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Line 449: IF per_budgets_pkg.chk_ota_budget_type(null,x_budget_version_id,null) THEN

445: END IF;
446: -- validate training_plan_id, training_plan_member_id, event_id
447: -- and enforce associated business rules if parent 'OTA_BUDGET'
448: -- per_budgets record exists
449: IF per_budgets_pkg.chk_ota_budget_type(null,x_budget_version_id,null) THEN
451: -- ensure one of training_plan_id, training_plan_member_id, event_id are set if OTA_BUDGET
452: IF x_training_plan_id IS NULL AND x_training_plan_member_id IS NULL AND x_event_id IS NULL THEN
453: hr_utility.set_message(800,'PER_52882_TP_NOT_NULL');

Line 691: IF per_budgets_pkg.chk_ota_budget_type(null,x_budget_version_id,null) THEN

688: -- validate training_plan_id, training_plan_member_id, event_id
689: -- and enforce associated business rules if parent 'OTA_BUDGET'
690: -- per_budgets record exists
691: IF per_budgets_pkg.chk_ota_budget_type(null,x_budget_version_id,null) THEN
693: -- ensure one of training_plan_id, training_plan_member_id, event_id are set if OTA_BUDGET
694: IF x_training_plan_id IS NULL AND x_training_plan_member_id IS NULL AND x_event_id IS NULL THEN
695: hr_utility.set_message(800,'PER_52882_TP_NOT_NULL');

Line 796: IF per_budgets_pkg.chk_OTA_Budget_Type(NULL, l_budget_version_id, NULL) = FALSE THEN

792: --
793: OPEN C_Values;
794: -- Cascade delete the appropriate child budget_elements recs if
795: -- parent per_budgets budget_type_code is 'HR_BUDGET';
796: IF per_budgets_pkg.chk_OTA_Budget_Type(NULL, l_budget_version_id, NULL) = FALSE THEN
797: LOOP
798: FETCH C_Values into l_val_rowid;
799: EXIT when (C_Values%NOTFOUND);
800: PER_BUDGET_VALUES_PKG.Delete_Row(X_Rowid => l_val_rowid);