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Line 229: v_shipment_header_id rcv_shipment_headers.shipment_header_id % type;

225: REM
226: REM +======================================================================+
227: */
228: PROCEDURE BRI_T1 ( pr_old t_rec%type , pr_new in out t_rec%type , pv_action varchar2 , pv_return_code out nocopy varchar2 , pv_return_message out nocopy varchar2 ) IS
229: v_shipment_header_id rcv_shipment_headers.shipment_header_id % type;
230: /* Commented rallamse bug#4479131 PADDR Elimination
231: v_rowid JAI_CMN_LOCATORS_T.row_id%type;
232: */
233: -- CSahoo for Bug 5344225

Line 243: FROM rcv_shipment_headers

240: CURSOR c_rcv_hdr IS
241: SELECT rowid, receipt_source_code, receipt_num, shipment_num, shipped_date, organization_id,
242: vendor_id, vendor_site_id, customer_id, customer_site_id
243: FROM rcv_shipment_headers
244: WHERE shipment_header_id = pr_new.shipment_header_id;
246: /* Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. RCV DFF Elim. Enh. */
247: r_rcv_hdr c_rcv_hdr%ROWTYPE;

Line 255: v_receipt_source_code rcv_shipment_headers.receipt_source_code%type; --ashish for bug # 2613817

251: from jai_rcv_headers
252: where shipment_header_id = cp_shipment_header_id;
254: v_error_mesg VARCHAR2(200); -- added by Aparajita for bug#2514979 on 18/08/2002.
255: v_receipt_source_code rcv_shipment_headers.receipt_source_code%type; --ashish for bug # 2613817
257: -- Vijay Shankar for Enhancement Bug# 3496408
258: -- lv_opm_flag MTL_PARAMETERS_VIEW.process_enabled_flag%TYPE;
259: lv_process_mode VARCHAR2(1);

Line 445: Information from the header DFF is captured into the rcv_shipment_headers table.

442: When a user creates a new receipt against a purchase order, he needs to enter the following information
443: through a DFF : invoice no, invoice_date, Claim Cenvat On Receipt etc.
444: This DFF is provided at two places, header and line.
445: Information from the header DFF is captured into the rcv_shipment_headers table.
446: Information from the lines DFF is captured into the rcv_transactions table.
447: This information is retrieved into our base tables JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS and JAI_RCV_LINES.
448: At this time, a facility has been provided for the user to default the information
449: given at the header level DFF to all the lines only if these columns are null at the

Line 731: FROM rcv_shipment_headers

727: attribute4,
728: attribute5, --ashish for bug # 2613817
729: receipt_source_code,
730: attribute_category
731: FROM rcv_shipment_headers
732: WHERE shipment_header_id = v_shipment_header_id)
733: LOOP
735: IF head_rec.attribute_category = 'India Receipt' THEN