attronly => 0,
124           res => l_message);
125    l_entry := dbms_ldap.first_entry(ldap,l_message);
126    vals := dbms_ldap.get_values(ldap,l_entry,attrname);
127    for i in vals.first..vals.last loop
128       v2:=vals(i);
129       i1 := instr(vals(i),':',1);
130       i2 := instr(vals(i),':',i1+1);
131       ent := substr(vals(i),1,i1-1);
132       v2 := substr(vals(i),i2+1);
133       i3 := instr(v2,'(',1);
134       if (i3=0) then
135         op := v2;
136         lista := '*';
137       else
138          op := substr(v2,1,i3-1);
139          i4 := instr(v2,')',i3);
140          lista := ','||replace(substr(v2,i3+1,i4-i3-1),' ','')||',';
141          if (lista=',*,') then lista:='*'; end if;
142       end if;
143       if (ent='IDENTITY') THEN
144           if (op='ADD') THEN r.identity_add:=lista;
145           elsif(op='MODIFY') then r.identity_update:=lista;
146           elsif (op='DELETE') then r.identity_delete:=lista;
147           else raise invalid_operation;
148           end if;
150           if (op='ADD') THEN r.subscription_add:=lista;
151           elsif(op='MODIFY') THEN r.subscription_update:=lista;
152           elsif (op='DELETE') THEN r.subscription_delete:=lista;
153           else raise invalid_operation;
154           end if;
155       else
156           raise invalid_operation;
157       END IF;
158    end loop;
159    return r;
160 end parse_ops;
163 /*
164 ** Name      : load_realm
165 ** Type      : Private
166 ** Desc      : Load a realm pemited operations into cache
167 ** Parameters  :
168 **       r : realm. The filed r.dn is used to start
169 **       dn : OiD Entry
170 **       attrName: attributeName - multivalued
171 ** Exceptions: DBMS_LDAP exceptions,
172 **              NO_DATA_FOUND : if the dn is not at realm.
173 **
174 */
176 procedure load_realm( r in out nocopy realm_type)
178 is
179 flag pls_integer;
180 ldap dbms_ldap.session;
181 appdn varchar2(4000);
182 appguid raw(16);
183 provProfileDn varchar2(4000);
184 guid raw(16);
185 provStatus varchar2(1000);
186 l_result pls_integer;
187 begin
188    ldap := fnd_ldap_util.c_get_oid_session(flag);
189    r.guid := fnd_ldap_util.get_guid_for_dn(ldap,r.dn);
190    if (r.guid is null) then raise no_data_found; end if;
191    appdn := fnd_ldap_util.get_orclappname;
192    appguid :=fnd_ldap_util.get_guid_for_dn(ldap,appdn);
193    provProfileDn := 'orclODIPProfileName='|| r.guid||'_'||appguid||',cn=Provisioning Profiles, cn=Changelog Subscriber, cn=Oracle Internet Directory';
194    -- does the provisioning profile exists
195    provStatus := getAttribute(ldap,provProfileDn,'orclStatus','objectclass=orclODIPProvisioningIntegrationProfileV2');
196    if (provStatus is null or provStatus<>'ENABLED')
197    then
198         r.appsToOiD.enabled := false;
199         r.oidToApps.enabled := false;
200    else
201         -- OID->Apps
202         provStatus := getAttribute(ldap,'cn=OIDToApplication,'||provProfileDn,'orclStatus');
203         if (provStatus is null or provStatus<>'ENABLED')
204         then
205             r.oidToApps.enabled := false;
206         else
207            r.oidToApps := parse_ops(ldap, 'cn=OIDToApplication,'||provProfileDn, 'orclodipprovisioningeventsubscription');
208         end if;
209          -- Apps->OiD
210         provStatus := getAttribute(ldap,'cn=ApplicationToOID,'||provProfileDn,'orclStatus');
211         if (provStatus is null or provStatus<>'ENABLED')
212         then
213             r.appsToOiD.enabled := false;
214         else
215            r.appsToOiD := parse_ops(ldap, 'cn=ApplicationToOID,'||provProfileDn, 'orclodipprovisioningeventpermittedoperations');
216         end if;
217    end if;
218    fnd_ldap_util.c_unbind(ldap,flag);
219    r.loaded := true;
220 end load_realm;
222 /*
223 ** Name      : load_realm
224 ** Type      : Private
225 ** Desc      : Given a DN , try to load realm definitions, if it succeed then add is to the cache.
226 ** Parameters  :
227 **       r : realm. The filed r.dn is used to start
228 **       dn : OiD Entry
229 **       attrName: attributeName - multivalued
230 ** Exceptions: DBMS_LDAP exceptions,
231 **              NO_DATA_FOUND : if the dn is not at realm.
232 **
233 */
235 function add_realm(dn in varchar2) return pls_integer
236 is
237 i pls_integer ;
238 r realm_type;
239   begin
240     i:= realm_table.count;
241     r.dn := dn;
242     r.seq := i;
243     r.guid :=null;
244     load_realm(r);
245     if (r.loaded) then
246          realm_table(i):=r;
247     end if;
248     return i;
249 end add_realm;
253 /*
254 ** Name      : find_realm
255 ** Type      : Private
256 ** Desc      : Given a DN , returns its index in the cache realm_table.
257 **             If is not in the cache, will call add_realm.
258 ** Parameters  :
259 **       dn : OiD Entry
260 ** Exceptions: DBMS_LDAP exceptions,
261 **              NO_DATA_FOUND : if the dn is not at realm.
262 **
263 */
265 function find_realm(dn in varchar2) return pls_integer
266 is
267 i pls_integer ;
268 begin
269   if (realm_table.count>0) then
270    for i in realm_table.first .. realm_table.last loop
271       if (realm_table(i).dn = dn) then
272         return i;
273       end if;
274    end loop;
275    end if;
276    return add_realm(dn);
278 end find_realm;
282 --
283 ---------------------------------------------
285 /*
286 ** Name      : requestedRealm
287 ** Type      : Private
288 ** Desc      : a user_name anda realm_dn (maybe both null) returns the realm to use
289 **     requestedRealm
290 */
291 function requestedRealm(p_user_name in varchar2, p_realm_dn in varchar2) return varchar2
292 is
293 begin
294   if (p_user_name is not null)
295   then
296          return fnd_oid_plug.getRealmDN(p_user_name);
297   elsif (p_realm_dn is not null)
298   then
299          return p_realm_dn;
300   else
301       return fnd_oid_plug.get_default_realm;
302   end if;
303 end requestedRealm;
304 --
305 ----------------------------------------------------
308 /*
309 ** Name      : check_operation
310 ** Type      : Private
311 ** Desc      : Old usage of is_operation_allowed, when no direction or entity is given.
312 */
314 function check_operation( allowed_op in out nocopy permited_operation, op in   pls_integer )
315    return pls_integer
316 is
317 res boolean;
318 l_module_source varchar2(4000):= G_MODULE_SOURCE||'check_operation';
321   res := false;
322   if allowed_op.enabled then
323      case op
324      WHEN fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_CREATE THEN res:= (allowed_op.identity_add is not null ) and (allowed_op.subscription_add is not null) ;
325      WHEN fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_UPDATE THEN res:= (allowed_op.identity_update is not null ) and (allowed_op.subscription_update is not null) ;
326      WHEN fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_MODIFY THEN res:= (allowed_op.identity_update is not null ) and (allowed_op.subscription_update is not null) ;
327      WHEN fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_DELETE THEN res:= (allowed_op.identity_delete is not null ) and (allowed_op.subscription_delete  is not null) ;
328      ELSE
331           if (fnd_log.LEVEL_UNEXPECTED >= fnd_log.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL)
332           then
333               fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_UNEXPECTED, l_module_source, 'Invalid operation: op='||op);
334               if (fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT >= fnd_log.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL) THEN
335                fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module_source, 'Valid opertaion fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_CREATE ='||fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_CREATE );
336                fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module_source, 'Valid opertaion fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_UPDATE ='||fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_UPDATE );
337                fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module_source, 'Valid opertaion fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_MODIFY ='||fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_MODIFY );
338                fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module_source, 'Valid opertaion fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_DELETE ='||fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_DELETE );
340               end if;
341           end if;
343           raise case_not_found;
344      END CASE;
346   END if;
348  if res then return  fnd_ldap_util.G_SUCCESS;
349  else return  fnd_ldap_util.G_FAILURE;
350  end if;
352 END check_operation;
353 --
354 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
355 function is_in_list( atr in varchar2, at_list in varchar2)
356  return pls_integer
357 is
358 i pls_integer;
359 j pls_integer;
360 s varchar2(2000);
361 begin
362   if at_list is null then return fnd_ldap_util.G_FAILURE;end if;
363   if at_list='*' then return fnd_ldap_util.G_SUCCESS;end if;
364   i:= 1;
365   j:= instr(atr,',');
366   if (j=0) then
367       if instr(at_list,atr)>0 then return fnd_ldap_util.G_SUCCESS;
368       else return fnd_ldap_util.G_FAILURE;
369       end if;
370   else
371      s := substr(atr,i,j-i);
372      loop
373        if (instr(at_list,','||s||',')=0) then return fnd_ldap_util.G_FAILURE;
374        end if;
375        exit when j =0;
376        i:=j+1;
377        j:=instr(atr,',',i);
378        if (j=0) then s:= substr(atr,i);
379        else s := substr(atr,i,j-i);
380        end if;
381      end loop;
382   end if;
383   return fnd_ldap_util.G_SUCCESS;
384 END is_in_list;
385 --
386 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
387 procedure is_operation_allowed(p_operation in pls_integer,
388                                x_fnd_user out nocopy pls_integer,
389                                x_oid out nocopy pls_integer,
390                                p_user_name in varchar2 default null,
391                                p_realm_dn in varchar2 default null
392                                ) is
393 l_module_source   varchar2(256);
394 l_realm_dn varchar2(4000);
395 l_index pls_integer;
396 begin
397   l_module_source := G_MODULE_SOURCE || 'is_operation_allowed: ';
398   if (fnd_log.LEVEL_PROCEDURE >= fnd_log.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL)
399   then
400     fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_PROCEDURE, l_module_source, 'Begin');
401   end if;
403   l_realm_dn := requestedRealm(p_user_name,p_realm_dn);
404   if (fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT >= fnd_log.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL)
405   then
406     fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module_source, 'realm:'||l_realm_dn);
407   end if;
409   l_index := find_realm(l_realm_dn);
411   x_fnd_user := check_operation(realm_table(l_index).appsToOiD,p_operation);
412   x_oid := check_operation(realm_table(l_index).oidToApps,p_operation);
415   if (fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT >= fnd_log.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL)
416   then
417     fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module_source,
418      'out values x_fnd_user: '||x_fnd_user||' x_oid: '||x_oid);
419   end if;
421  if (fnd_log.LEVEL_PROCEDURE >= fnd_log.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL)
422   then
423     fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_PROCEDURE, l_module_source, 'End');
424   end if;
426 exception
427 	when others
428 		then
429 		if (fnd_log.LEVEL_ERROR >= fnd_log.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL)
430 				then
431 					fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_ERROR, l_module_source, sqlerrm);
432 	  end if;
433           raise;
434 end is_operation_allowed;
436 procedure is_operation_allowed(p_direction in pls_integer default FND_LDAP_WRAPPER.G_EBIZ_TO_OID,
437 				 p_entity in pls_integer,
438 				 p_operation in pls_integer,
439 				 p_attribute in out nocopy varchar2,
440 				 x_fnd_user out nocopy pls_integer,
441                                  x_oid out nocopy pls_integer  ,
442                                p_user_name in varchar2 default null,
443                                p_realm_dn in varchar2 default null) is
444 l_module_source   varchar2(256);
445 l_attr_present boolean := FALSE;
446 l_list varchar2(4000);
447 l_realm_dn varchar2(4000);
448 l_index pls_integer;
449 l_allowed permited_operation;
450 begin
451   x_fnd_user :=fnd_ldap_util.G_SUCCESS;
452   x_oid := fnd_ldap_util.G_FAILURE;
453   l_module_source := G_MODULE_SOURCE || 'is_operation_allowed: ';
454   if (fnd_log.LEVEL_PROCEDURE >= fnd_log.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL)
455   then
456     fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_PROCEDURE, l_module_source, 'Begin');
457   end if;
459   l_realm_dn := requestedRealm(p_user_name,p_realm_dn);
460   if (fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT >= fnd_log.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL)
461   then
462     fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module_source, 'realm:'||l_realm_dn);
463   end if;
465   l_index := find_realm(l_realm_dn);
466   CASE p_direction
467   WHEN fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_EBIZ_TO_OID then l_allowed := realm_table(l_index).appsToOiD;
468   WHEN fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_OID_TO_EBIZ then l_allowed := realm_table(l_index).OidToApps;
469   ELSE
470           if (fnd_log.LEVEL_UNEXPECTED >= fnd_log.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL)
471           then
472               fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_UNEXPECTED, l_module_source, 'Invalid direction:'||p_direction);
473               if (fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT >= fnd_log.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL) then
474               fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module_source, 'Valid direction fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_EBIZ_TO_OID ='||fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_EBIZ_TO_OID );
475               fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module_source, 'Valid opertaion fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_OID_TO_EBIZ ='||fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_OID_TO_EBIZ );
477               end if;
478           end if;
479           raise case_not_found;
480   END CASE;
481   if (NOT l_allowed.enabled) then
482        x_oid := fnd_ldap_util.G_FAILURE;
483   else
484     if(p_entity = fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_IDENTITY) THEN
485           CASE p_operation
486           WHEN fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_ADD    THEN l_list := l_allowed.identity_add;
487           WHEN fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_UPDATE THEN l_list := l_allowed.identity_update;
488           WHEN fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_MODIFY THEN l_list := l_allowed.identity_update;
489           WHEN fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_DELETE THEN l_list := l_allowed.identity_delete;
490           ELSE
491           if (fnd_log.LEVEL_UNEXPECTED >= fnd_log.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL)
492           then
493               fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_UNEXPECTED, l_module_source, 'Invalid operation:'||p_operation);
494               if (fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT >= fnd_log.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL) then
495               fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module_source, 'Valid direction fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_ADD  ='||fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_ADD );
496               fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module_source, 'Valid direction fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_UPDATE  ='||fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_UPDATE );
497               fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module_source, 'Valid direction fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_MODIFY  ='||fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_MODIFY );
498               fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module_source, 'Valid direction fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_DELETE  ='||fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_DELETE );
499               end if;
500           end if;
502           raise case_not_found;
503           END CASE;
505     ELSIF (p_entity = fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_SUBSCRIPTION) THEN
506           CASE p_operation
507           WHEN fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_ADD    THEN l_list := l_allowed.subscription_add;
508           WHEN fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_UPDATE THEN l_list := l_allowed.subscription_update;
509           WHEN fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_MODIFY THEN l_list := l_allowed.subscription_update;
510           WHEN fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_DELETE THEN l_list := l_allowed.subscription_delete;
511           ELSE
512          if (fnd_log.LEVEL_UNEXPECTED >= fnd_log.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL)
513           then
514               fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_UNEXPECTED, l_module_source, 'Invalid operation:'||p_operation);
515               if (fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT >= fnd_log.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL) then
516               fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module_source, 'Valid direction fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_ADD  ='||fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_ADD );
517               fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module_source, 'Valid direction fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_UPDATE  ='||fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_UPDATE );
518               fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module_source, 'Valid direction fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_MODIFY  ='||fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_MODIFY );
519               fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module_source, 'Valid direction fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_DELETE  ='||fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_DELETE );
520               end if;
521           end if;
523           raise case_not_found;
524         END CASE;
526     ELSE
527        raise case_not_found;
528     END IF;
529    x_oid := is_in_list(p_attribute, l_list);
530   end if;
534   if (fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT >= fnd_log.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL)
535   then
536     fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module_source,
537      'out values x_fnd_user: '||x_fnd_user||' x_oid: '||x_oid);
538   end if;
541  if (fnd_log.LEVEL_PROCEDURE >= fnd_log.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL)
542   then
543     fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_PROCEDURE, l_module_source, 'End');
544  end if;
547 exception
548 	when others
549 		then
550 		if (fnd_log.LEVEL_ERROR >= fnd_log.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL)
551 		then
552                     fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_ERROR, l_module_source, sqlerrm);
553 	        end if;
554                 raise;
555 end is_operation_allowed;