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APPS.IGS_PE_GEN_001 dependencies on IGS_PE_GEN_001

Line 1: PACKAGE BODY igs_pe_gen_001 AS

1: PACKAGE BODY igs_pe_gen_001 AS
2: /* $Header: IGSPE12B.pls 120.7 2006/05/30 09:57:10 vskumar ship $ */
3: /* Change Hisotry
4: Who When What
5: ------------------------------

Line 238: || Added the check with igs_pe_gen_001.g_hold_validation for calling igs_pe_gen_001.get_hold_auth

234: || Who When What
235: || pkpatel 5-FEB-2003 Bug 2683186
236: || Modify the error message from 'IGS_PE_HOLD_AUTH_REL' to l_message_name.
237: || pkpatel 8-APR-2003 Bug 2804863
238: || Added the check with igs_pe_gen_001.g_hold_validation for calling igs_pe_gen_001.get_hold_auth
239: || (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
240: */
241: CURSOR hold_cur IS
242: SELECT auth_resp_id

Line 259: IF igs_pe_gen_001.g_hold_validation = 'Y' THEN

255: BEGIN
257: -- Validate that the person who has logged in has a party account and
258: -- is a STAFF. If he fails any of the above then is not authorized to release the hold.
259: IF igs_pe_gen_001.g_hold_validation = 'Y' THEN
261: --when processing for a batch of persons the validation should not happen for each record.
262: --instead the validation should be done at the beginning. Hance the value of the variable
263: --igs_pe_gen_001.g_hold_validation should be 'N' for batch processing.

Line 263: --igs_pe_gen_001.g_hold_validation should be 'N' for batch processing.

259: IF igs_pe_gen_001.g_hold_validation = 'Y' THEN
261: --when processing for a batch of persons the validation should not happen for each record.
262: --instead the validation should be done at the beginning. Hance the value of the variable
263: --igs_pe_gen_001.g_hold_validation should be 'N' for batch processing.
265: get_hold_auth(p_fnd_user_id,
266: l_person_id,
267: l_person_number,

Line 384: igs_pe_gen_001.validate_hold_resp

380: END IF;
382: IF p_override_resp = 'N' THEN
384: igs_pe_gen_001.validate_hold_resp
385: (p_resp_id => p_resp_id,
386: p_fnd_user_id => p_fnd_user_id,
387: p_person_id => p_person_id,
388: p_encumbrance_type => p_encumbrance_type,

Line 478: l_prog_label := 'igs.plsql.igs_pe_gen_001.get_res_status';

474: l_label VARCHAR2(200);
475: l_debug_str VARCHAR2(2000);
477: BEGIN
478: l_prog_label := 'igs.plsql.igs_pe_gen_001.get_res_status';
480: IF fnd_log.test(fnd_log.level_procedure,l_prog_label) THEN
481: l_label := 'igs.plsql.igs_pe_gen_001.get_res_status.begin';
482: l_debug_str := 'start of proc get_res_status. Parameters p_person_id/p_residency_class/p_cal_type/p_sequence_number: '||

Line 481: l_label := 'igs.plsql.igs_pe_gen_001.get_res_status.begin';

477: BEGIN
478: l_prog_label := 'igs.plsql.igs_pe_gen_001.get_res_status';
480: IF fnd_log.test(fnd_log.level_procedure,l_prog_label) THEN
481: l_label := 'igs.plsql.igs_pe_gen_001.get_res_status.begin';
482: l_debug_str := 'start of proc get_res_status. Parameters p_person_id/p_residency_class/p_cal_type/p_sequence_number: '||
483: p_person_id||'/'||p_residency_class||'/'||p_cal_type||'/'||p_sequence_number;
484: fnd_log.string_with_context(fnd_log.level_procedure, l_label,l_debug_str,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
485: END IF;

Line 507: l_label := 'igs.plsql.igs_pe_gen_001.get_res_status.Nearest Term1';

503: FETCH c_ca INTO ca_rec;
504: IF c_ca%FOUND THEN
506: IF fnd_log.test(fnd_log.level_procedure,l_prog_label) THEN
507: l_label := 'igs.plsql.igs_pe_gen_001.get_res_status.Nearest Term1';
508: l_debug_str := 'No Residency Status defined for the Term passed. Returning the Status defined for the Nearest Term.';
509: fnd_log.string_with_context(fnd_log.level_procedure, l_label,l_debug_str,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
510: END IF;

Line 518: l_label := 'igs.plsql.igs_pe_gen_001.get_res_status.Nearest Term2';

514: FETCH c_gap_res INTO gap_rec;
515: IF c_gap_res%FOUND THEN
517: IF fnd_log.test(fnd_log.level_procedure,l_prog_label) THEN
518: l_label := 'igs.plsql.igs_pe_gen_001.get_res_status.Nearest Term2';
519: l_debug_str := 'Residency Status: '||gap_rec.residency_status_cd;
520: fnd_log.string_with_context(fnd_log.level_procedure, l_label,l_debug_str,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
521: END IF;

Line 638: END igs_pe_gen_001;

634: RETURN l_count;
635: END Get_Hold_Count ;
638: END igs_pe_gen_001;